Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 51: Faith exploded! !


The idol has been soaked in Zhuang Zhou's divine power for a period of time, and has been connected with Zhuang Zhou, which is equivalent to his other body.

When he realized that this body was being attacked, Zhuang Zhou's somewhat dazed expression immediately became clear.

Not Wen Xiaoyun.

Wen Xiaoyun would not attack him.

Zhuang Zhou probed out his consciousness and found that several people he had never seen were attacking the statue, and he subconsciously wanted to expel these people.

The federal agents were still shocked that the light energy bullet was stuck on the strange light curtain, and found that the huge statue suddenly moved.

The statue is ten meters high, and the whole body is made of pure gold. Therefore, under the reflection of the light from the light curtain, while the golden light is slightly scattered, it appears extremely cumbersome.

But it is such a cumbersome statue, this inanimate statue, it actually moved!

It's like seeing a robot that moves on its own when no one turns it on.


Several federal agents were shocked by the scene in front of them, as if they had seen some terrifying monsters.

It raised its heavy arm and pulled out the federal agent standing on its shoulder.

It's like patting the dust that sticks to your body.

However, with such a simple action, when the arm fell on the federal agents, they only felt as if a mountain was pressing heavily on them.


A federal agent who was 'dialed' out heavily smashed it to the ground, smashing a human-shaped pit on the ground.


While attacking the statue, several agents wanted to go over to check on the situation of their boss.

In order to avoid the attack, the statue was also moving. In a hurry, one of the agents accidentally bumped into the leg of the statue. The agent was directly kicked and flew to a tree more than 20 meters away, smashing the whole tree in the middle!

Agent: "… "

What kind of monster is this, so terrifying!

Zhuang Zhou: "..."

I'm sorry, I didn't mean to!

Why did you bump into...

The boss of the secret agent climbed up from the ground with a trace of fear in his eyes. Just the confrontation just now made him feel an invisible coercion shrouding him.

This statue is definitely a more terrifying existence than the advanced mecha.

"Retreat!" He acted decisively and decided to take his fate, preparing to leave with the other agents.

Only then did Zhuang Zhou in the statue realize that he was connected to this statue, and he had just unconsciously manipulated the statue.

He felt a little panic in the bottom of his heart, it was over, he was discovered!

Can't let them go!

He immediately propped up an enchantment, shrouded all these people in the enchantment, and was firmly trapped in the Temple of Fortune.

The enchantment is invisible and cannot be seen by the naked eye.

Several federal agents were completely unaware that they had been shrouded in the barrier by Zhuang Zhou, and hurriedly dispersed and evacuated.

Ten seconds later, running and running, they ran back to where they were, back to the feet of the huge idol.

Federal agent: "… "

A few people gritted their teeth and retreated again.

Ten seconds later, running and running, the federal agent saw his teammates sweating profusely, as well as the huge statue standing beside him.

They were back in place again.

Federal agent: "… "

The captain of the secret service tried his best to remain calm, and said in a deep voice, "Don't disperse, let's evacuate together."

This time, the seven of them did not act separately, but chose to leave together and ran towards the gate of the Temple of Wealth.

Another ten seconds later, the federal agent looked at the familiar teammates and the familiar idols.

Federal agent: "..."


The federal agents who couldn't live without this place couldn't keep calm for a while.

An agent's voice was trembling: "Boss, when I was bored to read the history of the ancient earth, I saw a word... ghost, ghost hitting the wall..."

The boss of the agent was expressionless: "...you shut up!"

He took a deep breath: "There is no ghost in the world, don't scare yourself."

As soon as the words were finished, the huge statue suddenly lowered its head and looked at them.

The federal agents were all horrified.

It seems that in order to better observe their expressions and appearances, the ten-meter-high statue actually squatted down like this.

After it squatted down, with its elbows on its knees and its chin on its palms, it held its own face, blinked, and looked at them carefully.

This action on a human is a very cute action.

But now appearing here in the statue, so vivid and agile, but it makes the scalp even more numb, feeling extremely frightening and strange.

Federal agent: "…!!"

Grass! It looks like a real ghost! !

When Wen Xiaoyun arrived with someone, several federal agents were already in a trance.

Mouth muttering 'there are ghosts, there are ghosts here...'

Wen Xiaoyun came in first, and asked his own people to stay outside, because he was worried about what strange scenes he would see when he came in.

The main thing is to worry about Zhouzhou being discovered.

After entering the temple, he found that his worries were normal.

Anyone who comes in will feel horrified if they see the ten-meter-high statue squatting on the ground, holding a small face and looking at people.

But Wen Xiaoyun knew very well that the idol was Zhuang Zhou. With this preconceived idea, he looked at the huge idol, but felt a huge contrast.

Sure enough, as long as it is Zhouzhou, no matter what kind of body he is, he can be so cute!

Seeing that he was fine, Wen Xiaoyun felt relieved and strode over.

Wen Xiaoyun found him as soon as he approached the enchantment Zhuangzhou. He could recognize Wen Xiaoyun's breath, so he opened the enchantment to let him in, otherwise Wen Xiaoyun would not be able to enter.

He sneaked out of the statue, took Wen Xiaoyun's hand, and said with a guilty conscience, "They found me..."

When he spoke, he also specifically blocked others from hearing his own voice.

Wen Xiaoyun was serious: "What did you find?"

Zhouzhou thought he didn't understand what he meant, and quickly explained: "They saw God..."

Before he could finish speaking, Wen Xiaoyun covered his mouth and ordered his subordinates to rush in.

The elite team came. Seeing Zhuang Zhou suddenly appear here, his expression did not change, and he went straight to arrest several federal agents.

However, the worldview of several federal agents was greatly impacted, and at the moment they had no ability to resist, and kept saying: "There are ghosts..."

Wen Xiaoyun said coldly, "If you think you have committed a crime, you can pretend to have mental problems?"

The federal agent was in a trance: "No, there really is a ghost, the statue just now..."

They hurriedly pointed to the huge idol.

However, the statue has been restored to its original position and returned to its original location. It is kind and kind, and the divine light shines on the earth.

Federal agent: "… "

They were even more stupefied.


They clearly saw... they clearly saw...

Looking at Zhuang Zhou next to Wen Xiaoyun, how could he be with Wen Xiaoyun

Did you come here with Wen Xiaoyun

Why? They were clearly guarding the Temple of Fortune, and they never saw Zhuang Zhou leave!

Zhuang Zhou felt a little guilty by their eyes, and he quickly held Wen Xiaoyun's hand, as if he could absorb strength from the other party: "... That's too much! Are you here to steal something?! If you don't succeed, say yes Ghost... How can there be a ghost in this world! What an era! Science is our primary productive force! If we don't have superstition, blind obedience, and empty talk, and be a person who always has a critical spirit, how can you be so superstitious? You must have a ghost in your own heart..."

The more Zhuang Zhou said, the more confident he was, his eyes were bright: "Wen Xiaoyun is right, are you pretending to be mentally ill? You want to pretend to be mentally ill to avoid legal responsibility, right? It's too bad! Wen Xiaoyun, we must not be fooled by them! "

Federal agent: "… "

Wen Xiaoyun couldn't help laughing in his heart, but Jun's face was calm and calm: "Take it away, verify your identity first."

The federal agents left the Temple of Fortune under the escort of an elite team.

Along the way, the federal agents looked very bad.

After reminiscing from the fear, they have been firmly guarded by Wen Xiaoyun's elite team.

And in order to prevent them from committing suicide, the elite team has already searched them clean and prevented all possible suicidal behaviors.

Only then did the recovered federal agents realize that things were a bit difficult to handle.

If their identities are exposed, this is definitely not a good thing for their federation!

They could even imagine how many people would laugh at them when the news that they not only failed the mission but were also captured alive was sent back to the Federation!

This is the biggest insult in their careers! Might as well just die in the first place!

But now, they don't even have the chance to die.

The more the federal agent thought about it, the more ugly his face became.

Their identities were quickly verified and sent to His Majesty Krill, who was furious.

He had known that people in other countries were now coveting Zhuang Zhou, so he could cure energy radiation pollution by holding on to Zhuang Zhou.

But he still underestimated the significance of stream-of-consciousness mecha bringing changes to the stars.

Of course, this may also be the surprise that Zhuang Zhou gave the empire too much.

First, it was a 100% energy pollution shielding device, and then it was the production of a stream of consciousness mecha, and only now it can cure the disease of radiation pollution.

Pulling out each of these items can shock the interstellar space, so Krill himself ignored it, even if they did not know that Zhuang Zhou could cure the pollution of energy radiation, but only the 100% energy radiation shielding and stream of consciousness Mechas are also enough to make other countries willing to take the risk.

His Majesty Krill immediately ordered a thorough investigation, how did the federal agents sneak in, and how did they grasp Zhuang Zhou's movements

Not only that, His Majesty Krill was worried that Zhuang Zhou would be kidnapped by other countries, so he personally ordered several top guards around him to protect him.

Zhuang Zhou couldn't refuse, even though His Majesty Krill seemed to be easy to get along with with a smile on his face, but at a certain point, he said no.

So when they went to class every day, the students of the Imperial First Military Academy could see a group of unfathomable tall bodyguards behind Zhuang Zhou.

Each of these bodyguards was tall and big, with Zhuang Zhou standing in the middle, which made him look thinner and thinner, like a nobleman on a tour.

The other students didn't feel anything when they saw it.

However, the students who protested at the school gate and were unable to get in touch with the courses taught by Zhuang Zhou immediately found new opportunities.

During this period of time, no matter what method they used, they could not get a 100% energy radiation shielding device and any course content about stream-of-consciousness mecha.

Zhuang Zhou is so 'to kill everything' and there is no room for manoeuvre. Now that they have found an opportunity to be black, they will naturally not miss this opportunity.

On the forum of the First Military Academy, the remarks that 'Teacher Zhuang is getting bigger and bigger' soon appeared.

'As the title says, people who don't know who they are, think it's a big star, so what? '

'That's it! Don't talk about celebrities, when His Majesty Krill went out of the palace, there was no such a big battle! '

Then the forum record was posted to Xingwang by someone, which attracted ridicule from the whole network.

'With Teacher Zhuang's current status, is it not enough to have a bodyguard? '

'Tsk tsk, those who talk to His Majesty Krill, don't you realize that the people around Teacher Zhuang are very familiar? '

'I go! I compared the photos of the BY Yuyu staff accompanying His Majesty Creel a few times before going out of the palace. Isn't the bodyguard by Mr. Zhuang's His Majesty's? ! '

'2333 went on and on, it turned out that the person was sent by His Majesty Krill. '

Later, the post on the campus forum was picked up, which was written by the group of students who participated in the protest at that time.

At the beginning, some students felt that Teacher Zhuang was too ruthless. If they made a mistake, they would not be given another chance, and they felt a little uncomfortable.

Now seeing them wearing vests on the forum, Mr. Hei Zhuang, the little discomfort in my heart has completely dissipated, and I am more convinced and respectful of Zhuang Zhou.

On the side of His Majesty Krill, he naturally noticed the wind direction on the Star Network.

He, who had always wanted to hold Zhuang Zhou before, suddenly changed his mind.

People from other countries, even if they don't know that Zhuang Zhou is the one who will cure radiation pollution, still covet Zhuang Zhou.

That being the case, why didn't he just make it public

Let all the people of the empire know how much wealth Zhuang Zhou is to the empire.

At that time, people from all over the empire will help him guard Zhuang Zhou.

Because they all know that if Zhuang Zhou goes to another country, if their relatives are contaminated by radiation in the future, it will be even more difficult for them to find someone to save their lives.

After there is hope, who will suffer disappointment again

So His Majesty Krill immediately announced as the royal family that Zhuang Zhou was the only one who could cure radiation pollution!

As soon as the announcement came out, the entire interstellar was in an uproar.

Zhuang Zhou!

It's Zhuang Zhou again!

What else could he not do? !

The people of the Empire were even more excited, especially after His Majesty Krill announced the news that there were agents from other countries sneaking into the Empire to kidnap Teacher Zhuang, the people of the Empire couldn't bear it.

One by one, the real-name messages demanded that the royal family must strengthen the protection of Zhuang Zhou, how can it be enough to send a few bodyguards, and why should an elite team come? !

This is their lifeblood!

First Army.

Seeing the federal agents not only failed, but also failed, which brought Zhuang Zhou's fame to a new level.

Diwen really vomited blood this time: "what the hell is going on!"

Why every plan, as long as the target is Zhuang Zhou, will not only fail, but also increase the reputation of the other party!

Devine is roaring: What the hell is going on here! Is he poisonous!

Netizens across the empire were also roaring.

As soon as this news came out, Zhuang Zhou had one-fifth of the remaining faith collectors that were not full, and they were full immediately!

Interstellars are actually very practical.

Zhuang Zhou can make a stream-of-consciousness mecha, but this mecha sounds very expensive when you hear it. People who can't afford a mecha will naturally not consider this type of mecha.

They can make 100% energy radiation shielding devices. They can't even afford mechas. What are they doing

But they escaped the shielding device, escaped the stream-of-consciousness mecha, but they couldn't escape the cure of radiation pollution!

There is radiation everywhere in the interstellar space, but there are big and small differences. Their lives are inseparable from the energy of energy stones. Even the most ordinary people may be polluted by radiation.

Therefore, when he learned that Zhuang Zhou was to heal people, his beliefs exploded like a blowout.

The moment the Faith Collector was full, Zhuang Zhou was a little dazed.

The small collector like a wishing bottle glowed blue, and a force was urging him...

"What's wrong?" Wen Xiaoyun asked aloud when he saw Zhouzhou staring at the collector in a daze.

Children rarely stay in a daze for that long.

Zhuang Zhou suddenly came back to his senses. At that moment, his thoughts were pulled to where.

He hurriedly shook his head and said, "No, I'm just thinking... I, I seem to be a little unprofessional."

Wen Xiaoyun frowned: "What do you say?"

Zhuang Zhou whispered, "I'm a god of wealth. I haven't made many people rich, but..."

His collector was still full.

A man who has collected a lot of faith without making a fortune.

He and the God of Wealth who went down to the world to be a star in the draft seem to be the same, not doing a proper job.

Wen Xiaoyun was amused by him, and was about to say something when the personal terminal suddenly rang. It was another elite team that was digging for energy ore in Junk Star.

The caller is Zhang Feng, the captain of the elite squad.

"Boss, today the patrol team found a strange place in β-324."

Zhang Feng said while sending pictures and videos.

In the video, it is a small tent. The tent is full of traces of people living there, and it should have lived there for a long time.

"Boss, and this."

Zhang Feng sent another photo. In the photo, on the floor of the small tent, there were small lifelike wood carvings. The wood carvings were almost all human beings wearing long robes and feather crowns.

Zhang Feng said: "When we first saw it, we thought that these wood carvings were very similar to the statue that Mrs. often held."

But the faces are different. There are men and women in these small wood carvings, but the clothes are very similar to Zhuang Zhou's statue.

Wen Xiaoyun hung up the newsletter and showed the picture to Zhuang Zhou: "Zhou Zhou, have you seen these wood carvings?"

Hearing this, Zhuang Zhou turned his head to take a look, and immediately froze. For a moment, thousands of images seemed to flow through his mind.

He was stunned, and said in a trance: "These... it seems that I carved them."

Hearing this, Wen Xiaoyun was stunned for a moment: "When you met me, did you live in β-324 Junk Star for a long time?"

Zhuang Zhou shook his head: "I don't!"

The day he met Wen Xiaoyun was the first day of his internship.

Wen Xiaoyun looked at the tent in the video. This tent is still different from the Interstellar tent. The material of the Interstellar tent is different. The metal pole will be more intelligent and convenient.

This tent should have been used by Zhouzhou, but Zhouzhou said it was not.

Wen Xiaoyun frowned slightly, looking at Zhouzhou's dazed appearance, he rubbed his little head: "Well, maybe you lost it accidentally."

Zhuang Zhou stopped talking.

When he saw these wood carvings, he knew that they were carved by himself.

But he didn't remember when he carved it.

And his things are all in Qiankun's sleeve, how can he lose it