Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 54: Are you going to divorce me?


After Zhuang Zhou hung up the phone, something started to feel wrong because of what Little Rabbit said at night.

My head is full of little junk saying-

'Let Wen Xiaoyun serve you harder, as a servant of God, this is what he should do. '

Thinking of this sentence, he blushed to the point of burning.

Really, how can a little junk look at such a color thing!

Tell him that too!

It won't be embarrassing, he will!

Then he didn't dare to see Wen Xiaoyun, and hid himself in the room, thinking about whether he would hurt Wen Xiaoyun if he was on it, and then referring to Xiao Dao's opinion, don't worry about this problem below, He is a god, he is not afraid of pain...

I just don't know if Wen Xiaoyun has done research...

The more Zhuang Zhou thought about it, the more he blushed.

After thinking about it for a long time, he suddenly thought again, fainted, why did he think about this!

The little God of Wealth was too shy in the bed alone, Wen Xiaoyun sorted out all the materials sent by Zhang Feng in the study.

Looking at the small wood carvings in the picture, Wen Xiaoyun zoomed in on each of them. He couldn't tell who these wood carvings were. He only felt that they were all lifelike and angular, as if these people really existed in the world. will be so vividly portrayed.

He turned off the picture and asked Zhang Feng, "Has the surrounding environment been searched clearly?"

Zhang Feng said: "The search is clear, β-324 has long been abandoned, there is no trace of other human life, not even other life, I checked the traces of activities near the tent, some have been covered by wind and sand, but I can still detect some ."

Wen Xiaoyun 'um': "Continue."

Zhang Feng hesitated for a moment.

Because Wen Xiaoyun entrusted this matter to him and Zhou Hongyi, they both already knew that Zhuang Zhou's identity was unusual, and they heard Zhuang Zhou said that he carved all the wood carvings.

Zhang Feng hesitated for a moment, then continued: "Although many traces of life have been covered up, we still saw some, Mrs. He... At the second tent discovery point, he lived for at least ten years."

It's a scary thing to say.

β-324 has been abandoned for more than 50 years, but Mrs. has lived alone in β-324 for more than ten years.

Why was β﹣324 abandoned in the first place, because it was seriously polluted by energy radiation and no longer suitable for human habitation

But the lady has lived in the second tent discovery point for so long, but her body is not contaminated by radiation at all. Just thinking about it makes people feel unusual.

Wen Xiaoyun didn't speak.

Zhang Feng continued: "However, the second tent discovery point has been abandoned for a long time. My subordinates guessed that the lady should have lived here for a long time, and then went to the first tent to discover the point of life. time."

Wen Xiaoyun frowned tightly.

If Zhouzhou really lived in β-324 for so long, why can't he remember

Zhang Feng glanced at Wen Xiaoyun's expression and asked hesitantly, "Boss, do you want to continue to expand the search?"

Wen Xiaoyun shook his head: "No need, send back all the wood carvings as soon as possible."


After hanging up the communication, Wen Xiaoyun opened the wood carving again to take a look, and couldn't help sighing.

Zhouzhou's attitude when talking about this matter is also a bit strange. As soon as he changes the subject, he no longer remembers to ask about woodcarving, as if he didn't know it at the beginning.

It's like a switch, when the switch is turned off, he turns off the memory of this event.

So... what about opening the memory of these things

While thinking about it, Cheng Jinxue's communication came in.

Cheng Jinxue looked at his brother and hesitated.

Wen Xiaoyun remembered Zhouzhou in his heart, and when he saw it, he asked directly, "If you have anything to say."

Cheng Jinxue gritted his teeth and said, "Old Wen, you and Xiaozhouzhou...are you really married?"

Wen Xiaoyun raised his eyebrows: "What? What is your expression? Are you interested in Zhouzhou?"

"No, no!" Cheng Jinxue said quickly: "I treat Zhouzhou as a child! What's the point of it, you think everyone is a beast like you, seducing someone's children..."

Wen Xiaoyun looked at him blankly.

Cheng Jinxue opened his mouth, very aware of current affairs: "I mean, I bless you! You are a match made in heaven!"

Wen Xiaoyun and Cheng Jinxue are too familiar with him, so they don't talk nonsense with him: "If you have a fart, let it go."

Cheng Jinxue scratched his head and said hesitantly, "You were in the palace that day... When Zhouzhou and Xiao Jun asked me to enter the palace to find His Majesty Krill, I..."

He paused and said, "Oh, anyway, I think I guessed what Zhouzhou's identity is..."

Wen Xiaoyun was not surprised: "Little Junk didn't hide his specialness in front of you, you can guess it's not surprising."

Cheng Jinxue's eyes widened slightly: "So... I guessed right? Then, then you and Zhouzhou are together... "

Let's not talk about the small junk, let's talk about Zhouzhou.

This is a god. As long as he can remember, this kind of existence is illusory, and interstellar people have never believed in any gods.

Believe it or not, but I have heard some rumors.

If Zhouzhou is really a god, then he is with the boss, this...

Cheng Jinxue's voice was a little difficult: "I heard that God... God can live forever, is it true? Also, there is still a long, long time to live, then, then... "

Cheng Jinxue didn't even know what he was talking about, and he couldn't go on after that.

But Wen Xiao immediately understood what Cheng Jinxue meant, his body shook violently, and the expression on Jun's face also changed.

Maybe his mental power was contaminated by radiation before, and he had been tortured by headaches in the past, which made his mental power drop and his brain also short-circuited. He didn't think of this.

He is a man, and Zhouzhou is a god.

If he dies...

Seeing Wen Xiaoyun's face changed, Cheng Jinxue suddenly regretted why he made the call.

He hurriedly said: "What, boss, I'm talking nonsense, don't think about it! I'm just... Hey, I, I'm just a jerk... "

Wen Xiaoyun didn't answer any more, but hung up the communication directly.

He slumped into the chair.

The lifespan of interstellar people has been much longer than the lifespan of the earth, but can they be compared with gods

He suddenly regretted it.

He was too selfish. He only wanted to be with Zhouzhou, but he ignored how sad it would be to leave Zhouzhou alone once he died in the future.

It seems that from the beginning, he should not provoke Zhouzhou.

The night was getting darker.

There was silence all around.

The whole villa was silent.

Zhuang Zhou hid in the bed alone for a long time and waited for a long time.

In fact, as a god, he is not so sensitive to time, but perhaps today is too special. It was the day he and Wen Xiaoyun registered their marriage. He was so concerned about time that he kept counting the time.

Waiting, waiting, he opened the terminal and saw that it was one o'clock in the morning.

It was only then that he realized something was wrong. Why didn't Wen Xiaoyun come back

Tonight is their bridal chamber candle night!

Zhuang Zhou frowned, crawled out of the quilt slowly, and sensed it with his divine sense, and found that Wen Xiaoyun was sitting in a daze in the study, and his heart was even more strange.

What happened to Wen Xiaoyun

He put on his shoes and ran downstairs, and went directly to the study to find someone.

"Wen Xiaoyun!" The little god of wealth looked worried: "Why do you keep sitting here."

Hearing the voice, Wen Xiaoyun raised his head slightly, and when he saw the little boy frowning at him, his heart was slightly touched, and he wanted to raise his hand and take the person into his arms as usual, but he was filled with fear again.

I am afraid that Zhouzhou loves him too deeply, and I am even more afraid that he will grow old soon.

He didn't move, but Zhuang Zhou consciously ran over and hugged him: "What's wrong with you? You're very worried! Tell me, I'll see if I can fulfill your wish..."

Hey, it's all because Wen Xiaoyun is a little dark-hearted. Even if he is his own believer, he can't hear what Wen Xiaoyun is asking...

Wen Xiaoyun looked at the person in his arms silently, and after a long while, he said hoarsely, "Zhouzhou, I want to tell you something."

Zhuang Zhou was a little flustered in his heart: "Why are you so weird today, you used to say it directly..."

Wen Xiaoyun picked up Zhuang Zhou and sat down on the chair, his tone was unexpectedly serious.

"Zhouzhou, you... can you live a long, long time?"

Zhuang Zhou didn't understand why Wen Xiaoyun suddenly asked this, but he said obediently, "It should be thousands of years."

For thousands of years...

Wen Xiaoyun, who only had more than a hundred years to live, was silent again.

Zhuang Zhou looked at the man who was more concerned, and became more and more worried: "what's the matter with you? We... we are all married, you, you can tell me directly if you have something... "

Speaking of which, he suddenly thought of why Wen Xiaoyun asked if he had lived a long time, and quickly said, "You, do you mind that I can live a long time? So you want to divorce me?"

The more Zhuang Zhou thought about it, the more he felt that it was because of this: "Do you think... that you will become old in the future, and it will be difficult for me to be young, so you, you will dislike me... "

The more he talked, the more sad he became, his eyes were red, and he was so wronged.

Wen Xiaoyun's heart softened: "I didn't dislike you, I was afraid that you would dislike you, Zhouzhou, me."

He took Zhouzhou's hand and put it on his chest: "No matter how long I live, I may only live for more than a hundred years. I think I'm very selfish, and I'm worried that if I die..."

How sad to leave Zhouzhou alone.

However, before Wen Xiaoyun finished speaking, he heard Zhuang Zhou say, "If you die, you will die. When you are reincarnated, I will find you again."

The sadness on Wen Xiaoyun's face froze: "... reincarnation?"

Zhuang Zhou covered his mouth, his face full of horror, as if he had told some terrible secret.

Wen Xiaoyun asked, "Zhouzhou, what did you just say?"

Zhuang Zhou looked at Wen Xiaoyun in fear, and wanted to pretend that he didn't say anything just now.

But he also knew that Wen Xiaoyun was not such a deceitful person. In his heart, "Wen Xiaoyun will definitely divorce him when it's over", and his eyes reddened in self-defeating: "I, I said you can't leave me..."

"How could I not want you?"

"That's because you don't know the consequences..." Zhuang Zhou said dryly with his mouth flat: "Yes, I'm sorry, I lied to you..."

The more Wen Xiaoyun listened, the more outrageous: "Why are you lying to me?"

Seeing that the matter was exposed, Zhuang Zhou had no choice but to say pitifully: "I lied to you, lied to you to marry me..."

Wen Xiaoyun only felt that what Zhouzhou said was even more difficult to understand: "Liar to me to get married? Zhouzhou, I have never regretted being with you. If you really want to ask me what my wish is, there is only one, you."

Zhuang Zhou sobbed: "Well, that's because you don't know how terrible it is to marry a god... If you know, you'll regret it... There used to be a god in our god realm... "

That god is not from the God of Wealth, but from another god.

She married a mortal. At that time, she also asked the great priest for instructions, and the great priest agreed. Then the mortal married the god and made a contract with the god.

This kind of contract is a contract on the soul. Even if the other party dies in this life, after reincarnation, as soon as he is born in the next life, he can find the other party according to the contract.

And because of this layer of contract, even after the other party is reincarnated, they can still remember this relationship, and they have been bound together forever.

In the first life, it was extremely painful for her to part with mortals, and she made an appointment to meet at an early date in the next life.

In the second life, she kept her promise to find him earlier, and the two continued to love each other.

In the third life, she still sent him away, and found him after his reincarnation.

Fourth, fifth...

A mortal who lives for a hundred years is at the end of his life, but a god can continue to live for thousands of years.

In other words, God lives for a thousand years, which is ten years for human beings.

So, in the eighth generation, that human being collapsed.

Because of the reincarnation of memory, every time I am with the same person, every time I experience this kind of pain of life and death, every time I have to watch myself age, and the other person has the same experience.

In previous lives, he could still say goodbye to his lover happily, but the more he went on, the more miserable he became.

Because after every reincarnation, when he opens his eyes, he will know who his future wife is and what he is about to experience with his wife.

This feeling is really terrible.

He doesn't even want to experience this anymore, as soon as he opens his eyes, he already knows what will happen in this life, who he will be with, and the feeling of being firmly bound even in the next life.

It's not that he doesn't love her anymore, but this fate that seems to have been arranged has completely killed his feelings.

Only later did he discover that making a contract with God was not a beautiful thing, but a very terrifying thing.

God's hegemony and dominance forced him to continue living his arranged life.

So he started to resist.

He felt that if he killed that god, he would no longer be bound together like this forever.

In fact, Zhouzhou is not very clear about how to solve it later, only that the two of them have done it quite tragically, and finally the great priest came forward to solve this matter.

"At that time, the great priest also used this incident as an example to educate us, saying that it is better to have a career than to have a relationship. If a career and a career are done well, there are countless beliefs and divine powers. Uncle Jingu told us not to have feelings with human beings... "The more Zhuang Zhou said, the more pitiful he said: "Humans say the seven-year itch... Some people can't even endure it for seven years, not to mention this kind of destiny that has been arranged for life, I'm afraid of you, afraid that after you know the truth, you won't be able to." I got married, so I lied to you... In fact, today, the seventh day, is not a good day for marriage at all, I just thought, I just wanted to take advantage of today's consecration day, I consecrate myself, I am the strongest. When the time comes, I deceive you and bind me forever..."

The more and more Zhuang Zhou spoke, the more quietly, and at the end, like a quail, he hugged his knees and dared not look at Wen Xiaoyun again.

He was afraid of seeing a look of fear in Wen Xiaoyun's eyes, and even more afraid that Wen Xiaoyun would say to divorce him now.

He managed to deceive people with great difficulty...

In fact, he is not a good immortal, woo woo woo.

After hearing what Zhuang Zhou said, Wen Xiaoyun was stunned.

There was so much information that he didn't even know how to react.

Zhuang Zhou saw that Xiaoyun had been silent, and knew that he must have been frightened.

After all, every time you are reincarnated, you will face the same people and the same life when you open your eyes. You even know how you will die and what you will be like in your next life.

What people fear most is that without a sense of freshness, they have no curiosity or exploration of the world. People are the most numb to the day-to-day life, which will make them depressed and fearful.

It's like living in a prison, like a machine, doing the same thing day in and day out.

Therefore, seeing Wen Xiaoyun not speaking, he knew that Wen Xiaoyun must regret it.

He has not yet bound a contract with Wen Xiaoyun.

Wen Xiaoyun can go back at any time.

And Wen Xiaoyun is going to go back on it now.

Thinking of this, his tears were about to fall.

But just when his tears were about to fall, he heard Wen Xiaoyun muttering to himself: "There are still such good things in this world?"

"Wu...?" Zhuang Zhou's tears froze: "What, what?"

The author has something to say: PS—

Little God of Wealth: Uuu, he must have been frightened. It's over, he's going to divorce me.

Wen Xiaoyun: Why is there such a good thing? I said earlier that I don't have to blame myself so much.

The typo will be corrected later, I have been waiting for a long time QAQ

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: ay 5 bottles;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!