Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 58: I have magic power and you have technology


It was dark, as if it was about to collapse.

The thunder rumbled as if a monster was about to break the shackles and appeared in the world, and the lightning was dazzling, like a cobweb knot.

It is now two o'clock in the afternoon, but this side of the world has formed a huge vortex, and darkness covers the earth, making people feel extremely depressed.

In the interstellar era, there is actually very little such bad weather, especially in the capital star, when there is bad weather, artificial interference will be done to reduce the risk.

Coupled with the premise of the disappearing earth, human beings now treat the planet they live in with considerable care, and they have done a very good job in environmental protection.

Therefore, the sudden occurrence of extremely bad weather, the Capital Star Meteorological Bureau immediately took it seriously.

Without Cheng Jinxue's heart, he was still anxious about what Zhouzhou said. If he couldn't get out of here with the little junk, he would have to evacuate the crowd.

This was like the invasion of the Zerg army, which made Cheng Jinxue panic and could only do it.

When Zhouzhou arrived, the little junk had indeed reached its end.

It is transformed into essence by Zhouzhou's divine power, plus it follows Zhouzhou all day to absorb divine power.

It is now at a stage where the body is very powerful, but does not yet understand how to use it.

Therefore, as soon as he saw the little junk, Zhouzhou blamed himself very much: "I'm sorry, the little junk, I didn't teach you how to cultivate."

He picked up the small junk and ran to the sparsely populated place.

It's just that no matter how he runs, Lei Jie is always locked on Xiao Zhan's body.

The little tattered man has come to understand it now. He is very proud of him after becoming a sperm. He is also a little dazed at the moment: "Master, am I going to cross the calamity?"

Zhuang Zhou said as he ran, "Yes, your strength has reached a certain level, and you can survive the calamity as an adult."

That's why he blamed himself, because he didn't teach the idiots to practice.

Hearing this, the little junk did not feel happy at all, but became nervous: "Master, you go!"

The little junk was transformed into essence by Zhuang Zhou, and it absorbed all the divine power of Zhouzhou. All its knowledge inheritance came from Zhuang Zhou bestowed upon it, so it was quite familiar with the ancient earth culture.

It is because of understanding that it suddenly remembered that it is said that Lei Jie is strong when strong, weak when weak, and will involve others.

For example, it is clearly the only one who has transcended the calamity, but if someone helps it, then the person who helps it also becomes a part of the thunder tribulation, and the stronger the person who helps it, the greater the power of the calamity.

Cheng Jinxue had been in the range of Thunder Tribulation before, and he didn't feel anything about being a little junk. After all, Cheng Jinxue was an ordinary person.

But its owner is different, its owner is God!

The little junk became anxious, and his voice became serious: "Master, leave me alone, go away!"

Zhuang Zhou shook his head: "It's too late."

When he entered the range of Thunder Tribulation and was with Xiaozhan, Lei Jie judged him as the same person who had transcended the Tribulation.

The reason why the newly condensed Thunder Tribulation has not yet broken down is precisely because of his addition, the power of Thunder Tribulation continues to grow.

At this moment, they have arrived at a desolate and uninhabited mountain.

Thunderclouds are rolling in the sky, and the power of Thunder Tribulation has condensed to a very terrifying level.

Zhuang Zhou put down the little junk, looked up at the sky, and frowned tightly. In fact, he would ignore the need for the little junk to escape the calamity. It was also because he didn't know that he also needed to escape the calamity in the interstellar space.


While he was contemplating, the cobweb-like lightning in the sky just slashed down like this, followed by the sound of thunder that shook the earth.

Xiaozhuo wanted to tell the owner to be careful, but its mechanical body was too easy to get electrocuted. When the lightning came down, before it landed on Zhuang Zhou, there were more lightning bolts that were attracted.

The little tattered two mechanical arms quickly turned and dug a hole in the ground, and buried himself in the hole he dug.

It just buried itself in the pit with only one head exposed. When it looked up, it saw that Zhuang Zhou had already jumped into the air, and forcibly received a thunderstorm for him.

Zhuang Zhou shook his body. Although he is a god, the calamity has always been measured by the strength of the person who has crossed the calamity. At what stage of his strength, the calamity will be added several times above this stage.

Therefore, the robbery of Zhuangzhou was not easy.


The little junk who had just buried himself in the pit, how could he still have the heart to keep hiding, he climbed out of the pit without a word, and rolled to Zhuang Zhou's feet.

"I'm fine!" Zhuang Zhou smiled, not knowing that he was in a state of embarrassment, and he didn't look like he was fine at all.

After a thunder robbery, the movement in the sky has not stopped, and the thunder robbery is still brewing the next larger thunder.

Little Tattered is a half-assed monster born in the interstellar space. Although he has the inheritance from Zhouzhou, he really doesn't know how many thunder tribulations will be completed. He immediately said, "I will carry the later thunder tribulations myself."

Zhuang Zhou shook his head: "No, you have never practiced spells."

He also comforted the little tattered and said, "The monster has two calamities, one is to transform into a form, and the other is to obtain the Tao. This robbery should only be the transformation of the robbery. There are nine ways, what number is it now?"

Xiao Tao was silent for a while: "Second."

It just carried it on its own, and this body is about to be destroyed.

Although the master's strength is stronger than it, who knows how much more powerful the robbery will be because of the master's participation.

The little tattered mechanical voice rarely brought a touch of determination: "I'm gone, I'm gone, the master can't be in trouble."

Hearing this, Zhuang Zhou was startled.

The words were so familiar that they made his head 'boom'.

-You are our hope, if I don't have it, it's gone, you can't be okay!

His head suddenly started to hurt again, and his head was buzzing. Zhouzhou patted his brain, trying to clear his mind.

At this time, the third thunder tribulation has also formed, and it crashed down.

Before Zhuang Zhou could think about it, he also took out the magic weapon in his Qiankun sleeve to overcome the calamity together.


The cave shook, the dust filled with smoke, and the whole earth seemed to be split in half.

After the gust of wind, on the barren mountain, there was only one big pit left, several meters deep!

In the middle of the big pit, Zhuang Zhou was crushed to the ground by the rocks, and only a corner of his clothes was exposed.

The little junk was also torn apart by the residual electricity of the third thunder calamity. It dragged the remaining half of its body and rolled to the bottom of the pit: "Master!"

"Cough, cough..." Zhuang Zhou spat out a mouthful of blood: "I'm fine, fine..."

How could it be okay!

It was the first time in such a long time that Little Rabbit saw his master vomit blood!

The little junk wants to cry!

If it's a little bit better...

Before the tears fell, it saw the boat climbed up from the ground, squatting there, holding a bottle and not knowing what to do.

Zhuang Zhou endured the discomfort in his body and said in a trance: "I put the blood I vomited up."

Little Junk: "Master, you,"

Zhuang Zhou: "This, ahem, this is also the blood of God, it can't be wasted..."

Little Junk: "… "

The little junk didn't even know what to complain about. He was so moved by the master that he wanted to cry one second, but this second he was forced to complain.

Zhuang Zhou finally finished the blood he vomited and spread it on the ground. Not only did his head hurt more and more, but his body also felt a lot of pain.

At this time, the fourth thunder tribulation is about to form.

This time, the little junk didn't say anything, and hugged Zhuang Zhou's arm tightly, making up his mind to carry the thunder tribulation together.

"Master, die together!"

Zhuang Zhou didn't have the strength to take it away: "Actually, even if I was split into carbon, ahem, as long as the god statue is still there, I can preserve my consciousness... I can reincarnate as a human being, but you can't, you can go..."

What is going to die together is impossible.

He is a god after all. He still has a god statue in the Temple of Wealth, which is already another body of him. As long as the body is not bad, even if he is split into coke today, he still has spiritual consciousness, soul, and other divine power. Recovery, he recovered too.

A small piece of junk won't do, if it really dies, it will really be dissipated.

But of course, his so-called recovery is not to restore to the best state, but each time the reorganization will be weaker each time.

He was weaker than before because of this last time.

Um? Last time? !

When was the last time

As soon as this thought entered his mind, his head almost exploded. This kind of pain did not seem to come from the body, but from the soul.

But the little junk thought that his master was lying to him, and would not let go of anything.

Thunderclouds roared in the sky, and the fourth heavenly robbery has been formed. The heavenly robbery is stronger and more terrifying each time. Looking at the terrifying aura in this fourth heavenly robbery, Zhouzhou covered his head and felt that he might not necessarily be. Can bear it.

If, if he really didn't carry it, and his body was broken up, he wouldn't be able to have a wedding with Wen Xiaoyun. Wen Xiaoyun would have to wait for him for a long time... Will he wait


The thunder roared, and it seemed as if a giant beast was breaking out of the cage in the sky.

When the fourth heavenly tribulation fell, the entire barren mountain seemed to be razed to the ground, and even their bodies were shaking.

and many more

Do they still have bodies? Didn't get ripped apart

Didn't the fourth heavenly robbery come down

Where did the hack go

One God and One Robot opened their eyes in a daze, and saw that a huge monster appeared in the sky at some point. It covered the sky and spanned the sky above them, so that they could not see the gray sky at all.

The hard metal shell showed its absolute strength, and the familiar totems made Zhuang Zhou even more at a loss.

This is... Dragon Battleship!

How did the dragon battleship appear here

Before they could react, a black mecha fell in front of them. The majestic mecha stood proudly on the ruins. Zhuang Zhou recognized it at a glance. This was Wen Xiaoyun's mecha, Voss.

Sure enough, the cockpit opened, and a tall figure jumped down.

"Zhou Zhou!"

Wen Xiaoyun picked up Zhuang Zhou, picked up the small piece of junk with the other hand, and returned to the cockpit of the mecha.

He was mentally linked to Voss, and he didn't need to do it manually, he gave the order directly: "Woss, go back to the battleship."


Voss soared into the air and returned to the Flying Dragon battleship at a very fast speed.

After being put down by Wen Xiaoyun, Zhuang Zhou, who had a splitting headache, finally recovered and said quickly, "Let's go out, Tianlei and Tianlei will break the battleship!"

At that time, they will all die with the little junk!

They are all ordinary people, how can they bear the thunder!

"No boat." Wen Xiaoyun hurriedly hugged the person and comforted him softly: "It's not broken by thunder."

"Yes!" Zhuang Zhou was really anxious this time, he would not die, but he was worried that Wen Xiaoyun and the others would be hacked to death, he said eagerly: "This is not an ordinary Tianlei, this is..."

Before the words were finished, a loud noise came from the battleship, which was the sound of the fifth thunder.

And they were in the battleship... nothing at all!

Zhuang Zhou was at a loss: "This, what's going on here..."

Wen Xiaoyun said, "Zhouzhou, the battleship has lightning protection devices."

Zhuang Zhou: "..."

Zhuang Zhou: "... ah?"

Wen Xiaoyun explained: "Battleships need to sail in the universe, sometimes they have to jump, they have to pass through various meteorite areas, and they have to pass through various lightning areas. Lightning protection devices and anti-conduction functions are essential, even if lightning protection devices are used. It's useless, and the thunder can't split the defense of the battleship."

After all, the battleship is going to pass through the meteorite zone, and if one is not careful, it will be hit by a meteorite. If the best and hardest materials are not used, how can it withstand it

In other words, the flying dragon battleship can withstand the impact of meteorites.

The empire is so big, and there are only three warships, not because the cost of warships is too high.

Wen Xiaoyun was fortunate to have one because he was in charge of fighting the Zerg in space all year round, like the Second Legion and the First Legion did not have one.

The little God of Wealth was stunned.

The little god of wealth was also dumbfounded.

Also, can you survive the robbery like this

The little God of Wealth was silent for a long time, before holding the little tattered hand in a trance: "You... you don't cultivate, it's useless... learn technology."

Little Junk: "… "

Xiao Caishen: "Technology is hard power and the primary productive force... It is the core competitiveness that will change the future."

Little Junk: "… "

Little God of Wealth: "In the future... I have magic power, and you have technology."

Little Junk: "… "

It's over, the master was struck dumb by lightning!

The author has something to say: PS—

The small sand sculpture suddenly becomes mysterious emm...

You can talk about who you want to see. The main text is estimated to have a few more chapters.

In the next chapter, Zhouzhou will restore his memory!

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: Liu Yanfen, 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!