Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 59: The truth of the past, the truth of the disappearance of the earth


Silly or not, Zhuang Zhou himself does not know.

Because of this relaxation, he no longer has to worry about the thunder outside, he can no longer bear it, and he faints directly.

"Zhou Zhou!"


The thunder outside is one after another.

At first, because of the lightning protection device, although the thunder fell, it struck somewhere else.

The last two thunders, I don't know if the lightning protection device failed, or the thunder found that it was wrong, and the last two thunders hit the flying dragon battleship.

Because the robbers are in the battleship, if they want to chop small junk and Zhuangzhou, they have to pass the flying dragon battleship.

It has to be said that it is indeed a battleship that can shuttle in the meteorite zone. The last two thunders fell, but only damaged the outermost defense of the battleship.

But the thunder has stopped.

Nine Thunders are over.

The little rascal let out a long breath.

As soon as the thunder was over, the little tattered felt as if there was a golden light covering him and the master. It only felt that the whole body was lazy, as if there was still a force repairing its body, and little by little change its body.

Wen Xiaoyun saw that Zhuang Zhou was also shrouded in golden light, and quickly asked, "What's going on?!"

Little tattered and half-understood: "Maybe it's a reward for successfully transcending the calamity? This is to repair the injury on the master's body, and it will also replenish the lost power."

Because it found that the power it had disappeared before had returned.

"Repair the injury?"

Wen Xiaoyun didn't know what to think.

Zhouzhou often gets headaches when he thinks of the past. It's hard not to make him think about whether Zhouzhou has suffered any injuries before.

If this can repair Zhouzhou's injury, is it possible to repair the previous injury as well

Wen Xiaoyun wanted to say something else, but his face suddenly changed, and he saw Zhouzhou fainted in his arms, and something suddenly flew out of his sleeve.

Wen Xiaoyun looked at it intently, it was Zhouzhou's small statue that he always carried with him.

He still remembered that this little idol was the body of Zhouzhou.

Wen Xiaoyun held his breath and called out tentatively, "Zhouzhou?"

The little statue did not respond. After coming out of Qiankun's sleeve, it directly entered Zhouzhou's body, as if fused with his body.

Wen Xiaoyun was worried, and thought that he had a contract with Zhouzhou, and his soul had long been connected, so he carefully explored his spiritual power and entered Zhouzhou's spiritual world.

As soon as he entered Zhouzhou's spiritual world, he saw that the little statue seemed to come alive.

It has become a little man like Zhouzhou, and the miniature version of him looks cute and cute.

He also seemed to have discovered Wen Xiaoyun, and gave Wen Xiaoyun a big smile: "Wen Xiaoyun, you are here!"

Wen Xiaoyun hurriedly stepped forward and wrapped the reduced version of Zhouzhou with his own spirit: "Zhouzhou, what's the matter with you?"

However, before his mental strength could hug the little man, the little man flashed past him.

"Zhou Zhou!"

Wen Xiaoyun quickly chased after him.

Then it was pulled into a huge palace.

This is Zhouzhou's memory, and he has entered one of Zhouzhou's memory fragments again!

Sure enough, the next second he saw that his Zhouzhou was wearing a fancy dress, and around him, there were other people looking at Zhouzhou with envious eyes.

He also heard their envious chatter.

"Zhuang Dashen is really amazing, I'm so envious, he is the youngest priest in history, right?!"

"What are you envious of, if you have so many followers of him, the power of faith you have has surpassed other priests, and you can also be a priest."

"I can't do it. God Zhuang has three hundred and sixty lines. He can do everything. You can see that Shunshun and Lucky Cat robbed believers before, and Shunshun couldn't win. In order to anger Lucky Cat, he invited God Zhuang to the West District. Participated in an audition, and sucked all the beliefs of the Western District! Shunshun is still pestering the great god every day to learn to sing and dance."

"Shunshun is just a little god of wealth during the internship period, right? Can you invite other gods of wealth like this?"

"Why can't it work? Shunshun is a related family. He and Zhuang Zhou were raised by the high priest. They are good brothers, but Zhuang Zhou is too good... He has become a priest, and Shunshun is still intern o( ╯□╰)o”

"Besides, the believers are about to be snatched away by the lucky cat, so I invited Zhuang Zhou over there. Although we snatched away the believers in the West District, at least it is still in the hands of our god of wealth, which is better than being snatched by the lucky cat! "

"That seems to be the case..."

Just as he was talking, he saw a young boy jumping and running towards Zhuang Zhou: "Zhou Zhou! Congratulations, you have been promoted!"

Zhuang Zhou smiled: "Shunshun, why are you free to come back?"

The young man laughed: "Today is the day you became a priest, of course I'm coming back!"

The teenager circled around Zhuang Zhou, and sighed while touching his chin: "Zhou Zhou, you are so handsome today! If only I could sing and dance like you, then I could attract a lot of fans. "

Zhuang Zhou smiled and said, "It's very simple, I'll teach you later."

Shunshun chick nodded like a meter: "Okay, okay, I want to learn the song "Faith" written by you!"

Before Zhuang Zhou agreed, the great priest slapped Shunshun on the head with a slap: "Zhouzhou is a priest now, do you have any courtesy?"

Shunshun covered his head and wailed, "What's the matter with the priest, it's not my brother if it's a priest!"

Zhuang Zhou smiled and said to the high priest with a good temper: "It doesn't matter, if Shunshun is polite to me, I'm not used to it."

The great priest glanced at Zhouzhou, his eyes full of relief, and then at Shunshun, his eyes were full of disgust.

It's like a teacher looking at one of his top students and one bad student.

But the two of them had a good relationship, and the Great Priest couldn't say anything, so he had to turn around and leave.

Shun Shun grimaced at his back.

Zhuang Zhou looked at Shunshun and smiled, his friend was in a good mood, and so was his mood.

When he laughed, his eyebrows were curved, gentle and beautiful. Wen Xiaoyun watched him smile quietly, and a smile appeared on his face involuntarily.

He forgot that he was just a touch of mental power, and raised his hand to touch Zhouzhou's beautiful smile.

Just as this thought came to mind, a small voice suddenly sounded beside him.

It is a miniature version of the little man's little boat that the idol has become.

Little Xiaozhou sat on Wen Xiaoyun's shoulder at some point, stared blankly at the scene in front of him, and muttered to himself, "Is that person me? Am I already a priest? Am I not... or a little fairy? ?"

Wen Xiaoyun wanted to say something, the little boat on his shoulder raised his hand and waved.

The scene in front of him changed.

They entered the next memory fragment.

The festive palace just now had completely changed its atmosphere.

Zhuang Zhou sat there alone, the gods around him were walking in a hurry, no one came up to talk to him, and the atmosphere was very depressed.

But Zhuang Zhou was not in a daze, but was looking at something, his eyes were red.

The miniature version of the little boat made an 'ah' and muttered to himself: "Isn't this the day I went to earth for an internship... No..."

He is already a high priest, so he doesn't need an internship.

Xiao Xiaozhou ran to Zhuang Zhou and looked at it, and was stunned.

I saw Zhuang Zhou looking at the world.

But at this moment, the world is like hell.

Xiao Xiaozhou took a few steps back, and the forgotten memories seemed to be retrieved little by little...

Because the earth's ecological environment has been seriously damaged, in the first ten years, the weather has become very strange. Extreme weather such as extreme cold and extreme heat often occurs, either severe drought or severe cold, and the temperature in June can be warm. plummeted to freezing cold.

Earthquakes, floods, tsunamis, and tornadoes have become commonplace, and they will occur once every three days. The surface of the earth is no longer suitable for human survival. In the past ten years, the population has plummeted by several percent, and various signs of the ice age are gradually emerging. .

This year is 2050. Under such a bad condition of the earth, a meteorite with a large diameter flew towards the earth.

The threat of mass extinction looms over the hearts of all human beings. The ecological environment of the earth has been destroyed so badly. Now that a meteorite is added, human beings finally understand that this earth is no longer suitable for them to survive, and all human beings have finally started to leave the earth. Plans to find new inhabited planets.

Humans built Noah's Ark, and the space voyage is about to begin.

Before leaving, more than a dozen high priests chose to stay.

"When Pangu opened the world and rescued the world from chaos, he used his own body to nurture the earth and give it new vitality. Although we are not as powerful as Pangu, we can still prevent the earth from returning. Chaos…”

All God's power comes from people's beliefs, from the gifts of this world.

And now, it's time for them to return those gifts.

The earth is their root, there are legends from generation to generation, and ancient inheritance from generation to generation, they can't bear to watch the earth completely destroyed.

Perhaps their power could not directly create the world like the original Pangu, but with the nourishment of their divine power, the earth will definitely regain its vitality.

If it fails for ten years, it is a hundred years, and if it fails for a hundred years, it is a thousand years.

Their bodies will turn into plants and trees on the earth, and little by little, they will slowly bring new life to the earth.

As a priest, Zhuang Zhou saw that all the great priests chose to stay, and he also chose to stay, but he was opposed by all the great priests.

"Zhouzhou, you are the best among the new generation of gods and the one with the most faith. You have to take these children to live well."

"I can't do it, Uncle Priest!" Zhuang Zhou cried with red eyes: "I am also a Priest, I should be with you..."

"You have to do it! We have lived for two thousand years, and the beliefs we have are gradually decreasing. You are different, you are young enough, and the power of beliefs you have has far surpassed us. Do you still want us to be inferior to us? Your old thing to do this?"

"Uncle Priest..." Zhuang Zhou wanted to say something, but the Priest had already refused to communicate with him.

They can't leave Earth.

Because they know very well that once they leave the earth and the meteorite falls, the earth will cease to exist.

But if they combine the power of all their priests, although they cannot completely protect all creatures on the earth, they can at least protect the earth from being destroyed.

Of course, this is also just an 'what if', because no one knows what will happen, what if they fail

So they can't let the inheritance be broken, there must be a god to continue the fire, and this person is Zhuang Zhou.

Zhuang Zhou went from being a reserve god during his internship to becoming a priest in just a hundred years.

Some gods are naturally friendly, and even if they do nothing, they can make people believe in them.

Zhuang Zhou is such a god, and there is no god more suitable than him.

In order to make Zhouzhou give up, the great priest has always refused to meet Zhouzhou.

Zhuang Zhou just sat here and waited foolishly every day.

The surrounding gods came and went, all looking in a hurry, busy preparing for a long journey, and no god had other thoughts and scruples.

He just waited and waited, and finally the day before the ark sailed, the great priest was finally willing to see Zhuang Zhou.

Zhuang Zhou knew that the high priest would not change his mind, and also knew how heavy the burden on him was. He didn't say anything else to stay, but just looked at the high priest with red eyes.

"Uncle Grand Priest."

jade salt jade salt

The Great Priest's expression softened: "Is everything packed?"

Zhuang Zhou nodded: "I've packed it up."

The great priest gently touched his head: "Good boy, have a safe journey."

Zhuang Zhou's tears still fell.

It turned out that this day was not the day he went to earth for an internship, but the day he left the earth.

Humans have built a total of three arks. Zhuang Zhou took some minor gods and scattered them into the three arks. No one knows where they will go in the universe.

In order to know each other's news, Zhuang Zhou carved all the little gods into wood carvings and asked them to leave a trace of their soul power in the wood carvings. If the soul power disappeared, it meant that they disappeared.

The construction of the ark has used the highest level of current science, but it is still dangerous to navigate in the universe.

The three arks lost contact with each other after entering the universe. Zhuang Zhou didn't know what happened to the other two spaceships. He could only judge whether they were still alive by looking at the wood carvings every day.

The ark he was riding on ran out of fuel because it had not found a habitable planet for a long time, and it disintegrated when it passed through a large empty garbage area.

He and the other gods spent all their divine power trying to save one-third of the humans on the ark and landed on a barren star that was completely unfit for human habitation.

There is no water and no food on the barren star.

And the air of this planet is not oxygen, but a gas that Zhouzhou does not know.

People die every day.

Perhaps it was the great supernatural powers that Zhuang Zhou and other gods showed when the ark disintegrated, which made the surviving people begin to doubt their identities.

They prayed to Zhuangzhou and the others every day, asking for water, food, and survival.

When these are not available, despair begins to scold God.

"Aren't you guys amazing? Why didn't you take us away? If you knew this would happen, you might as well just die in space!"

Water can carry a boat and capsize it.

God's power comes from people's beliefs, and when people stop believing, this power also diminishes.

Zhuang Zhou was a priest and was less affected, but the other little gods began to weaken gradually.

Every day, the power of the soul of the gods is disappearing, not only their ark, but the gods of the other two arks are also disappearing.

Zhuang Zhou didn't know what to do, he could only re-engraved every lost god in his mind over and over again every day, and re-engraved it in the wood carving.

"Zhouzhou! What are you doing!" When Shunshun found out that he was doing these things, he was so shocked that he almost exploded: "How can you divide your soul like this!"

Zhuang Zhou said in a trance: "Shunshun, do you remember how God exists? It's belief, as long as someone believes in us, we will always exist, and one day we will regain consciousness..."

"So you split your soul?! Are you an idiot?!"

Zhuang Zhou said, "I'm afraid I'll forget!"

He pointed to the wooden figures and said to Shunshun, "I isolated a part of my soul power and carved it into their statues. In that soul power, I remembered every god, including the great priest... They are my beliefs now, Shunshun, as long as we can get out of here, as long as I remember them, when human beings find a new planet to live in, their lives settle down, and they believe in us again, I will give them my beliefs, and they can come back to life..."

Shunshun is not very optimistic. People die every day. Now people's belief is to live, not to pray to God and worship Buddha.

Sure enough, just as Shun Shun thought.

In the voyage of the big universe, all human beings only care about whether they can survive or not, instead of praying to God and worshiping Buddha. If praying to God and worshiping Buddha was useful, they would not be where they are today.

When the last human being they rescued died, all the immortals except Zhuang Zhou became weaker and weaker.

The death of human beings faces the death of the gods, because there is no more faith.

The gods around him disappeared one by one, and even Shunshun disappeared.

When he was dying, Shunshun also threatened him: "You are not allowed, you are not allowed to divide your soul... I don't, don't..."

Zhuang Zhou said yes, but the first time Shunshun disappeared, he still deeply engraved the idea of Shunshun into his soul.

In the end, he was the only god left.

He is so miserable.

But he couldn't cry, he couldn't fall.

The Grand Priest was still waiting for him.

All God's hope is in him.

He was afraid that he would forget all the gods, and he had to recall it every day, recalling every move of each god, recalling every word they said, and he engraved these deeply in his own mind.

In order to deepen his impression, he will also learn the way they speak every day, just like the fine points.

The weather is bad today, and there is a sandstorm again.

If it was Manman, Manman would pouted and said, "Humans, you don't feel anything when you destroy it, and when you suffer the consequences, you will start to regret it, it's too late!"

Zhuang Zhou learned to pouting: "Human..."

Shunshun jumped out relatively quickly. When the sandstorm came, he would scream: "Zhou Zhou Zhou Zhou, hurry up, let's run the poison circle together!"

Zhuang Zhou learned to jump up and down smoothly: "Zhou Zhou Zhou Zhou, hurry up, run the poison circle!"

He said in a smooth tone for a while, "Hey, if only I could sing and dance, I could be a big star and attract a lot of fans!"

After a while, he said with a smile in his own tone: "You can definitely do it! Shunshun is also great!"

He learned vividly and remembered the words and deeds of every god firmly.

He can be smooth sometimes.

Sometimes it will be long, and occasionally it will become a great priest, serious and kind.

As he learned, he forgot what he was like.

He seems to be smooth at nothing, and he seems to want to go to college for a long time.

No, he should be a little fairy. He said yesterday that his dream is to become a great god!

Without human beings to provide faith, Zhuang Zhou became weaker and weaker. When he fell into a deep sleep, he turned a stone with the little remaining divine power.

He turned the stone into a spirit, and the stone spirit that was transformed into a spirit by him became the only one who believed in him.

If the Great Priest knew that he had actually created a monster, he would definitely scold him to death...

Because the spirits are arbitrarily enlightened, the spirits will be haunted in the future, and all the karma will be borne by the person who enlightens it.

But no way, he can't die.

Even if the belief given by the monster would make his divine power impure, he could only do this, and the only divine power he had left could only do this.

Stone essence can be eaten or drunk for many years.

After instilling the stone essence, he fell into a deep sleep.

There is only one stone spirit, and it is also the only belief. It is far from enough to supplement his divine power, and it can only be accumulated little by little.

This takes a long, long time.

He didn't know how many years he had slept.

Maybe decades, or hundreds of years.

When he woke up again, the stone spirit was still the dumb stone spirit, and his divine power had only recovered a little.

Shito Jing was dumbfounded even when he spoke: "Master, you, you are awake, you have slept for a long, long, long time..."

Zhuang Zhou nodded in a trance: "Yes."

Stone Spirit: "Master."

Zhuang Zhou said, "Don't call me master, you call my name."

Stone Spirit: "What's the master's name?"

Zhuang Zhou was in a trance again: "I am Shunshun... No, I am Long, no, no, my name is Zhuang Zhou... "

He feels so uncomfortable!

But I don't know where the pain is.

Can't think about it, can't think about it!

Shi Shi Jing didn't understand such complicated words, let alone the master's mood, what the master said was what he said.

To Zhuang Zhou's surprise, this barren star had a damaged spaceship.

I don't know which year he was sleeping and fell from space.

Zhuang Zhou did some research and found that the spaceship uses energy similar to 'spirit stones' as nourishment, so he stumbled onto the spaceship and used the divine power he had managed to recover as fuel to regenerate. back to the universe.

It's just that he only has a supply of belief in the stone spirit. He has finally recovered a little bit of divine power. If he continues to instill another stone spirit, he is afraid that he will continue to sleep for hundreds of years...

Although I don't know if it will really fall asleep, but. . jade rock. . He was really afraid.

He was afraid that if he went to sleep again, the stone spirit would die again.

Ghosts also have a lifespan.

And the only divine power he has left is not enough for him to fly in the universe for too long.

Not long after the spaceship flew, he was lost in the universe again and landed on a planet full of junk stars.

He didn't know where this place was, but it was full of man-made garbage, and he saw hope.

The traces of someone's life, it means that there is a human being, whether it is an alien or a human being.

However, he searched the deserted star year after year, from the southern hemisphere to the northern hemisphere, without a single human being.

The stone spirit soon reached the limit, and when he left, he kept rubbing against Zhuang Zhou's leg, reluctant to part.

"Master, master..."

Even when the stone spirit died, he was dumbfounded, and would only softly call out to his master.

Zhuang Zhou cried, and he regretted turning the stone.

Once again, he was alone.

Zhuang Zhou once again became a person, he didn't even dare to easily turn other stones into essence, for fear of losing it again.

But without faith, he will gradually weaken. What should we do

So he sealed all his soul power in the statue. If he weakened and disappeared, the statue might be able to last for a while...

If one day, someone picks up his idol, just bow down to him... just bow down... maybe it will be fine.

He fell into a deep sleep again.

In the dream, they are still on earth, all the gods are still there, and everyone is doing their own tricks to rob believers.

He also dreamed of the great priest, and the priest's uncle called his name over and over again.

"Zhouzhou, Zhouzhou... Are you awake

"Well... Uncle Priest, Zhouzhou is still a little sleepy."

"I'm still lazy, have you packed your things?"

"Pack up, Uncle Priest!"

"Good, today is the first day of your internship, don't you want to go down to earth?"


"Hahaha, why don't you get up soon, you are the face of our East Road God of Wealth. Whether the East Road God of Wealth can rise or not depends on you Zhouzhou!"

"Get up! Get up right away, Uncle Priest, I won't let you down!"

Zhuang Zhou opened his eyes with a 'swipe', and he looked around in a daze.

Hey, where is this place

Shouldn't he go down to the world for an internship

Wow, did he get lost!

Zhuang Zhou rubbed his eyes and walked bewilderedly to the place where the thick fog could not open.

The fog gradually dissipated, and he saw a rescue capsule, and there seemed to be a person sleeping in the rescue capsule.

His eyes widened, wow, human! client!

Here comes his faith!

Zhuang Zhou gave the other party a dream, and when he asked the dream, he found that his divine power was very low.

Harmful! It's normal, after all, he's just a little God of Wealth during his internship!

How can a little fairy have such a strong divine power!

He happily ran into the man's dream, with his chest outstretched and his eyes shining brightly at him—

"Worship me, I can make you rich."

The author has something to say: PS—

Little God of Wealth: You always say that knowing me is your greatest luck, but you don't know that you are the faith that redeems me.

This chapter is very long, so I'm late, sorry