Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 6: The interstellar calendar is 2333 years


Two days later.

The flying dragon battleship of the 3rd Corps landed in the abandoned air port of β-324, a day earlier than originally planned.

After several uninterrupted transitions, everyone on the Flying Dragon battleship felt a little uncomfortable.

The number of such transitions has exceeded their limit. The Interstellar Navigation Law stipulates that ordinary manned spacecraft can only perform one transition at most a day.

Even battleships are at most twice.

But the Third Army was eager to save people. After knowing that Wen Xiaoyun had abandoned the junk star in the high-radiation β-324, he couldn't sit still. He could not wait to drive the battleship immediately. β-324.

As soon as the battleship landed, everyone in the Third Army almost vomited.

"Everyone rests on the spot, Zhang Feng, bring everyone in your group and set off with me."

"Yes! Adjutant Cheng!"

Under the leadership of Cheng Jinxue, the elite team put on radiation isolation suits and got off the battleship.

As soon as he stepped off the battleship, the protective suit helmet lit up as a warning.

Zhang Feng gasped: "The radiation is so strong, and without protective clothing, it is impossible to stay here. Adjutant Cheng, is the boss really in β-324?"

The rescue capsule after leaving the main battleship will drift to any place with the gravity of the planets in the universe, but the radiation pollution of β-324 is too terrifying, and it is impossible for anyone to survive here.

Cheng Jinxue's face also became solemn: "According to the information I checked before, the hardest hit area of energy radiation is here in the space port. The boss is still a little far away from here, and the radiation pollution there should not be so serious."

The flying dragon battleship is very large, and it is difficult to land without a special location. They can only choose to land in the abandoned space port, which used to be a place for docking spaceships.

But that is to say, they are all on the same planet, even if they are far away from the radiation pollution hardest hit area, it is still a polluted area, otherwise β-324 will not be abandoned.

However, the problem soon came again.

As soon as they got on the suspension car, they found that due to the excessive energy radiation pollution, the electromagnetic field of the suspension car was seriously disturbed, so that the speed of the suspension car could not be accelerated.

Cheng Jinxue made a decisive decision: "Change the car."

After replacing all the hover vehicles with the most common armored off-road vehicles, the team finally headed towards the position of the signal sent by the locator.

at this time.

Wen Xiaoyun and the little tattered robot after Chengjing are competing with each other.

The little tattered robot ignored the program instructions set by Wen Xiaoyun, and refused to dig through the garbage again.

Wen Xiaoyun assembled such a small piece of junk just to scan the parts for himself. The small junk wouldn't turn over the garbage, why would he want this robot

After Wen Xiaoyun grabbed the small junk, he planned to take it apart and reset a main program.

He was about to dismantle the small junk, and the small junk was shivering with fear, holding Zhuang Zhou and not letting go.

Zhuang Zhou trembled while holding the small rags, whoever believed was distressed.

This is his first believer!

Zhuang Zhou's tone was pitiful: "Really, really want to demolish it?"

Wen Xiaoyun asked back: "What do the disobedient robots keep for?"

Zhuang Zhou whispered to persuade: "But I think it's very obedient..."

Xiao Zhan nodded repeatedly in Zhuang Zhou's arms.

Zhuang Zhou took a peek at Wen Xiaoyun, saw that he had no objection, and said slowly: "Besides, such an intelligent robot... It's a pity to tear it down."

Xiao Zhan continued to nod his head, looking very well-behaved.

Wen Xiaoyun said: "The main program remains the same, it's just dismantled to set the mandatory instructions."

Listening to Zhuang Zhou, it was like forcibly dissecting the body of a spirit and then sewing it back.

The person is still the same person, but he has just undergone an operation without anesthesia.

The little junk shivered.

Zhuang Zhou sees that he is soft-hearted. The little monster who has just become a genius may not know anything about this world, so he has to be forced to go to work...

Especially with so much rubbish, small junk is too hard.

Zhuang Zhou whispered, "Then let me work with it... Do you want to sort the garbage first?"

Wen Xiaoyun glanced at Zhuang Zhou.

Zhuang Zhou looked too clean. This cleanliness, not only his body was clean without a trace of dirt, but even his whole person was incompatible with this garbage planet.

Not to mention that it is already very disobedient to stand here, let him pick up the garbage, and there is a feeling of blasphemy.

Wen Xiaoyun: "Forget it, you can read and read."

Zhuang Zhou hugged the little junk tightly: "Then it..."

Wen Xiaoyun said, "You decide."

His tone seemed a little helpless.

Zhuang Zhou immediately laughed happily, his eyebrows curved like the sun.

Wen Xiaoyun looked at his smile, and his mood improved. The corner of his mouth was about to evoke a smile back to Zhuang Zhou, when he saw the tattered little robot in Zhuang Zhou's arms, standing up at him from an angle that Zhuang Zhou could not see. a middle finger.

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

After hesitating for a while between fixing it and not fixing it, Wen Xiaoyun finally turned around and left.

Knowing that reading and recognizing words is very important for speaking quickly, especially when Xiaozhuan has just become a master, and he doesn't know whether he can read or not, so after Wen Xiaoyun left, he let Xiaozhuan study with him.

When studying, Zhuang Zhou did not forget to remind the little junk: "You have to be obedient, treat yourself as a classmate of love and a cat elf, can't you expose your knowledge? After the founding of the People's Republic of China, you can't become an elf, and when you are discovered, you will be punished. Take it to be forcibly scrapped.”

The terrifying death method of forced scrapping really scared the little tattered, it regretted it a little, and it shouldn't have given the middle finger just now...

Zhuang Zhou didn't find the little rubbish, so he continued to teach it: "Wen Xiaoyun is a good person. After you read this page, let's go help him sort out the rubbish."

The little tattered nodded obediently.

So after reading a page of the picture book, Zhuang Zhou went to Wen Xiaoyun with a small piece of junk.

"Wen Xiaoyun, let's help you sort out the trash." After Zhuang Zhou finished speaking, the little junk nodded obediently, and the big mechanical blue eyes were innocent and innocent.

Wen Xiaoyun's voice was light: "I can do it myself."

Zhuang Zhou suddenly exclaimed: "Why do you have a nosebleed!"

Hearing this, Wen Xiaoyun raised his hand and touched it subconsciously, and felt the blood on his hand.

He frowned, the radiation pollution on his body has become more and more serious, and even a little sluggish.

When Zhuang Zhou didn't remind him, he really didn't feel his nosebleed.

"It's okay." Wen Xiaoyun's voice was still calm.

Zhuang Zhou's expression was very serious: "Go to the side to rest, don't tilt your head back."

While talking, he pressed Wen Xiaoyun and sat down.

In Wen Xiaoyun's eyes, his strength was not enough to see, but he still sat down with his soft strength.

Zhuang Zhou said, "You just rest here. Little Junk and I help you sort out the garbage. You hold your nose with your hand and see if the bleeding will stop in a few minutes."

He became serious, and he was quite majestic, but he was too good-looking and looked a bit fierce.

Wen Xiaoyun was stunned for a while, and was surprised to find that the teenager became more and more fluent in Interstellar language.

After Zhuang Zhou finished speaking, he took the little junk to sort out the garbage together. The little junk has instructions set by Wen Xiaoyun, and he knows what kind of parts he is looking for.

Zhuang Zhou was sorting the garbage. With such a high garbage mountain, if Wen Xiaoyun was the only one doing it, how hard would it be.

He worked diligently, occasionally looking at Wen Xiaoyun, and seeing that he was pinching his nose obediently, he continued to lower his head to sort the garbage.

A few minutes later, he returned to Wen Xiaoyun and asked, "Has the bleeding stopped?"

Wen Xiaoyun took his hand away, felt it, and said, "It's gone."

Then Zhuang Zhou smiled reassuringly: "Then you need to rest for a while."

He was happily picking up the trash.

Not noticing at all behind him, Wen Xiaoyun kept looking at him quietly.

Zhuang Zhou was sorting out the trash when suddenly his ears moved and he looked up into the distance.


Why is there a car sound

Not far away, several off-road vehicles flew past, splashing dust.

Zhuang Zhou's eyes lit up, it was really a car!

"Wen Xiaoyun, look over there! There's a car!"

Before the Feilong battleship landed, Cheng Jinxue reported to Wen Xiaoyun, so Wen Xiaoyun was not surprised when he discovered the convoy.

But Zhuang Zhou was very surprised. This was the only person he saw except Wen Xiaoyun after he got lost in this place.

The convoy galloped all the way, came straight in their direction, and then stopped firmly in front of them.

Zhuang Zhou was about to go up to inquire, when he saw seven people dressed like astronauts get out of the car, came to Wen Xiaoyun, and saluted.


Zhuang Zhou understood the word.

"Do they all know you?" Zhuang Zhou asked in a low voice, "Did they come to see you?"

"Well." Wen Xiaoyun rubbed his head.

The existence of Zhuang Zhou surprised Cheng Jinxue and others, especially Cheng Jinxue. He always thought that on this abandoned planet, there was only the eldest one, but he did not expect such a young boy.

Who is this person

How could it be here

and many more!

Cheng Jinxue suddenly thought of something.

The boss said that he dreamed of it for several nights in a row... The one I just met... Couldn't it be this young man? !

Pressing the shock in his heart, Cheng Jinxue quickly took out a set of protective clothing to Wen Xiaoyun, while reporting: "Boss, the battleship is parked at the Interstellar Airport. It's been about an hour and a half here, and..."

He paused, a little annoyed: "I only brought one set of protective clothing."

He really didn't know anyone else was there, and the boss didn't say it before.

In order to find Wen Xiaoyun as soon as possible, they traveled lightly and didn't have much time to prepare.


Wen Xiaoyun gave Zhuang Zhou the protective suit and told him to put it on.

Zhuang Zhou was a little confused.

Seeing that everyone else was looking at him, Zhuang Zhou felt a little embarrassed. He pulled Wen Xiaoyun to the side and asked in a low voice, "Why are you dressed like this?"

Wen Xiaoyun said: "The radiation pollution of this planet is very serious, and protective clothing can isolate radiation."

Zhuang Zhou was even more confused: "Star, planet...?"

Wen Xiaoyun knew that he was not affected by radiation, so he lowered his voice: "Even if it is not affected, it is best to put it on so that no one else will find out."

Zhuang Zhou's heart skipped a beat, and he had a bad premonition in his heart.

What planet, what pollution...

And Wen Xiaoyun's words, don't be discovered or something.

He asked, "Are you also contaminated?"

Wen Xiaoyun corrected his words: "It's radiation pollution, radiation, go back and teach you how to write, in short, don't let people know."

He opened the protective suit and put it on for Zhuang Zhou, Zhuang Zhou said quickly, "I don't need to wear it, I..."

He is God, and his body will not have any influence.

And only now did he know that it turned out that Wen Xiaoyun would be polluted here.

If you don't get polluted, you have to wear this kind of clothes like astronauts.

Zhuang Zhou felt more and more as if he had come... I'm afraid not in other countries in Asia...

This kind of doubt continued until they packed up the life-saving capsule, followed the convoy, and returned to the space port.

Zhuang Zhou was completely dumbfounded when he looked at the behemoth docked in the space port.

"This, this?"

Wen Xiaoyun's tone was calm: "Flying Dragon Battleship."

Zhuang Zhou was in a trance: "What year is this year?"

Wen Xiaoyun was a little surprised why he asked such a question, but he still said, "The interstellar calendar is 2333 years."

Zhuang Zhou: "..."

The little God of Wealth silently hugged his idol.

What, what happened.

The great priest didn't say that they can still come to the interstellar!

The author has something to say: PS—

My stomach is uncomfortable during menstruation, so I'm writing slowly, sorry, sorry!

Send red envelopes to everyone QAQ