Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 60: Is it so strange that he is rare!


Zhuang Zhou did not know about the other two arks, but interstellar history did.

Humans sailed in the big universe and finally met a new inhabited planet, but they were also targeted by alien civilizations.

In interstellar history, human beings have been oppressed for a long time before re-establishing human civilization.

Just like what Shunshun said, under the oppression of alien civilizations, what human beings think about is how to survive, rather than asking God to worship Buddha.

Then people discovered that there were so many alien civilizations, and it was only because the earth was too backward.

And now, the lower civilizations have been invaded by various civilizations.

When this alien civilization is oppressed, people are forced to learn the knowledge system of this civilization to survive. When this civilization leaves, the next civilization emerges, and people continue to be forced to learn the knowledge system of the next civilization to survive.

Coupled with the influence of alien civilizations, everyone understands that only by learning their powerful technology can they truly survive. People strive to integrate into alien civilizations to learn, try to forget themselves, and madly absorb everything that can be absorbed.

After a hundred years, people have completely integrated many interstellar civilizations and began to have their own new systems. Those alien civilizations that oppressed and colonized them drove them away.

It's just that in the past few hundred years, because of the colonization and oppression that has gone through several generations, in that era when people were struggling to survive, in order to survive, people spoke the language of alien people, so that they could speak interstellar universal language. Proud language.

When they stood up again and wanted to go back to find everything about the earth, the ancestors of the first generation who left the earth have long since passed away, and it has been several generations.

The language that was originally on the ancient earth has become a 'hieroglyph' that can only be said by archaeologists for a sentence or two. Many historical inheritances of the ancient earth have become the cultural treasures of the historians.

People seek survival, but lose the past.

When they looked back, the earth had long since disappeared.

The earth has disappeared, and what they have learned is the knowledge system of aliens, advocating science and advocating strength.

Who still remembers God and Buddha, who will ask God to worship Buddha again.

In the absence of belief, the only remaining Zhuang Zhou has only a little divine power left, and it may decline and disappear at any time.

He thought he was a little immortal. In order to remember all the gods, he carved every god into his soul, but he forgot what kind of god he was.

Forget all the glory of the past, forget that he used to be the best god.

Wen Xiaoyun wanted to go back to the time when Zhouzhou told him that he admired and envied which god had many fans, and he wanted to tell Zhouzhou not to envy them, you were the best.

He didn't even dare to think about it, if, if he hadn't been left on the junk star by accident... What would have happened to Zhouzhou

He didn't dare to think about it!

"Why are you crying!"

In the sea of spiritual consciousness, the miniature version of the little boat suddenly looked at Wen Xiaoyun suspiciously.

The two have a soul contract, and they are in the same mind, and they are both in the spiritual world of Zhouzhou, so they can naturally feel all the emotions of each other.

Wen Xiaoyun looked at the little boat.

The little boat is the soul power and memory sealed by Zhouzhou.

It's no wonder that Zhouzhou can't remember things from the past, and when he thinks about it, he will have a headache. This little fool would rather forget himself than forget every god.

Wen Xiaoyun gently picked up the little boat sitting on his shoulders, his voice hoarse because he suppressed his emotions.

"The boat..."

Xiao Xiaozhou tilted his head and showed him a sweet smile: "Don't be sad, you can see that I didn't cry."

How strong he is! He didn't even cry!

Xiao Xiaozhou raised his head and stared calmly at the spiritual world in front of him, his soft and glutinous voice filled with emotion: "However, I didn't even know that I was already a priest..."

I don't even know that so many things have happened to me.

Xiao Xiaozhou retracted his gaze, turned his head to look at Wen Xiaoyun, he approached Wen Xiaoyun little by little, the little boat turned from a god statue, only the size of his palm, was all of Zhouzhou's soul power.

He approached Wen Xiaoyun, opened his small arm, put it on Wen Xiaoyun's face, and rubbed gently—

"Wen Xiaoyun, thank you."

"Thank you for coming."

"Thank you for bringing me back."

"Thank you... for saving me."


Wen Xiaoyun wanted to speak, but a gentle force gently pushed him out of this spiritual world.

As soon as Wen Xiaoyun opened his eyes, he had returned to reality.

He saw Zhouzhou, who was already lying in his arms, and the little junk that finally fell asleep directly on the ground because he refused to leave because of fear.

Although he has come out of Zhouzhou's spiritual world.

But Wen Xiaoyun felt even more uncomfortable when he thought of seeing all those memories.

If only he showed up earlier... earlier.

Maybe Zhouzhou won't have to wait so long on the junk star.

He was the only one in the whole world, and he didn't know how Zhouzhou survived.

If it was him, in a few years, he probably wouldn't even know what to say.

It's like being locked in a dark room for a long time.

Wen Xiaoyun took a deep breath, tried hard to suppress the emotions that surged in his heart, and secretly decided that he must let everyone in the world know about this little God of Wealth, and let him have enough faith to let him never again. Don't worry about being weak without faith!

"Boss, boss!"

Just as he was thinking, Cheng Jinxue pushed in the door and ran in a hurry.

"How's it going! Is Zhouzhou okay? The little junk!"

When Cheng Jinxue saw Zhuang Zhou arrive, he was still sighing how Zhouzhou came so quickly, and the next second Zhouzhou disappeared with a small piece of junk.

There is not even a vanishing direction, but Cheng Jinxue is easy to find.

When he finally came, the thunder and lightning stopped, and only one battleship hovered here.

Wen Xiaoyun glanced at him and said solemnly, "Be quiet."

Cheng Jinxue quickly covered his mouth, only to find Zhouzhou in the boss's arms.

Cheng Jinxue was worried and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong with him? Is he injured? Does it matter?"

Looking at Wen Xiaoyun's red eyes again, his voice was a little hoarse.

For a moment, Cheng Jinxue thought whether Zhouzhou was dead, otherwise how could he see Wen Xiaoyun crying.

Wen Xiaoyun shook his head: "Just resting."

He guessed that it should be integrating the soul power of that little boat.

Wen Xiaoyun glanced at the little junk on the ground and said in a deep voice, "Take it out, I'll just accompany Zhouzhou here."

Cheng Jinxue breathed a sigh of relief, Zhouzhou was fine.

He opened his mouth and wanted to say something, but seeing that Xiaoyun was not in the mood, he simply swallowed the words back, picked up the little junk on the ground and left.

He carefully closed the door before leaving.

The room finally became quiet.

Wen Xiaoyun held Zhuang Zhou all the time, his thick palms interlocked with his fingers, afraid that if he let go, the children in his arms would disappear.

But only five minutes later, the closed door was opened again.

Cheng Jinxue's dazed, dazed, and frightened face reappeared: "Boss!!"

Wen Xiaoyun frowned: "Be quiet."

In normal times, when Cheng Jinxue saw Wen Xiaoyun like this, he would definitely complain that Wen Xiaoyun paid more attention to friends than friends, and he would make a bad face to himself when Zhouzhou was around.

But now, he didn't even care about smelling Xiaoyun's stinky face, and he said with a look of panic: "Little junk it it it it it it..."

Wen Xiaoyun knew that Zhouzhou was very concerned about small junk, otherwise he wouldn't help save the calamity.

He endured it, and asked patiently, "How is it?"

Cheng Jinxue's tone was difficult: "It... has become a human being."

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

Cheng Jinxue: "You, can you believe it? I'm holding it, me, me, me... It suddenly feels so damn heavy, I look down, I fuck... the little junk is gone!"

In its place is a human!

He didn't even look carefully at what this person looked like, and he ran back with his three views broken.

Although he knew Zhouzhou's identity before, he also knew that Xiaozhuan's identity was not simple.

But he never thought that there would be such a day that he would become a living person under his nose!

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

He was silent.

After all, Wen Xiaoyun received a lot of Zhouzhou's memories from Zhouzhou's spiritual world.

He soon understood that this might be the so-called adult who survived the robbery in Zhouzhou's memory.

Just knowing is one thing, actually happening is another.

Wen Xiaoyun was also shocked.

But in fact, it is also easy to understand, the little tattered has successfully survived the calamity, and the golden light just now may be the light that changed its body structure.

Zhouzhou also recovered a lot of divine power because of this light, so the soul power that was sealed in the statue by him also returned to his body.

Therefore, Wen Xiaoyun was only silent for a moment, and then said calmly: "It's normal, don't make noise."

Cheng Jinxue: "???"

Actually, is it so strange that he is rare!

Cheng Jinxue left in a trance.

Back in the corridor of the warship dormitory, the little junk was still lying motionless on the ground. It was just thrown directly on the ground, as if it didn't feel at all, let alone woken up.

Cheng Jinxue walked over in a daze, and only then did he notice the appearance of the little junk.

It was a good-looking young man, looking between a teenager and a youth.

He closed his eyes, pursed his thin lips lightly, and his eyelashes were curled up. Not only that, but his hair was very long. At first glance, he looked a bit like Sleeping Beauty.

If you take a closer look, you will find that his beauty is beauty, but it is not the kind of beauty full of femininity, but with a little...

How to describe it.

At this moment, Cheng Jinxue suddenly felt that all his previous language knowledge had been learned in vain, and he couldn't find any adjectives to describe it.

Cheng Jinxue murmured and hugged the person again: "How come the person has changed and still wears clothes... This hair is so long..."

The little junk is not light at all, but fortunately, he used to make mechas a lot.

Cheng Jinxue stumbled and carried the person back to the dormitory, and also exhausted himself.

And then, it's the identity of the little junk... When someone asks who he is, he can't say... This is the change of the bad-tempered uncle, right

Cheng Jinxue began to go bald.

Wen Xiaoyun thought that Zhuang Zhou would wake up soon after sleeping.

In the end, I didn't expect that Zhuang Zhou and Xiao Tao could sleep better than the other. For two days and two nights in a row, the master and servant didn't wake up.

If it wasn't for Wen Xiaoyun and Zhouzhou having a soul contract, he could feel that Zhouzhou's condition was getting better and better, and he couldn't sit still.

Even so, he stayed for two days and two nights.

In the past two days, the weather changed tremendously. In the interstellar era, surveillance was everywhere, and it was impossible to say that no one found out.

But because it was far away from the beginning, the small junk was only as high as an adult's knee, and with such a small size, from a distance, everyone would only be attracted by Tianlei, but could not see the small junk.

Therefore, the new round of heated discussions on the star network is related to environmental changes. Everyone is concerned about whether the ecological environment on the planet has been destroyed again, and there is such a bad weather situation.

"Hasn't there been such weather before?"

"I have only read this kind of weather in history books. In the history of the ancient earth, before the earth died, such extreme weather changes often occurred."

"What the hell is going on? Has the environment been destroyed again? Is it some idiot who is digging and hacking again, rely on rely on, we must investigate!"

"Haha, isn't environmental destruction something that has always happened? Look at how many planets have been abandoned."

"Energy waste and ecological environment damage are still different. Energy radiation waste is just not suitable for human habitation. When the radiation dissipates to the planet for hundreds of years, the planet can still purify itself, but the destruction of the ecological environment will destroy the entire planet. The system is completely abolished, do you understand?"

"I am the only one who cares. Why does the flying dragon warship appear suddenly?"

Under normal circumstances, such behemoths as flying dragon battleships are not allowed to enter the urban area. Spaceships can only be in ports, not to mention battleships.

On the one hand, it is easy to cause panic, and on the other hand, it is natural to worry about danger.

But the dragon battleship appeared, which can be said to violate the regulations of the military.

However, Wen Xiaoyun is now a marshal and a top-ranking position in the military department. The people below dare not make this report. Di Wen, the commander of the first army who dared to make this report before, is now in prison with the alliance villain. Hard to guarantee.

But in the end, this matter was reported to His Majesty Krill. After all, it was already on the news hot search. It was difficult for His Majesty Krill to pretend to be invisible.

His Majesty Krill could only contact Wen Xiaoyun in person.

Wen Xiaoyun did not show up for two consecutive days of absence from work. Before he was absent from work, he drove the battleship into the capital without permission, saying that if he wanted to rebel, some people might believe him.

After the communication got through, His Majesty Krill didn't talk nonsense and directly asked the reason.

Wen Xiaoyun was silent for a moment, and said, "I'm sorry, Your Majesty, just follow the rules, I will accept any punishment."

His Majesty Krill raised his eyebrows: "Don't say a reason?"

Wen Xiaoyun: "Breaching the rules is violating the rules, and there are reasons too."

His Majesty Krill saw that he was so straightforward, and it was not easy to say anything.

Otherwise, he was so relieved about his brother's son, even if he was in power, he was still so relieved, because he knew Wen Xiaoyun.

This kid has the same temperament as his dad.

Thinking of Wen Xiaoyun's absence from work for two consecutive days, His Majesty Krill couldn't help thinking of Zhuang Zhou, who also didn't go to class for two days, and didn't go to the radiation department to treat patients.

Could it be that something happened to Zhuang Zhou

Creel: "Okay."

After hanging up the phone, His Majesty Krill gave an order to the military—

- Marshal Wen Xiaoyun suspended his post in the army for violating the regulations of the military, and ordered him to reflect at home.

If it was someone else, when they heard this punishment, they would probably feel that it was over.

But on Wen Xiaoyun, as long as he is not relieved of all his duties, wouldn't it mean to let him go on vacation at home in disguise? !

As soon as the punishment came out, it was spread to the Duke of Bolton's mansion, and the Duke of Bolton was so angry that he vomited blood again.

His Majesty Creel's preference sometimes really makes people want to kill him.

Wen Xiaoyun accompanied Zhouzhou at home with peace of mind, but until the third day, the little junk woke up, and Zhouzhou still hadn't woken up.

When Xiao Zhan woke up, he felt uncomfortable all over.

First of all, he felt that his hair was too long, and he didn't even know why he became like this. It seems that when he was transforming, he thought about what a monster should look like, and he thought that it should be like the master. Like those little wood carvings.

Then he became like this.

He can't walk much.

Cheng Jin's head is big: "Why can't you walk? You used to have two legs!"

The little tattered righteously said, "I used to have two wheels on my feet, so I could just roll around."

Cheng Jinxue: "..."

The little junk looked at his legs, and then looked at Cheng Jinxue: "Are there any wheels? I'll press two wheels on my feet again."

Cheng Jinxue said bitterly: "You have become a human now, and you must learn to walk."

Xiao Tao thought about it carefully, and felt that the little demon servant made sense, then raised a hand very reservedly: "Then allow you to help me."

Cheng Jinxue was amused at this moment. When the little junk didn't become a human being, he was like an uncle.

Now that he has become a man, he may be blessed by his appearance. This kind of grandfather makes people feel that he is like a noble son, and it seems that he should be raised with such dignity.

"Okay, okay, I'll help you."

He stretched out his hand to hold the little junk and instructed the little junk to walk step by step.

The little junk is not stupid. After walking a dozen steps, I gradually felt it, and then I completely let go of myself, ran several laps, and then ran to find my master.

It's just that Zhouzhou hasn't woken up yet, and Wen Xiaoyun doesn't even let him in.

Xiao Jun was a little disappointed that he couldn't enter the room to see the master, but it didn't prevent him from squatting at the door of the master's room, waiting for the master to wake up and let the master see what he looked like now.

Perhaps his expectations were too strong. That night, Zhuang Zhou, who had slept for three days and three nights, finally woke up.

The author has something to say: thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 40 bottles of fish ball dumplings; 20 bottles of Xingyou; 10 bottles of ay, whale bones, and eighth unit; 5 bottles of Wei Le and Ah Li; 1 bottle of Cha Cha and Little Angel;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!