Worship Me, I Can Make You Rich

Chapter 7: He wants to work hard secretly, and then surprise everyone


Dragon battleship.

Since Zhuang Zhou boarded the battleship, his face has always been confused and dazed.

How did he get to Interstellar

He just got down, or the locator given by the great priest, which can directly locate the area where he works.

How could it still travel to the interstellar era more than 2,000 years later

It turned out that the sound transmission was not lost, but that it could not be transmitted at all.

He has been absent from work for the past few days, and the high priest has not removed him from his position. I am afraid it is not because the East Road God of Wealth is too short of people, maybe it is because he can't be removed...

So can he go back

Zhuang Zhou drooped his head, holding the little tattered robot in one hand and his idol in the other, sitting in the rest area arranged by Wen Xiaoyun, his small brows wrinkled with worry.

He didn't notice that the people coming and going around him were all pretending to be busy while secretly looking at him.

"I heard the people from Zhang Feng's team come back and say that he had an accident with the spaceship, and it didn't take long for him to land on β-324."

"Then he is very lucky. He met the boss, otherwise the β-324 radiation would be so severe, I'm afraid he wouldn't be able to live for long."

"I also heard that the boss dressed him himself! He was very kind to him!"

"He's so good-looking... The statue he's holding in his hand looks just like him."

"Shh, Adjutant Cheng said that the boss told him that it was the child's father. It is estimated that he passed away because of something. Please keep your voice down. Don't let the children feel sad."

As expected, everyone spoke more quietly, especially when they saw the young man holding the 'father statue' and sitting there alone, his heart ached even more.

How could this kid be so good, as if he didn't want to cause trouble, the admiral told him to sit there, and he just sat there all the time, not going anywhere.

Cheng Jinxue came here twice, and he couldn't bear to see Zhuang Zhou sitting there obediently all the time.

"Zhuang Zhou." Cheng Jinxue called him: "Do you still recognize me? I'm Cheng Jinxue, we came back in a car, but I was wearing protective clothing at that time."

Zhuang Zhou looked at him and nodded: "Well... I recognize it."

Cheng Jinxue said: "I asked someone to clean up a room for you. Do you need to settle down with your robot and... and your father? I can carry it for you."

Zhuang Zhou blushed a little embarrassed: "No need, thank you."

He doesn't even know how to tell them now that this idol is not his father.

The little junk didn't want to leave Zhuang Zhou. Hearing that Cheng Jinxue wanted to hug him, he hugged Zhuang Zhou's arm tightly with his mechanical arm.

"Huh?" Cheng Jinxue noticed the level of intelligence of Xiaotao and was a little surprised: "Can it understand me?"

Zhuang Zhou nodded and said, "Wen Xiaoyun did it, he is very powerful, and the little junk is very intelligent."

The little tattered proudly raised his head and made a 'di di di' sound, looking quite proud.

"The boss did it? Impossible." Cheng Jinxue said without thinking: "The boss's grades in the mecha major are not as good as mine! How can it be possible to do this."

The agility of this little robot is completely unseen in any robot on the market.

It seems to have its own thoughts, its own consciousness.

In fact, many robots and mechas on the market are already very intelligent. They understand everything and can respond to whatever they say.

However, no matter how smart it is, it is also a set program. The system sets it to respond to this issue, and it responds accordingly.

Robots are mass-produced, so if you ask the same question, whether it's someone else's robot or your own, you'll get the same answer.

After all, it feels like something is missing.

The little robot in Zhuang Zhou's arms is different. Although it doesn't seem to have an audio system, it can't speak.

But its eyes and movements are full of humanity, inexplicably with a spirituality, inexplicably makes people feel that it is different from other robots.

Zhuang Zhou felt guilty, hugged the little robot tightly, and emphasized in a low voice, "It's really him who did it, you can ask him."

Cheng Jinxue couldn't believe it, was the boss hiding from himself and secretly studying manufacturing technology under the quilt

Cheng Jinxue muttered to himself: "I didn't expect that the boss's skills are so powerful."

"Hmm." In order to get rid of his suspicion, Zhuang Zhou boasted very hard: "He must want to work hard secretly and then surprise everyone."

Cheng Jinxue: "..."

Cheng Jinxue walked away with a complicated expression, and his face was speechless.

In the medical room, Wen Xiaoyun had just finished his examination.

The battleship doctor looked solemn: "Admiral, can you feel your mental state now?"

Wen Xiaoyun said, "Well, I feel some."

"Then do you also know that your spiritual level has dropped, and now there is only SS level, which has dropped by a full level."

Wen Xiaoyun's voice was calm: "I know."

He was completely exposed to the high-energy radiation of β-324 for so long, and it was impossible for his body not to be affected.

Energy radiation is not the same as other radiation.

Seeing that Wen Xiaoyun was so calm, the doctor didn't know what to say.

As the only person in the interstellar space with SSS mental power, Wen Xiaoyun was also infected by energy radiation, and the mental power level has now dropped!

What a sensation this news will cause!

Dr. Bai shook his head and sighed: "Your physical condition is good, your physique is good, you can recover in the medical warehouse, but your mental power level may not be able to recover, and your spiritual consciousness has been polluted by energy radiation, and I am afraid... It will continue to go down.”

The double S level is naturally also very good, but it is not the only one.

Moreover, after being infected with energy radiation, the level will continue to drop. Once it drops to the S level, it will be extremely unfavorable to Wen Xiaoyun.

Wen Xiaoyun came out of the medical warehouse, put on his clothes, and said lightly, "It's alright, the inspection is done, right?"

"It's all done, this is the inspection report."

Wen Xiaoyun took the report and looked at it, which was similar to what he had guessed before, so he was not surprised.

He put away the report: "The little boy who came back with me, you can also check him later."

Doctor Bai's eyes lit up: "Is that what Adjutant Cheng and the others said, the kid found in β-324?"

Wen Xiaoyun let out an 'um', turned on the re-matched intellectual brain on his wrist, and sent a message to Cheng Jinxue, asking him to bring Zhuang Zhou over.

Before the call could go out, Cheng Jinxue's voice sounded outside.

"Boss, have you finished the examination?"

Wen Xiaoyun put away his brain and went to open the door.

As soon as Cheng Jinxue came in, he hurriedly asked, "How is it? Doctor Bai, is the boss okay?"

Doctor Bai glanced at Wen Xiaoyun.

Wen Xiaoyun said calmly, "It's okay, there's no big problem."

Cheng Jinxue breathed a sigh of relief: "That's good, that's good, you've been in β-324 for so long, we're all afraid of you..."

Wen Xiaoyun interrupted him and asked, "Where's Zhuang Zhou?"

"He is still waiting for you in the rest area. I said to take him to the room, and he said to wait until you come back."

Wen Xiaoyun heard the words, and his heart moved slightly: "I'll bring him here."

Cheng Jinxue followed behind Wen Xiaoyun, hesitating, and finally couldn't help but ask: "Boss, that little robot that Zhuang Zhou is holding... Is it really you who made it?"

"Little junk? Well, it's me."

"Really?! God, boss, when did your technology become so powerful!"

Is it really like what Zhuang Zhou said, want to secretly work hard, and then surprise everyone

Wen Xiaoyun paused and looked at him speechlessly: "You don't know what level I am?"

The two went to the same military academy.

Cheng Jinxue said: "It's amazing that I know it!"

Wen Xiaoyun said: "I just find this strange, do you think the robot will upgrade itself?"

Cheng Jinxue said: "Then I would rather believe that you have this technology."

Wen Xiaoyun: "..."

He was too lazy to deal with Cheng Jinxue and returned to the rest area.

Seeing Wen Xiaoyun coming back, Zhuang Zhou's eyes lit up: "Wen Xiaoyun, you are back."

"Yeah." Wen Xiaoyun lowered his voice a bit: "Sorry, it took a long time to check."

"It's okay, are you okay?" Zhuang Zhou was very concerned.

"No big problem." Wen Xiaoyun said calmly, "What were you doing just now?"

Zhuang Zhou whispered, "I'm thinking about something."

Wen Xiaoyun asked, "What's the matter?"

Zhuang Zhou thought about it, and he knew Wen Xiaoyun the most, so he pursed his lips and said gloomily, "I may not be able to go home."

Wen Xiaoyun was silent for a moment, then he glanced at the statue in Zhuang Zhou's hand.

Maybe it's not that I can't go home, but that I have no home to go back to.

After all, his close relatives are now in his hands.

Wen Xiaoyun didn't want to ask Zhuang Zhou, what about your mother

He was afraid of evoking bad memories for the boy.

He touched Zhuang Zhou's head and said, "Then treat this as your home. Wherever you are, it is your home."

A word to wake up Zhuang Zhou.

Yes, where he is, where he works.

The great priest has said before that when a god has a lot of beliefs, his divine power can reach the sky!

If he had many people's beliefs, he might be able to go home with divine power!

Zhuang Zhou was relieved and smiled at Wen Xiaoyun: "Wen Xiaoyun, thank you! You are right!"

Wen Xiaoyun looked at his smile and raised her thin lips slightly.

that night.

Wen Xiaoyun finally stopped dreaming.

He had dreamed of the boy for four nights in a row, but this time, he finally didn't dream of Zhuang Zhou again.

But Wen Xiaoyun was not happy.

Because he woke up and found that two-thirds of the people on the battleship were dreaming.

And they seem... as if... both dreamed of the same person

Wen Xiaoyun looked at Cheng Jinxue expressionlessly: "Say it again, who did you dream of?"

The author has something to say: PS—

Zhuang Zhou: "Working overtime and staying up late to develop customers is super hard!"

Wen Xiaoyun: Raised a 49-meter long sword.

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: Xingyou 1;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 14 bottles of Qianqian; AY, freedom like the wind ~ 10 bottles; get up in the middle of the night to eat snail powder, and have more than 1 bottle;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!