Wu Dong Qian Kun

Chapter 1306: Pray



Feeling the softness and coldness of his lips, Lin Dong was taken aback for a moment. Then he looked at Ying Huanhuan's beautiful cheeks with a smile but with tears, and his heart trembled for a while.

"What's the meaning?"

Ying Huanhuan fell from Lin Dong's body, her jade hand gently stroked his face, and muttered: "You really survived the Threefold Reincarnation... Sorry, I wasn't even by your side."

She took two steps back gently, and then the crystal clear eyes looked down at the countless people who looked forward to her, and her voice faintly spread: "The current me has not really reached the ancestors. The realm, at best, can only be regarded as the half-ancestral realm, which is still very far away from the real ancestral realm."

In the sea of chaos and demons, it gradually calmed down, and countless people were a little lost when they heard this, half ancestor? What does it mean

"With my current strength, it is still impossible to be the opponent of the other demon emperor. When his true body completely descends into this world in January, I will no longer be able to stop his footsteps."

The faces of countless people gradually paled, and the surviving flames of hope in their eyes were dying out little by little. Did their last hopes shatter at this time

The ice master did not enter the ancestral realm as they expected... but the half-ancestral realm. Although it is a word difference, it is the gap between heaven and earth.

"Really... Is the end here?"

Countless people murmured to themselves, deep fear and despair, climbing out from the depths of their hearts.

The Lord of Life and Death also wiped the blood from the corners of their mouths, looked at the sky, and sighed in their hearts.

"It doesn't matter if we don't reach the ancestral realm. Together, we can unite with other forces, and we may not be unable to fight the other demon emperor!" Lin Dong looked at Ying Huanhuan, who was trembling slightly, and countless people's expectations were as heavy as they could be. The pressure and responsibility to save the world is enough to make anyone breathless.

Ying Huanhuan looked at Lin Dong, but smiled softly, and said, "Actually, I knew this was the result. This kind of forced ascension still has great sequelae. I am afraid I will never be able to advance to the ancestral realm anymore."

"It's not so easy to reach the real ancestral realm, but this is all expected, so I actually succeeded."

Lin Dong's body trembled suddenly, staring at Ying Huanhuan blankly.

"Because I know the result, I vetoed your desire to replace my heart. Sorry, I am not going to veto your efforts... I know what you did..."

Ying Huanhuanyu covered her lips with her hand, her voice became choked, tears streaming from her eyes, and the eyes looking at Lin Dong were full of tenderness.

The ice before, completely disappeared at this time.

In the world, countless people are staring at the girl in the sky with tears in her mouth. At this time, it seems that she is no longer the savior they have gathered all the hopes for, but a weak and pitiful ordinary. girl.

"What do you...what do you want to do?" Lin Dong muttered, looking at the slightly trembling girl.

Ying Huanhuan wiped away the tears on his cheeks, looking at Lin Dong, a very moving smile bloomed on his cheeks: "I want you to be the second Fuzu."

Lin Dong was startled, and countless powerful people below also looked at Ying Huanhuan in astonishment. What did she mean by this

"Give me some time, I'll get there!" Lin Dong stared at Ying Huanhuan closely, with anxiety in his heart.

"But... we don't have time."

Ying Huanhuan raised her pretty face, that emptiness, the seal of the plane was rapidly dimming, and the ice layer that was blocked by her was also melting at an astonishing speed. Obviously, the alien demon king was trying his best to break the seal. .

"I'm sorry... I've been lying to you all the time. I let you enter the ancestral palace and condensed the shrine, and forced you to cross the Three-fold Reincarnation Tribulation... I really hate you..." Ying Huanhuan smiled on her cheek. , Looked extremely sad, her nails were deeply pinched into her palms, and the ice-blue blood continued to drip down like ice beads.

"The power of my master mentioned by the master does not actually mean that I can reach the ancestral realm, but that I have the power to help others reach the ancestral realm. In fact, this world can be saved. Of course, the premise is that I can reach half of the ancestral realm. The realm of ancestors."

Lin Dong gritted his teeth, he stared at Ying Huanhuan closely. I don’t want to be a second Fuzu. I’m a very selfish person, so I don’t want to do anything to save the world. I just want to With the person I care about, even if everything perishes in the end, there will be at least no regrets and no regrets!

Ying Huanhuan looked at Lin Dong, as if she could see through the surge in his heart. She bit her lip and choked, "But... I just want you to be alive."

I just want you to live.

Lin Dongru was struck by lightning. It was a vaguely familiar sentence. In the foreign demon realm that many years ago, in such a desperate situation, the girl also said to him with red eyes. The simple request was for Lin De Lin. There is a sharp pain in the heart of being torn apart.

"What do you want to do?!"

Shaking, Lin Dong repeated that sentence again. He stared at Ying Huanhuan and muttered, "Can't you just listen to me once?!"

"I really don't want this... But is there really any other way? In fact, from the beginning, all this is doomed, and I can't change anything at all..."

Ying Huanhuan's beautiful eyes were red, and splashes of water condensed in her eyes.

"I'm sorry... I just want you to live well."

Ying Huanhuan stepped back slowly. She shook her head gently. As she stepped back, her long, crystal-clear hair began to gradually turn black, and her beautiful icy eyes had recovered for a long time. The previous darkness and agility, at that moment, the charming and lively young girl with black ponytails and clever smiles seemed to have appeared again.

The Lord of Life and Death below saw Ying Huanhuan's change, but their complexion changed drastically.

Lin Dong also noticed that it was wrong, and with a movement, he ran away directly at Ying Huanhuan.


However, as soon as his figure rushed out, the surrounding space was instantly frozen, and the ice formed vines that wrapped around Lin Dong's body, and then the ice and snow condensed under his feet, turning into a huge ice lotus.

That kind of power, even if Lin Dong condenses the divine palace now, it is a bit difficult to resist after the triple reincarnation catastrophe. Although his cultivation speed is enough to rank in the top three in the present and ancient times, his cultivation time is too short after all. This is his biggest weakness. If he can be given some more time, he believes that he will definitely touch the ancestral realm!

However, he has no time!

"Ying Huanhuan! If you dare to mess around, I will never let you go!" Lin Dong roared with red eyes.

Ying Huanhuan smiled softly at Lin Dong, her smile poignantly like snow lotus on the iceberg, and immediately her eyes closed slowly.

When it was very far away.

The old man took out a small baby girl from a ten thousand-year-old iceberg.

The baby girl gradually grew up and became a little girl with a ponytail.

"Binger, you have a very powerful power. Maybe a long time later, the master will be gone, and the world at that time needs you to protect it." The old man smiled and looked at the little girl like a jade carving beside him, with a gentle voice. .

"Why is the master not here?" The little girl has a tender voice, and her big black eyes are full of innocence and perplexity.

The old man smiled and continued: "It's just that kind of power that requires you to release completely willingly, and you will pay a great price. That price may be your life. If at that time, you can find A person who makes you willing to give so, then, please save the creatures in this world."

The little girl blinked her eyes seemingly, and said, "Then what if you don't find it? Why do you have to give your life for others, I don't like it."

"If you don't find it, then it is the doomed catastrophe of this world. The agreement between the master and you is beyond count."

"Oh… "

The little girl took a bite with the ice cube, and the black pony tail flung it, giving her life for others? Although she was still young, the ice cooling deep in her heart made her think that such a thing could not happen.

"Master... In the end, I still found the one who made me willingly give everything... Bing'er was also very happy..."

The distant memory, pouring out of the dust, Ying Huanhuan muttered in her heart, and immediately the smile on her pretty face began to become warm, and her slender jade hands gently joined together, seeming to form an incomparable ancient seal. .

"I pray with my spirit..."

"In my body..."

"With my soul..."

"With my blood..."

The ethereal voice, as if accompanied by the sound of ancient ballads, reverberated leisurely in any corner between the world, the four profound realms, the sea of chaos, and the demon realm. Countless people raised their heads, as if they were feeling something. Looking in that direction, an inexplicable shock came from the depths of my heart.

"Name the spirit of heaven and earth, deification, the way of ancestors!"

When the ancient syllable of the last word fell, Ying Huanhuan's body suddenly trembled violently, and then the world began to tremble, and the sky showed brilliant colors, as if countless auras gushing out from the world, and finally over the sea of chaos, Turned into a magnificent light curtain of millions of feet.

The aura whizzed, and finally poured into the huge ice lotus under Lin Dong's feet, and then the ice lotus began to become gorgeous...

However, Lin Dong didn't have time to pay attention to the changes of Ice Lotus. He looked at Ying Huanhuan in horror, because at this time, the body of the latter had an ice-blue flame rising.

At this moment, he finally understood what Ying Huanhuan wanted to do. She was burning herself and urging her most powerful force to help him become an ancestor. However, this price would obviously be her life!

He finally understood why Ying Huanhuan rejected him so indifferently in the Western Profound Realm... because it was not a formation that impacted the ancestral realm at all, but to give her the power to urge her. plan!

She thought of this step from the beginning!


"Stop it for me!"

"Ying Huanhuan!"

Countless bloodshot eyes entangled Lin Dong's eyeballs one after another. He struggled frantically, roaring angrily, and the roaring sound resounded like a beast in the world.

The host Yan and the others below saw this, their complexion changed drastically, and they wanted to rush forward, but they were caught by the Lord of Life and Death. Her eyes were red and she muttered, "This is her choice, don't interfere with her."

"Why is this?" Lord Yan and the others were pale and murmured.

"Then we...are there any other ways? The ancestral realm is not so easy to reach. Even the younger junior sisters can only use this method to get Lin Dongjin into the ancestral realm. Only in this way can we avoid this time. The catastrophe." The Lord of Life and Death wiped away his tears and said.

Lord Yan and the others were silent. They looked at the sky. At this moment, even with the xinxing they experienced, they couldn't help but flushed their eyes.

The icy blue flame was rising, Ying Huanhuan looked at the crazy Lin Dong, tears condensed, and then rolled down.

"I'm sorry... I don't want to protect the world, nor do I want to be a savior, but I want you to live..."

"Lin Dong, thank you for making me like you before I awakened... and thank you for giving me so much beauty. You let me know that no matter how cold your heart is, there will be a blooming time..."

"You once asked me if I was the ice master or Ying Huanhuan..."

"Now I can tell you... fool, there is no ice master, I have always... Ying Huanhuan."

The icy blue flame curled up, finally enveloping Ying Huanhuan's entire body, and her choking sound also spread at this time.

"Ah! Ah!"

Lin Dong screamed sternly, and the sound of howling spread far away. The heart-piercing pain and helplessness contained in it made countless people's eyes instantly red.

call out.

The huge and gorgeous ice lotus burst out with a million-square-meter glow at this time, and then the ice lotus petals began to slowly close, and Lin Dong's vision began to blur with the closing of the ice lotus, and his consciousness began to darken.

In the time when the line of sight was about to be completely blurred, there seemed to be a figure emerging.

She carried her hands on her back, her black and slender ponytail, beating with a lively arc, and on that pretty face was covered with a sly and savage smile, as she had met for the first time in that Daozong many years ago.