Wu Dong Qian Kun

Chapter 1311: I want to get you back


The second world war finally ended with the fall of the other demon emperor.

This kind of result caused the world to fall into joy completely, and the hope after despair had an uncontrollable excitement and ecstasy.

Originally thought that this world would be reduced to the control of a strange monster, but who could have expected that final turnaround would not only reverse the situation, but also completely eradicate the crisis from the strange monster.

This piece of world, which has been ravaged by foreign demons for a long time, is finally at peace.

And in January after the end of the World War, the three major alliances began to dissolve one after another, and everything was back on track. Perhaps the competition in this world will still be cruel, but in this kind of competition, it will be. There are constantly strong people being tempered, and perhaps a long, long time later, there will be geniuses and evildoers turned out to be born again, and they will be promoted to the legendary ancestral realm.

The world will continue to improve after all.

However, everyone knows that even if someone is promoted to the ancestral realm again, it may be difficult to surpass the figure that once saved them from the most desperate moment.

Wu Zu, Lin Dong.

The most powerful person in the ancestral realm may be able to appear many times, but his other identity is unique, no one can surpass it, that is, the Lord of the plane.

The real master of this plane!

The ancestors of the talisman and the alien demon emperor back then, they came to this world for the purpose of controlling the fetus of the plane, becoming the master of the plane, and gaining more powerful power.

However, they all failed in the end, while Lin Dong succeeded.

Inside Taozong, on a lofty mountain top, Lin Dong stood on the edge of the cliff, looking down at the scenery of Taozong under the clouds and mist. Behind him, Qingqingzhu, Qingtan, Xiaomeno, Xiaoyan, The Lord of Life and Death and others are all looking at his back. Although the back is thin, it has a kind of majesty that can't be said.

That kind of majesty comes from the Lord of the planes.

"I'm going to do it. Although she burned the cycle, after all, the time is still short. There should be fragments of the cycle scattered in the world. If I can find the fragments of the cycle, I will be able to send it into the cycle and keep her memory intact. Lost." Lin Dong stared at Dao Zong, and after a long while, suddenly said slowly.

"How sure are you?" Yan Zhu and the others heard the words, and there was a smile of joy in their eyes, and then asked a little worriedly, although Lin Dong is now prosperous, burning reincarnation is almost equivalent to complete destruction for them. At this level, if you want to save yourself, how easy is it to say

"It should be 50%."

Lin Dong murmured, but there was a trace of panic passing by in his heart for some reason, and his palm could not help but clenched tightly, although now he possesses the most powerful power in the world, if even his beloved Is it impossible to find back, what kind of power can it have

The purpose of his cultivation is to protect the person he wants to protect, but now, he finds that he can't protect at all...

A soft and delicate jade hand gently held his big hand, and the smoothness and warmth from it made Lin Dong's mood slightly calm, and immediately he turned his head to look at the white dress beside him like a fairy. Ling Qingzhu, with her beautiful eyes, looked at him quietly, but the softness could not be concealed.

"Thank you."

Lin Dong looked at Qing Qingzhu, who looked at him lightly, but didn't say much, feeling moved and warmth flowing in his heart, he held her jade hand tightly with his backhand, and said.

She is always like this, silently hiding all her emotions deep in her heart. For him, she can give up her inherent arrogance and become soft to comfort him. When his heart is most vulnerable, she always She would stand beside him quietly, even if she didn't say a word, it made Lin Dong feel warmer, but her strength sometimes made people slightly distressed.

"Before I just stood looking at you from a distance, so now, I have to double the compensation back." Qingqingzhu smiled and whispered.

Lin Dong also smiled when he heard that, similar to Qing Qingzhu's cold temperament, only when she truly walks deep in her heart can she break the ice that refuses to be a thousand miles, and enjoy the kind of all living beings that bloom only for one person. He was hot and soft. Obviously, Lin Dong couldn't reach this level at the beginning, so Qing Qingzhu at that time had no responsibility to take care of him, and there was no way to talk about compensation.

"If you make up for it, you already did it when you taught me the Too Sensing Technique..."

Ling Qingzhu was taken aback, and her beautiful cheeks instantly turned red. She bit her red lips and stared at Lin Dong. There was an unconcealable sense of shyness in her eyes: "You...you know?"

"I knew it from the beginning..." Lin Dong looked at Ling Qingzhu with deep pity in his eyes.

Lingqing Zhu Yinya bit her red lips, raised her jade hand in shame and gave Lin Dong a light punch. She originally thought that she had done something very obscure, but she didn't expect this guy to be there all the time. Pack.

"You go ahead."

Lin Dong smiled and nodded, and then stopped talking, sitting cross-legged on the top of the mountain, his eyes slowly closed.

Aya Qingzhu and others on the side could feel that as Lin Dong closed his eyes, it seemed that there was a very strange wave spreading, and the wave speed was extremely fast, and it was enveloped in the blink of an eye. After reaching the heaven and the earth, he began to explore every inch, searching for the reincarnation fragments that might be scattered between the heaven and the earth.

Lin Dong's thoughts were scattered between the heavens and the earth. He urged the power of the plane to search for the familiarity deep in his heart...

And this exploration took a whole month.

However, with the passage of time, Lin Dong's face gradually paled, because he found that even if he urged the power of the plane to search every inch of the world, he failed to find a little familiarity. Fragments of reincarnation.

This kind of fruitlessness caused a trace of panic in his ancient well-like state of mind.

This kind of result made him really unacceptable, so he gritted his teeth abruptly, and once again activated the power of the plane. This time, he emphatically searched for any place that she had been to, Dao Sect, Foreign Demon Realm. , And the place where the ancient fairy tree was robbed...

According to common sense, the reincarnation fragments will stay in the most persistent places in life. If Ying Huanhuan's reincarnation fragments still exist, they will definitely be in these places!


Lin Dong stepped up his search, but the final result was still so cruel that he couldn't believe it.

Two months later, Lin Dong on the top of the mountain opened his eyes, his eyes became hollow, and bloodshots even climbed out of them. His body was trembling slightly, and he muttered: "Why... Yes. I can't find it... How come..."

It should be possible to do this originally! It didn't take long for her to burn samsara, and it is impossible for her to dissipate the fragments of samsara!

"how so… "

He clutched his head in pain, as if suddenly a large empty space in his heart, the unspeakable uncomfortable feeling made his eyes blood red.

"Lin Dong, what's the matter with you?"

An anxious voice came from the side. Qing Qingzhu hurriedly appeared beside Lin Dong. She looked at the latter's disheveled appearance, her pretty nose also filled with sourness, and quickly knelt down beside him.

Lin Dong raised his head blankly. He looked at Qing Qingzhu, his eyes suddenly red like a helpless child: "I... I can't find her... I can't find her..."

Looking at his rare fragility, Qing Qingzhu felt a pain in his heart, with red eyes. Today's people are immersed in the joy of the rest of their lives, but who knows that this man who saved the world What kind of sorrow is in my heart.

"Don't be in a hurry, let's look for it slowly. If we don't do it once, we will find it twice." She stretched out her slender jade arms and gently hugged Lin Dong in her arms, her voice soft as if caring for fragile porcelain.

Lin Dong also hugged Ling Qingzhu's slender waist tightly. After a long time, he gritted his teeth and his eyes were a little crazy: "I will definitely get her back!"

He closed his eyes again and sank his consciousness into the heavens and the earth, but between his brows, there was a deep look of fear. He was afraid, if he really couldn't find it, how painful he would be.

Aya Qingzhu looked at the firm and slightly tired face with red eyes. She knew the latter’s persistent temperament. When he chased her out of the Great Yan Dynasty, his eyes were like this, maybe , What moved her is also his touching obsession...

On a mountain not far away, the Lord of Life and Death looked at the two people embracing on the top of the mountain and sighed slightly, a complex color flashed across his eyes.

When Lin Dong opened his eyes again, another two months passed. This time, his eyes were a little gloomy, his body was trembling slightly, and he no longer had the majesty of being the lord of the plane.

A person who can't find even his beloved|female|person, possesses no matter how powerful it is, what is the effect

Aya Qingzhu looked at Lin Dong whose eyes were getting more and more hollow, and her heart hurts more and more, but now all she can do is to stay with him quietly. She knows that he must be extremely in her heart now. pain of.

Hope was already extremely slim, but Lin Dong still refused and dared not give up.

time flies.

On the top of the mountain, Lin Dong opened his eyes time and time again, but the look in those eyes became weaker and darker, and the gloom filled his eyes. The original lush forest on the mountain seemed to be accompanied by the change of his mood gradually. The land withered.

Hope is fading.

In the past six months, Xiao Miao, Qing Tan, and the Lord of Life and Death have all been here, but they couldn't say a word when they looked at Lin Dong's appearance, and they could only leave in silence in the end.

Just beside him, there is always a beautiful figure waiting and taking care of him quietly.

When Lin Dong opened his eyes for the last time, the expression in those eyes almost disappeared, and snowflakes fell from the sky, making the world appear silvery and desolate.

Ling Qingzhu looked at Lin Dong's godless eyes, her nose turned red, and she couldn't help turning her face to her side. Large drops of tears fell steadily, and finally splashed on Lin Dong's face.

He turned his head slightly, looked at the beautiful cheek with red eyes, and muttered, "I'm sorry..."

"I know."

Aya Qingzhu whispered softly, she knew that if he were to change to her, he would do the same.

"It's just that maybe she doesn't really want to see you torturing herself like this."

Lin Dong's palms were trembling, and he hung his head, hoarsely saying: "...In order to gain this power, I lost her, but I can't use this power to restore her..."



He slammed his head up and roared, and in that roar, there was heart-piercing pain. From the sky, the majestic rain poured down and hit his face. It was no longer clear whether it was rain or tears.

"Ah! Ah!"

His fists hammered on the ground frantically, and the roaring sound, like weeping blood, contained endless sadness and pain, spreading far away between the world.

He gave hope to this world, but he brought despair to himself.

In Dao Sect, countless disciples looked at the highest mountain and felt the pain in the roaring sound. Their eyes were also flushed, and their eyes were moistened by an acid.

In front of the main hall, Ying Xiaoxiao looked at the looming figure on the top of the mountain. The despair in that voice made her understand that the cute girl who once smirked Yanxi was completely unable to return.

She pressed her mouth tightly and made a low choking sound. Ying Xuanzi also turned her head away with red eyes. All of a sudden, she seemed to be much older, and Zhou Tong, Wudao and others were also silent.

The whole Taoist school was filled with a sad atmosphere.


Xiao Miao, Qing Tan and the others watched this scene, and they also murmured, Lord Yan and the others sat on the ground somewhat dejectedly. They lost their master and Master of Devouring back then. Now... even she is going to lose too.

The Lord of Life and Death looked at the depressed people, sighed softly, and then quietly retreated.

On the top of the mountain, Ling Qingzhu looked at the crazy Lin Dong, and couldn't help but hug him with red eyes.


Lin Dong hugged Ling Qingzhu tightly, crying like a child: "I can't find her, I can't find her, I can't find her!"

"You have done your best, we all know."

"I promised her to get her back!"

Tears kept streaming down his face, and his voice was hoarse.

Ling Qingzhu hugged him with red eyes, and she could feel the extreme pain in his heart.

He saved the world, but he couldn't save his beloved.

A petite figure came from a distance, and then sat down by the cliff. The Lord of Life and Death looked at Lin Dong. This was also the first time she saw this strong man with such sadness.

"Why should you be so greedy... You already have someone worthy of your love. Wouldn't it be better to forget her?" The Lord of Life and Death sighed softly.

Lin Dong slowly shook his head and said hoarsely, "I will get her back!"

Even in despair, I still won't give up.

The Lord of Life and Death looked at his tired but unusually persistent face, and finally gave a wry smile, and said, "I really can't do anything with you... It seems that I can't help her with the last request of Junior Sister."

Lin Dong's body shook suddenly, and suddenly raised his head, staring at the Lord of Life and Death.

"You can't find the reincarnation fragments of Junior Sister, can you?"

The Lord of Life and Death raised his head, looked at a distant place, and was silent for a long time before he said: "According to the normal situation, if the time is not long, even if the reincarnation is burned, with your current strength, you can indeed find the reincarnation fragments, but this But there is a limit, that is, this rule is only useful for people born in this face..."

Lin Dong looked at the Lord of Life and Death blankly, and suddenly his mouth became dry because of the tremor in his heart: "You mean?"

"Well, Junior Sister is not our face... So, you can't find her reincarnation fragments."

The Lord of Life and Death gave a wry smile and raised his head. In his mind, there was a picture passing by. It was the night before Ying Huanhuan gathered his strength to attack the ancestral realm...

On the island, the girl with a sad smile.

"Master sister, I want to ask you to do me a favor." As the sea breeze was blowing, the girl's long and crystal hair fluttered, she whispered.


"If... something happens to me, please help me keep a thing, and I hope you never give it to Lin Dong." The girl looked at Dongfang and said in a low voice.


The girl was silent. After a long time, her weak shoulders seemed to tremble slightly. She gently curled up her slender legs, buried her cheeks between her knees, and said in a choked voice, "Because I don't want him to change because of me. He is bruised and bruised, and there is someone he loves in this world. As long as he can forget me, he can be happy. That road may be even more difficult. I just want to see him smiling, not wanting to see him hurt on that road. In that case, I will feel very distressed."

The Lord of Life and Death stared at the figure that was trembling constantly in the night, and his eyes couldn't help but moisten.

The Lord of Life and Death looked at the dumb Lin Dong, and smiled bitterly: "She knows you, but she can't clear herself in the game, but she doesn't know how difficult it is to forget, especially for you. Temperamental person."

As she said, she stretched out her small hand, and saw that there was a longan-sized snow-white ice bead in her hand. In that bead, there was an astonishing chill permeating out, and in that chill, there was something that made Lin Dong. The familiar taste trembling.

"This is what she left after burning the reincarnation. Following it, you will be able to find the little sister. However, this requires you to go to the mysterious world. That journey may be very difficult. Are you sure you want to?" The lord stared at Lin Dong, said.

Lin Dong looked at the snow-white ice bead exuding the chill, and then slowly took it with his trembling palm. The cold air surged above the ice bead, as if he could vaguely see a familiar and pretty face of Qiao Xiao Yanxi.

He took a deep breath, and the dark eyes burst out with an astonishing look at this moment, the familiar perseverance and smile, once again awakened from that face.

"Don't worry, no matter what, I will find her back!"

Go up to the poor and go down to Huangquan, no matter how far away you are, I will catch you back and stay by my side!

"I go with you."

Ling Qingzhu gently held Lin Dong's big hand and smiled sweetly, like warm sunlight, shining into Lin Dong's heart: "Without my company, I don't know what you fool would do."

Lin Dong held Lingqing Zhuyu's hand tightly backhand, and laughed: "Of course you have to accompany me. Even if you disagree, I have to tie you to me."

That feeling of loss, he didn't want to endure it a second time.

"It just so happened that I was very curious about the world Fuzu and the others came from, so I just took advantage of this to take a look. No one can stop me from Lin Dong's path!"

Aya Qingzhu looked at Lin Dong who was suddenly exhausted and his brows looked heroic, and smiled slightly. The familiar Lin Dong was back again.

"but… "

Lin Dong suddenly seemed to think of something, frowned, and said: "If we want to go to that new world, we don't have plane coordinates. Unless we find someone who belongs to that world, we can use this as a guide to cross the plane and arrive. There."

"A person from that world?" Qing Qingzhu thought for a while, and said, "Altered Demon King?"

"No, he has been purified by me, and now I am afraid that he does not have this function." Lin Shaking shook his head, then gritted his teeth, and said: "It's okay, I use the eye of the plane to detect it, since Huanhuan can flow in this world. In the middle of nowhere, there will be a second person who will also fall in."

As soon as his voice fell, Lin Dong was already using the power of the plane, and he saw the chaotic light emerging from his brows, which turned into a chaotic eye. The eye seemed to be all-encompassing. The light glanced quickly from this world to the earth. Every corner passed.

However, it is not easy to find a person from the outside world in this world, so as time goes by, Lin Dong's brows are also frowned.

And when Lin Dong was exploring the heaven and earth, several figures flew from behind. Mink, Qingtan, Yanzhu and others flashed out, and their sudden change of Lin Dong was also a little surprised.

"Brother Lin Dong, are you okay?"

Qingtan was a little delighted and authentic. Seeing Lin Dong's appearance before, she was too uncomfortable and heartbroken.

"Well, it's okay."

Lin Dong turned his head, smiled at Qingtan, then patted her little head indulgingly. As soon as he turned his gaze, the face of the face continued to probe.

However, just as Lin Dong's eyes turned, his body stiffened for a moment, and his complexion suddenly became strange. Then, he turned his head little by little, the chaotic light of the eyes of the plane, Wrap the green sandalwood.

And under the illumination of the eye of the plane, on Qing Tan Jiao's body, there seemed to be some mysterious cold waves appearing, and that kind of fluctuation seemed to be completely different from any energy in this world.

"Brother Lin Dong, what's the matter?" Qingtan stared at Lin Dong's suddenly sluggish face, but also for a moment, lowered her head to look at herself, and asked blankly.

Lin Dong just stared at her in a daze. Ling Qingzhu on the side seemed to have noticed something. He looked at Qingtan in disbelief and said, "Could it be Qingtan for her?"

Lin Dong swallowed fiercely and nodded slowly.

Qingtan is also a person from that world... Things in this world are so strange that they are unimaginable...

Half a year later, Qingyang Town Houshan.

Lin Dong stood in the air. On the edge of the cliff, Lin Xiao, Liu Yan, Xiao Mino and others were all present. They looked at the sky, and saw that the space there was slowly tearing apart, that kind of crack. It was exactly the same as the huge plane crack that appeared outside of nothingness.

"Qingzhu, Qingtan."

Lin Dong waved at the cliff, and two beautiful shadows flew out, one on the left and the other standing on both sides of it.

"Big Brother, after we have gone through the Threefold Tribulation, we have to take us to see!" Xiao Yan waved his hand and said loudly.

"Haha, okay, wait for me to go and stand before hitting!" Lin Dong responded with a smile, and then with a wave of his sleeves, eight rays of light flew out of his body and turned into eight ancestor charms. The appearance of a little girl is exactly Mu Lingshan.

"Lingshan, this is a new life and death ancestor talisman, you put her in your body to warm it up, a hundred years later, you will be able to give birth to a life and death ancestor talisman again, at that time, you will be able to break free from restrictions and truly transform yourself." Lin With a flick of his fingers, a black and white light rushed into Mu Lingshan's body.

"Big Brother Lin Dong, you have to come back often!" Mu Lingshan waved her little hand, charmingly and honestly.

Lin Dong smiled and nodded. He is already the master of the face, and it is very simple to come back.

"Father, mother, I'm leaving first." Lin Dong said, looking at Lin Xiao and Liu Yan.

"Boy, if you can't bring us the two daughter-in-laws, don't come back!" Lin Xiao waved his hand, and laughed and cursed, Liu Yan on the side stared at him angrily.

Lin Dong also smiled when he heard this, looking at the plane crack that was slowly torn apart, his palms clenched tightly.

This time, I will definitely find you!

With a thought in his mind, Lin Dong pulled Lingqingzhu and Qingtan, already rushing out, the power of the plane wrapped the three of them, and finally rushed into the crack of the plane under the gaze of that kind of person .

Everyone looked at the slowly healed crack in the plane, and sighed for a long time. In their melancholy, some curiosity about the new world was born. What exactly is there

Chaos Demon Sea, Temple of Flame.

In that attic, Tang Xinlian looked at the direction of the distant Eastern Profound Region, with a complex expression in her beautiful eyes.

"That guy Lin Dong should have already left this face, really envy, I really want to go there and have a look..." Suddenly there was a laughter behind him, and Tang Xinlian turned her head and glanced at Moro. Did not answer.

"Oh, pity my proud disciple, unrequited love is too bitter." Moro sighed.

"Master, what nonsense are you talking about!" Tang Xinlian blushed, annoyed into anger.

Moruo smiled, and immediately said helplessly: "Why don't you like people?"

"If you like him, you don't have to be with him."

Tang Xinlian smiled brightly, stretched lazily, her dress outlined a moving curve, she smiled and said: "And there are so many men in this world, it's a big deal that I like one more."

"There are indeed many men, but it's really hard to be better than that kid." Moro thought for a while and said seriously: "And, do you really like other men?"

"That's not necessarily." Tang Xinlian smiled sweetly: "The men who like me have all gone from the sea of chaos to the demon domain. I am a very carefree person, so I won't kill anyone."

Moro smiled and said, "Then let's make a bet. If you don't like other people before he comes back next time, then you can tell him, how about?"

Tang Xinlian blushed, gave him a fierce look, then bit her red lips, her eyes were as beautiful as water, and she smiled charmingly.


Shuttle planes.

A beam of brilliance passed by, in the rainbow light, three figures loomed, Lin Dong grasped the Qingtan with one hand, and meticulously sensed the fluctuations in the Qingtan body from the mysterious world, and then adjusted the direction.

They have been in the plane for nearly a month.

"Brother Lin Dong, aren't we there yet?" Qingtan asked boredly, looking at the torrent of planes around him.


Lin Dong smiled, his expression suddenly changed, the speed of the shuttle began to slow down, his gaze was looking at the extremely remote place, and the eyes of the plane surfaced from the center of his eyebrows.

I saw through the mist of the plane, and suddenly I saw three figures in that distant place. They were also a man and two women. They seemed to be lovers. The man in the middle, dressed in a black robe, carried a handle behind him. On the huge black ruler, Lin Dong noticed an extremely hot wave in his body.

And when Lin Dong saw the black-robed man through the mist of the plane, the latter seemed to have noticed. He raised his head, his black eyes looked in the direction where he was, and a kind smile appeared on his face. Gently arched his hands.

When Lin Dong saw this, he also folded his hands and smiled, but he did not leave any more. With a wave of his sleeves, he took Aya and Qingzhu and shuttled away. The mysterious world was already close at hand.

When Lin Dong's trio were away, two women beside the black-robed man saw his behavior in that distant place. The elegant and beautiful girl smiled and said, "Brother Xiao Yan, what's the matter?"

"It's nothing, I met a very powerful person. I don't know why, I fell in love with him. I hope to see you again in the future. Let's go too."

The black-robed man smiled, and immediately stopped saying more. With a wave of his sleeves, the three of them also disappeared as a stream of light, and the direction they went was also where the new world was.

There will be the most exciting place.

(End of book)

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