Wu Dong Qian Kun

Chapter 2: Tong back fist


In the early morning, heavy fog shrouded this secluded mountain, and it was so white that people's vision became blurred.


In a dense forest behind the top of the mountain, suddenly there was an extremely intense gasp, and the line of sight was drawn closer, only to see a short figure in a clearing in the forest, with his hands hanging on one. On the sturdy tree trunk, the small body constantly undulates up and down with the help of the pulling force of the arm, and between the ups and downs, his body presents a somewhat weird posture. This posture makes the muscles all over the body even more so. They all started to exercise together.

In addition, on his arms and ankles, there were several heavy black iron blocks hanging, and sweat dripped from his clothes, making the iron blocks wet.

This small figure is naturally Lin Dong. His childhood did not live much wealth and nobleness, and his strict father also taught him the most important things in cultivation, perseverance and diligence, these things. , Is the only condition for him to compete with those of his generation who have good capital.

Sweat dripped into his eyes, and the astringent sensation made De Lin Dong gritted his teeth. He could feel the tingling and exhaustion of his muscles after a high degree of fatigue. Many people at this time are all He would choose to rest, but his father told him that only at this time can he break the limit, so... You must persist!

Never relax!

In order to compare the race after half a year, he must practice desperately!

The feeling of being close to the limit made people dizzy, but with Lin Dong's gritted teeth, suddenly, there was a trace of strange heat emerging from his body. As soon as these heat appeared, Lin Dong's spirit suddenly lifted.

It is the medicinal power of red ginseng!

A few days ago, the red ginseng that was originally used to treat Lin Xiao's injuries was eventually sent into Lin Dong's body under his insistence.

I have to say that this kind of elixir has too much effect for Lin Dong, who is in the tempering stage, and only a few days of cultivation, but Lin Dong can clearly feel that his body is more effective than just a few days. Before, he was at least twice as strong, and he could clearly feel that physique becoming stronger.

Of course, the medicinal power of red ginseng is very good for Lin Dong, but that kind of medicinal power is not endless after all. No matter how you put it, this red ginseng is just a panacea. Therefore, the medicinal power of red ginseng has been exerted for five days. After time, it gradually disperses.

However, this dispersal does not completely disappear. Lin Dong's body has only been initially strengthened. Naturally, it is impossible to completely absorb the medicine power without waste. Therefore, some medicine power will settle deep in his body, but this This kind of precipitation, when Lin Dong's body reached extreme hunger and thirst, it was finally squeezed out, and finally was swallowed by the almost hungry ghost-like muscles and bones in Lin Dong's body...

A trace of medicinal power slowly penetrated into the muscles. Lin Dong seemed to be able to hear the cheers of countless cells in the muscles at this moment. The sourness and fatigue quietly dissipated. Instead, it was more and more abundant. Energy.

"Hey… "

Lin Dong grabbed the tree trunk, slammed his body fiercely, volleyed, and fell steadily on the ground. With a straight waist, the bones all over his body suddenly clicked, and then Lin Dong was delighted to find out , His body seems to be slightly stronger.

"The third level of body quenching!"

Lin Dong clenched his hands tightly, feeling the strength between the muscles stretched, and his small face was full of surprises. Since practicing, due to family circumstances, he rarely had the opportunity to take any elixir. He didn't expect this time. Taking it, the effect turned out to be so good.

"Well, not bad..."

When Lin Dong was happy for his improvement, a voice came from the side. He quickly turned his head and just saw Lin Xiao, who was dressed in ordinary clothes, standing under a big tree. On the smiling face, a smile also appeared at this moment.


Looking at Lin Xiao standing next to the tree, Lin Dong also cried out in surprise.

Lin Xiao nodded, approached Lin Dong, glanced up and down on his body, a hard smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and said, "The third step of body quenching, not bad."

"It's all because of the red ginseng." Lin Dong shook his head and said with a smile.

"Red ginseng is only a first-grade elixir. Even if other people take it, it will take about one or two months to reach the third level from the second level. This is what you have cultivated day and night during this period of time. Achievement." Lin Xiao looked at Lin Dong in front of him, and sighed in his heart. During this period of time, Lin Dong was practicing desperately. He naturally saw the level of exercise in his eyes. The level of exercise made his mother jealous several times. Although he didn't say anything, as a father, he felt a little distressed in his heart.

He understood that Lin Dong's desperate cultivation only wanted to achieve a good result in the race comparison in half a year, and in that case, as a father, he would also be able to raise some faces in Lin's family.

Lin Dong chuckled. The hard work of this period of time has finally yielded a lot of gains. Compared with the top students of the Lin family, he is at least getting closer.

"Let's lose the iron block, now you have reached the third level of body tempering, but you are barely able to practice martial arts, so I will hand you a set of boxing techniques." Lin Xiao said.

Hearing this, Lin Dong’s black eyes lit up. Although he has reached the third level of body tempering, he does not understand the slightest moves. He can only use brute force to fight with others. He has long been for those who can make himself The martial arts that have soared in combat effectiveness are extremely longing, but because of his physical fitness, Lin Xiao has never taught him, and now he finally has a chance, how could he not be pleased.

"The world of martial arts is divided into nine grades and three multiplications. One, two and three grades are inferior products, followed by middle products, and seven or nine grades are superior products. What I want to teach you is a kind of inferior and first grade punching technique. Fist." Lin Xiao said.

Lin Dong nodded his head again and again, but he was not disappointed because it was only a low-level fist of the lower grade. He understood the principle of eating a bite, and for many people, the lower grade of martial arts was already good. It is said that the Lin family Among them, the highest-rank martial skill is only a middle-class martial skill of the fourth rank. This was obtained by a fluke from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion when the grandfather was still a member of the Lin family.

"The so-called martial skill classification, but the most important thing is itself. In the hands of a real powerhouse, even an ordinary first-grade martial skill can have amazing lethality. The stronger the cultivator himself, the stronger the martial skill power he uses. "Lin Xiao stretched out his palm and bends towards Lin Dong: "Use your greatest strength and the fastest speed to attack me."

Lin Dong blinked, discarded all the iron pieces on his wrist, and struck Lin Xiao directly with a fist.

Facing Lin Dong's full blow, Lin Xiao slid in his hand, and quickly slid his palm over the sleeves of Lin Dong's sleeves. A crisp sound followed, and then Lin Dong jumped up with grinning teeth. , Hurriedly rolled up his sleeves, only one arm was red.

"Tongbei fist, sticky clothes are vigorous, if I applied a little bit of strength or used the slightest strength before, your arm and bones would have to be smashed." Lin Xiao said leisurely: "To practice Tongbei fist, you need to use Yi Qigong, this style of boxing pays attention to the palm sticking to the clothes and making a sound. When practicing, sticking to your clothes makes a sound. Tongbei has nine styles, also known as nine ringing strength. Because each style is opened, there will be a crisp sound, one heavy wins one heavy , After the Nine Rings, the power is comparable to the second-rank martial arts."

"You are optimistic, remember these nine types!"

With a low drink, Lin Xiao suddenly spread out his hands and feet, and moved his steps. He saw his figure resembling a tiger, waving his arms like a monkey with a cross-back stretched posture, and a series of crisp sticky clothes popping sound constantly sounded.

Lin Dong stared at Lin Xiao who was dancing with fist shadows, his mind became extremely condensed unconsciously, and everything around him was automatically ignored. In his eyes, there was only that set of boxing routines!

Because it was for teaching, Lin Xiao also deliberately slowed down. After doing this exercise for several times, he finally finished work, looked at Lin Dong, and said, "Remember?"

Lin Dong pondered for a moment, and then nodded a little uncertainly.

"Oh? Call to see?"

Upon seeing this, Lin Xiao's face was surprised. Although his speed has slowed down a lot, the nine forms of Tongbei Boxing are not extremely simple. It is only the first time that Lin Dong has contacted martial arts, and he will be so fast. Remember it

He seemed to know Lin Xiao's surprise, Lin Dong took two steps, stretched his fists, and a set of boxing techniques was slowly beaten out by him with a bit of jerky.

Lin Xiao on the side stared at Lin Dong. When he saw that he was hitting all nine forms of Tongbei Fist, a touch of joy appeared on his face again, even though Lin Dong's Tongbei Fist was very jerky, and even said that it was illusory. But he was able to learn this form when he first came into contact with this boxing technique. It already shows that he has a good understanding. This discovery made Lin Dong a little happy. It seems that this son has inherited the kind he had back then. Talent.

"Father, why didn't the Tongbei fist that I showed even a little sound?" Lin Dong said helplessly after a set of fists was finished jerky and slowly.

"You kid, if you can practice making noise so easily, then this Tongbei fist is a bit too bad." Lin Xiao scolded and said, "Remember, when you practice, you should be sensitive to your strength, as long as you can do it. Until you let the sleeves follow your strength, instead of your strength, then this pass back fist is considered to be a successful practice. Come, you can use it a few more times."

Lin Dong muttered back and forth several times in his mouth, and then opened it as he said, while Lin Xiao stood aside, pointing out some of his omissions from time to time.

On the clearing ground, a boy's fist shadow was constantly dancing, sweating, but he still couldn't make a clone of him, with a small face, which looked extra serious.

In the afternoon, he passed quickly under Lin Dong's continuous practice for a while, and such hard work was not without results. For the nine forms of Tongbei Quan, he became more and more proficient, although still There was no sound, but the posture was not weak at all.

"Cultivate here today, and wait until tomorrow." After a glance at the sky, Lin Xiao glanced at the sweaty Lin Dong, and suddenly said that the latter's seriousness and persistence in cultivation, even him They were all slightly moved, and then he sighed secretly. It seems that his decadence over the years has made this child a lot more precocious.

"Well, Dad, let's go back and rest first. I'll be back later." Lin Dong responded, but his fists still didn't stop, and he focused on the subtlety of the force in the muscles, as Lin Xiao said. The delivery and change.

Seeing this, Lin Xiao had no choice but to shook his head. Lin Dong's progress was already obvious, but it was not easy to make Tongbei fists make a sound. He also practiced for a full week before finally succeeding.

With an exhortation in his mouth, Lin Xiao turned and took his hand away. When he turned around, a smile appeared on his face. The savvy demonstrated by Lin Dong today made him extremely satisfied.

"This kid has very good savvy and excellent perseverance. It shouldn't be difficult for me to surpass the heyday..."


This thought in Lin Xiao's mind just flashed, but a loud and crisp pop came from behind. His complexion became stiff, and his steps staggered directly, but at this moment, there was a bright shining in his eyes. Bright light.

"In this way, it is not difficult, but rather simple..."