Wu Dong Qian Kun

Chapter 67: Clouds


The first time that Yangyuan Stone was sold smoothly, it was undoubtedly that the Lin family tasted the sweetness of it. The huge profit was enough to make people's eyes hot. After all, even if their large quantities of iron wood were sold, they were converted. It was only more than 20 Yangyuan Stones, but the harvest over the past few months was nothing more than a day's profit from mining veins.

The two are simply incomparable.

And because of this, after successfully selling the first batch of Yangyuan Stones, Lin Zhentian has almost transferred seven or eight of the Lin family’s manpower to Tiemu Village. It looks like he wants to use Tiemu Village. General operation from the base camp.

And the weird behavior of the Lin family naturally attracted a lot of strange eyes. Although Tiemu Village is rich in ironwood, after these days, most of them know the hands and feet that the Lei family did during the handover. Therefore, that Zhuangzi, in the eyes of some people, the value has also been reduced a lot, but now, not only has the Lin family not ignored Tiemu Zhuang because of this, but they are so serious about it. This is really a taste of turning the cart before the horse.

However, the Lin family remained silent about these speculations from the outside world, without any explanation or announcement to the outside world, and due to the extremely strict confidentiality work, outsiders could not know what the Lin family thought...

Of course, among this, there are naturally some exceptions...

Qingyang Town, Lei's house.

In a hall deep in the Lei family, a dozen core members of the Lei family are sitting in it. The first one is Lei Bao, the owner of the Lei family, but at this moment, his expression is as gloomy as a storm is coming. The prelude is general, and the people below are also cautious, not dare to anger them.

"Father, the information I have received is absolutely accurate. The Lin family's visit to Yancheng this time was to sell iron wood, but the real purpose was to sell hundreds of Yang Yuan stones. Development, but this kind of handwork, even my Lei family can't do it easily, what is the reason for the Lin family with a meagre foundation?" In the position of Lei Bao's left hand, Lei Pi said with a gloomy expression.

"What do you want to say?" Lei Bao's eyes twitched slightly when he heard hundreds of Yang Yuan stones.

"During this period of time, the actions of the Lin family must be clear to everyone. What the value of Ironwood Village is now, we also understand in our hearts. If it is only for the ironwood resources that have been destroyed by nearly half, then Lin Zhentian may be really true. Old confused..." Lei Pei looked around the hall and said in a deep voice.

Hearing what he said, the others also nodded slightly. Lin Zhentian has grown from being a lonely and widowed person to today. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is an old fox. They don't believe that this old fox would do such meaningless stupid things.

So since it is not a meaningless thing, it must have its purpose, and even the batch of Yangyuan Stones suddenly sold by the Lin family, many people's complexions are slightly changed.

"If, as I expected, the Lin family should have discovered another resource besides iron wood in Tiemu Village. Moreover, this resource is likely to be a vein of Yangyuan stone."

Leipi’s words were undoubtedly shocking, and the whole hall was instantly silent. After such a long while, someone cried out in disbelief: "How is it possible? We have been operating Tiemu Village for so many years, but we have never heard of it. There are Yang Yuan stone veins!"

"We have never probed properly."

Lei Bi's face also twitched, staring at the first Lei Bao, and took a deep breath, saying: "Father, we seem to have given a Zhuangzi with indescribable value to the Lin family."


The teacup in Lei Bao's hand burst into a ball of powder, and the tea dripped down his fingers. At this moment, the old face looked particularly distorted and hideous.

The light and fluttering words of the Yangyuan Stone mine made the Leibao’s heart grab at this moment. He knew the value of this kind of mineral vein. If there really was a Yangyuan in Tiemu Village. Stone ore veins, even if its area is not large, its value will far exceed that of the entire Tiemu Village!

However, at this moment, these extremely valuable mineral veins were actually handed over to the Lin family. Before that, they were still gloating for the Lin family's acquisition of a half-destroyed Zhuangzi, but at this time I want to come, this kind of gloat. , Really funny.

Looking at Lei Bao's hideous face, everyone was consciously silent, not daring to speak.

"During this period, all ears and eyes are sent to me to inquire about the news in Tiemu Village. I want to determine whether there is actually a Yangyuan stone vein there!"

After taking a deep breath, the hideousness on Lei Bao's face slowly receded, but the voice was as cold as the cold wind in the twelfth lunar month.

"In addition, pay attention to the Lin family's every move, if they leave for Yancheng again, notify me immediately!"


Hearing this, the Lei Pei and other core members of the Lei family quickly responded with a respectful look.

As everyone withdrew, the hall was silent again, Lei Bao sat on the chair with a gloomy expression, and after a long while, there was a vicious murmur.

"Lin Zhentian, since your Lin family insists on looking for death, don't blame my Lei family for being cruel!"

Since returning from Yancheng smoothly, the Lin Family’s focus has shifted to the Yangyuan Stone ore vein in Tiemu Village. Lin Dong can't help much with this kind of mining, so most of the time, Is practicing alone.

Now his cultivation is mainly divided into three types, Yuan Li, martial arts, and the spiritual strength that was just slightly involved.

Today, Lin Dong’s strength has stopped at the late stage of the Yuanyuan realm. At this point, it seems that as long as he improves again, he can enter the Yuan realm of that day. However, there is always a huge gap between reality and imagination. In the one month after Yancheng returned, although he practiced extremely diligently during the period, coupled with a sufficient amount of Yang Yuandan assistance, the feeling of breakthrough was still far away, and that small step seemed like It's like a stream of heaven, blocking it out.

For this kind of progress, Lin Dong was helpless, but he was not anxious. The Heavenly Origin Realm was not so easy to enter. Many people stayed at this step for several years, and it was entirely possible. He was just short of time. Wanting to achieve results in one month is too whimsical.

As for the martial arts he has mastered, Lin Dong is also becoming more and more proficient. As for the fragments of the Qi Men Yin, now he can easily display the second stage, even the third stage, he He also began to explore gradually, with his current strength in the late stage of the Earth Element Realm, he was barely enough to perfect the elementary power needed for the third layer of Qi Men Yin.

Yuan Li's training and martial arts are all progressing in accordance with the rules. The only difference is the cultivation of mental power. In just one month, Lin Dong can clearly feel the invisible mental beating in his mind. It got more and more intense, and the first level of the so-called "Dynasty" was successfully completed by him, and this speed was still quite natural, and there was no support from foreign objects.

Regarding the abnormality of mental power, even Lin Dong had to believe that he did seem to have some unique talents.

Under Lin Dong's quiet cultivation, time passed quietly, and in a blink of an eye, another two months passed.

And when the third month came, in Tiemu Village, a larger fleet than the last time gathered again...

When there was movement in Tiemu Village, the news, also carried by a hummingbird, fell on the shoulders of Lei Bao in Lei's house.

Removed a small roll of white paper from the hummingbird's feet, Lei Bao's eyes swept away, and the corners of his mouth also slowly lifted up a vicious look.