Wu Dong Qian Kun

Chapter 87: After the break


"Lin Dong!"

When he saw the young man on the tiger’s back, Xie Qian’s expression changed slightly. Because of his proximity to Lei’s family, he naturally knew that Lin Dong killed Thunder Punishment and wounded Thunder Thunder. Although he felt extremely unbelievable when he first heard it, the facts convinced him gradually, and he began to attach importance to and fear the junior of the Lin family.


Liu Yan at the back, when she saw Lin Dong's figure, there was no joy on her cheeks. Instead, she became anxious. She knew exactly how powerful Xie Qian was. She didn't want to see Lin Dong appear here. What an accident.

"Mother, don't worry, it's okay."

Lin Dong also turned his head, smiled at Liu Yan, then raised his arm, and dozens of figures quickly rushed out of the dense forest, protecting Liu Yan and others. The previous wounded were also supported. Up, bandaging the wound.

Looking at the guards of the Lin family who had suffered heavy casualties, Lin Dong's lips were pursed, and there was a little cold light in his eyes. Then his eyes lightly shifted, and he paused on Xie Qian's body: "Leixie's two families are embarrassed. The same despicable."

"Hey, your dad dare not speak to me like this here, you little beast is really ignorant of etiquette." Although Xie Qian had some cities, but when he saw such a stinky boy, he was so rude to him. , His complexion also sank, and said with a sneer.

"The face is given by someone. Since you are shameless, why bother?"

Lin Dong shook his head sarcastically, and then his gaze swept around. There were quite a few people sent by the Xie family this time, but fortunately there was only Xie Qian, a master of the late Tianyuan realm. Perhaps he thought this was enough.

"Little beast, do you really think that you have a little strength to be arrogant in front of me? Hey, I just wanted to catch some family members. Since you came to the door automatically, then I laughed at it!" Xie Qian smiled darkly. , Immediately waved his hand suddenly.

"call out!"

As Xie Qian's arm swung down, the surrounding dense forest suddenly burst out with cold light, bringing a violent sound of breaking wind, and shooting towards Lin Dong and others.


Upon seeing this, Lin Dong snorted coldly, his sleeves flicked, and several black lights shot out like lightning, and directly ejected all those cold light arrows in mid-air, but the stamina was still unabated, ruthlessly. Shooting fiercely into the dense forest, there were some screams at the moment.

"This kid is really good at hidden weapons!" Hearing the screams in the dense forest, Xie Qian frowned, and immediately sneered again. This time he brought a lot of people. He really didn't believe that Lin Dong could get under his nose. The people were rescued smoothly.


Xie Qian gave a cold drink, and the Xie family, who had been staring at him, once again shook hands with their weapons, and rushed towards Lin Dong and the others with a fierce face.


Seeing that the Xie family rushed in, Luo Ling, who was pale, also hurriedly reminded him.

"Uncle Luo Ling, you take someone to protect my mother and the others back to Tiemu Village. Others will assist you. I will break it!" Lin Dong sighed deeply and said in a deep voice.

Luo Ling and the others also changed their expressions when they heard that Lin Dong had to be alone.

"Move!" Liu Yan also said anxiously.

"Don't worry, Madam, Master Lin Dong will be fine." A guard who followed Lin Dong from Tiemu Village hurriedly stopped Liu Yan and whispered.

"Okay, Master Lin Dong, be more careful!"

Seeing this kind of calmer person in the Lin family's guards said so, Luo Ling's eyes also flashed a flash of surprise, and immediately stopped talking nonsense, and turned around, leading the horses to protect Liu Yan, who was still a little worried. Waiting for someone, quickly withdrew to the dense forest.

Lin Dong jumped down from Xiaoyan's back and grasped the palm of his hand. An iron sword on the ground was sucked into his hand. The vigorous vitality quickly surged out of the dantian, and the dead leaves on the ground around It's all shaking away.


Xiao Yan also made a low roar of tigers at this moment, leaning forward slightly, and an explosive force quickly condensed in that body. Today's Xiao Yan is comparable to the masters of the Heavenly Origin Realm, plus the rough skin. Thick flesh, quick action, lethality is particularly terrifying.

Lin Dong was holding an iron sword, and in an instant, his figure swept out, and directly rushed into the Xie family.


Compared with Lin Dong's shots, Xiao Yan is obviously more shocking. With a huge body in the collision room, all those who are hit will have their chests collapsed directly, blood spurts violently, and sharp tiger claws and fangs are causing the sky to fill the sky. Of flesh and blood.

One person and one beast directly restrained all the men and horses of the Xie family by birth, and wherever they went, there were corpses all over the field.

When Xie Qian’s horse was broken so quickly, even Xie Qian couldn’t stand it anymore. With an angry shout, he pounced on Lin Dong like an owl, with a big knife in his hand, and brought it up. The fierce oppression of the strong wind slashed at Lin Dong's head fiercely.


Although it was under heavy siege, with the help of spiritual power, everyone's actions here would be fed back to Lin Dong's mind. Therefore, when Xie Qian suddenly shot and smashed, Lin Dong was aware of it. , The iron sword in his hand was picked up at an angle, and it was extremely precise on the tip of the blade. The two yuan forces collided heavily, and a strong wind spread away, directly enclosing the dozens of people nearby. Shocked and retreated in embarrassment.

There was a hard spell from the front, Lin Dong took a few steps back lightly, and Xie Qian also revolved in mid-air and fell to the ground. However, it is not waiting for him to take another shot to entangle Lin Dong. The former has drifted into the crowd. A stroke of the iron sword will bring out a ray of blood.


Seeing that Lin Dong didn't fight him head-on at all, he tried to kill other Xie family players as much as possible. Xie Qian also had a pale complexion and chased after him again. However, no matter how hard he chased, Lin Dong's figure, They were all slippery like mud loach, but in the chaotic field, he was like a fish in the water, and the shadows passed by, so that the thankful family ran away in embarrassment.

"Chi Chi Chi Chi!"

When these Xie family members fled, in those dense forests, several black awns were shot out quietly again, piercing the throats of many people extremely hard and fiercely.

Under the killing of one person and one beast, in just ten minutes, almost half of the Xie family’s people were lost. Xie Qian was violent and thunderous. With his strength in the late Tianyuan realm, he had the confidence to hold Lin Dong. , But the latter is extremely cunning. Every time when he chases in, Lin Dong's body style will become a little weird, and it is easy to throw him away.


After another slippery entanglement, Lin Dong calculated the time. At this moment, Liu Yan and the others should have a safe distance. There was a whistle sound from their mouths, and the soles of their feet touched the ground, and their figures were flying away. In the end, it was directly projected into the dense forest, Xiao Yan also immediately turned into a fiery red shadow, and followed. Those Xie family members looked at the corpses all over the floor with fear, but did not dare to catch up.

"Catch me!"

Xie Qian's complexion was gloomy. This was the first time he was so flat, and he was still in the hands of a young man. He couldn't swallow this breath. He also gave a stern shout, took the lead, quickly rushed into the dense forest, and chased Lin Dong.

As soon as he rushed into the dense forest, Xie Qian saw a fiery red shadow rushing towards the distance, his eyes flashing fiercely, and he quickly followed.

However, just as Xie Qian had just passed through a jungle, a cold light suddenly stabbed in without warning, and Xie Qian hurried to greet him with horror.


On top of the iron sword, the vigorous vitality gushes out, and Xie Qian's palm holding the handle of the knife is numb, and his figure quickly flutters back, gritted his teeth and said: "What a cunning little beast!"

It was only now that he realized that Lin Dong did not retreat immediately, but wanted to plot against him here. If the reaction was slower before, Xie Qian now must have serious injuries.

"Thank you, you won't have such good luck next time..."

When Xie Qian's stature retreated, Lin Dong also swept out of the jungle, sneered at the former, then turned and rushed into the dense forest, flashed a red shadow on top of it, and quickly disappeared from Xie Qian's field of vision.

"Little beast, I want to smash you into ten thousand pieces!"

Looking at the distant figure of Lin Dong, Xie Qian's face was pale, and the roar of rage echoed in the dense forest.