Wudang Master in The Other World

Chapter 100: Catch live


Hey, clowns in the Temple of Yama, you should even be considered a fleeting disadvantage if you provoke such an enemy! The minds of the three Wulings all hovered over the same idea, and the Red Wolf deserved to be called the first underground power of the Wu Empire.

"This is a conspiracy!" Elder Yi and the others in the snake's belly let out an angry roar, and the giant python group composed of different five element attributes immediately showed signs of disintegration. Those who rushed the most fiercely in the front involuntarily accelerated the speed of the pursuit.

"Don't be afraid! They are just a group of low-powered small fish, what's so great about the qi armor!" Elder Yi in the abdomen of the giant python roared loudly: "Attack, attack, break their qi armor! "

Elder Yi's voice was of course impossible to come out, and even less likely to be heard by the people chasing outside. However, his cry of despair unexpectedly aroused the fighting spirit of the four giant pythons.

The entrance control technique of the Yama Temple allows the spirits of man and the python to communicate, but the body is only controlled by the python. Elder Yi’s heart-piercing cry made the giant python he was attached to wake up from shock. It was entirely out of the instinct of obedience. The giant python stopped tossing and opened his blood basin and mouthed more and more. The approaching Red Wolf Erlang attacked, trying to block the opponent's advance with the fire ball and wind blade in his mouth.

Such defensive methods are destined to be ridiculous, but the qi of Wu Ling and others blocked most of the fireballs and wind blades, although due to the difference in attack time, some fireballs still fell among the red wolves. , But they were all easily blocked by the qi armor.

Although supported by the tyrannical willpower of the four men, including Elder Yi, the pythons maintained a continuous fireball and wind blade offensive, but they saw that the unaffected powerful enemy was getting closer and closer, the one in the front position. The python became more and more panicked. At this time, the animal's instinct completely defeated the will of the human in the belly, and they began to turn the snake's head to escape.

On the other hand, Red Wolf Erlang, from the start to the charge, everyone's movements are highly consistent. The hundreds of Red Wolf Erlang completely form a whole, and the momentum is like a rainbow to launch the most brave python into the air. attack. The fierce murderous aura, the vigor of victory, and the roaring horn are condensed together, and the oppression caused by these cold-blooded animals in the momentum is no less than the charge of thousands of troops!

This is the strength of the red wolf's most elite warrior. They are powerful, proud, and confident. There is no fortress that cannot be broken in front of them, and there is no enemy that cannot be defeated!

Each of these four giant pythons has a length of tens of feet and the thickness of a few trees, but in the eyes of these people, it looks like an earthworm and is vulnerable to a blow.

Wu Ling, who was in it, clearly felt the aura and killing intent of the many warriors after he arrived, and this aura and killing intent echoed his killing intent, making him a part of it. The blood rushed into my mind, and the Zhenwu Universe Mirror turned involuntarily, and the muscles on his body almost broke the clothes.

He has never been eager to fight and slaughter like this moment.

This may be the charm of the army!


The attack wave composed of hundreds of identical qi gas first rushed into the array of four giant pythons, and immediately plowed a straight blood path. I am afraid that any kind of alien beast can be more than hundreds of reds between the world and the earth. Langerlang's combined frontal attack retreated all over his body, and screams and exclamations suddenly sounded.

On the Red Wolf Mountain in the Cloud Rain Mountains of the Principality of Wufeng, an incredible scene is being staged. Four seemingly invincible giant pythons are surrounded by hundreds of Red Wolf Erlang, and the giant pythons are gradually submerged. , The wound gap on each giant python's body gradually expanded in the blood rain and screams!

The light of martial arts and qi energy bloomed in the crowd. The dark lances and the silver epee, every stabbing and swinging represented another sensational wound on the body of the python.

It's not that these giant pythons don't want to resist counterattacks, but the fireballs and wind blades vomiting from their mouths can't cut off the red wolf erlang's gas armor, and in turn, the red wolf erlang can't pierce them through with a single shot. The heart is cold, but everyone gathers firewood with high flames, and dripping water can still be worn through stones, not to mention these bright and bright weapons.

Whether it is an ordinary beast or a relatively high-level fierce beast, there is only death under the attack of the Red Wolf Erlang. Otherwise, the Red Wolf Horse Thief would not survive for so long in the Yunyu Mountains where beasts frequently haunt.

The wisdom of humans is completely different from the wisdom of this giant python, and it is even more different from ordinary beasts. Although the five giant pythons are extremely hostile, after Wu Ling has been with them for most of the day, they I was so dizzy a long time ago, at this time, being slaughtered is only a matter of time!

The Red Wolf Horse Thief is also a disciplined army. Among them, there are also desperadoes who dared to die. These fanatical sons rushed forward desperately, although there were a few sons who were swept by the python's hostility. He was injured, but after that, the little courage of the remaining four giant pythons completely dissipated.

"Roar." The python's groaning cry gradually indicates that they have reached the edge of collapse. The metallic giant python gave a low growl first, and suddenly spit out a person from the big mouth of the blood basin. It was the spy who had gotten into its belly earlier.

It turned out that this giant python couldn't bear it finally. On the verge of death, it decisively chose to abandon its partner and flee alone.

"The wild beast is really untrustworthy!" Wu Ling curled his mouth when he saw this situation, and hummed.

"Nonsense, my little wind won't be like this!" Yue Guli looked at Wu Ling and rolled her eyes. "As long as you treat them well, they will naturally not abandon you. Wild beasts are sometimes a hundred times more credible than humans!"

Wu Ling didn't reply, in fact he really had nothing to say. He saw that the escaped python really played a leading role model, and was more effective than any compulsory command. The python, completely deprived of fighting spirit, spit out the people in its belly one by one, turned and ran.

As a result, a strange and disgusting scene appeared. The four giant pythons spit out four figures, and behind the four giant pythons, hundreds of red wolf men chased them like ducks.

The four pythons ran away in a panic, each of them waved their bodies desperately, ignoring the blood stains on their abdomen. There was a collision amidst the chaos. Two giant pythons stumbled in such a collision, and they were chopped into seven or eight segments by the red wolf erlang who rushed from behind. The screams of the giant pythons before they died resounded through the hills.

In the end, Wu Ling could not see how many sections of the two giant pythons were chopped off. At the beginning, ordinary steel knives could not cut into the giant python’s body. After it was released, the stunned waves rushed into the thunder palm, and the scales of the giant python's body were swept away, and the blood flowing on the grass almost merged into a river.

It's just some little crawlers! Wu Ling, whose killing intent was slightly weakened, sighed in his heart. These giant pythons looked invincible and could not withstand a single blow in front of a powerful warrior.

This also made Wu Ling truly aware of the power possessed by a real big force like the Red Wolf. It should be known that there are hundreds of Erlangs in the Red Wolf on the third layer of Bone Yield on the bright side, and their secret strength. Isn't it as unfathomable as the sea.

After chasing for a while, seeing the four giant pythons divided into tens of thousands as if they were goats chased by tigers, Langtian categorically ordered: "Tie up those four bastards."

The Red Wolf Erlang was divided into two groups, blocking four giant pythons along the way, and encircling and suppressing the four spies spit out by the giant pythons. Needless to say, the side chasing the giant pythons, the Erlangs who took care of the four spies also gained a lot.

The number of the Red Wolf Erlang had an absolute advantage. Although the Red Wolf Erlang who stayed behind to encircle and suppress the four Elder Yi was much weaker than the one who chased the giant python, the heavy crossbow in their hands was against Yi. The four elders caused a lot of trouble.

And every Red Wolf Erlang whose strength is below Level 3 of Bone Yi carries more than 30 crossbow arrows of sufficient strength. When the four Elder Yi were spit out by the python, these heavy crossbows immediately made those hateful The guy has suffered!

All the heavy crossbows and crossbow arrows are from the hands of the experienced hawks in the Red Wolf. The arrow of each crossbow arrow is made of thousand-satin fine iron, with an armor-piercing three-sided structure, and the longest range is 200 meters. It can penetrate armor within 100 meters, and even heavy armor within 50 meters. Each heavy crossbow can fire two crossbow arrows at the same time, which is the best weapon to encircle and suppress the enemy.

When the Red Wolf Erlang approached less than two hundred meters away, they all lighted up the hidden heavy crossbows. In just one salvo, an unprotected spy fell into a pool of blood.

These four people had just been abandoned by their companions of giant pythons, their bodies were weak, and their whole body skills could not be used in the original five layers, so how could they be opponents in this rain of arrows.

After being shot and killed by a companion, the frustrated Elder Yi ordered a counterattack. Elder Yi’s cultivation base was the highest among several people. Although his skill was lost by half, the Red Wolf Erlang under the third layer of bone Yi was still far away. Far from his opponent. The Red Wolf Erlang's bow riding can indeed threaten him if he uses the projectile method, but fortunately, Elder Yi was prepared for a long time. Seeing that the situation is not right, he immediately carried the gas armor for defense, and the two people outside the two countries did the same Painted gourd, those fallen arrows can hardly cause much damage.

And this situation did not last long, because Langtian led the crowd to turn back and attacked Elder Yi from behind.

Correspondingly, the bow and arrow warriors who squeezed their breath from behind rushed out, and launched an attack from inside to outside with Langtian and others.

As a result, the scene of the retreat reappeared again, and the wolf sky ordered everyone to fight separately, let go of their hands and feet to kill at will, and the three Elder Yi who killed in the open Red Wolf Mountain could not go to heaven and have no way to go to the ground.

The hunting battle lasted for more than an hour. When the sky was clear, the red wolf boys began to return one after another under the command of the horn.

At this time, the two remaining partners of Elder Yi had been chopped into meat sauce, and Elder Yi himself fainted under the attack of Wu Ling's furious thunder finger from a hundred feet away.

"Don't kill him, catch him alive!" Wu Ling shouted loudly, and flew past like lightning.