Wudang Master in The Other World

Chapter 151: Hate is overwhelming


Of course, Feng Buer and the others still wanted to make some reactions, and even when Yang Tian just wanted to do it, Yue Guli took action. However, without the help of Lu Qi, Yue Guli could not reach the fifth level, and now he can only be equivalent to a second-level martial artist. In front of Yang Tian, this is not enough to see.

With a arrogant smile, Yang Tian just grabbed Wu Ling with his hands, flew into the air, and galloped away.

Behind him, Xie Yuyan and the others were in a hurry and rushed to catch up, but they heard Wu Ling’s voice: "Girl, don’t chase, I’m going to Huayu Pavilion for a stroll, you stay in the Wu Family Mansion, pay attention to Song Ming’s servant. I guess he will never stop there. Brother Wind, Brother Wolf and Fire, the two girls will be handed over to you!"

These last few words have become illusory voices. Obviously, Yang Tian has already flown to a place that Yu Yan cannot follow.

Xie Yuyan cried anxiously. Behind him, Yue Guli patted her shoulder: "Don't worry, your brother will not be in danger. The gap between him and that person is not that big, it's just that the person shot too fast. Moreover, you should also see that that person did not dare to do anything to your brother."

"No, I don't worry, I'm going to find him!" Jie Yuyan's face was full of tears.

"You can't go, I guess Song Ming is about to come to find something, you are leaving, what will the mansion do?" Yue Guli calmly persuaded.

"Why are you so calm? He is my brother! And, how do you know Song Ming won't stop here?" Xie Yuyan asked with hazy eyes.

"Because this is what your brother said. He has never missed what he said." Yue Guli didn't change her face, "I know your brother for less than you, but I know his strength well. He will not take it lightly. If you’re taken away, you won’t be willing to be taken away. Wait, this scholar, I’m afraid it won’t be long before, and it’s going to be bad luck!" I don’t know where the confidence comes from, Yue Gu Li vowed and promised that it was not like Wu Ling was abducted by Yang Tian, but Yang Tian was abducted by Wu Ling.

Seeing what Yue Guli shouldn't be like, Xie Yuyan was speechless in shock for a while.

"Do you like him?" Jie Yu Yanlihua asked blushingly with rain.

"Bah, ghosts like him! Why didn't he punch the scholar to death!" Yue Guli stomped fiercely and ran away.

"If you don't like it, don't you like it, why do you curse my brother like this?" Xie Yuyan stomped her foot as she learned Yue Guli's appearance, and followed.

Looking at Wu Ling's side, his whole body was firmly supported by Yang Tian, and it was impossible to move even the slightest. He used the qi of the Zhenwu Universe Mirror to try to impact several times, but every time he was blocked by the scholar.

After several times to no avail, Wu Ling also lost his mind. Since there is no hope of escape, it is better to simply let him come, so as not to waste the effort.

The two dashing silhouettes flew in the air like this, and the speed was even more incredible than when Wu Ling used Yuhua Dengxianbu. If you are seen by ordinary people, you will mistakenly think that you have seen the gods and demons floating in the air, so elegant and so unrestrained.

However, Wu Ling's mood at the moment was far less pleasant than it seemed on the surface.

hatred! Boundless hatred rose from Wu Ling's heart!

He thought early on that he had defeated Fengyinglin and Li Yufan, and had regained his lost dignity, but now that dignity has been lost again! Under Yang Tian's powerful strength, he was tragically lost.

He was grasped, like a chicken in the eagle's paws, like a fox in the tiger's claws, without the ability to resist.

"I want to learn from Emperor Zhenwu, and in the future, I will realize the true meaning of martial arts and fly away. But now I can't even keep my dignity. What's the use of talking about this!"

Wu Ling felt for the first time that he was weak now, and he urgently needed a powerful force! For the first time, I felt that the enemy was so invincible.

Since defeating Fengyinglin half a year ago, Wu Ling has never even tasted the taste of failure. Waves of victories almost paralyzed his mind, making him mistakenly believe that there is nothing in this world that can stop him. Now, Yang Tian appeared, and Yang Tian was the one who asked him to reposition himself.

Wu Ling's unwillingness was also mixed in the strong hatred for Yang Tian.

"No matter what, there must be a powerful force!"

"There is strength, only dignity!"

"Only with dignity can we talk about ideals!"

"I want strength."

Wu Ling roared in his heart! Struggling all over, but there is nothing I can do!

"Wu Ling, how does it feel to be restrained? Is it as good as it was when you killed Junior Sister Yu Jia?" Yang Tian's tone was calm and there was no wave of trouble.

"It's okay!" Suddenly, Wu Ling clenched his fists tightly, the feeling that his nails were stuck in the flesh freed him from the hatred, "Where are you taking me?"

"Huaxianshan." Yang Tian replied.

"Huaxian Mountain, what's that place? Don't you want to take me to Huayu Pavilion?" Suddenly, Wu Ling was a little nervous. He is now controlled by others. It can be said that life or death lies only with this person's thoughts. Had it not been for this person to be hindered by the majesty of Wu Xingyang, I am afraid that he would have died a long time ago. At this time, when he heard that he was taking himself to transform the fairy mountain, instead of transforming the feather pavilion, how could Wu Ling not be afraid of fear in her heart.

Obviously felt Wu Ling's body trembled slightly, Yang Tian was immediately satisfied, and proudly said, "How about it, kid, be scared, you should have this kind of consciousness when you kill. The murderer, Renheng." Kill it, this truth, didn't your master teach you?"

"Humph." Wu Ling snorted coldly, but didn't fight back. He knows that at this time the enemy is strong and we are weak, and under the control of others, he must bear it, even if what he says is ugly, he must bear it. As he said, the killer will always kill, and the humiliation of others is the same. One day, the humiliation he suffered today will be repaid hundreds of times.

Feeling Wu Ling's unwillingness, Yang Tian smiled indifferently: "Wu Ling, you must be resenting me in your heart. You must want to kill me like you did when you killed Junior Yujia. Haha, let me tell you, this For the rest of your life, don’t think about it. After a while when we arrive at Huaxian Mountain, Master will naturally kill you with his own hands. At that time, it will be useless even if the Third Master comes. Master has never dared to stop anyone who wants to kill. Oh, I forgot to tell you that Huaxian Mountain is the base camp of my master's line, hum, I think you who have not even stepped through the door of Huayu Pavilion must not know it, Huayu Pavilion is divided into three veins. , Master Uncle’s line is on Huayu Mountain, the main peak of Yuhua Immortal Mountain, and our master’s line is on Huaxian Mountain. As for your last hope, the third master’s line is on Yulin Mountain."