Wudang Master in The Other World

Chapter 89: Horrified


What power can bring, the answer is right now, absolute power is absolute power. Here, as long as he is willing, a word can determine everyone's lives. Whether it is a red wolf horse thief with a big family and a big business, galloping through the Yunyu Mountains, or a red wolf leader such as Langtian and Langyu, their life and death are controlled by Wu Ling's thoughts.

Zhenwu Universe Mirror, the source of all power is the illusory Zhenwu Universe Mirror on his chest. Without this Wudang treasure brought from previous lives, he would be useless at all. Only when he suddenly possessed great strength, the whole person began to change. The original hope brother, who was called a waste material that has not been met in a century, has slowly transformed into a warrior who advocates the use of violence to solve problems. If one thing can be solved quickly with violence, then not many people will be willing to go around a few more. Circle, turn a few more turns to find other solutions.

Of course, the prerequisite for using violence to solve things is strength. If one's own strength is insufficient, then everything is mirrored. But Wu Ling is a person with such tyrannical strength.

Perhaps in the eyes of people who don’t know, Wu Ling is just a little better in talent, and his family background is better than ordinary people. However, everyone who knows him knows that his talent was not long ago in the city of wind. The capital that everyone laughed at, but in less than a year, Wu Ling was no longer the Wu Xia Amon of that day.

His clear howl is his Wudang clear howl. Is there anyone in the world who can catch it head-on? Unless there is a second such monster, don't even think about it.

Seeing everyone looking at him with strange gazes, Wu Ling tried hard to control his emotions and shouted: "Don't you hear your wolf lord's instructions?" After saying that, he added: "Don't worry, I I will never kill innocent people indiscriminately. As long as you obediently, I can even treat you as friends."

"Yes." The Red Wolf's three wolves, Langyu, had a gloomy face, and leaned down first. He followed Langtian and saw his brother’s miserable appearance. He was really frightened and angry. The evil fire in his chest made him hot. He just felt that something must be done, otherwise the fire would burn him alive. .

As he talked, he slowly straightened his waist. Suddenly, his right hand rose up, and a bit of cold star burst out of his hand, flying towards Wu Ling's throat like lightning, and at the same time, his legs vigorously jumped up from the ground and leaped towards Wu Ling. .

The sudden change occurred, Wu Ling was unprepared, but when Wolf Yu wielded the hidden weapon, his nerves suddenly tightened, and the blood in his whole body flowed upstream in the direction of the brain. At this moment, his five senses and six senses suddenly became sharper, and he clearly saw that the cold star turned out to be a handleless flying knife.

At this moment, the knife made a wonderful arc and galloped towards his throat. Wu Ling was shocked and wanted to lower his head to avoid him, but although his eyes could see clearly, his bones couldn't act accordingly. He just watched the deadly knife approach his throat little by little.

Just when he thought he was doomed to escape, he found a big hand in the corner of his eye that was intercepting the flying knife at a faster speed. Wu Ling's eyes shrank suddenly. He stared at this palm that looked like a flying guest, hoping that it could be faster.

The palm of Wu Ling's hopes was finally a bit faster than the flying knife. With only a sound of "nail", this palm stopped in front of Wu Ling, flicked his finger, and bounced the flying knife high. Afterwards, Yue Guli's body appeared in front of Wu Ling. He clenched a fist with one hand, made a circle with the other, and patted it lightly to stop the wolf rain, who was following the flying knife and rushing up.

Lang Yu was shocked in his heart. Among the three people who did not expect to commit the crime, besides this difficult Wu Ling, there was actually this master of the same level hidden. He used all his energy, flipped the palms of both hands like flying, and turned into a sky full of palm shadows, but Yue Guli just took a few punches and defeated them all.

Wolf Yu wanted to turn around and flee, but at this time, Wu Ling had already reacted. With a thankful smile to Yue Guli, Wu Lingshi unfolded his skills and leaped over.

Wu Ling's hands seemed to produce a suction force out of thin air, trapping the wolf rain firmly between square inches. After fighting a few more moves, Wu Ling's fist became stronger and he yelled and hit his chest with a punch. Wolf Yu couldn't avoid it. He was punched between his chest and abdomen, and he felt a strong surge in his chest. The body was like a kite with a broken string and was thrown up high, drew a perfect parabola, and fell heavily to the ground.

Lang Yu spit out a bit of blood, and there were some internal organs in the blood. Wu Ling's punch used ten percent of the Qi, smashing all the internal organs of the wolf rain, even if Daluo Jinxian was alive, it was absolutely non-physical.

"Brother." Langtian shouted out loudly, watching the other brother die in front of him, his face became more and more old, his body shook, one staggered, and he almost fell to the ground.

All this only happened between the electric light and flint. No one thought that such a change would happen after Langtian surrendered. Langtian himself was even more regretful. He knew that Langyu had a vicious temperament and would definitely not just give in so easily.

Wu Ling was also a soul decree. He always thought that after several wars, he could already ignore life and death. But at that moment he realized that all he can ignore is the lives and deaths of others, not his own lives.

Since slaying Fengyinglin in front of the Fengzhi Government, there are no more than 800 dead people he has seen.

When Fengyinglin fell, he also trembled because of killing people, but when the one hundred and five hundredth enemy died, he naturally learned to ignore it. This is not to say that he is abnormally cold-blooded, but that he has developed an immunity to the feeling of death. Of course, when a person is in such an environment, his personality will also change drastically and grow up quickly.

This is a world where the strong respects the strong and the weak eats the strong. The hearts of the people are forced to each other. All he can care about is his dignity and his family and friends.

Wu Ling was able to kill Langyu and Langyun with peace of mind, which showed that he had not put human life in his eyes. The so-called human life was not enough to make a ripple in his heart. But all this is relative to other people, once his own life is threatened, the strong shock is more clear.

Just now, Wu Ling suddenly became ear-sighted, and the consequence that followed was that he experienced the threat of death even more profoundly. At that moment, his brain went blank, leaving only so much fear that he could not react at all. Had it not been for Yue Guli's rescue at the very moment of his death, he would have lost his life.