Wudang Master in The Other World

Chapter 93: Convinced


"Are you interested in forming an alliance with my martial arts family?" Wu Ling asked with a smile on his back, "You are still the owner of your red wolf, and our martial arts family won't bother too much about the red wolf. Just stay in our martial arts family. When needed, you red wolves can take the necessary actions. This condition is good enough, right!"

"What?" Langtian was overjoyed. If he could really form an alliance with the Wu Family, then he wouldn't care too much even if he was restrained by the Wu Family. He is the leader of the Red Wolf, and he also shoulders the future of the Red Wolf Two Thousand Erlang.

The fact is really like what Wu Ling said, it is obviously not a long-term solution for these people to be bandits and robbers in the Yunyu Mountains. Forming an alliance with the Wu family is not a good way out for the Red Wolf. Moreover, after forming an alliance with the Wu Family, the Red Wolf had a strong enough backing invisible. Everyone knows that after Fengying Forest was eliminated, the Wu family had become the largest family in the Wufeng Principality.

As for the martial arts, Red Wolf's previous attitude was to not provoke, not to provoke. Even when Song Yu personally came to urge him, Langtian still chose to wait and see the changes. If Lang Yun did not act without his order, I am afraid he would not cause Wu Ling to make a big fuss in Red Wolf Mountain. Such a thing.

As for the previous Red Wolf robbing of the Wujia horse team, it was already before the Wufeng Competition, that is, the Wujia hadn't eliminated the Fengjia, and the status was not as detached as it is now.

Forming an alliance with the Wu family is something that Langtian cannot ask for, but can there be such a good thing in the world? According to Wu Ling, there is no need to worry about the money of the Wu family, but after forming an alliance with the Wu family, will the world really be forgiven by the world? You know, in the entire Wufeng Principality, the enemies of the Red Wolf don't need to be young in the Wu family. They can't kill all the children of the Red Wolf one by one. Moreover, after the alliance, how to calculate the mutual status of Wu Clan and Red Wolf is also a question.

"Are you not afraid that after we form an alliance with you, enemies will come to make trouble?" Langtian asked tentatively with suspicion in his heart.

"Oh, with your strength, are you still afraid of someone coming to trouble? And, I am the champion of the Principality, and I will recruit you as the champion. At that time, there is nothing to say. If anyone dares Come for trouble, don't you guys have fists?"

"You are not afraid that some people say that the Wu family hides criminals. Moreover, our reputation is not very good." Langtian is still a little worried. After all, in this world where the strong is respected, in addition to strength, the world's vision is also very important. Langtian has a deep understanding of this.

"Hahahaha." Wu Ling let out a few hearty laughs, which immediately resolved Langtian's worry. In fact, for Wu Ling, the world's comments are really not that important. If you are always entangled with the eyes of others, I am afraid that Wu Ling has already ended herself in the ridicule of those hypocritical people in the past few years. Where can he live until now

Whether it was the horse thief of the Red Wolf, or a commoner like Feng Fuji, these things are the same in Wu Ling's eyes. Only who treats him well and who treats him badly

Even in Wu Ling's eyes, many people are inferior to these horse thieves. At least, these horse thieves are upright men, who are loyal and straightforward. If you don't like you, you can kill them directly; if you like you, you can die for you. It's not like some hypocrites who think they are noble, who obviously don't like you, but still have to look like they really like it.

In the horse thief, the strong is respected, and the weak are food and slaves to the strong. Although they may seem cruel, they are definitely not as insidious as some nobles. They can eat people without vomiting bones.

The horse thieves of the Red Wolf were a group of murderous demon kings in the eyes of others, but in Wu Ling's heart, they were a group of flesh and blood, magnanimous men. Especially after going through a few fights, this feeling is even stronger.

Red wolves are horse thief. In the eyes of other people, it may be absolutely intolerable, but they have blood and advantages that many self-righteous people have never had before.

There is no distinction between high and low, only friendship.

Langtian, who was stimulated by Wu Ling's hearty laughter, slowly recovered. Seeing Wu Ling's indifferent smile, he nodded gently.

Although at this moment he will not really die for Wu Ling, but at least at this moment, he is sincerely willing to follow him and follow him, because it is only in him that he feels true equality, not equality in status, but Real equality between people.

At least, Wu Ling would not laugh at his early loss of his parents and becoming an orphan, let alone their identity as a red wolf horse thief.

"My Red Wolf can form an alliance with the Wu Family, but this is just my personal opinion. There may be many brothers in the Red Wolf who don't want to go this way. I hope you can let them go." Langtian pondered for a while and said.

"Yes." Wu Ling nodded, "If it is not willing to form an alliance with my martial arts family, in the future, for a long time, their hearts will be different, and we don't need such an ally."

Nodded gratefully, at this moment, Langtian was finally impressed by Wu Ling's sincerity. Among the two thousand wolves among the red wolves, everyone has their own ideas. For those who are unwilling to form an alliance, Wu Ling can completely punish them for excuses such as keeping secrets. However, Wu Ling did not do so, no doubt Leave a way to survive for these people.

"We listen to the wolf master and are willing to form an alliance."

"Listen to the wolf lord, who the hell dare to violate the wolf lord's order, I was the first to tear him to pieces!" Wolf fire shouted, and stabbed his fist.

"Very good." Wu Ling nodded and pointed directly at Langtian's forehead. Although he was sympathetic to Langtian's experience, he would not immediately believe him because of his identity, at least not now!

Of course, this one of his movements was very secret, and was not discovered by any of the red wolf's children under the altar. However, the person involved, Langtian, accurately felt the qi in Wu Ling's finger, but felt that a cold as water-like energy entered the body so easily, and then stopped at the very center of the head, quietly. When the silence went down, there was the fate of his kung fu Langtian, and Langtian couldn't help but pale in shock.

"How does he know the only loophole in my body?" You must know that the strength of the body of the martial artist who has reached the realm of Yi Marrow can no longer be described in unbelievable terms. The only weakness of these people is the empty door of their Kung Fu practice. However, they never mention these empty doors to outsiders, even the closest people. Just think about it and know, who would treat his own wealth and life as a trifling matter