X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 1: Wanlong Party


It was noon, and there were no clouds in the sky, but the ground was pitch black, and there was not a single ray of light to be seen.

Above the sky, thousands of dragons are flying, and the huge dragon wings cover the entire sky, boundless, covering the sky and covering the earth, blocking every ray of light from the sun to the ground.

Standing on the dragon's head in ecstasy, leaning against the long and sharp dragon horns protruding obliquely from the side, which is as thick as a human body, Xin Yun looked at the place surrounded by ten thousand dragons with blurred eyes. Daochen's figure.

As a time traveler, Xin Yun is undoubtedly successful, but this kind of success is only relative to ordinary people. In fact... In Xin Yun's view, his life in this life has simply failed to the extreme.

Travelers are usually successful. After all, the advantages are too obvious. Compared with people in this world, travelers always have experience and knowledge of one more world, and they can always find untapped knowledge in the comparison of two different worlds. The virgin land, business opportunities, wealth, and so on, soaring to the sky, and even the combat skills can be optimized to sort out a set of almost invincible combat skill system, this is the advantage of the traversers.

However, everything always has two sides. For the time traveler, time travel will be of great benefit, but as one of the time travelers, Xin Yun knows very well that for the time traveler, there seems to be more disadvantages!

Taking Xin Yun himself as an example, he suddenly changed the world. He did find many untapped projects and created huge wealth. It can be said... the advantages of being a time traveler have been brought into full play by him.

But at the same time, Xin Yun also failed to avoid the disadvantages of the traversers, and encountered them without exception. In fact, many things were unavoidable at all.

When he first came to this world, facing a different world, different order, and different moral standards, Xin Yun was completely submerged in the ocean of beauties immediately. Yun didn't resist for long, and soon sank. Until today, even Xin Yun himself couldn't count how many women he had, one thousand? No! I'm afraid I can't beat ten thousand...

Naturally, there is no need to talk about the result of indulgence. What Xin Yun practiced was not the way of nourishment, which also directly led to Xin Yun's current situation. Although his strength is not weak, he is considered one of the masters, but he is not the same as those Compared with a real master, he is nothing.

With a faint sigh, Xin Yun closed his eyes in pain. Although he had had many women, to this day, he has not had a single woman by his side. No matter which world is the same, people who play with emotions will inevitably be punished. Emotional play.

"Boom..." While he was closing his eyes and thinking, a violent roar suddenly sounded. When he opened his eyes and looked around, he saw a white explosion of light rising up from the crowd surrounded by thousands of dragons. The blazing shock wave roared and swept towards the surroundings. As the shock wave passed by, the nearby dragon suddenly lost its center of gravity, and was thrown tens of thousands of meters like a toy. It barely stopped, but the whole body was already scarred. Tired and embarrassed to the extreme.

Fortunately, Xin Yun was far away. When the shock wave arrived, its power had been reduced by 80%. However, even so, Xin Yun still had a hard time resisting it. It could even be described as embarrassing. Dozens of deep scars appeared on the body of the dragon under Yun's feet.

Looking at the deep scars on Long's body, Xin Yun's face was full of bitterness. In fact... the reason why he is so far away is not because he is so smart, but the real reason is that he is not strong enough, and he can barely be considered a master. It is not yet qualified to approach the core area, which is the area where only super masters are eligible to reside.

What made Xin Yun bitter the most was that this shocking explosion was actually just a casual blow by a certain person, who probably didn't even use 10% of his strength, but even so, the shock wave alone had already wiped out Xin Yun, who was ten miles away, was seriously injured.

Finally resisting the shock wave, Xin Yun subconsciously looked towards the core area. What he saw was an elegant butterfly with nine colors proudly spreading its wings. The butterfly is so beautiful to the limit. On the sky, there are nine pairs of colorful halos. Each halo is composed of nine halos. From the outside to the inside, they are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black, white, nine colors, and nine colors. The combination of different colors forms this extremely beautiful dragon, Morpho-Yi Luoxiang, known as the most beautiful dragon!

Of course, this Morpho-Yi Luoxiang is not just beautiful. She is qualified to stand in the core area, but that is not just because of her beauty. In fact... this is a world where strength is paramount. There, there must be strength as a guarantee, and nothing else will work.

There are only nine people in the core area, and they are the nine masters in the world, and the one who launched the attack just now is Yiluo Xiang, who is ranked sixth!

Looking obsessively at the woman standing on the beautiful butterfly, Xin Yun's consciousness was in a trance for a while. Speaking of which, this woman and her are very related. In fact...they both came from the same village, and that village, It is the starting point for Xin Yun to travel through.

Thinking of this, Xin Yun sighed again. As a traveler, there are still many disadvantages. People who travel from another world will unnaturally face this world with the habits of the original world. Obviously, such a choice , which is wrong most of the time.

As a time traveler, according to the habits of the original world, Xin Yun crazily amassed wealth, formed forces, and established a huge armed force that can be described as an army, but so what? This world does not depend on the number of people. Taking the nine masters as an example, as long as they are willing, any one of them can easily kill tens of thousands of masters like Xin Yun. In their eyes, although Xin Yun is known as a master , but in fact it is no different from ants.

Up to now, Xin Yun finally realized that it is useless to rely on many people, the only person that people can rely on in the end is himself, otherwise, no matter how many helpers there are, they are not his after all, and it is not worth the trouble. Of course, not all of them are needed. If possible, a few super masters are needed, but it is absolutely impossible to have many such people. It is a bit like the taste of super generals and advisers in the Three Kingdoms. The number is very limited.

While thinking about it secretly, a loud voice rang out: "Everyone, stop arguing. Everyone gathered here today to compete for seats. If that's the case, then just see the real chapter in your hand!"

Hearing this voice, Xin Yun's eyes couldn't help but his heart surged. When he looked up, sure enough... the voice came from a colorful peacock dragon. Looking carefully, there was a tall and straight young man on top of the peacock dragon. Man, standing there proudly, he is the most dazzling dragon, Peacock King—Mingxuan!

Although ranked third, this guy is Xin Yun's most admired idol. In terms of strength alone, he is not weaker than the top two masters, but his background is not so good, and he is no better than the top two. A master of the second place, so he only fell to third place.

As a matter of fact, each of the nine masters has their own uniqueness, and it is difficult to truly judge who is stronger. Even if they really fight, they may not be able to tell the difference. When their strength reaches their level, they are basically immortal. The so-called Winning or losing is nothing more than who loses face and who falls behind.

Immortality means that it cannot be eliminated and killed, and the so-called signature trick is that once it is used, no one can stop it except for the nine masters. It seems very simple to say, but the only ones who can really do it are these nine people. .

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