X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 104: direction selection


More than two meters in front of the two girls was the round podium. With such a close distance, everything the instructor explained must be clearly heard.

From the handbook distributed by the college, Xin Yun knew that the one who could sit in this position was the chief student of this grade, but... there used to be only one chief student, but this year there were two exceptions. , after all... Whether it is Yi Luoxiang or Yan Qingying, they are all too talented, too talented, and have too much potential. Although there is no gap, they cannot give up on either one.

The chief student has a lot of privileges. Once there is something he doesn't understand, he can interrupt the tutor's explanation at any time and raise his hand to ask questions. No one else has this privilege.

Moreover, when the tutor is teaching, he will also focus on the chief student. You must know... the chief student is the direct disciple of the tutor. No matter where they go or at any time, they represent the achievement of the tutor, while others are just Students are just students, not teachers.

With the arrival of the students from the extra-staff class, finally...all the students of the first grade had entered the hall. At the same time, there was a clear sound of footsteps at the side door near the podium.

"Woo..." The next moment, a figure wearing a fiery red leather jacket, with an unusually hot figure and an extremely coquettish temperament, swayed in from the side door, walked along the spacious passage, and walked all the way to the two-meter-diameter In front of the round platform, he casually placed the lesson plan in his hand on the teaching table on the round platform, and a pair of big and charming eyes scanned the hall slowly.

"It's her?" Seeing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help being taken aback. This hot and coquettish woman was the female dragon envoy who was driving a fox dragon to test everyone's talent, aptitude, and potential on the day of the selection competition. She is the first grade tutor...

"Okay, everyone is here, next... let's start the class!" Finally, after scanning for a week, the vicious voice of the tutor sounded.

As soon as the instructor's words fell, Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying stood up at the same time, and at the same time, Yiluo said crisply: "Everyone stand up!"

Hearing Yan Qingying's voice, all the students couldn't help being stunned, they didn't understand what was going on at all, why was this girl shouting indiscriminately? Why do you ask everyone to stand up

While hesitating, some students stood up, but more students were still sitting in their seats, some were in a daze, and some looked disdainful, you know... before coming here, everyone was the pride of heaven , who obeys whom, why order them

"Crack!" Seeing this scene, on the podium, the teacher who was dressed in fiery red and skinny eyebrows raised his willow eyebrows fiercely, and shouted angrily: "Are you all deaf? Or do you mean that you don't understand what the chief student said?" What does it mean in the classroom!"

Following Meiwu's scolding sound, all the students suddenly remembered that it was clearly written in the student handbook that in class, the chief student's words are the same as the instructor's words, they must be obeyed, and they can disobey if they want to, but If you really do this, then this academy will not keep you anymore, where will you love...

"Wow, wow..." In an instant, a series of voices stood up and stood up. Although everyone was not convinced, no one dared to risk being fired.

Seeing everyone standing up, Teacher Meiwu still frowned beautifully, and said coquettishly: "This is the first time, since everyone is a new student, I don't care too much, if there are still Next time, no matter who it is, just get the hell out of here, Doulong Academy doesn't need such a bastard!"

Hearing Teacher Meiwu's words, all the students were silent, not even daring to take a breath. In Doulong Academy, the status of a mentor is sacred and inviolable. Any student who tries to provoke will be expelled without hesitation. And it will never be accepted.

After glancing coldly for a week, Meiwu turned her head, the cold expression on her face instantly became gentler, and said to Yiluoxiang and Yan Qingying in a soft voice; "Okay, let's continue your work..." before and after The sharp contrast of attitudes made everyone gasp in astonishment. They are also human beings, so why is there such a big difference

Hearing Teacher Meiwu's words, the two girls nodded at the same time, and then... Yan Qingying slightly opened her lips, and said coldly: "Salute!" Following Yan Qingying's voice, Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying took the lead and lowered their heads slightly. With his head and body half-bent forward, he bowed respectfully to the instructor's position.

Seeing this scene, not to mention how everyone thought about it, but no one dared to stab at this time, they all imitated Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying and bowed respectfully to their mentor.

Facing all this, Meiwu smiled with satisfaction. This is the tradition of Doulong Academy, a kind of respect for the mentors who preach, teach, and solve doubts. You know, if you don’t even respect the mentors, so what? Can you lower your head and learn something from your mentor

After the ceremony, Meiwu nodded and said softly: "Please sit down..."

Hearing the instructor's words, all the students sat back one after another. After everyone sat down, Meiwu's expression became serious again, and she said coldly: "Today is the first class, and you may not be familiar with many things. So let me emphasize that I only impart knowledge, as for everything in the class, the two chief students are in charge of managing it, everyone understands, right?"

"Hiss..." Hearing Teacher Meiwu's words, there was a gasping voice in the classroom. In the past... everyone only understood the privileges of the chief student in a literal sense, but now, everyone finally understands the privilege of the chief student. What exactly does it mean? It is the highest class that can stand shoulder to shoulder with the mentor and must not be offended!

Looking at the silent students in the audience, Instructor Meiwu nodded in satisfaction, put his hands on the narrow podium, and continued: "Okay, today is our first class, first we need to get to know everyone. "

Speaking of this, the instructor turned around, picked up the ink pen, and wrote two large characters on the whiteboard—Meiwu, then turned around and said crisply: "From now on, I will be your instructor, and my name is Meiwu is responsible for pointing out the direction of development for everyone, helping everyone make various choices in cultivation, and answering various difficulties in cultivation, as for the basic knowledge, it will be taught by your class instructors."

As soon as Meiwu's words fell, Yi Luoxiang raised her fair little hand. Seeing this scene, Meiwu stopped immediately, and said softly, "What? Is there any problem with Yiluoxiang? "

Hearing Teacher Meiwu's words, Yi Luoxiang hurriedly stood up, and said in a crisp voice: "Just now I heard from the teacher that he can point out the direction of our cultivation, but I don't understand, since everyone can come here, they have obviously summoned If this is the case, then the direction of everyone's development has been determined, so how do we name it?"

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Meiwu nodded with a smile and said: "Good question, please sit down first, I will answer for you later."

"Damn..." Hearing what the instructor said, Xin Yun couldn't help cursing inwardly, it's unfair, it's too unfair, it's not just Yi Luoxiang who has doubts, in fact he also has doubts, but he can only hold back his doubts, And as the chief student, once you have any questions, you can directly ask them and get answers immediately, which...

While thinking, Meiwu continued: "Being able to summon your own dragon is just the beginning. Although you have determined your own attribute category, it does not mean that you have determined the direction of development."

Speaking of which, Meiwu glanced at Yi Luoxiang, and then continued: "Let's take the energy of the water system as an example. Everyone knows that water has two forms, solid and liquid, so now comes the problem, as a dragon of the water system , should the liquid state be the main development direction, or should the solid state be the main development direction?"

"Oh!" Xin Yun's eyes lit up when he heard the instructor's words, and he had a sudden sense of enlightenment. In his previous life, Xin Yun cultivated the fire element, so there was no problem with this aspect, but in this life, this problem It must be considered.

While thinking, Teacher Meiwu continued: "Okay, even if the development direction has been chosen to be ice in solid form, then is the development direction based on the low-temperature freezing of ice? Or is the development direction based on the firmness of ice? You know, in addition to these two directions, you can also choose the speed of the ice blade, the spin of the ice blade, the number of ice blades, the attack range, the speed of the ice blade, the flight path of the ice blade, the shape of the ice blade... There are hundreds of development directions, let me ask... Which direction should I choose as my own choice?"

Listening to Teacher Meiwu's words, Xin Yun only felt that his brain was in chaos, yes... what should he take as his own development direction? There are really so many, so complicated, and there is simply no choice.

Of course, you can also choose to cultivate completely, but this is impossible at all. Human energy is limited, and the result of mastering everything must be loose in everything. If the same one is not the most suitable for you, the result may be half the effort.

In the midst of confusion, Teacher Meiwu continued; "After talking about the solid state of water, let's talk about the liquid state. Although liquid and solid states can be combined, if you really do this, it must be abolished, because the ability of the liquid state It is incompatible with the solid state, and it can even be said to be two completely different energies, which can be subdivided into two major systems: ice system and water system."

"Enenen..." Hearing the words of Teacher Meiwu, Xin Yun nodded again and again. It is true...Although they are both water-type energy, ice and water can indeed be divided into two types. Many characteristics between the two are even completely opposite. One steel and one soft, completely incompatible.

While thinking, Teacher Meiwu continued: "The solid state has hundreds of development directions, but if it is a liquid state, according to my incomplete statistics, there should be more than 48,000 development directions, such as acid, poison, cold, heavy , therapy, heat...there are simply too many to count, let me ask...which one do you want to choose as your development direction? Or do you choose both? But how long will it take to cultivate more than 48,000 liquid abilities?"

Silence... death-like silence, following the explanation of Teacher Meiwu, everyone became silent. Even Xin Yun, who lived for three lives, was the first to know so much knowledge. I went to school.

Satisfied with everyone's horrified expressions, Meiwu continued; "The choice of direction is related to the success or failure of a lifetime. If you choose the right direction for you, you will get twice the result with half the effort. If you choose the wrong direction, then I'm sorry. No matter how talented you are, no matter how hard you try, you will get twice the result with half the effort, and you are doomed not to reach the highest level!"

Hearing this, Yi Luoxiang stood up slowly, bowed to Meiwu respectfully, and said sincerely: "Thank you, Teacher, I think... I have understood."

Smiling and nodding, Instructor Meiwu smiled and said: "Okay, since I am standing here, since I am your instructor, then all this is what I should do, but the same, since I impart knowledge to you, You should respect me, and I hope there will be a bright future between us... "

Gently nodding her head, Yi Luoxiang sat down again, and then... Instructor Meiwu thought for a while, and continued: "Okay, today is the first class, so I won't say anything else, it's time for dinner, Let's all go away."

"Stand up!" Hearing the instructor's words, Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying stood up again, and shouted at their feet. This time, no student dared to continue sitting there, and stood up one after another, with their backs straight straight.

Under the watchful eyes of all the students, Meiwu swayed along the aisle and walked into the side door, seeing that the moment she was about to enter the side door, Meiwu stopped abruptly, turned around, and said to everyone in the classroom : "By the way, if anyone wants to confirm the direction that is suitable for their own development, they can come to the first-year head teacher's office to find me, but they must make an appointment in advance!" After speaking, Meiwu turned around and quickly entered the side door .

Seeing Teacher Meiwu leave, all the colleges immediately sat back on their chairs, and the students who were closer to the door had already started to move their chairs, preparing to leave here.

Xin Yun was also one of them. While thinking about what Meiwu said, he was about to leave. At this moment, a cold voice sounded: "Who asked you to sit down? And... who allowed you to leave! I stand up! Stand up straight!"

Hearing this familiar voice, those students who sat down immediately stood up, and those students who moved their chairs to leave also ignored the chairs next to them, and immediately returned to their desks, standing up straight.

Looking towards the side door, Meiwu's slender figure appeared at the side door again, Liu Mei looked at everyone upside down, the scolding just now came from her mouth, and it was precisely because of this that everyone That's why I'm so in awe.

Looking at everyone coldly, for a long time... Instructor Meiwu said again: "When you go back, read the student handbook carefully, and remember it in the future. My leaving does not mean that the class is over. As I said, I am only responsible for teaching. Knowledge, everything in the class is handled by the two chief students, and no one is allowed to move until they speak!"

"Damn! Why?" For a moment, all the students muttered silently, but they only dared to mutter in their hearts, and no one dared to speak out.

While everyone was muttering secretly, Instructor Meiwu continued: "The most important thing for Doulong is dignity and order. After I leave, everyone must continue to stand there and send the chief students off the field respectfully. Don't move, you must leave in order, understand?"

"Understood!" Amid Meiwu's loud scolding, everyone opened their throats and replied loudly.

Nodding in satisfaction, and after glancing at everyone again, Instructor Meiwu turned around and entered the side door again, but this time, no one dared to sit down casually, or move the tables and chairs.

"Creak creak..." Under everyone's respect, Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingyao gently moved away from the luxurious chairs, and under everyone's gaze, with their shoulders together, walked out of the classroom along the spacious aisle. The entire classroom was silent, except for the footsteps of the two girls, not even the sound of breathing could be heard.

Finally, the figures of the two girls gradually disappeared at the door. Seeing this scene, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, but still no one dared to speak out. Starting from the front row, according to color, red, orange, yellow, green, blue , blue, purple, black, white, gray order, each class began to leave.

Although Xin Yun's extra-staff class 11 is the class closest to the gate, but even so, they have to stand there and wait silently until all other classes have left before they finally get the chance to leave .

Hierarchy, class... Is this the rule of Dragon Academy? Shaking his head, Xin Yun smiled wryly, looked at Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying, and then at himself, what a pity...

Gently clenching his fists, Xin Yun knew that it would be so difficult to catch up with them in this academy, it was almost impossible, let alone catch up, it would be difficult to even get close.

But having said that, although the college elevates the status of these two girls, Xin Yun can't have any dissatisfaction. Facts are enough to prove that both Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying are worthy of their treatment, even just In this case, it is far from enough.

There is no doubt that the two girls are super geniuses, they belong to the kind of amazingly talented existence, as long as they are willing to work hard, they will surely have great success in the future, and by then, everything the academy has done for them today will be in vain. Thousands, or even tens of thousands of times the compensation back.

Take the previous life as an example, Yi Luoxiang was also the chief student, but she was the only chief student. As for Yan Qingying, she did not study in this academy in her previous life.

From the current point of view, the treatment of the chief student seems to be too good, but in the last life, when Yi Luoxiang became one of the nine masters, the benefits the academy got from her were simply immeasurable. It's about fame, money, and more importantly, strength.

When the academy treats her so favorably, as long as she is a normal person, she can't help feeling for the academy. When Yi Luoxiang becomes a master of the nine masters, anyone who wants to use Fighting Dragon Academy must first consider whether they will be hurt or not. To the punishment of Yiloxiang! You know, Yi Luoxiang was an honorary professor of Doulong Academy at that time, and she often came to give several classes. With the attitude of the academy to her, once the academy really opened her mouth, Yiluoxiang couldn't refuse.

In fact, what everyone sees today is the treatment and privileges of the chief student, which is only the tip of the iceberg. In Doulong Academy, the chief student can be equated with the tutor, or even higher than the tutor!