X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 106: underground river


Xin Yun took a deep breath, and then instantly released the energy in the dragon ball, and under the guidance of spiritual power, it began to circulate in the body...

"Wow..." Sensing Xin Yun's release of the dragon ball energy, directly opposite, Teacher Meiwu suddenly reached out, and in an instant... the eyes of the five-tailed fox dragon suddenly lit up, and at the same time, the eyes of Teacher Meiwu suddenly lit up. In the middle, a green light also shone.

Accompanied by Mentor Meiwu's mental scan, the clothes and hair all over Xin Yun's body fluttered strangely and automatically without wind. Feeling all this, Xin Yun did not panic, closed his eyes gently, and fully operated the dragon ball. Energy, he is very clear, if Teacher Meiwu wants to harm him, in his current state, he has no power to resist at all. And... If he is too nervous, he will form a mental turmoil, which is not conducive to the scanning of eyebrows.

Slowly running the energy in the Dragon Ball, I don't know how long it took, and finally... the eyes of the five-tailed fox dragon gradually dimmed. One jumped down.

Slowly opening his eyes, Xin Yun looked expectantly at Meiwu who was coming towards him. Under Xin Yun's watchful eyes, the instructor of Meiwu stood still in an extremely attractive and provocative posture, with his arms crossed, up and down Looking at Xin Yun, he seemed to be thinking about something.

"Gulu..." Swallowed with difficulty, although Teacher Meiwu didn't intend to seduce Xin Yun, but looking at her huge breasts that protruded because of her arms around her chest, she smelled that she was sweating. , and the extra strong aroma, Xin Yun still unconsciously felt dry mouth, after all... Xin Yun's soul is definitely an adult.

While Xin Yun was secretly enduring, Instructor Meiwu said: "Your energy is in the liquid state of water, don't try to develop into solid ice, your dragon doesn't have the talent of ice at all."

"Oh!" Xin Yun's eyes couldn't help but brighten up when he heard Teacher Meiwu's words. At the same time, Teacher Meiwu continued: "The characteristic of your energy is acid with corrosive power, and once this kind of energy enters the body It can also form acid poison, which are two abilities of the same energy.”

Hearing Teacher Meiwu's words, Xin Yun nodded in admiration, indeed... so far, Yinglong can only spray water polo, and the water polo does have the ability to corrode acid, as for acid poison, Xin Yun really didn't realize it.

While thinking, Teacher Meiwu continued: "According to my scan, the most suitable development direction for you is water system-liquid-strong acid. As for acid poison, it is the accompanying ability of strong acid. When the acidity increases, the power of acid poison It will naturally improve, so there is no need to deliberately think about it.”

Hearing Teacher Meiwu's words, Xin Yun nodded subconsciously, but his heart was at a loss, and he said in a puzzled way: "Mr. Meiwu, I still don't quite understand. Taking me as an example, how should I establish my direction in What about the liquid state of the water system?"

Frowning, Meiwu said: "This is supposed to be the knowledge your mentor taught you, but since you asked, I'll tell you by the way."

At this point, Teacher Meiwu paused for a moment, and then continued: "If you want to establish your own characteristics, you must absorb the power of the source, and convert the energy of the dragon ball into the source energy, so that you can establish your own direction. "

Looking blankly at Teacher Meiwu, Xin Yun said eagerly: "But, what exactly is the original power? Where can I find it!"

Faced with Xin Yun's question, Instructor Meiwu continued: "The original power is the substance corresponding to the energy of each department, such as the earth fire of the fire department, the mysterious ice of the ice department, and the real water of the water department..."

"Oh..." Hearing Teacher Meiwu's words, Xin Yun was suddenly stunned, no wonder he found that some people practiced in strange places before, but he didn't understand before.

For example, those who practice fire energy, many people go to the crater, or to practice near the center of the earth. In fact, they want to absorb the original power of the flames in the center of the earth and determine their own development direction.

Of course, some people ran to the vicinity of the glacier, dug an ice cave, and practiced on a piece of ten thousand-year-old black ice, in order to absorb the original power of the black ice power. Only in this way can they establish their own direction.

Nodding his head in admiration, Xin Yun wiped the sweat from his forehead. Finally, the Doulong Academy was not in vain. In his last life, Xin Yun was only enrolled in an ordinary academy, and there was no condition for him to be equipped with guidance from a spiritual department. Mentor, and after graduation, I didn't meet a teammate in the spiritual department. Occasionally, I had one, whose strength was too weak, and I didn't have the qualifications to master the powerful ability of mental scanning...

Looking at Teacher Meiwu excitedly, Xin Yun said excitedly; "Then Teacher, according to what you said, my characteristic is the liquid strong acid of the water system, but... where can I find the original power of the liquid strong acid?"

Facing Xin Yun's question, Instructor Meiwu smiled charmingly: "As long as there is water, there will be the original power of water. In fact... even in this room, there is also the original power of water!"

"En?" Hearing the words of Teacher Meiwu, Xin Yun was completely confused, what does this mean!

Seeing Xin Yun's confused look, Mei Wu covered her mouth and smiled, and continued: "The original power can be seen everywhere, but there are differences in concentration."

At this point, Teacher Meiwu paused for a moment, and then continued: "A place with a lot of water near a river or a lake, the original power of the water will be relatively strong, especially on the sea, where the original power of the water system is the strongest. , and the deepest part of the sea should be the place where the original power of the water system is the densest."

Hearing Teacher Meiwu's words, Xin Yun half-understood, hesitantly said: "So, I just need to absorb the original power of the water system? But what about the acidity? How can I increase the acidity?"

Faced with Xin Yun's question, Instructor Meiwu frowned and said: "Absorbing the original power is only to determine the direction of development, and acidity is the characteristic of your dragon stone. If you want to increase the acidity in your attack, there is only one way , that is to enhance your spiritual power and improve your energy purity!"

"Crack!" Xin Yun slapped his thigh fiercely, and said excitedly: "I see, what you mean is that the higher the purity of my energy, the more acidic it is, and at the same purity, the mental power It determines the strength of the acidity!"

Smiling and nodding, Instructor Meiwu continued: "That's right, it's not just acidity, the ability of other departments is the same. They all need to rely on human spiritual power to increase. The stronger your spirit is, the stronger your spirit will be. The stronger the ability!"

Hearing this, Xin Yun's heart finally brightened, and he fully understood that the so-called energy purity actually represents the purity of acid, and what mental power plays is to increase the side effect, that is to say, to increase the acidity , either to improve one's rank, or to improve one's spiritual power!

The so-called rank refers to the energy realm of the dragon, and the spiritual power refers to the human being. For the first time... Xin Yun realized that it is not only the dragon that needs to be cultivated, but the human being is more important!

Although the power of the dragon is very powerful, it really determines the final achievement. The dragon can only account for half of the proportion at most, and the other half is the strength of the person. It is precisely because of this that the Doulong Academy values the talent and qualifications of people so much. , and potential.

It is useless if Guanglong's rank is high. If the human realm is far lower than the opponent, he will not be able to defeat the opponent. Only when the dragon realm and human strength go hand in hand, is the most powerful.

Shaking his head silently, it seems... No matter which world you are in, knowledge is too important. It is okay not to go to school, but you will miss a lot of things and make many mistakes, and some mistakes are fatal!

Seeing Xin Yun's admiration, Mei Wu continued: "Okay, I've already said everything I need to say, as for the specific cultivation, I don't quite understand it, and we are not in the same line, so I can't give you any advice. You need your class tutor to pass it on to you."

Seeing Teacher Meiwu's tired look, Xin Yun was really grateful in his heart. After saluting Meiwu respectfully, Xin Yun didn't continue to disturb, turned and left the head teacher's office.

After Meiwu's guidance, Xin Yun's harvest today is extremely huge. First of all, he realized that if he wants to achieve something, he must establish his own direction and absorb the original power of the water system, instead of absorbing all water and ice systems as he is doing now. , if this continues, he may be like his previous life again, maybe a little stronger, but generally speaking, there will not be much change.

In addition, after determining your own direction, in addition to paying attention to improving the strength of the dragon, you must also pay attention to improving your own strength. This is very important, very important. The strength is determined by the dragon and the human. The difference is , dragons provide strength and energy, while people provide spirit and soul! The combination of the two is the real dragon!

Thinking all the way, Xin Yun returned to the classroom, sat on the seat and thought carefully for a while, the class teacher Mu Sha rushed over, and the afternoon class began.

However, Musha did not impart knowledge in class, but explained the current situation to everyone. Since the eleventh extra-staff class was newly added this year, apart from the classroom and dormitory, there is only a simple kitchen. The training venue, training hall, training equipment... are completely missing.

However, although there is not now, it does not mean that there will never be. Now... the college has officially allocated funds and started to build various training facilities and buildings around the hill. Before that, everyone except learning some theoretical knowledge, the rest of the time Participate in labor, tidy up the surrounding sanitation, and tidy up the environment.

After announcing the news, under the leadership of Teacher Musha, all the students started to clean up the classrooms, dormitories, and the surrounding ground. The weeds were removed one by one, and the dirt roads leading here were also leveled. Weeds and shrubs on both sides of the road were also cut down.

He was busy until the evening, when Mu Sha announced the end of today's work. At the same time, the aunts in the kitchen brought rough meals, but this time, it was probably due to the exhaustion of the afternoon, and no one was picky anymore. One by one holding a big bowl to eat, it is very sweet.

Like noon, Xin Yun wiped out two big bowls of corn and rice, and two big bowls of soup and pickles, then rubbed his belly in satisfaction, sat in his seat and began to think.

Although recently, due to the lack of training equipment and facilities, Xin Yun couldn't start to practice, but Xin Yun absolutely didn't want to waste time. There was already a gap between him and others.

Fortunately, Xin Yun still has a lot of things to do now. The first thing is to convert the energy in the dragon ball into the water system energy of the original source. This is related to his future development direction. Where is there a place where a lot of water gathers

According to Teacher Meiwu, where there is more water, the energy of the water system will be denser, and the effect of cultivation will be better, but looking around, except for the crescent-shaped small lake opposite, where is there a trace of water

Of course, it's not that Xin Yun didn't want to go to the lake to practice, but looking at the magnificent building in the bend of Crescent Lake, he knew that with his current status, he didn't have the right to go near there.

Just as he was thinking, outside the classroom door, the fat aunt was carrying two big wooden buckets, swinging towards the hill. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help frowning, could it be that...she was going to the opposite side? Crescent Lake to fetch water

"No!" Thinking of this, Xin Yun shook his head resolutely. Although the Crescent Lake is also in the college, it is not close to here. If you just go to fetch water like this, it will tire the aunt again and again. You must die. Could it be that... there is a well under the hill!

As soon as her eyes lit up, Xin Yun stood up abruptly, and quickly chased after him. Hearing the sound of footsteps behind her, the aunt turned her head in doubt, and when she saw it was Xin Yun, she immediately showed a gentle smile.

"Aunt... are you going to fetch water?" Xin Yun called out from afar.

Hearing Xin Yun's words, the aunt smiled and said, "Yes, if you don't bring water, what you eat tomorrow morning, I can't let you eat dry."

Hearing the other party's words, Xin Yun couldn't help sighing, and said with a smile: "Then let me carry it for you. If you are alone, how many times will you have to carry it to carry enough water for a hundred of us?"

"Hehe..." With a kind smile, the aunt shook her head and said, "Don't be stupid, the aunt still has some strength, but you, such a small child, can you lift it?"

Staring at the incomparably thick wooden barrel in amazement, Xin Yun was in a daze for a while, not to mention whether he had enough strength, the size of the wooden barrel alone was not suitable for Xin Yun, it was too big.

Descending the hill, following a winding path, the two of them entered the dense forest under the hill. Looking around, the forest was made up of pine trees that were more than twenty meters high and as thick as a person. Thick pine needles block most of the light, making the whole forest a little dark.

I walked along the winding path for about a kilometer, and finally...a green pool appeared in the woods. In the middle of the pool, a spring gushed out.

"This! This is..." Seeing this scene, Xin Yun's blood boiled with excitement. There was no water flowing around the pool, but the spring water kept gushing out, but it could never fill the pool. What does this mean

"Underground river!" That's right, Xin Yun knew that there must be an underground river down here, and... this water pool is likely to be connected underground with the crescent lake in the distance, so there is no need to worry about the place of cultivation. This underground river is the most suitable place.

Following behind the aunt calmly, Xin Yun returned to the dormitory, then lay on the bed without saying a word, closed his eyes and fell asleep. Now that the place has been chosen, he must recover his energy as soon as possible, and then wait As soon as it gets dark, he will rush over and enter the underground river for energy conversion.

I don't know how long I slept for, but when Xin Yun woke up, the other guys had already returned, and they were all sleeping soundly in their own bunks.

Gently getting up, Xin Yun left the dormitory lightly, and then quickly rushed towards the pool in the forest. Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying had already surpassed him. If he didn't work hard, he would only be pulled further and further away. This is not what Xin Yun wants.

Arriving at the pool all the way, Xin Yun looked around carefully, and after making sure there was no one there, he suddenly stuck out his right hand and shouted in a low voice—Ying Long!

Accompanied by Xin Yun's deep voice, thousands of dream bubbles rose up in a series of grunting sounds, and then the water bubbles flew around and quickly condensed into a dark blue Yinglong!

With a sudden step on the ground with both feet, Xin Yun's body flew into the air. At the same time, Ying Long made a lightning-like turn, and the dragon's head successfully caught Xin Yun's body, and then plunged towards the green pool. go down.

"Plop..." With a very slight sound of water, Ying Long plunged headlong into the pool, his body nearly 30 meters long twisted and twisted for a while, and soon disappeared on the water surface.

The area of the pool is not large, with a diameter of only about 100 meters, but its depth is astonishing. Except for the relatively shallow place near the shore, the center is simply a bottomless pit.

Riding on Yinglong's head, behind the dragon's horns, Xin Yun's body seemed to be covered by a bubble, and there was no trace of water around his body, but looking around, the rippling pool of water was only one meter away from Xin Yun. It's just distance.

All the way down, although the water pressure is gradually increasing, as a water system, Ying Long will never care about such a small pressure. Even if there is pressure, it will be transformed into power by Ying Long, allowing him to swim faster.

"Wow..." Finally, when Yinglong dived to a certain depth, suddenly... a horizontal water flow roared towards him, and even Yinglong was rushed hundreds of meters away, even if he was not in a hurry. Only then did he control his body and regain his balance.

However, I have to say that for Ying Long, underwater is his world. Once he enters the water, it is like returning home. Although he was washed by the current, he did not suffer any harm. , just rushed out for a certain distance along the current, and it was easy to control.

Feeling the turbulent water flow, Xin Yun knew that this was an underground river. He recalled it briefly. If he continued to follow the direction of the water flow, he should be drifting towards the crescent bend, and this was obviously not Xin Yun's goal. land.

While thinking about it, Xin Yun suddenly turned the dragon's head and swam in the opposite direction. If he wanted to practice, he had to find an open space underground, so riding on a dragon would not allow him to practice.

Going all the way, soon... Xin Yun passed under the pool again, and then continued to swim, swimming towards the location of the dormitory and classrooms...

After swimming for a while, the direction of the underground river changed, it seemed to be raised a lot, and it was all the way up, and then turned a few times in the middle, and after swimming for more than a thousand meters, finally... the surrounding area was empty, Xin Yun clearly felt There's air moving!

Reaching into his bosom, Xin Yun took out a luminous stone, and in an instant...a blazing white light shone in the pitch-black space, illuminating the surrounding space.

The so-called luminous stone is one of the lighting tools commonly used by people in this world. When it is placed in the sun during the day, it will emit bright light at night, and the effect is better than that of a light bulb.

Looking around, this is a huge grotto with a height of over 100 meters and an area of over 10,000 square meters. An underground river flows through the middle of the grotto, dividing the entire grotto into two spaces, one large and one small.

Embedding the luminous stone on his chest, Xin Yun jumped off Yinglong's head, stepped on the floor of the grotto, closed his eyes slightly, and felt the rich energy of the water system around him, Xin Yun laughed excitedly.

Not daring to be negligent, Xin Yun hurriedly put away Ying Long, and then tapped the luminous stone, found a half-foot-high stone platform, sat cross-legged on it, and entered the cultivation state.

It is very troublesome to replace the energy. It is very troublesome to eliminate the non-original energy one by one and fill it in with the original energy.

Now, the energy in Xin Yun Dragon Ball is like a sack of grains mixed with soybeans, mung beans, red beans, black beans... countless kinds of beans, but what Xin Yun really wants is only one kind. What Xin Yun wanted to keep was only a few tenths of the total amount.

Troublesome, very troublesome... After thinking twice, Xin Yun gritted his teeth and made a decision to directly dissipate all the original energy in the Dragon Ball, whether it is wanted or not, repel all, leaving only the original power of Dragon Ball Still exist.

It is worth mentioning that dissipating energy is not equal to dissipating power. Although Xin Yun's realm instantly fell back to the state of no-rank another star, and he could not even summon dragons, but the realm of Dragon Ball remained at the bronze level. five stars!

The reason why dragons can be condensed is not only the original energy. In this world, the original energy can be seen everywhere, and I have never seen any energy that suddenly turns into a dragon. What really plays a decisive role is the dragon creation stone!

Now, although the original energy is scattered, the dragon stone and the power in the blue sea are still there. Next... what Xin Yun has to do is to attract the original power he wants, and then combine it with the energy of the blue sea. After fusion, the original dragon can be condensed, and it is no longer the form that Xin Yun summoned before.

One thing that must be said is that if Dragon Ball wants to absorb energy, it must form an energy derived from the Orchid Sea in Dragon Ball in advance. The derived energy of the Azure Sea is combined with the original energy, and only then can it condense into a dragon. Controlled by Xin Yun.

If there are a total of 100 Azure Sea Derived Energy in Dragon Ball, then only 100 water-type original energy can be absorbed, and then combined in two to form the real energy of Dragon Ball, the total is still 100. Only the derived energy of the sea can mobilize and control the original energy.

And the derivative energy of the blue sea naturally has the characteristics of the blue sea, that is, strong acid, so once Yinglong sprays it, it will spray a strong acidic liquid.