X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 108: Strange discovery


Hearing Yan Qingying's words, Yi Luoxiang was taken aback for a moment, then looked at Xin Yun in a daze, shook her head and said, "You, you, it's useless to worry about Jingai, don't you worry that we will lose money because of some external, material things? Does it change with the changes above?"

With a wry smile and shaking his head, Xin Yun looked at Yi Luoxiang seriously and said: "Remember? I told you before, don't worry that I will reject you because you are not good enough, but now, I am a little bit worried that I am not enough." Excellent and lost you."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang looked at Xin Yun seriously and said, "Now that I've come to this point, I want to ask you, would you have rejected me because I wasn't good enough?"

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun was taken aback for a moment, then quickly shook his head and said, "How is it possible, you should be clear about my feelings for you, how could it be possible not to want you, not to mention... now you are already better than me, and you are better than me." There are many."

Looking at Xin Yun sincerely, Yi Luoxiang said very seriously: "Since that's the case, why are you so worried? No matter what you become, I can't let you go. In this world, there is nothing but you. It is worth my cherishing, who else can I cherish besides you?"

Hearing this, Xin Yun suddenly realized, yes... just like a pair of brothers and sisters, no matter how different their treatment in school is, and no matter what their grades are, their relationship will not change. Above money and material things, at least true feelings are like this, and false ones are not included.

Moreover, Xin Yun believes that the relationship between himself and Yi Luoxiang is definitely not comparable to the relationship between brother and sister. It is a relationship that can be trusted and sacrificed for each other. How can it be because of someone's achievements? Well, who changed with a bad grade? If it’s really so easy to change, then it’s not really a relationship at all, and if you lose it, you’ll lose it, there’s nothing worth cherishing…

While thinking, Yi Luoxiang took Xin Yun's hand and said, "What's more, I'm not better than you now, everything is just the beginning. In my heart, you are still the omnipotent person at the Yibao Conference." Xin Yun, don't forget, at the beginning, you were also the most inconspicuous one in the conference, but what about the final result? Who can compare with your results?"

Yeah... so what about starting low? He is not without advantages, as Yi Luoxiang said, everything is just the beginning, and it is far from the end, so we must not lose confidence now.

While thinking about it, Xin Yun laughed and said decisively; "Thank you Xiangxiang, I think... my confidence has been restored, don't worry, I will never let you down."

Seeing that Xin Yun finally regained her confidence, Yi Luoxiang smiled sweetly, hugged Xin Yun's arm with both hands, and walked towards the shop. It felt so wonderful to have Xin Yun by her side, and her heart was full. Sweet, there are no more regrets in life.

When the three of them returned to the shop, Mingxuan had already returned. After all... no one would pester him for so long at the gate of the academy.

After a week, Mingxuan's mental state improved a lot, and the brow became clearer. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun knew that if nothing happened, this guy must also be a student of the college's color class, although his Talent and aptitude are only 80, but the potential is too strong, the full value is 100, even if you don't think about it, you won't succeed.

After asking, sure enough... Mingxuan has already been in Class 1 of Duan Cai for the second year. Over the past week, Mingxuan has enjoyed the special treatment and privileges of Class 1 of Cai, how can he be in a bad spirit.

It's a pity that Xin Yun knows that his pride will soon be over. When the students figure out the situation, the challenge will begin. The second grade does not have a one-year truce for the first grade, and it can be initiated at any time Challenging.

In the past week, the reason why everyone did not challenge him was because the consequences of failing the challenge were too serious. Once the challenge failed, he would lose the qualification to study in the General Academy and be transferred to the First Academy. If he failed again, he would be sent to the Second Academy. Court, and so on.

However, although Mingxuan worked very hard and was very talented, but unfortunately, this guy's peacock was still unable to open his tail, and he had no ability to attack at all, and those who dared to challenge were all tyrannical people. The battle must be lost.

Now, a week has passed, no matter how much Mingxuan hides it, he may not be able to avoid everyone's eyes. Before long, the challenge will finally begin, and Mingxuan's glory will be gone forever, and it will never come back. If something goes wrong, he will probably be demoted all the way to the lowest class of Baishi, and then be sent all the way to the first courtyard, then the second courtyard, and the third courtyard...

After not seeing each other for a week, the four little friends got together and chatted enthusiastically. They didn't have enough chatting until Lan's mother cooked a sumptuous lunch, but they couldn't continue chatting.

After a hearty lunch, everyone went back to their rooms to rest. Since they were used to the lunch break, they felt sleepy at this point.

Yan Qingying and Mingxuan both had their own rooms, so after eating, they all returned to their own rooms to rest, while Yi Luoxiang and Xin Yun always lived in the same room.

When Xin Yun embraced Yi Luoxiang who was wearing thin pajamas, he smelled her fragrant breath. I haven't seen her for a week. This girl has grown a lot of flesh. Of course... this is definitely not fat, just not like before. It's so skinny, it's a lot rounder.

In fact, Yi Luoxiang has never been ugly, but in the past, her nutrition could not keep up, she was dry and thin, and she couldn't look beautiful at all. Now that her living conditions have improved, her body has gained more flesh, and her milk With delicate and fair skin, her beauty is about to begin to bloom.

If it is said that Yi Luoxiang in the past was a thin flower bone, then now she is like a flower bone that has enough nourishment and is about to bloom. Once she really blooms, the beauty she will display will be unparalleled!

The beauty of the face alone is not considered real beauty. The real beauty should be face + temperament + charm + behavior + character + breath +... It is a combination of many aspects. A real beauty can be judged only by a glance When you come out, you don't need to go close at all, and you don't need to stare at your face. There is no doubt that Yi Luoxiang in the future will be such a beauty.

On the other side... Yi Luoxiang also felt incomparably comfortable, incomparably happy, incomparably happy, an indescribable feeling, stirring silently in her heart, this kind of feeling can only be found in Xin Yun's embrace. It made her incomparably infatuated, obsessed, and wished she could be held in his arms forever.

Although both of them felt sleepy, they hadn't seen each other for a week, and it was hard to get along with each other now, so they were not willing to waste time going to sleep, so...the two hugged each other lightly, and murmured about how they had met in the past week. Talking and laughing in a low voice, unknowingly, time passed quietly...

I don't know how long it took, but the two finally fell asleep one after another. When they woke up again, it was already mid-afternoon. Seeing the sun gradually turning towards the horizon, Xin Yun hurriedly got up, and after waking up Yi Luoxiang, brought Together with Yan Qingying, they rushed towards the business district...

As for Mingxuan, even though Xin Yun also called, this kid refused to go, saying that he wanted to stay at home with his mother, and he hadn't seen him for a week, this kid couldn't bear to leave his mother's side for a moment.

Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying's birthdays are not far away, Xin Yun doesn't have much time to go shopping, and now that he's in school, the time is even tighter, so it's finally a holiday, so of course he has to prepare well.

From mid-afternoon until after ten o'clock in the evening, the three left the business district satisfied and returned to the store. Although they didn't buy anything suitable for a birthday present, Xin Yun was excited to learn that tomorrow, too It's Sunday, and there will be a big sale here, and there will be many treasures on the field.

This hypermarket is held every quarter, and it shouldn't be tomorrow, but because it is the first week of school at Doulong Academy, the demand from the students is particularly high, so the time is changed to tomorrow.

Different from other cities, Shanhai City is an academy city, and the entire city is basically built around the academy. Therefore, in this hypermarket, most of the products sold are treasures that help cultivation, and the merchant's sense of smell is always the keenest. of.

The venue of the hypermarket is located in the big market of Shanhai City. There are a total of 3,000 stalls. After learning that the hypermarket will be held tomorrow, Xin Yun rushed over immediately and rented a booth with money. Opportunities cannot be missed anyway.

Seeing the three of Xin Yun coming back, Lan's mother hurried over, intending to make a midnight snack for the children, but was stopped by Xin Yun. When he came back, Xin Yun bought some snacks to bring back, so he didn't have to do it himself up.

Lan's mother took all kinds of snacks, went to the kitchen to get plates, and poured out the dishes one by one. At the same time, Xin Yun also went to call Ming Xuan out.

While eating delicious snacks, everyone chatted enthusiastically. Through the conversation, Xin Yun was excited to learn that today's business is surprisingly good, especially the high-grade dragon crystals have sold a lot.

Listening to Mama Lan's report, Xin Yun shook his head in admiration. As expected of the capital of the academy, these things that are helpful for cultivation are really in short supply. As soon as the academy was on holiday, the students all rushed out, wantonly purchase various items.

Although there is only one college, the General Academy, in Shanhai City, it is divided into ten areas. The area where Xin Yun is located is one year, with a total of ten divisions. Each division has a thousand students, a total of 10,000 people. The city's top ten There are a total of 100,000 students in the area.

One hundred thousand students add up, and the purchase volume is very astonishing, especially those who can attend the Fighting Dragon Academy, who are either rich or expensive, and they are all rich masters, so the profits are astonishing!

After the midnight snack, everyone went back to their rooms to rest. There was nothing to say all night. In the early morning of the next day, everyone came out of their rooms one after another. After eating the dinner prepared by Lan's mother, a group of people, including Lan's mother, , and walked towards the hypermarket together.

The hypermarket is somewhat similar to the Yibao Conference that Xin Yun once participated in. The difference is that this hypermarket is for the students of Doulong Academy and sells some treasures that the students are in short supply. own baby.

A group of people arrived at the hypermarket with a large number of dragon crystals of various grades, and then everyone helped to place samples of dragon crystals of various grades on the booth. Mama Lan and a clerk in the store took care of the sales. Volunteered to stay and help, as for Xin Yun, Yi Luoxiang, and Yan Qingying, they started wandering around the hypermarket.

Since it is for the students of Doulong Academy, the items sold in the hypermarket are naturally related to cultivation and students' daily life, including some daily necessities, clothing, hats, shoes and socks.

Although the scale is not as large as the Yibao Conference, the 3,000 booths are surrounded by one-third of the scale of the Yibao Conference. The stalls are flowing, and when you encounter something suitable, you can spend money to buy it.

Along the way, Xin Yun first bought some sets of clothes suitable for the season for the two girls, and then bought some sets of underwear for everyone. After all... the college only distributes college clothes, not underwear.

Along the way, the three of them bought a lot of things, not only underwear, shoes and socks, but also many daily necessities, as well as the rouge powder that girls like, although the two girls don't really need these things to whitewash, But girls, they always like these things like makeup powder, otherwise they are still called girls

Of course, Xin Yun doesn't recommend them to use those heavy makeup powders, but chooses those that care for the skin and are beneficial to the body. They not only play the role of dressing up, but the most important thing is that they can maintain and moisturize the skin.

While Xin Yun was choosing items for the two girls, the two girls naturally did not forget about Xin Yun, adding a lot of daily necessities for him, and even choosing a few makeup powders suitable for men, but... It was flatly rejected by Xin Yun.

Naturally, Xin Yun and the two girls didn't forget Mingxuan's mother and son, and even the clerk didn't forget, and each bought some gifts for them.

After wandering around until noon, a group of people went to buy food and rushed back to the booth to eat. After understanding, after a morning, the business was surprisingly good. the better.

After lunch, Xin Yun and the two girls put all the items they bought at the booth, and then started wandering around again, until the evening. The 3,000 stalls in the store went around.

After dinner, the two girls were so exhausted that they didn't want to go on shopping any longer. They wanted to stay and look at the store for a while. The business is at its best now, and there are always a few students around the booth. A girl also joined in, helping with the sale...

Xin Yunben also wanted to go to help, but the space behind the booth was almost full, and even Mingxuan squeezed out to maintain order around the booth, so Xin Yun gave up his idea of staying.

Consumables like Dragon Crystal that can quickly increase strength are very welcome to students. Although the price is not low, it is nothing to the students of Doulong Academy. After all... everyone's current strength is still very low Yes, there is no need to use too high-grade dragon crystal.

Seeing the girls busy happily, Xin Yun hesitated for a moment, then turned and left the booth, and walked towards a corner of the hypermarket.

When walking around with two girls, Xin Yun once saw a strange stall selling strange items, but because he was with Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying, Xin Yun didn't have time to take a closer look, and just passed by. However, since I have free time now, of course I have to go and have a look.

I rushed all the way to the booth, looking around, an old man with disheveled hair, a beard, and extremely dirty clothes was sitting behind the counter, staring blankly at the endless crowd, obviously... after a whole day , no one bought his things at all, otherwise he wouldn't be so lost.

Looking at the booth, it seemed to be scattered, but there were some regular milky white and translucent stones. With Xin Yun's knowledge, he couldn't tell what these stones were.

Frowning, Xin Yun said hesitantly, "This...boss, what are you selling? Are these stones?"

Hearing Xin Yun's voice, the old man immediately lit up his eyes, stood up hastily, and said eagerly, "No, no, no... I'm not selling these stones, in fact... I'm selling a little invention!"

"Invention?" Xin Yun's eyes lit up when he heard the old man's words.

Seeing that Xin Yun's attention had been caught, the old man became even more energetic. He stretched out his hands, fiddled with the stones on the booth, and said excitedly: "These stones all contain strange energy. I found... If these stones containing strange energies are placed in a certain direction, they will form a strange force field!"

While speaking, the old man moved the stones quickly. After moving for a long time, finally... After all the stones were arranged in a strange shape, all the stones gradually lit up, and the milky white stones emitted a faint glow. shine.

"En?" Seeing this scene, Xin Yun opened his mouth wide in surprise. He could clearly feel that in the middle of the figure surrounded by these stones, a strange energy was slowly converging, spinning, and congealing. Persistent, unusually pure, this is...

Looking at Xin Yun excitedly, the old man said: "How about it, it's amazing!"

Nodding in astonishment, Xin Yun said cautiously: "Did you figure out these yourself? How did you find out!"

Facing Xin Yun's question, the old man nodded proudly and said, "Yes, I figured it out by myself. I was born in Gale Canyon, which is a stone forest area. Juan, these white stones are a specialty of Blast Wind Canyon, and the location of these stones is also the general orientation of those stone forests in Blast Wind Canyon."

Hearing the old man's words, Xin Yun couldn't help but gasped, and said tremblingly: "You mean, as long as this kind of stone is arranged according to the layout of the stone forest, these strange energy swirls can be produced? "

"No, no, no..." Hearing Xin Yun's words, the old man shook his head violently and said, "How can it be so simple, if so, what is there to be proud of, in fact... there may not be tens of thousands of people in the stone forest. A stalagmite, not every one is useful, I have only sorted out eighteen positions now, as long as these stones are placed in these eighteen positions, these weird energy flows can be generated!"