X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 109: Worry about gains and losses


Feeling the incomparably pure energy flow, Xin Yun became more and more excited. These energies are useless to Xin Yun, but if these energies are replaced with the original energy of the blue water system, then...

Although it is still very crude, it can even be described as primitive, but there is no doubt that this is the most primitive energy-gathering array. This research is only just beginning. If we continue to study, we will definitely be able to realize the blue water-system energy-gathering array !

Once the energy gathering array is successfully researched, there is no need to search for the original energy of the blue water system. Once the energy gathering array is opened, the energy within a certain range will gather, which is extremely pure.

To put it simply, this energy-focused array is like a magnet, attracting all the same energy as itself. As for other energies, it has no effect at all, just like a magnet that only attracts iron, not copper or gold. , this is the most fundamental principle.

While thinking about it, Xin Yun swallowed hard, and said, "Well, if these stones are replaced with other materials, will it still have this effect?"

Facing Xin Yun's question, the old man showed an embarrassed expression, scratched his head and said, "Well, to be honest, I really want to experiment, but unfortunately, I don't have the money to buy other items that contain energy. so… "

Nodding his head clearly, Xin Yun knew that this old man was obviously a typical research madman, he didn't think much about material issues at all, he just concentrated on research, basically he didn't have much money to spend, and it would be good if he could maintain food and clothing.

Xin Yun said cautiously: "Your invention is really good, but... how do you plan to sell this invention?"

"This..." Hearing Xin Yun's words, the old man was stunned and scratched his head. The old man hesitated and said, "I don't want to sell money. If possible, I hope you can provide a site and some materials. Let me continue to study, and the rest... just take care of my food."

"Uh..." Facing the old man's words, Xin Yun couldn't help sweating profusely. This request...is really for research, no wonder no one has paid attention to it, such a thing that doesn't know what it's used for, few people will be interested .

However, Xin Yun is a person from the earth after all, and he deeply understands a truth - technology is the primary productive force. These small things seem to be nothing special, but once the research is successful, the benefits it will bring are immeasurable!

While thinking about it, Xin Yun said tremblingly: "Your request is very reasonable, but I want to know, if you really research the result, what do you plan to do with it?"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, the old man scratched his head and said, "Didn't I say that? You just need to provide me with a site and the materials. I don't care about the rest, and I don't care about it. I just want to concentrate on it." study this thing."

"Okay..." Nodding decisively, Xin Yun said: "In this case, let's make an agreement, I will satisfy all your requirements, and... once you have research results, the inventor will be named after you .”

Nodding in satisfaction, the old man continued: "That's good, that's good... However, the venue I need must be quiet, and you must send me the experimental materials in time, so as not to interrupt my research."

Looking at the old man with a smile, Xin Yun said respectfully: "By the way, I haven't asked your Gao's last name yet..."

Facing Xin Yun's question, the old man slapped his forehead fiercely, and said with a smile, "My name is Ximin, you can call me Lao Xi."

Shaking his head with a smile, Xin Yun said: "How can it be done? Your discovery is very remarkable, it can even be described as great, so...from now on, I will call you Master Westminster, hehe..."

"Master Westminster!" Hearing Xin Yun's words, the old man was extremely excited. It seems... this guy is similar to a researcher on Earth. Although he doesn't value money, he has a special name.

Xin Yun shook his head and said, "Okay, since this is the case, you should quickly pack up your things and let's leave quickly. Don't worry, I will provide you with your research site and the materials you need in time."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, the old man didn't talk nonsense, he directly pulled a leather bag behind the booth, and put a dozen white stones from the booth into it, and that was the end of the job.

When Xin Yun and Master Ximin returned to their booth, the booth was still full of people. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun didn't go to join in the fun, and dragged Master Ximin to the corner next to him and sat down while chatting. while waiting.

A few hours later, the passenger flow in the hypermarket finally began to dissipate, and at the same time, each stall began to close one by one. At this moment, Xin Yun hurried back to the stall with Master Ximin.

Seeing Xin Yun coming back with a bad old man, Yi Luoxiang and the others were very surprised. It wasn't until Xin Yun explained that everyone knew that this seemingly inconspicuous old man was actually a wise man!

The so-called wise men are people with great wisdom. They can usually discover things and laws that others cannot discover, but... Most of the wise men in the past discovered the abilities and combat skills related to dragons, but this wise man played with dragons. The only difference is a few stones, the difference is a bit big, but it is finally one of the wise men.

A group of people took over the booth, then rushed to have a supper, and then rushed back to the shop to sort out the harvest of the day.

What surprised everyone was not that seven dragon crystals were missing, but that there were too many goods sold today. Although seven dragon crystals were missing in the account, the money received was much more. Obviously... someone must have Miscalculated.

After Yi Luoxiang, Yan Qingying, and Lan's mother sorted out, the final account finally came out. In the middle of the night, more than 3,000 dragon crystals were sold, and the total income reached 70 million, which was even lower than the income in the past six months. high.

It is worth mentioning that the more than 3,000 dragon crystals were not worth 70 million yuan, not even 60 million yuan. According to the calculations in the account, they were worth more than 50 million yuan, but now they have lost seven yuan. After the dragon crystal, it sold 70 million! Where did the extra money come from

Seeing Xin Yun's stunned look, Yi Luoxiang burst out laughing, glanced at Yan Qingying and Lan's mother, Yi Luoxiang leaned closer to Xin Yun's ear and said, "You idiot, don't even think about it, Youlan's mother and Yan Qingying Sell it yourself, do those guys have the nerve to ask us for change?"

"Uh..." Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun couldn't help being stunned. Indeed... for the second half of today, Yi Luoxiang will keep the accounts, Lan's mother is responsible for collecting money, Yan Qingying is in charge of selling, that girl The clerk is responsible for sorting the money, such a combination...

Although Yan Qingying is only ten years old, her beauty is absolutely undeniable for all ages. It can be said that... from three years old to eighty years old, she is absolutely unable to be immune to Yan Qingying's glamorous impact. Although Yan Qingying is a bit cold, But because of this, it is extraordinarily attractive.

Women are not afraid of not being beautiful, but they are afraid of having no character and no taste, and Yan Qingying is not only beautiful enough, but also very tasteful, very characterful, absolutely top-notch beauty.

As for Lan's mother, although she is not as beautiful as Yan Qingying, she is weak, small and pitiful, and she is also very beautiful. When people see her, they can't help but think of a word— cute. I wish I could hug her in my arms, regret and care for her, not willing to let her suffer the slightest harm.

As I said before, those who can go to Doulong Academy must be either rich or expensive. Everyone is rich, so... Few people are ashamed to ask the lovely Lan Mama for the remaining money. Not much, just as a tip, and even if they are reluctant, few people are willing to ask for it.

After all this coming and going, the current 50 million goods were created, but the miracle of 70 million was sold. This is a bit exaggerated, but it is not impossible.

Xin Yun is lazy to deal with the money matters now. Tomorrow, Mama Lan will convert them into gold tickets and hand them over to Yi Luoxiang to take care of them. Xin Yun only needs to know that he already has a net worth of 150 million Will suffice.

After counting all the income, everyone who had been busy all day was exhausted. After washing up, they went back to their rooms and went to sleep. For a while, only Xin Yun and Master Ximin were left in the living room.

When it comes to research, Xin Yun is actually very interested, but he knows that he doesn't have time to do research, it would take too much time, and the research may not produce results after a long time.

Master Westminster is just the beginning. The cultivation methods in this world are still far from perfect, and many things are still in the stage of groping. Therefore... if Xin Yun wants to realize his goal after rebirth, he must form an exclusive team with himself. research team.

After chatting with Master Westminster for a while, Xin Yun took Master Westminster out of the living room, rushed to the next room, and arranged for Master Westminster to stay. The backyard is very large, there are plenty of rooms, and there is no shortage of sleeping places , but obviously, this place is not suitable for research, mainly because it is not quiet enough.

The location of the store is in the downtown area. It is okay at night, but during the day, it is very noisy and not suitable for research. Moreover, Xin Yun does not want Master Westminster to be exposed. Such a team must be formed in secret of.

After arranging the temporary residence of Master Ximin, Xin Yun returned to the bedroom, washed up, put on thin pajamas, and slipped into Yiluoxiang's fragrant and clean warm bed.

When Xin Yun went to bed, Yi Luoxiang had already fallen into a drowsy sleep, her small body was hot and exuded an intoxicating fragrance, and when she sensed Xin Yun's arrival, Yi Luoxiang turned around automatically even in her sleep. He came over, found a comfortable angle in Xin Yun's arms, and continued to fall asleep.

Embracing Yi Luoxiang pitifully, Xin Yun sighed contentedly, but he didn't just fall asleep, instead he worked his brain quickly, thinking about how to arrange Master Ximin. After an unknown amount of time, Xin Yun finally made a decision, and then fell into a drowsy sleep.

There was nothing to say all night, and the next morning, after everyone had breakfast, Xin Yun, Yi Luoxiang, and Yan Qingying rushed towards the academy. Before departure, Xin Yun arranged for Lan's mother to go around the academy. , looking for a house with a large enough area and quiet enough to buy, not afraid of remoteness, as long as it is big enough and quiet enough.

At the entrance of the college, Xin Yun, Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying parted ways and rushed towards their respective classrooms. Yi Luoxiang repeatedly begged Xin Yun to visit her when she was free, and Xin Yun reluctantly agreed. It is very difficult for Xin Yun to refuse the request.

After communicating with Yi Luoxiang during the two-day vacation, Xin Yun learned that the magnificent building surrounded by the crescent-shaped lake is the location of Yi Luoxiang's dormitory.

Different from Xin Yun, the students in Class 1 of Cai have a dormitory for each person. As for the pair of chief students, Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying, they live in luxurious rooms. People lived in the same room, even in the same bed.

The reason for this arrangement is actually Yan Qingying's idea. If Xin Yun was there, then Yan Qingying would just stay far away and quietly follow behind the two of them, and would not appear in front of them.

But now, Xin Yun is not by Yi Luoxiang's side, so... as Xin Yun's shadow, she must guard Yi Luoxiang for Xin Yun, and follow her at any time, no matter eating, sleeping, going to class, resting, or even Even going to the toilet is no exception.

The reason for this arrangement is that apart from protecting Yi Luoxiang, Yan Qingying actually has her own plans. All along, Yi Luoxiang has always been somewhat hostile to her, so... she must get closer, get closer to Yi Luoxiang, and gradually get rid of this This kind of hostility can be erased, after all... Yan Qingying can feel that Xin Yun attaches great importance to Yi Luoxiang, which is almost beyond the limit. Under such conditions, if you want to live well, you must have a good relationship with Yi Luoxiang.

In the past two years or so, Yi Luoxiang has gotten used to being hugged by Xin Yun every night to sleep. Now that she suddenly enters the academy and sleeps in a bed by herself, she really doesn't feel used to it. Fortunately... when she was most at a loss, Yan Qingyao silently applied to the college for a changed room, lived with her, even slept in the same bed with her, and... slept in the same bed.

Although she repelled Yan Qingying a little in her heart, Yi Luoxiang knew that all of this was not Yan Qingying's fault, she was born beautiful, and she always had a cold face, without any sign of seducing Xin Yun, and... after getting along for so long , Xin Yun's love for her is still as ever, and there is no sign of flirting with Yan Qingying at all.

Therefore, for the past week, Yan Qingying has actually been sleeping with Yi Luoxiang in her arms. Although Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying were far away before falling asleep, once they fell asleep, Yi Luoxiang would automatically She leaned over and got into Yan Qingying's arms. Only in this way can she sleep comfortably.

Every morning, when Yi Luoxiang opened her eyes, she would find herself leaning against Yan Qingying's arms. The most embarrassing thing for her was that Yan Qingying didn't move. Into Yan Qingying's arms.

One week, although it is not enough to change anything, but Yan Qingying's silent, silent care and concern has made Yi Luoxiang gradually accept her, Yi Luoxiang can feel that Yan Qingying is really good to her , which does not contain the slightest falsehood. Speaking of it... After living so long, Yan Qingying is the second person who treats her so well. As for the first one, of course it is Xin Yun...

Yi Luoxiang has always been a person with clear grievances and grievances. In the last life, those four guys who drank her blood asked her to get rid of them just because they gave her the first birthday present. From this, it can be seen that Yi Luoxiang How much Xiang cherishes friendship and affection. In fact, in her heart, Yi Luoxiang already regards Yan Qingying as a good friend.

However, there are sometimes irreconcilable conflicts between good friends and boyfriends, and now Yi Luoxiang is in this feeling, one side is the most important boy in her life, and the other is the only handkerchief handed over. She couldn't give up any of them, and even with her wisdom, she didn't know how to deal with it.

The current situation is that Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang are afraid at both ends, Xin Yun is afraid that Yi Luoxiang will be looked down upon by Yi Luoxiang because of the gradual separation of their grades, and thus lose her, and Yi Luoxiang is also afraid , you know... she is not beautiful enough now.

Yi Luoxiang is still very young now, and it will take at least six or seven years before she blooms into a beautiful figure. According to Xin Yun's memory, Yi Luoxiang is in the blooming season, that is, around fifteen or sixteen years old. The years have become extremely dazzling. Before that, she had always been an ordinary girl.

This sounds difficult to understand. A girl gradually becomes beautiful if she wants to be beautiful. How could she become beautiful in just one or two years? But this is the fact, there is no shortage of such examples in any world, anywhere, and there are many, many, countless...

Although Yi Luoxiang knew that she was very smart, but if she could choose, she would rather be less intelligent and more beautiful. For a girl, if she is not beautiful enough, it is difficult to gain confidence.

The so-called talent and beauty, now Xin Yun is secretly worried because he is not talented enough, while Yi Luoxiang is also worried because of her appearance, because she is too ordinary, afraid that Xin Yun will be attracted by those beautiful girls in the class, and thus Forgot her, that's why he insisted on asking Xin Yun to visit her often.

Generally speaking, these two people are poor people, they are obviously the kind of unrepentant type of guy, but they are both secretly worried that the other party will change, in fact... it is precisely because the other party is too important in each other's hearts, That's why.

There is a saying that is very good, it is because of caring that you will worry about gains and losses, and worrying about gains and losses is a common problem between men and women in love...

After a week, Xin Yun's extra-staff Class 11 finally started classes. Although the surrounding training facilities and buildings have just started to be constructed and are still unusable, the college has already made considerations and arranged for them to train in other training venues , Of course... It must be done when the classes that use the venue are not in class.

As a student who has just come into contact with dragons, the first thing Xin Yun and others have to come into contact with is not the learning and training of combat skills, nor the mastery of theory. learn to act...

Not all dragons can fly. In Xin Yun's class, out of 100 students, more than forty dragons can't fly, nearly half of them. Therefore... the whole class was divided into two groups, those who could fly rushed to the flight training venue, and those who could not fly went to the running training venue.

Some people may feel strange, walking and running, isn't that all instinct? It comes naturally, there is no need to learn it. In fact, this is wrong. Everything starts with learning.