X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 11: altruism


Up to now, Yi Luoxiang has obtained 84 pieces of moss from Xin Yun, plus the remaining 17 pieces, a total of 101 pieces, but how many pieces of moss can there be in total? When it comes to death, it is impossible to exceed 140 tablets.

Now, Yi Luoxiang is not afraid at all that Xin Yun will abandon her, and she is not afraid that he will turn around and drink her blood. If he wanted to do this, he would have done it a long time ago, so why wait until today, and why bother himself so hard

Xin Yun finally came back to his senses, walked to the bed with a smile on his face, put a piece of emerald green moss on Yi Luoxiang's mouth, and said softly: "Okay, you must be hungry, come... open your mouth .”

Pressing her lips tightly, Yi Luoxiang looked at Xin Yun firmly and said, "No, I know there are not many left, so I have already decided that from now on, I will not eat any more."

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun couldn't help but lower his face, and said in a low voice: "Yi Luoxiang, don't let me down, okay? I've worked hard for so long, just want you to get out alive, with your current situation , If you don’t eat, you will definitely not be able to survive, so don’t let my efforts go to waste, okay?”

Looking at Xin Yun firmly, Yi Luoxiang said decisively: "I know what you want for me, but not only do you want me to leave alive, I also hope that you can leave alive. If you have to give up one, then I I hope that the one who can get out alive is you... "

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun felt very relieved, to be able to get Yi Luoxiang's friendship, this life will not be in vain, but... the more so, the more Xin Yun can't give up, no matter what, even if he really gives up For his own life, he also wants Yi Luoxiang to go out alive.

While thinking about it, Xin Yun turned serious, and brought the moss to Yi Luoxiang's mouth again: "If possible, I really don't want to argue with you, let alone force you to do anything, but this time, you have to listen My dear... open your mouth, you have to eat them."

Facing Xin Yun's persecution, Yi Luoxiang smiled sadly, shook her head firmly, her mouth was tightly closed, although she didn't speak, but Xin Yun knew that she was determined and would never eat anything again .

As a fan of Yi Luoxiang in the past, Xin Yun is very clear about her character. This woman is very stubborn and doesn't make decisions easily, but once she really makes a decision, no one can change it.

Helplessly looking at Yi Luoxiang on the soil bed, for a while... Xin Yun finally smiled, nodded and said: "Okay, if that's the case, then... I'll eat it!"

While speaking, Xin Yun casually threw three pieces of moss into her mouth and chewed vigorously. Seeing this scene, Yi Luoxiang also smiled sweetly. Although the moss was eaten in Xin Yun's mouth, she felt it from the bottom of her heart , felt an indescribable sweetness.

Suddenly, Yi Luoxiang felt her eyes go dark, and then... a pair of soft objects gently touched her lips, and at the same time, a cold, sweet object quickly flowed into her mouth.

With just a slight touch, Xin Yun quickly left, and in a split second, Yi Luoxiang understood that Xin Yun sent the chewed moss to her mouth.

If possible, Yi Luoxiang would get up immediately, grab Xin Yun, push him down on the bed, and then send the moss back mouth to mouth, but obviously, this is not something she can do now of.

Feeling the bitter and sweet moss in her mouth, Yi Luoxiang's tears finally came out. Until now, she could only chew carefully, and then swallowed it. As for spitting it out, it is a crime, and it is heaven and earth Since it is impossible to send it back, it is a serious crime that cannot be tolerated, so it can only be eaten, and Xin Yun's good intentions cannot be wasted.

Although life is sad, since we are still alive, we must continue to live. In a blink of an eye, dusk came, and Xin Yun walked to the bed with three pieces of moss again. Seeing this scene, Yi Luoxiang closed her eyes tightly. No matter what, the mouth must not be fooled this time!

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's tightly closed lips, Xin Yun laughed dumbly, and casually put three pieces of moss into his mouth, then stretched out his right hand leisurely, and pinched Yi Luoxiang's nose.

Yi Luoxiang was puzzled for a while, but soon she came to her senses, because her mouth was tightly closed, and now her nose was pinched again, after a while, she couldn't hold it back anymore.

Although struggling and holding back for a long time, in the end, she still couldn't hold back anymore, she opened her mouth suddenly, and Yi Luoxiang took a deep breath, but at this moment, Xin Yun finally moved..., Yi Luoxiang felt the pain again. Reaching those cold lips, I once again tasted the sweetness that contained fragrance in the bitterness.

Feeling the moss flowing into her mouth again, Yi Luoxiang was still struggling for the last time, turning her flexible uvula, trying to push the moss back, and between pushing and sending, their tongues were entangled in a strange way. Together, even though it was only for a moment, the wonderful feeling made the two of them separate quickly as if they were electrocuted.

The bottom of the well was completely silent in an instant, Yi Luoxiang turned her head sideways with a blushing face, unable to say a word, seeing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help laughing bitterly, he really didn't mean that, otherwise, he would For him, a veteran of flowers with more than ten thousand women, how could he be in such a mess.

In order to dispel everyone's embarrassment, Xin Yun laughed and said, "Next time, you'd better eat it honestly, otherwise, I'll feed you like this."

Although Yi Luoxiang was still very shy, she refused to show weakness and said: "Hmph...don't you dare, if you do this again next time, I will definitely bite your tongue off."

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun was taken aback, this... what is this? Is he flirting with Yi Luoxiang? This... This is really like a dream.

Shaking his head, Xin Yun didn't dare to think any more. He sat at the end of the bed with his back against the wall of the well. Now that he was short of food, he really didn't dare to do too many things that consumed calories.

Sometimes time flies by quickly, and in a blink of an eye, it will be a month or two, but sometimes, time passes very slowly, obviously it feels like a long time has passed, but in fact, maybe less than half a minute has passed.

Time passed slowly and heavily, and finally thirteen days passed. According to Western traditions, this thirteen is a very unlucky number. Although there is no scientific basis, it is very effective in many cases. Now... Xin Yun also has This feeling persisted for so long, and finally... on the thirteenth day, all the moss was consumed.

So far, there are still three days before the rescue team arrives, but the two of them have run out of ammunition and food, there is no moss left, and there is no drop of water. If it is Xin Yun alone, there may be no problem. Persevere After three days, she can live on, but what about Yi Luoxiang? Once she left the food, her condition would inevitably deteriorate rapidly, and she might not be able to last even a day.

This is not sensational, as the food was cut off, Yi Luoxiang's consciousness gradually became blurred, no matter how much Ren Xinyun called, she still refused to open her eyes, let alone answer.

Looking at Yi Luoxiang hovering on the verge of death, Xin Yun was really in too much pain, he has persisted for so long, is he about to collapse at this last moment

If there was still a piece of moss, then Xin Yun would definitely feed it to her without hesitation, but now there is nothing, even the saliva can't be secreted, everything is really exhausted...