X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 110: spiritual journey


Take Xin Yun as an example, even if he doesn’t come here, he can still learn to fly with wings, but it’s hard for him to really use his wings. They can run too, but once they've been properly trained, they'll run faster!

In fact, science has proved that the correct training method and the correct running method can facilitate everyone to reach a higher level, approaching or even surpassing the limit of the human body, which is difficult to achieve without formal training.

Without training, Xin Yun may only be able to display 50% of the ability of his wings when he is born, but once he is trained, he can at least display his strength 100%, and with continuous training, he can even display his wings. 120% or even 200% capacity.

Moreover, formal training and learning can not only make Xin Yunfei fly higher and faster, but also allow him to fly more flexibly and master more flying skills.

Many things are like this. If you explore by yourself, you may only find one in your life, but if you study, you can learn a hundred of these tricks and methods in a day, and Doulong Academy is exactly like this. A place to learn.

After a whole day of training, Xin Yun has mastered a flying technique—forward dash. To put it bluntly, it is how to use the wings to generate enough propulsion to drive the body forward.

This seems to be very simple to say, but in fact the requirements are extremely strict. The angle of the wings, the change of the angle of the wings when waving the wings, the turning of the wings, everything must be accurate. Only in this way can the resistance be reduced as much as possible. Under the circumstances, the maximum power can be obtained, so as to achieve high speed forward.

After the experience of the previous life, Xin Yun paid great attention to basic things. Unlike others, Xin Yun kept stopping to take notes during the whole training process. When the world came down, I took a large volume of notes alone, with hundreds of pages.

It's not just memorized, the most important thing is that during the flight, Xin Yun compared the notes over and over again, proofread his own flying method, made self-criticism at any time, and corrected mistakes.

After a whole day of training, Xin Yun was physically and mentally exhausted, but after dinner, Xin Yun didn't have time to rest. After asking for leave from Mu Sha, he left the academy directly and rushed back to the shop. Led by Mother Lan, they arrived at a building next to Weiyu College.

It was a villa with a spacious courtyard. There was a huge swimming pool in the courtyard. The garden was covered with green grass and surrounded by dense green trees. It was very beautiful and very quiet.

The area of the villa is very large, more than 2,000 square meters, with two floors in total. Although it is a bit old, it is unusually solemn and elegant. I think it must have been the place where important people lived before.

Master Westminster was very satisfied with this building, but he refused to live in the villa in front, and chose to conduct research in the wine cellar behind the villa.

The wine cellar is at the back of the villa, under a small wooden house surrounded by green trees. It is the place where the big shots store wine. The area inside is very large, with thousands of square meters, and can store thousands of barrels of wine at the same time. But now, This place is no longer used to store wine. After the debris was emptied, it became Master Westminster's research institute. After all... No matter how quiet the surrounding area is, it can't be quieter than the basement.

Looking at the surrounding environment, Xin Yun was very satisfied, and Master Ximin was even more satisfied, so he immediately settled on it. After paying one million gold, this property became Xin Yun's property.

After receiving the real estate, Xin Yun was about to close the shop. The dragon crystals brought back last time were almost sold out, and there were not many left, and the remaining grades were not complete. Therefore, it is better to resell it to other shops at a low price. The shop is closed.

After the shop is closed, the three shop assistants will not be dismissed and will continue to be employed, but their work place has been changed to a villa, where they are responsible for cleaning the villa and tidying up the garden of the villa.

As for Mama Lan, Xin Yun didn't arrange any work for her. Through this period of contact, Xin Yun has already understood that Mama Lan is actually a very typical little woman who doesn't like to go to work in public. What she likes is sitting at home, taking care of her husband and raising her children, even if she doesn't do anything, she can sit peacefully for a whole day without feeling bored or bored.

In the past, the reason why Lan's mother went out to work every day was actually for Mingxuan. If she didn't work, both she and Mingxuan would starve to death, but now, since life is no longer a problem, she naturally didn't continue to work reason.

Mama Lan's favorite thing is actually to grow flowers, so... After seeking Xin Yun's consent, Mama Lan plans to remove all the grass on the tens of thousands of square meters, which is larger than two football fields, and then plant various kinds of grass. Planting flowers, in order not to affect the growth of flowers, even the trees were pulled out, fearing that the roots would extend too far and delay the growth of flowers.

The open space around the villa is large and long. The villa is located at the center point, and there are large courtyards in the front and back. All the plants in the front, back, left, and right courtyards will be cleared, and then various flowers will be planted.

But in this way, the dilapidated wooden house in the backyard will definitely look too abrupt. After Lan's mother asked for instructions, the wooden house will also be demolished and rebuilt, and a chic, spacious, bright, noble and elegant house will be built with sandalwood. The wooden villa, in this way, will completely blend in with the surrounding scenery.

As for the villa in front, the appearance is very old, it is difficult to change, and I don’t want to change it, but this is not a problem for Lan’s mother, just find some vine flowers and plant them around the villa. In the words of Lan’s mother, This flower grows quickly, and once it grows, the entire villa will be covered with vines and green leaves, and dotted with colorful flowers.

Regarding the layout of the villa, Xin Yun has no opinion. Anyway, she usually lives in the college, and only stays for two days during holidays. In this case, it is up to her to decorate it. Anyway, there is no need to take care of some flowers and plants. How much money, all added together, not even 1000 gold.

As for the layout of the villa, Xin Yun has no opinion. In this regard, Xin Yun is not good at all. On the contrary, Mama Lan is a master. Don't talk about this villa, just talk about the row of houses behind the shop. In Lan's mother's hands, it becomes extremely warm and homely, and this kind of taste is Xin Yun's favorite, and it is also the feeling that Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying desire the most, it is not any other. feeling can be replaced.

After arranging everything, the sky had already darkened, and Xin Yun's leave was not long, so after arranging everything, Xin Yun rushed back to the academy immediately, as for other matters, they have been left to Mother Lan to handle.

The moon gradually climbed into the sky, inside the crescent crescent, beside the emerald green lake, young students were laughing and playing on the beach. Of course... this beach is not a natural beach, but specially transported from a distant sea Every year, hundreds of tons of sand must be replenished to maintain the existence of the beach.

Of course, there is no need to spend money to transport these sands. The students of all grades brought them back as heavy objects during training. Just enjoy.

The fine sandy beach, the turquoise lake, surrounded by greenery, white round tables are placed on the beach, surrounded by comfortable lounge chairs, and there are various drinks on the table, including fruit juice and red wine. Considering the age It doesn't matter, white wine is not served here, and even this red wine is just an ultra-low-alcohol drink mixed with a little alcohol.

The crescent is curved like a moon. Starting from the middle of the crescent, it is divided into two areas. The left half area is where boys are located, while the right area is where girls are located. No one is allowed to cross the boundary, otherwise, not only must Facing the punishment of being expelled, and possibly being chased and killed by the girls' parents.

In fact, even if someone wants to cross the boundary, it is unlikely. The center of this crescent bend is where the spring water spews out. The water flow is so fast that it is impossible to get close to it. The water mist made it impossible to see anything ten meters away.

The fountain spouted very high, jumped up from the bottom of the lake, and rushed to a height of more than ten meters. Then it fell in a chaotic direction, creating a large amount of water mist. This area is very dangerous, and no one will approach it. And it's useless even if you get close. Under the cover of water mist, you can't see anything at all.

At this moment... On the right side of Crescent Lake, on the beach surrounded by green shades, dozens of girls are wearing cute little clothes, happily chasing and playing on the beach, their youthful and rosy faces are flushed.

"Hey..." Looking at the emerald green lake in front of her, Yi Luoxiang was sitting bored on a piece of jade by the lake. Those little feet, which were as white and tender as jade, had a perfect shape and impeccable shape, gently touched the surface of the water, secretly thinking about it. Xin Yun, this bad guy, said he would come to pick her up tonight, but it's already this time, and he hasn't been seen yet, besides... he can't come here either!

Behind Yi Luoxiang, Yan Qingying stood there with a calm face, looking at Yi Luoxiang silently, the more she got in touch with Yi Luoxiang, the more she liked this girl, smartness is not her biggest characteristic, In Yan Qingying's view, Yi Luoxiang's pure, crystal clear heart is the most precious. In front of her, she feels dirty.

Of course, this kind of filth is not physical, and Yan Qingying is just a child who has just turned ten years old, and her body can't be dirty even if she wants to, but her heart is already a pool of stagnant water.

In the past ten years, she has seen too many things, experienced all kinds of life, and witnessed the ugliness of human beings. Although she is still young, her knowledge and understanding of the world are far beyond above most adults.

"哗啦..." Amid the slight sound of water, Yan Qingyao and Yi Luoxiang frowned at the same time, looked towards the location of the sound of water, and saw an invisible stream of water, winding towards the distance between the two of them. The position jumped over.

Seeing this scene, Yi Luoxiang hurriedly pulled her little feet out of the water, and when she was about to jump away, Yan Qingying grabbed her arm and said, "Don't be afraid, he is here..."

"He!" Hearing Yan Qingying's words, Yi Luoxiang was startled at first, then her eyes lit up, she looked around cautiously, Yi Luoxiang hurriedly pulled Yan Qingying up, and ran towards the corner.

Soon, the two girls ran out of sight of the other girls and stood still. The two girls looked at the emerald green lake expectantly...

Under the gaze of the two, the emerald green lake waved slightly, and then a stream of lake water spread towards the beach like a spirit snake. The whole process was silent, so weird and frightening.

Although the scene in front of them was very strange, even a little scary, but the two girls were not afraid. Instead, they opened their eyes wide and observed excitedly. , have already found out who is here.

"哗啦...哗啦..." Amidst the slight sound of water, the dark green water condensed into a blue Yinglong after a slight whirl, and at the same time, Xin Yun, who was sitting on top of Yinglong, also Appeared in front of the two girls.

Although she already knew who was coming, Yi Luoxiang still let out a low cry and jumped towards Xin Yun cheerfully. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help being horrified, and raised her finger several times to signal Yi Luoxiang Mute.

Seeing Xin Yun's gesture, Yi Luoxiang came back to her senses, ran to Xin Yun's side lightly, jumped onto Ying Long, and directly got into Xin Yun's arms, her arms spread wide. Yes, hugged Xin Yun's waist tightly, and buried his head deeply in Xin Yun's arms.

Gently hugging Yi Luoxiang's slender and soft waist, Xin Yun silently waved to Yan Qingying who was still standing on the beach, signaling her to come over quickly.

Seeing this scene, Yan Qingying shook her head, she didn't want to be a light bulb, and didn't want to disturb Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang's rare two-person world.

Seeing that Yan Qingying rejected her invitation, when Xin Yun was about to invite again, Yi Luoxiang gently left her embrace, pouted her bright red mouth and said: "You bad guy, why did you come so late. "

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun couldn't help but smiled wryly, shrugged his shoulders helplessly and said, "Can you blame me? Actually, I've come here a long time ago, but you two have been in the crowd all the time, and someone is always paying attention to you." Two, do I dare to come out?"

Facing Xin Yun's explanation, Yi Luoxiang blushed in embarrassment and said, "I'm sorry, I was negligent, but I promise, next time I will hide in a corner where there is no one and wait for you."

Smiling and nodding, Xin Yun said, "Okay, can we go now?"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang nodded happily, and when she was about to announce her departure, she suddenly remembered something, turned her head slightly, and looked at the lonely Yan Qingyao on the beach.

From the heart alone, in fact, Yi Luoxiang doesn't want Yan Qingying to go with her, the world of two is beautiful, but if it is changed to a threesome, it will be very awkward and uncomfortable.

However, one has to be conscientious in being a human being, and Yan Qingying is usually with her, but now it is really difficult for her to just leave Yan Qingying here and go to have sex alone.

Although there is nothing to be seen from the expression, Yan Qingying will always look as cold as ice, but think about it in another way, if Yan Qingying is her, if she is Yan Qingying, she will be very disappointed and very uncomfortable. In Xin Yun's words, this is called emphasizing sex over friends!

It's fine if they're just ordinary friends, but Yi Luoxiang can feel that Yan Qingying is really good to her, and it's the kind of wholehearted, meticulous care for her, taking care of her. You must respond in the same way, you can't be a wolf!

Thinking of this, Yi Luoxiang couldn't help sighing, she knew that if she just left with Xin Yun, she would be condemned by her conscience, and this condemnation would haunt her for a long time, and even if she went out with Xin Yun, She won't be happy either, the guilt in her heart will make her not happy at all.

Thinking of this, Yi Luoxiang turned her head, waved to Yan Qingying who was standing far away, and shouted loudly: "What are you still standing there for, come here quickly..."

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Yan Qingying was taken aback for a moment, then shook her head slightly, a gentle light flashed in her eyes, judging from Yi Luoxiang's actions, although the hostility had not disappeared, she had already regarded her as a It's friends now.

While secretly moved, on the other side...Yi Luoxiang suddenly jumped off Yinglong, trotted over, grabbed Yan Qingying's arm, and ran towards Xin Yun...

"Wow... Wow..." Under the silent water, Yinglong twisted his body, walking silently in the dark underground river, except for the sound of Yinglong swimming, there was no sound.

"It's so dark, where is this place?" In the silence, Yi Luoxiang leaned tightly on Xin Yun's arms and asked in a low voice.

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's voice, Xin Yun said, "This is an underground river, below the ground." While speaking, Xin Yun took out a huge luminous stone from his bosom, and in an instant... Yinglong's head glowed Radiant, illuminating the surrounding expanse of water.

Looking at the clear river water around under the light, Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingling couldn't help but brighten their eyes. With the radiance of the light, a large number of fish appeared around and swam towards this side in flocks.

Fortunately, although there are creatures and fish in the water, there are no dangerous creatures, so Xin Yun is not worried, and drives Yinglong all the way up against the current.

The last grotto is no longer suitable for cultivation. Although the area is not small, the ventilation inside is not very good, and it feels a little stuffy. Therefore, Xin Yun is going to continue going retrograde along the river and find another open underground space.

There must be many similar spaces around the channel of the underground river. Under the long-term scouring of the underground river, huge underground spaces will inevitably be washed out, but to reach these underground spaces, you have to rely on a little skill.

Traveling all the way for about ten kilometers, finally... a faint light appeared in front of it, and the next moment... Ying Long suddenly emerged from the water and appeared in a huge space.

With the light emitted by the luminous stone, Xin Yun and the three looked around in amazement. The area covered by the light was completely empty, but it was obvious that this place was still underground, and there was no open air!