X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 117: four disadvantages


What made Xin Yun most sympathetic was that if his hard work had won everyone's respect in the first battle, then with the second, third, hundredth and more and more After the failure, everyone no longer felt that excitement, and instead laughed. In everyone's eyes, Mingxuan was simply a stubborn clown, and his only role was to make everyone laugh.

For a moment, Mingxuan's life fell into incomparable darkness, the whole world laughed at him, spurned him, and searched the whole world, only Xin Yun and his mother never laughed at him.

As for Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying, although they have never laughed at him, these two girls are relatively cold and basically don't talk to him. Yan Qingying is born with nature, while Yi Luoxiang is not born with nature, but it is also acquired Naturally, except for Xin Yun, she was far away from any man, as if she was afraid of something.

For Mingxuan, there are only two lights in his whole world, one is his mother who gave birth to him and raised him, and the other is Xin Yun. No matter how miserable his situation is, no matter how miserable he is, No matter how bad his performance was, Xin Yun supported and encouraged him as always, and always looked at him with trusting eyes.

Half a year of study is finally over, and what they have to face next is a three-month vacation. After half a year of study, everyone has made great progress. Yan Qingying has successfully broken through to a silver five-star, and Mingxuan has broken through to a silver four-star. After breaking through to six bronze stars four months ago, Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang broke through to seven bronze stars.

Facing the three-month vacation, Mingxuan certainly didn't think about going out to play. In fact...he had already arranged the whole vacation. Apart from spending time with his mother at home, he spent all his time on training.

For Mingxuan's decision, Xin Yun was very supportive, and even drew up a training plan specially for him. Then, Yi Luoxiang, and Yan Qingying left Shanhai City to go to the field for actual combat training.

The three-month vacation, whether it is long or short, is absolutely too late to go to far places, and in half a year, they will all face challenges, so the actual combat training is already urgent.

Although the three of them fight against each other almost every day, even melee, but... the three of them only have three types, and they will face thousands of enemies in the future, so rich combat experience is the most important thing now.

For three months, Xin Yun led the two girls through the mountains and jungles around Shanhai City, constantly fighting various dragons. Through constant fighting, the three of them not only greatly improved their actual combat abilities, but also experienced a great deal of experience. It has also grown greatly, and most importantly, through continuous fighting, the three of them have been greatly improved again.

Of course, it is impossible for Yan Qingying, who is a five-star silver star, to rise to another star in such a short period of time, but Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang are different. After the battle, Yi Luoxiang and Xin Yun were promoted to eight bronze stars at the same time!

The most worth mentioning is that Yi Luoxiang's Emperor Stegosaurus has already been upgraded to the bronze five-star strength, and the speed of improvement is extremely fast. After all... the Emperor Stegosaurus's Dragon Creation Stone is only a first-grade one, and it can be improved very quickly of.

However, relatively speaking, the biggest improvement of the three is the improvement in actual combat, especially the improvement in knowledge. For three months, the three of them have been fighting different dragons every day, and even encountered more than a dozen different types of dragons a day. , and dragons with different abilities. After three months, the actual combat abilities of the three of them have been greatly improved.

Three months passed quickly. Although they were fighting every day, the two girls were very happy. Although the fighting was very dangerous, the abilities of the three of them were all very powerful. They might not be able to hurt the enemy, but they could not protect themselves. Absolutely no problem.

Although fighting almost every day, for the three of them, it was like an outing, flying freely in nature every day, constantly fighting with all kinds of novel dragons, that kind of unrestrained feeling, Simply delightful.

Yi Luoxiang is fine, she has always been free, but Yan Qingying is different, since she became sensible, she has lost her freedom, so she enjoys this freedom, the feeling of being able to do whatever she wants.

In the past, whether she was in a brothel or in the Dragon Clan, she had to abide by many things. She couldn't laugh when she wanted to laugh, and she couldn't cry when she wanted to cry. She couldn't speak casually, and her actions had to be restrained. She had to wrap herself up layer by layer, so that she would not be hurt.

But now, although she still looks calm, in this world, there are already two people who can make her open her heart without worrying about anything. She knows that no matter what she does, these two people Children will never blame her.

After fighting hundreds of different dragons, the three of them have become extremely proficient in using their own abilities. Facing the upcoming challenges, the two girls are full of confidence. As long as they don't encounter Xin Yun, they Basically fearless.

However, although Xin Yun gave the two girls a headache, Xin Yun himself had even more headaches. What he relies on now is the perverted defense and Thunder's attack, but he doesn't want to rely on Thunder.

Lei Ting is Xin Yun's trump card, but because of this, he can't reveal it at will, and...even if he relies on Lei Ting, he can gallop all the way, but Xin Yun, who has the experience of his previous life, understands that talent is the most important thing , anyone who relies on strong ability will inevitably fail to become the top master in the end.

When it comes to power, Xin Yun in the last life is probably stronger. The fire-type dragon is like a rocket-like violent fireball. Few opponents can sustain a series of bombardments, but so what

Although all masters have super-powerful attacks, those who have super-powerful attacks are not necessarily masters. Whether they can truly become real masters depends on this, so... Lei Ting can only be the trump card, never Do rely on.

However, what gave Xin Yun a headache was, if he didn't use Lei Ting, what would he use? Acid dragon's breath? Or spray acid? It seemed that it was difficult to threaten the opponent. After thinking for a long time, Xin Yun finally came to the conclusion that due to Yinglong's characteristic of ignoring physical attacks, close combat would be his only choice.

Once the distance is shortened, not only can the dragon body be used to attack, but most importantly, the closer the distance, the harder it is to avoid the liquid spray, and the threat of acid and poisonous dragon breath is greater. can beat the opponent.

After the three-month summer vacation ended, the college started again. On the first day of school, according to the usual practice, there were still open classes for the whole year. Under the leadership of Mu Sha, the group rushed to the playground in front of the big classroom again. superior.

On the spacious playground, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black, white, gray, teams of various colors are neatly arranged, but no team dares to enter the big classroom in advance.

With a wry smile and shook his head, Xin Yun felt very bored with the rules set by the academy, he was not allowed to enter even though he was here, and Caiyi class always had to wait for all the other classes to arrive before coming slowly. , is boring enough.

While he was shaking his head secretly, there were clear and messy footsteps on the passage, and he turned his head to see that the students from Class 1 of Cai, who were dressed in red, yellow, and blue, finally walked towards this side.

Although Xin Yun didn't take it seriously, but when he looked around, the faces of other students were full of envy, and the students of Class 1 Cai were all proud, with their chins raised high, While walking, talking and laughing with friends around him, as if he didn't see the ten teams waiting on the playground.

"No one in your eyes?" That's right, there is no one in your eyes. Under the leadership of Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying, the students of Caiyi Class talked and laughed all the way, and entered the classroom along the passage in front of the door, until the last student of Caiyi Class entered. , the other classes started to move.

Like the past 20 or 30 open classes, Xin Yun's extra-staff Class 11 is still at the back of the classroom, standing against the wall to listen to the class. Xin Yun is already a little used to this kind of treatment, no matter whether it is sitting or sitting. Still standing, don't they all listen the same

While thinking, a slender figure came in from the side door. Seeing this scene, Yi Luoxiang's crisp voice sounded—all stood up!

Following Yi Luoxiang's voice, all the students stood up in unison, and walked to the podium gracefully with their eyebrows met. It wasn't until this time that Yan Qingying said crisply—salute!

Following Yan Qingyao's voice, all the colleges half-bent down and bowed to the instructor on the podium. Seeing this scene, instructor Meiwu smiled sweetly and said crisply: "Okay, okay... all sit down."

Hearing the instructor's words, all the students straightened up first, and then sat down one by one. At the same time, instructor Meiwu looked around, and then said solemnly: "There are still three months before the ban is lifted, three Today, one month later, everyone has been studying in this academy for a full year. At that time, the unique challenge rules of Doulong Academy will officially come into effect! At that time, the order of everyone's ranking will no longer be based on talent. , aptitude, and potential are determined, since it is Doulong Academy, everything is naturally based on strength!"

"Hiss..." Hearing Teacher Meiwu's words, all the students gasped at the same time, some were nervous, some were excited, some were terrified, and some were afraid.

After a pause, Instructor Meiwu continued: "So, no matter whether the talent is good or bad, whether the aptitude is high or low, and whether it is high potential or small, after three months, all of them will be invalid. It is everyone's strength that decides everything, so... if you don't want to be eliminated, it's not too late to work hard now!"

"Chi..." Xin Yun couldn't help but sneered when he heard Teacher Meiwu's words, six months in the first half of the year, plus three months of summer vacation, such a long time has passed, how could it be not too late

You know, even talented people like Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying have worked crazily since the first day. With their talents and talents, how could it be possible for ordinary people to work hard for three months after working hard for so long? They can catch up, and... Xin Yun doesn't think they will relax in the next three months.

It's not just Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying, in fact, all the superiors are like this, they all have a very strong sense of crisis, who would not work hard? Therefore... the position of the chief is difficult to shake, and the same is true for the second and last seats. I am afraid that the most changed are ordinary students.

Looking at the colorful students in front of him, Xin Yun knew that with the start of the challenge, those who had only a little talent would inevitably be eliminated, and the students in each grade would change drastically.

According to the academy's practice, challenges are not allowed during the one-year period, which is called a ban on fighting, but after one year, once the ban on fighting is lifted, the first thing to do is the qualifying match!

The so-called qualifying match is held in every class. After a series of battles, the first, second, last, and other rankings of the class will be determined. Those ranked in the bottom ten will be awarded Delegate to the lower class, if it is the eleventh non-staff class, it will be sent to the first branch school like Mingxuan, and lose the qualification to study in the main school.

While eliminating the top ten, each class will also have ten promotion places. The top ten students can be referred to the previous class. It is worth mentioning that the chief, second and third seats of each class , are not included in these ten places.

No matter which class it is, the chief student is very important. There are twelve chief students in the whole college for one year. Chief students are treated differently from ordinary students. If you want to be promoted, you must challenge the previous class Once the chief student wins, he can directly become the chief student of the previous class, and the identity of the chief student of the previous class is swapped with this class.

Looking at the instructor Meiwu on the stage, and at Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying who were sitting in front of the podium, Xin Yun smiled wryly, asking him to challenge these two girls was not because he didn't have the ability, but because he was genuine. unwilling to do so.

You must know that neither Yi Luoxiang's flicker nor Yan Qingyao's phantom can deceive Xin Yun's thunder and lightning. The two girls have never found a way to crack it.

Now, Xin Yun already has the strength of eight-star bronze. With the improvement of strength, the power of that thunder is gradually increasing. The girl is getting more and more embarrassed.

Generally speaking, the improvement of a dragon's strength refers to the improvement of its energy. With the improvement of its strength, the dragon's energy will become greater and stronger, and its defense will become stronger and stronger. However, this defense usually refers to energy. Defense, facing Thunder that ignores energy defense, is as uncomfortable as it is.

But, is Thunder really clueless? This is not the case. Although with the improvement of Xin Yun's strength, Thunder's attack range is getting wider and wider, but there is still a distance limit after all, and Thunder can't wait indefinitely. If there is no target to attack, the accumulation of The power of the weapon will continue to decrease, and it will completely disappear after three seconds. Even if the enemy appears, it will not release any more lightning.

Thunder's power cannot be questioned, but it is limited by time and space. This is the disadvantage of Thunder. Although it will gradually improve with Xin Yun's strength, it will never disappear.

In addition to the two major disadvantages of time and space, the third disadvantage is energy consumption. With Xin Yun's current strength of eight bronze stars, he can only fire eight lightning bolts in a row. After the eight lightning strikes, the energy will be exhausted. Therefore... Although Thunderbolt is powerful, it cannot be used badly.

As for the fourth disadvantage, it is the problem of attack range. Thunderbolt is a single-target attack. Even if there are other people ten meters away from the target, they will not suffer any damage. Therefore... in one-on-one, Thunderbolt Although its power is boundless, once it encounters a group battle, it will not be of much use.

Taking a long breath, Xin Yun knew that in the next three months, in addition to continuing to practice thunder and lightning and refining energy, the most important thing is that he must develop the attack of Yinglong itself, otherwise, it will be very difficult to use it in the coming three months. Those who achieved too good results in qualifying...

Time passed by quickly, and in the last three months of the first year, all the students became serious and practiced hard, but Xin Yun and the other three did not change much, that is, they did not change because of the end of the Dou Dou period. Work harder, but don't let it slacken half a point, what happened before is still what it is now.

With the super-dense water system energy in the underground channel and the help of the energy-gathering array, Xin Yun's strength improvement can be described as lightning fast. Three months later, he and Yi Luoxiang once again broke through to the eighth star and successfully arrived at the The strength of Bronze Nine Stars!

You must know that Yi Luoxiang's talent and talent are much higher than Xin Yun's, and the dragon creation stone used is only the ninth grade, which makes it easier to cultivate, but even with such a great advantage, it is still ignored. The advantages of Xin Yun's mentality and the advantages of the cultivation environment were offset.

After successfully reaching the Nine Stars, they have reached the threshold of the Silver Rank. Most importantly, starting from the Nine Stars, Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang can begin to comprehend the dragon power of the Silver Rank!

If it were an ordinary person, at least at ten stars, it would be possible to comprehend silver-level combat skills and master them initially, but neither Xin Yun nor Yi Luoxiang were ordinary people.

Relying on her incomparable wisdom, Yi Luoxiang has initially comprehended the soul impact of the silver level at the nine-star stage. So far, Yi Luoxiang's Morpho has possessed two great skills, one is the soul chain, and the other is the soul impact!

Needless to say, the role of the soul chain, one is to connect, the other is to control through soul slavery, that's all, and the soul impact is to use the soul force to impact the enemy's soul and let it enter a state of stagnation. The effect depends on Yiluoxiang's soul strength and the opponent's willpower. If the opponent's willpower is strong, the effect will be greatly reduced.

As for Xin Yun, although he is not as smart as Yi Luoxiang, he still has the experience of his previous life to refer to, so it only took a short time to figure out Yinglong's silver-level combat skill - soaring through the clouds and riding the fog!

The so-called flying through the clouds does not refer to flying. Even if the dragon does not fly through the clouds, it can still fly without relying on wings. The flying through the clouds here refers to the way of using the energy of the water system.