X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 118: College rankings


With Xin Yun's current strength, once he unleashes Soaring Clouds and Riding the Mist, endless clouds and mist will appear within a radius of one kilometer around Yinglong in an instant, and Yinglong's body will also be covered by the clouds and mist. No end.

What is cloud and what is fog? Although it may not be correct, according to Xin Yun's understanding, what is in the sky is called cloud, and what is close to the ground is fog. They are actually the same thing.

Of course, Xin Yun has only grasped the so-called so-called flying clouds and fog, and the concentration of clouds and mists is very low, but Xin Yun believes that with the improvement of strength, the concentration of clouds and mists will gradually increase.

Moreover, the effect of this cloud and mist is not only the effect of covering the body, under the cover of the cloud and mist, Yinglong's strength has also improved to a certain extent, and the most important thing is that this cloud and mist is not the harmless cloud and mist of nature, Seen from a distance, this cloud and mist is faint blue, possessing the ability of acid corrosion.

Once entering the fog zone, he will be continuously corroded by the acid mist, and once corroded, the acid poison will penetrate his body. Under the effect of the acid poison, Xin Yun's opponents will enter various negative states. Such as sluggishness, weakness, weakness... etc. in the state of acid poisoning.

Although this soaring cloud and driving fog is not an offensive combat skill, it is also not a purely auxiliary thing, but a combination of defense, attack, and auxiliary three effects and a powerful ability.

Both Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying feel very uncomfortable with Xin Yun's newly realized soaring clouds and fog. Although the acid mist is not very corrosive at present, it will be affected to some extent, especially Yi Luoxiang's Morpho, Every time it appears, Morpho's beautiful and huge wings are always corrupted and greatly affected.

Moreover, what made the two girls feel helpless the most was that under the cover of the sour mist, Xin Yun was almost elusive. In Xin Yun's words, this is called Shenlong who can't see the end, let alone attack him, even if he wants to find him. location is difficult.

Although the acid mist is still very thin, people can only see about ten meters in the mist, and the acid mist covers a radius of a kilometer, like a cloud, congealing and not dispersing, it is simply too uncomfortable.

The most frustrating thing is that the acid mist is a faint blue, and Ying Long controlled by Xin Yun is also of this color, and Ying Long's body is translucent, so it is difficult to see it even if it is very close. It can be discerned that under the cover of the acid mist, Xin Yun is everywhere and can't be found anywhere.

The most important thing is that under the cover of acid mist, the power of Xin Yun's acid spray and thunder has increased. Although the increase is not large, it is very obvious. Fighting Xin Yun gave me a headache, pain... too painful.

However, no matter how painful the two girls were, Xin Yun refused to relax at all. He had to practice every day of the battle, and he used all kinds of methods, which made the two girls want to cry without tears. , and she was frightened when she saw Ying Long, her pretty face instantly turned pale.

Of course, although Xin Yun is very strong, it is not easy to really defeat the two girls. After all, they are not soft persimmons, they can do whatever they want, and each has their own unique skills.

Take Yi Luoxiang as an example, once he sees a shadow, a soul immediately rushes over. With Yi Luoxiang's perverted soul power, even Xin Yun will lose his mind for a while, although the time is short, but right here In just a short moment, Yi Luoxiang had commanded the Emperor Purple Sword Dragon to shoot several sword qi at Xin Yun.

Another example is Yan Qingying, driving the phantom spider dragon, she can emit countless phantoms at any time, and as soon as any of her phantoms find out, she will immediately spray spider silk towards Xin Yun from a distance.

If it's just a spider silk, it's fine. The problem is that there are too many phantoms. As long as one phantom finds out, the surrounding phantoms will immediately rush over. Although Xin Yun is not afraid of physical attacks, dozens of phantom spiders spin silk together. But it can instantly wrap Xin Yun into a cocoon.

It's not terrible just to be wrapped, but what's terrible is... Once entangled in these spider silks, these phantom spiders will release spider poison through the spider silk, paralyzing and poisoning the target.

Fortunately, Xin Yun's Yinglong is condensed from real water, so he is not afraid of any toxins, but Yan Qingying has another specialty, isn't he afraid of poisons? That can also heal you, through the spider silk, Yan Qingying can quickly draw out Yinglong's energy, and after transformation, replenish the energy she consumed.

Scary, cruel... This is the truest portrayal of Yan Qingying's phantom spider. Once it is entangled, it will be annoying. The confidence of Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang, after all... She is a master of the Silver Fifteen Stars, much stronger than Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang.

In the past three months, besides Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang who have successfully broken through to nine stars, Yan Qingying has finally approached silver six stars. In a few months, they will definitely be able to break through smoothly.

In addition, Yi Luoxiang's sword dragon Zidi has also been successfully promoted to the bronze seven-star, which is only two stars lower than Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang. From this, it can be seen that the level of the dragon creation stone has an impact on cultivation How big is it, the higher the level of the dragon creation stone, the slower the cultivation, but at the same level, the higher the level of the dragon creation stone, the more energy it will have.

Taking Xin Yun as an example, with the capacity of his 9.9th-grade Dragon Creation Stone, he can release eight thunderbolts in a row in the state of Bronze Eight-Star, but if it is a first-grade Dragon Creation Stone, in the state of Bronze Eight-Star, one If the thunder goes down, I am afraid that the energy will be exhausted directly. This is the difference in energy.

Although the higher the level of the dragon stone, the slower the cultivation, but for the positive side, the negative side is too small. When other people can only use the unique move once, Xin Yun can use the unique move as a regular combat skill to release , don't worry about energy depletion.

As the time for lifting the ban on fighting is approaching, the atmosphere in the entire academy has become tense. In the academy that used to be full of laughter, now even the voices are rarely heard, and everyone is hurrying back and forth across the campus. , everyone entered the final sprint state.

At the same time, Xin Yun, Yi Luoxiang, and Yan Qingying still maintained the training level they had maintained for a whole year. During the day, they attended classes and practiced weapon application, and at night they meditated to cultivate energy and conduct actual combat training.

With the passage of time, finally... the protection period of the ban on fighting has arrived. In the morning, Instructor Musha officially announced that in the next month, there will be a qualifying competition within the class. Not only will the class's chief student, but also the second student , and three seats, but also to determine everyone's ranking in the class.

The competition does not adopt an elimination system, but a point system. In the next month, a round of battles will be held every day. One hundred students will fight each other to decide the winner. The winner will get one point, and the loser will lose one point .

The next day, the game continued. The 50 people who won yesterday fought against each other. Similarly, the 50 people who lost yesterday also fought against each other. The points are still plus one point for a win and one point for a loss.

From the third day until the end of this month, the battles are like this every day. The 50 people who won the previous day will fight against each other, and then the losers will fight against each other. After the end of the month, the one with the highest points will be Chief student! If there is a tie, then the tiebreaker will fight against each other, the winner will get one point, and the loser will lose one point.

Faced with such a competition arrangement, Xin Yun took a deep breath. The density of one game a day is really too high. Although the academy has a dragon who is in charge of medical treatment, mental and soul fatigue cannot be cured. of.

Wanting to win all the competitions in the next month, this is no small test for anyone, a little carelessness, a little lack of concentration, may directly lead to failure.

Thinking of this, Xin Yun couldn't help sighing. Although Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying are also in the first year, they are already the chief students, so they don't need to participate in the qualifying competition. If other people are not convinced, they can ask them Challenge, but if you lose, the consequences will be very serious. You will be sent directly to the branch school to study, and you will lose your qualification to study in the main school.

However, Xin Yun knows that although the rules are very strict, Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying will definitely not sit there easily. They are not only the chief students of Class 1, but also the chief students of the entire academy. Therefore... they not only have to face the challenges of all the students in Class 1 at any time, but also the challenges of all 1,100 students in the whole year.

In the next month, the entire Doulong Academy will not have classes for a year. The winner's competition will be held in the morning, and the loser's competition will be held in the afternoon. The schedule is very full. Except for the competition, the rest of the time is free .

On the first day of the competition, Xin Yun arranged for the afternoon. After lunch, accompanied by Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying, Xin Yun rushed towards the academy.

There are a total of ten huge arenas in the Doulong Academy for one year. Different from ordinary arenas, this arena is a dragon arena. Entering this arena, everyone can drive a dragon to watch the game. Otherwise, it is very unsafe. With the power of the dragon, a random attack can eliminate dozens, or even hundreds of students who did not recruit the dragon.

Xin Yun's extra-staff Class Eleven didn't have their own arena yet, so everyone found a flat place not far from the hill. All the students rode their own dragons and watched each pair of Cadet game.

Driving the Shadow Dragon, Xin Yun took the lead, followed by Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying, and rushed towards the competition field. When Xin Yun arrived, a pair of students were fighting selflessly.

He stopped the dragon in the viewing area, and looked around, the pair of students were fighting fiercely in the sky. From the outside, they were all driving western-like dragons, with a pair of huge fleshy wings, a lizard-like body and limbs , but one ejected a fireball, and the other ejected a piton.

"Boom... Boom..." Amidst the dull roar, the two students fought extremely lively. For a while, they shot at each other from a long distance, and then fought hand-to-hand for a while, and finally... the fire-breathing dragon blasted a violent fireball at the brown stone dragon On the head, amidst the violent roar, the driver of the stone dragon must have fainted from the shock, the huge stone dragon crashed down from the sky, and directly blasted into the jungle below, the earth seemed to shake for it .

Although it seemed that the fall was heavy, Xin Yun knew that under the protection of the dragon, there should be no problem. With the energy buffer provided by the stone dragon, his life is generally not in danger.

The battle of dragons is like this. If people and dragons are blasted down, there is generally no danger. The danger is that the dragon is directly scattered, just like what Yi Luoxiang encountered in Shanshui City. Once the dragon dissipates, it cannot provide energy protection , if you fall from a high altitude, you will definitely fall into meat sauce, so how can you survive.

After the pair of students finished their competition, they rested for a while and looked at the time. Xin Yun turned his head and smiled at the two girls. Seeing this scene, Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying stretched out their big Thumb, showing an encouraging smile to Xin Yun.

At this time, after recording the results of the previous match, Mu Sha said loudly: "Okay, next... from No. 1001 to No. 1029, both sides are ready to play!"

Hearing this, Xin Yun stood proudly on top of Yinglong. With a movement of his feet, Yinglong snaked out, and with a melodious roar, he was the first to jump onto the playing field. While the dragon body was swinging leisurely, looking for against his opponent.

"Boom! Boom! Boom..." While Xin Yun was searching, a violent roar came from the woods not far away, and he turned his head in amazement to see a huge rhinoceros walking heavily. , walked over here.

"Damn it! This is..." Seeing this scene, Xin Yun opened his mouth in astonishment, how could he face Shang Lulong!

Although they are all dragons, not all dragons can fly. Take the rhinoceros in front of Xin Yun as an example. This guy doesn't even have wings, let alone fly. Apart from being a little bigger, this is basically a magnified dragon. Several times the rhinoceros.

Condescending, Xin Yun looked at this huge guy in astonishment. He couldn't figure out how the other party would attack him in his current state. It seems that it can only be a one-sided massacre!

While thinking about it, Instructor Mu Sha said crisply: "Okay, the game time is ten minutes, if the winner cannot be decided within ten minutes, then I will judge the winner!"

Speaking of this, Mu Sha raised his right hand and said deeply: "Okay, listen to my password now, the game...start!"

Accompanied by the voice of Instructor Mu Sha, Xin Yun's spirit instantly became concentrated. This was not a deliberate thing. Over the past year, he has developed a good habit of being vigilant at all times due to his battles with Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying. , as long as he enters the fighting state, nothing can distract him, because he knows very well that once distracted, then Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying will instantly torture him to pieces, this is definitely a lesson of blood!

"Moo..." While Xin Yun was concentrating on it, the rhinoceros suddenly raised its head and let out a melodious roar at the position where Xin Yun was. Hold on!

The so-called immobility, although it is not paralysis, but the state is similar, they are temporarily unable to move, but... the thunder paralyzes not only the body, but also the spirit and soul together, and the roar of the rhinoceros only Can paralyze the body, but cannot paralyze the mind and soul.

Seeing Xin Yun who had successfully steadied himself in the air, the driver of the rhinoceros clenched his fists excitedly, and roared wildly: "Ahahaha... I win! The rhinoceros... horn impact!"

Accompanied by this sound, the rhinoceros suddenly lowered its head, and in an instant... the single horn on the rhinoceros' forehead erupted with bright yellow light, and then the rhinoceros horn shot out, shooting towards Yinglong in mid-air like a missile. past.