X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 16: follow me


At night, after Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang cleaned up, they huddled together on the same bed without any grievances, laying on soft pillows, looking at the stars beyond the sky, although they didn't speak, but the warm atmosphere made the two of them feel happy. All very comfortable.

There was a long silence, but it was Xin Yun who broke the silence. In the darkness... Xin Yun suddenly got up, lay on his side facing Yi Luoxiang, and whispered: "Yi Luoxiang, you..."

Before Xin Yun could finish speaking, Yi Luoxiang smiled softly and said, "You don't need to call me by my full name, you can call me Yiluo, or...or...Xiang..." Speaking of which, Yiluoxiang's His face was already fiery red.

When I was in the village before, the familiar friends or the old people in the village would call her Yiluo kindly, but no one had ever called her the word Xiang. Generally speaking, the last word of this name is only Only the closest people can be called. The so-called closest people include parents and lovers. Except for these three, even brothers and sisters are not allowed to be called. This is the custom of this world.

But in fact, even parents would not call her this way. Take Yiluoxiang as an example, if she has a sister, she can be called Yiluo. Although her parents can also call her Xiang, but usually She would not call her that, but would call her Xiangxiang to express intimacy, so... to a certain extent, the only ones who call her by one word are almost only lovers.

Just now, Yi Luoxiang didn't have this kind of thought. After helping each other in the same boat in the dry well, especially the later experience of helping each other, in Yi Luoxiang's heart, the feeling for Xin Yun is simply indescribable, wishing to give her heart to him. He, to express his gratitude, it was in this state of mind that she would say what she just said.

However, although she is very shy, Yi Luoxiang does not reject this possibility, and even looks forward to it and secretly delighted, after all...in this world, Xin Yun is already the only person she is familiar with, and...he is also in this world. Her best person, in this life, she can't leave Xin Yun, and she doesn't want to leave, there is no reason, and there is no reason, she just doesn't want to...

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's shy look, Xin Yun wished he could jump up with joy, climb to the highest peak in the world, and announce the news to the whole world...

The most beautiful dragon—Shandie Yiluoxiang, actually favored him, oh my god... this is not a dream! You know... Yi Luoxiang is not only beautiful in Long, but also more beautiful in people. That is not what Xin Yun judged, but everyone's common perception!

If it wasn't for Xin Yun's experience in the third life, he would have passed out happily on the spot. You know... In the previous life, Yi Luoxiang was notoriously cold, and she would never let any man approach her. In the middle, it was because a guy was too close to her that Yi Luoxiang made a move and directly blasted that guy away. In the previous life, Yi Luoxiang had no affection for all men at all, and even hated them.

But in this life, Xin Yun doesn't know how she treats other men, but Yi Luoxiang doesn't dislike him at all, even if she reaches out to hug her, she won't be rejected, especially in the dry well, they always talk to each other, It's equivalent to a tongue kiss, but this girl still doesn't show any signs of disgust. This is too different from her in the previous life.

Seeing Xin Yun trembling with ecstasy, almost going crazy, Yi Luoxiang felt sweet in her heart, Yi Luo wanted to know, Xin Yun really liked her, and she liked her very, very much, to the bone, otherwise , it is impossible for him to be so excited.

However, Yi Luoxiang didn't understand, she didn't understand at all, what exactly did Xin Yun like about her? If you want a family but no family, if you want money but no money, you are almost an orphan with no relatives.

Speaking of appearance, she is just an ordinary girl. Although she is not ugly, she can even be said to be beautiful, but let alone, in their village, there are three or four people who are more beautiful than her. It's just a middle-of-the-road posture.

Yi Luoxiang is getting more and more confused, her qualifications are really nothing, most of them are just above average, and her external conditions such as wealth are even worse, what does Xin Yun like about her

At this moment, Yi Luoxiang has completely regarded Xin Yun as the closest person, since she has doubts, there is no such thing as embarrassment to ask, frowning slightly, Yi Luoxiang said seriously: "Xin Yun ... Why are you so nice to me, you say you like me, but I don't understand, what exactly do you like about me?"

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun looked at Yi Luoxiang fixedly. After a long time, Xin Yun finally smiled, stretched out his hand gently, and hugged Yi Luoxiang into his arms. Along Xin Yun's arm, Yiluo Xiang moved her delicate body obediently, and leaned softly into Xin Yun's arms.

Gently smelling the fragrance of Yi Luoxiang's hair, Xin Yun sighed: "Don't ask such stupid questions in the future, there is no reason to like you, the reason why I like you is because you are you!"

Listening to Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang was puzzled for a while, but soon laughed, yes... like it is like it, there is no reason, just like she likes Xin Yun very much now, but why does she like it? He couldn't tell, it wasn't just because Xin Yun saved her, more, it was a tender feeling that could only be felt, not described.

Gently hugging Yi Luoxiang, smelling the pleasant fragrance in his nose, feeling her amazingly smooth body, Xin Yun couldn't help sighing in satisfaction, Yi Luoxiang's skin is really too slippery, even though she is wearing clothes , but the clothes couldn't restrain her at all, her skin was so slippery that the fabric couldn't stay.

After being intoxicated for a long time, Xin Yun finally remembered the business, lowered his head lightly, and took a deep breath between Yi Luoxiang's neck, and at the same time that the injured little girl shrunk her neck, Xin Yun said in satisfaction: "Xiang... Do you have any plans for the future?"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang suddenly raised her head, looked at Xin Yun trustingly, and said, "The future? My future is you. No matter what the future is, as long as you are by my side, I will not be afraid. You won't want to." Mine, is it?"

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun subconsciously tightened his arms, hugged Yi Luoxiang tightly in his arms, and said regretfully, "Don't worry, even if I abandon myself, I won't let you go."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang did not speak, but tears quickly wet his eyes, Xin Yun was definitely not talking empty words, just a few days ago, he had given up on himself for her.

Looking at Yi Luoxiang's tear-filled but extremely happy eyes, although Xin Yun was extremely moved, he still had to say a lot.

Xin Yun continued: "Xiang... Next, I don't plan to turn to anyone. Although we are still young, I believe that as long as we work hard, we can support ourselves, but... in the process, we may eat a lot. Bitter, are you willing to face it with me?"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang smiled sweetly, gently raised her tender white hand, put it in front of Xin Yun and said, "From now on, I will give myself to you, no matter what is ahead, I will to be with you."

"Pa..." Holding Yi Luoxiang's white and greasy little hand tightly, Xin Yun took a long breath. As long as he has Yi Luoxiang's support, although the world is big and the world is dangerous, there is nothing to change. Scared him! For the future, Xin Yun is full of infinite hope...