X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 18: Embark on a journey


Encouraged by Xin Yun's temptation, Ah Da accepted Xin Yun's proposal, and in order to improve his strength as soon as possible, this guy packed thirty bags of corn. Although he was a little tired, in order to improve the strength of Pig Dragon as soon as possible That can't take care of a lot.

Thirty bags of corn cost three silver coins in total. After filling the corn, Ah Da took Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang and rushed towards Jumu Town.

As Xin Yun expected, every four hours of flying, the energy of the Pigron was exhausted, so every four hours of flying, it had to rest for two hours.

In order to reach Jumu Town as soon as possible, every time the recovery period comes, everyone eats and rests as soon as possible, and then sets off immediately as soon as the energy recovers. In this way, although it is extremely tiring and sleepy, the moving speed is not only not slowed down, but faster nearly doubled! Jumu Town, which was supposed to arrive in a week, has now arrived in less than four days.

When traveling in the past, Ah Da always traveled during the day and rested at night, usually flying for about eight hours, but according to the current method, although Ah Da has to rest four times a day, he still has to travel for 16 hours. If it wasn't because the weight of the cargo was too heavy to affect the speed of the flight, the time would be faster.

However, although he was extremely tired, and he was so sleepy that he could barely open his eyes, the excitement in Ah Da's heart was beyond what ordinary people could imagine. In just four days, the pig dragon had grown significantly.

At the beginning of the trip, with 30 bags of corn on its back, the pig dragon flew very unstable, trembling, and wobbly. But it was able to take off steadily, and the flying height reached 200 meters, and the flight was very stable, completely adapting to the weight on the body.

Seeing Ah Da's excited appearance, Xin Yun couldn't help snickering, it's like this in everything, no matter what you practice, the improvement is always very fast at the beginning, but not necessarily in the later stage.

A person who has never practiced 100 meters, if it takes 20 seconds to run, then he can improve the time to 18 seconds with a little training, even if it is only four days, but... once you improve to 100 meters Within 10 seconds, things are not so simple, let alone 2 seconds in four or five days, it is difficult to improve by 0.1 second in four or five months.

After arriving in Jumu Town, Ah Da grinned excitedly, hired a few carts, and rushed to Jumu Market with the corn. When he was trying to sell along the street, he was stopped by Xin Yun.

Seeing Ada's puzzled expression, Xin Yun smiled and said, "How much can these corns sell here? Have you ever asked? Do you know how much you should sell?"

Glancing at Xin Yun, Ada said triumphantly, "Don't underestimate me. When this corn was bought, it cost one copper per catty. If you sell it here, you can sell it for two coppers. No more. , the price here is the same, I figured it out.”

Enen... Nodding his head again and again, Xin Yun knows that in this world, 1 gold = 10 silver, and 1 silver = 1000 copper. This time, he transported 3000 catties of corn, which means... he can earn 3000 copper, an average of 800 copper per day. That's about as much as the income of a truck driver on Earth.

Looking at Ah Da with a smile, Xin Yun nodded and said: "If you are just a carrier, then I congratulate you. You are already very good at controlling prices, and you can graduate and specialize in transportation."

Speaking of this, Xin Yun's smile suddenly tightened, and he continued: "But, if you want to be a businessman and earn more money, then I'm sorry, you failed!"

"Ah!" Looking at Xin Yun in amazement, Ah Da said stupidly: "What? Isn't it like this? Everyone else seems to be like this! Could it be..."

Smiling and shaking his head, Xin Yun continued: "When it comes to prices, let me test you. You should know that the specialty of Jumu Town is dried pine mushrooms, so let me ask you, how much is the dried pine mushrooms here? "

Facing Xin Yun's question, Ah Da proudly puffed up his chest and said, "I know that, one tael of dried pine mushrooms here is worth three coppers, and one catty is thirty coppers, that's absolutely true."

Smiling and nodding, Xin Yun secretly praised that it is really cheap. It can be seen from this that the current commercial circulation is still very underdeveloped. When Xin Yun was reborn, a pound of dried pine mushrooms was close to the mark of a thousand coppers. But now, it can be bought for only thirty coppers.

Shaking his head, Xin Yun signaled Ah Da to watch from the sidelines, then walked to the side of the cart and shouted loudly: "Passing by, passing by, don't miss it... New corn produced this year, one or two mushrooms in exchange It’s a catty, so hurry up! The quantity is limited, first come, first served, if it’s too late, it’ll be gone!”

For a moment, Xin Yun's sharp and loud child's voice echoed in the market. Hearing this voice, everyone was stunned for a moment, and soon... the doors on the side of the street were pushed open one after another, women one by one Or men, they all ran over with bags containing dried matsutake mushrooms, scrambling to exchange with Xin Yun.

Although these mushrooms are precious, they have to be bought by merchants before they can be exchanged for money. Therefore, the price of goods in this world has always fluctuated hugely.

Although this pine mushroom is more precious than corn, to the residents of the town, it is nothing more than something that can be picked in the wild at any time. .

In fact, this mushroom was not collected on purpose. As a small town in the virgin forest, these mushrooms were collected by hunters in their free time when they went out to hunt. Stewed pheasant or something, the taste is extremely fresh, and the yield is not high. Not high, at least at this stage, it has not yet become a mainstream product.

For the people in the small town, there is no shortage of meat. They mainly eat meat, and the most greedy thing is fresh corn, so... Although the exchange rate of Xin Yun does not match the purchase price of the merchants , but in the eyes of the common people, it is worth it. It is suitable to exchange supplies for the necessities of life, or even luxuries.

Soon, a total of 30 bags of corn were exchanged in the three-plate cart. Three thousand catties of corn were exchanged for three hundred catties of dried pine mushrooms. Seeing that the three-pallet cart of corn was replaced by the three-pallet cart of dried mushrooms, Ada was completely dumbfounded.

In this town, the total price of three-panel corn is 6,000 copper, and what is the total price of three-panel mushrooms? That's right... 9000 copper!

Originally, after spending four days, Ah Da's profit from this transportation, after deducting the cost, only earned a total of 3,000 coppers, but Xin Yun just used his brains, and then he earned more After paying 3,000 coppers, at this moment... Ah Da finally knew why Xin Yun said he failed the exam.

Seeing Ah Da's dementia, Xin Yun shook his head with a smile, and said to Ah Dao: "Okay, now the food has been exchanged, now...you accompany me to the jewelry store, I want to sell something."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Ah Da nodded blankly, but he still couldn't calm down from the shock. After living so long, he never knew that this money could still be earned like this! And it's so easy to make money, it's just a matter of lip service.

For a moment...he had a strange feeling, as if Xin Yun had become his boss, and he had become Xin Yun's younger brother, and this feeling was very strong. At this moment...he already believed Xin Yun's words a little, maybe...he Really could increase his income tenfold!

All the way without talking, Xin Yun took Yi Luoxiang's little hand and entered the jewelry store. He watched two children enter the store, followed by a tall and thick man. The clerk thought it was a father and son, and greeted them with a smile on his face. , facing Ah Dao: "Welcome, what do you need?"

Hearing what the clerk said, Ah Da opened his mouth, but he didn't know what to say. Up to now, he still doesn't know what Xin Yun is doing here, what do you want him to say

In the midst of embarrassment, Xin Yun's voice rang out in time: "Sister, we are here to sell some things. Are you here to buy gold and silver jewelry?"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Ah Da hurriedly nodded and said, "That's right, we're here to sell jewelry, can you take it here?"

Although the relationship between the father and son was a bit strange, the clerk hurriedly said, "Accept...why don't you accept it? I just don't know...what jewelry are you selling?"