X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 20: The blue sea


Xin Yun did not directly choose to leave, but took the hard-hit Ah Da to wander around the town, from the street to the end of the street, going in and wandering around every house, whispering to the head of the household for a while , and changed to another one. It took more than four hours to visit thousands of households in the whole town, and then Xin Yun was satisfied and took Ah Da to the inn to stay.

Ah Da asked several times, trying to figure out what Xin Yun was doing, but Xin Yun always smiled and didn't answer, which made Ah Da look depressed. In the end... Ah Da only knew that Xin Yun spent all the hardware in his hand. It's all gone, but I don't know what I bought, and I can't tell from the outside.

At night, Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang lived in the same room again. After washing up, the two little guys happily got into the bed. Among them, fifty crystals of different colors and the size of peanuts radiate sparkling light. These are the one-star bronze dragon crystals that Xin Yun received at a cost of hardware.

During the fifteen days at the bottom of the well, since the soil bed was piled up on the fifth day, the two have been sleeping in the same bed.

Speaking of this, Xin Yun is really a little bit evil. In the depths of Xin Yun's mind, he has never forgotten a word, that is-to develop! After Yi Luoxiang got used to all this, as long as Xin Yun kept at it, from the fifth day in the dry well to the day when the two died, hehe... the two of them would probably share the same bed.

Although, the two of them are still just children now, and Yi Luoxiang is too pure. Although she vaguely understands the defense between men and women, she half understands and doesn't really understand. When she and Xin Yun's relationship Gradually deepening, when everything becomes a habit, once Xin Yun wants to sleep separately, the person who is not used to it may be her instead.

Selfish? Maybe... But who in this world is not selfish? Unselfish love, is that still love? Some people may say that since you love her, you should make her happy, as long as she is happy, then no matter what, it is a pity that Xin Yun disagrees with this point of view.

In Xin Yun's view, if you love her, you must be with her. If you don't have the confidence to make her happy more than anyone else, then what's the point of love? Xin Yun is confident that in this world, no one can make Yi Luoxiang happier than him, so no matter what, Yi Luoxiang must win.

After a night of nothing, the three of Xin Yun set off early the next morning. Although the weight of the goods was much lighter this time, 3,000 catties of corn were replaced by 300 catties of dried mushrooms, although the weight was reduced, the volume was smaller. bigger.

After the mushrooms are dried, the volume shrinks a lot, but because the gap between the mushrooms is very large, the volume of 300 catties of mushrooms is actually larger than that of 3000 catties of corn.

Fortunately, although the size has become larger, the weight is very light. For Pigron, it is almost no burden at all, so it flies very smoothly, especially in terms of speed, which has obviously improved a lot. Happy Ada Just smirked.

During the smooth flight, Ah Da smiled and said, "Xin Yun... Where are we going with so many mushrooms?"

Facing Ah Da's question, Xin Yun said without hesitation: "Do you know the Green Sea Plain? Let's go to Pingyuan City in the Green Sea Plain. You know the way..."

"Pingyuan!" Hearing Xin Yun's words, Ah Da exclaimed in shock: "That's too far away. Even if you don't pretend to be anything, it will take half a month to arrive. Instead of this, we might as well go back and continue transporting." As for corn, it can earn money and improve the strength of the dragon, wouldn't it be better?"

"Half a month?" Hearing Ada's words, Xin Yun curled his lips and said, "That's impossible, I will only give you a week, and after a week, I will see Pingyuan City."

"Ah! This... This is impossible! Do you want me to fly sixteen hours a day?" Ada said tremblingly.

Nodding his head, Xin Yun said, "That's right, fly at full speed for four hours, then rest for two hours, remember...it's full speed, don't leave any room for it, and you must reach the plain in a week!"

Speaking of this, Xin Yun glanced at Ah Da up and down, and then continued: "What? Didn't you just say that you want to improve the strength of the dragon? This kind of extreme flying exercise can greatly improve the endurance of flying, as well as the speed of flying." Speed, and the flexibility of flying, for a dragon, you should know what it means!"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Ah Da's face turned blue and red, and finally he slapped his thigh fiercely, and said with gritted teeth: "Grandma's... done it! One week is one week, no matter what, we will definitely reach the plain in a week!"

While speaking, Ah Da's face suddenly turned serious, and he said angrily: "Pig dragon! Fly at full speed, full speed!"

Hearing Ah Da's order, the gigantic pig dragon suddenly let out a roar that shook the sky, and with a sudden retraction of its wings, it slapped it out with all its strength. In an instant... the fat and clumsy pig dragon suddenly burst into madness , the speed nearly doubled, and flew towards the green hills in the sky roaring.

Maybe some people don't understand what Xin Yun is going to do. Could it be... like in his last life, he wasted a lot of time on collecting money

In fact, Xin Yun is just seven and a half years old now, and he must be eight years old before he can transform his own dragon, and if he wants to transform his own dragon, besides his blood essence and soul, he also needs a medium—creation. Dragon Stone, also known as Dragon Diamond!

The so-called dragon stone is a substance similar to diamond, but it is different. It is divided into nine colors and nine grades. The nine colors are red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black, and white. Ninth grade is distinguished according to the size of the volume.

The color of the dragon creation stone determines the ability type of the dragon, and the grade determines the aptitude of the dragon. The bigger the dragon creation stone, the higher the aptitude of the dragon, and the aptitude of the dragon determines too many things. can not say it clearly.

The so-called dragon creation is actually to guide the dragon soul in the human body into the dragon creation stone, and then activate it with blood essence to generate dragon balls. After integrating the dragon balls into the body, you can summon your own dragon.

Usually, dragons are attached to human bodies in the form of tattoos. Take Ah Da as an example, his tattoo of a spotted-skinned pig dragon is on his belly.

Of course, each person's dragon is different, and the location of the tattoo is also different. For example, Yi Luoxiang, her tattoo is a beautiful butterfly, which appears on the top of her left arm. It is very beautiful and elegant. Xin Yun's dragon covered his entire upper body, leaving him almost no blank skin.

Having said so much, everyone should obviously be aware that a ninth-grade dragon creation stone is a shortcut to becoming a master, but if you don't have one, it's not impossible. Take the most dazzling dragon - Peacock King, Mingxuan as an example. He used All he needs is just a first-rank dragon creation stone, otherwise he wouldn't be so weak at the beginning, but as long as he works hard, will he become a master of the nine masters later

The same is true for Yi Luoxiang, he is stronger than Mingxuan, and he used a fourth-grade dragon creation stone, but this girl's talent is too high, which completely makes up for the shortcomings of the dragon creation stone, and it doesn't take much effort. It is also very helpless to become a master of the nine masters.

Now, on the one hand, Xin Yun wants to earn money, at least the necessary living expenses, and on the other hand... Xin Yun wants to go to a place, a mountain city that produces dragon stones, and earn a little money along the way. Not his main purpose.

A piece of Ninth-Rank Dragon Creation Stone is something that can be encountered but not sought after. I don’t know how long it will take to get one. A Ninth-Rank Dragon Creation Stone, like the largest diamonds on the earth, is basically priceless and cannot be bought with money.

But... As a reborn person, Xin Yun knows that there is a place where there is the largest dragon creation stone in the future world, which is known as the only dragon creation stone that can reach rank 9.9—the Azure Sea! What Xin Yun has to do now is to get there as soon as possible, and according to the legend of the year, before anyone else, just find the stone that is still lying on the side of the road. That piece of nine point nine is the supreme blue sea.