X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 28: Refining Dragon Drill


Seeing this familiar scene, Xin Yun smiled knowingly. Although the body was illusory, the power of the soul could still be activated. Concentrating, Xin Yun activated the power of the soul with all his strength.

With the activation of the power of the soul, thousands of bright red rays of light suddenly appeared in the blue sea of light. All the rays of light were like countless small snakes, carrying a blue mist of light, gazing at Xin from all directions. Cloud jumped over.

If there are other people in the room now, they will be surprised to find that the blood on the surface of the blue sea is seeping into the blue sea bit by bit, turning into sharp red thin lines, moving towards the blue sea. The center of the sea extends past.

Soon, the thousands of bright red spirit snakes arrived in front of Xin Yun with blue mist. Looking closely, what kind of snake are these! This is clearly a dragon! And it's not the spotted-skinned pig dragon like Ada, but the symbol of China—the dragon!

The Chinese have always regarded themselves as the descendants of the dragon. The blood of the dragon flows in the blood, and the soul of the dragon is contained in the body. Although no one knows why they say this, but seeing the current scene, I believe many people will be thoughtful. Bar.

Those red air currents are not considered thick. From Xin Yun's current angle, they are about the thickness of an arm, four meters long and short, like a huge boa constrictor, but there are five dragon claws under the boa constrictor's belly!

"What! Five claws?" Seeing the red dragons approaching one after another, Xin Yun's eyes widened. What's going on? In the previous life, Xin Yun also summoned his own dragon, but at that time it clearly only had four claws, what happened!

Staring blankly at the blood dragons with the thickness of arms crawling in from all over the body, Xin Yun's brain was confused for a while, what is going on with all this, why is it a five-clawed dragon!

According to legend, the dragon is a magical god with horns like a deer, head like a camel, eyes like a ghost, neck like a snake, belly like a mirage, scales like a fish, claws like an eagle, palms like a tiger, and ears like a cow. However, Xin Yun has never been able to figure out how many claws a dragon has. Some say that the eight-clawed golden dragon is the limit, and some say that the five-clawed has already reached the top, and some biographies also say the so-called nine Claws, as for how many claws, I am afraid no one has figured it out.

However, as far as Chinese culture is concerned, Xin Yun is more willing to believe in the five-clawed dragon. As we all know, the dragon robe worn by the emperor is depicted with five-clawed dragons. According to the level and seniority, the emperor's dragon has five claws. The prince's dragon has four claws, the prince's son has three claws, the prince's grandson has two claws, and the prince's great-great-grandson has one claw.

In fact, except for the dragon on the imperial robe, the others are not dragons. From this point of view, the dragon in Xin Yun's last life only had four claws, so it cannot be regarded as a dragon at all, but should belong to a python!

The so-called real dragon emperor must wear a five-clawed dragon robe, five claws are dragons, and four claws are pythons, so the five-clawed dragon robe is the real dragon robe, and the four-clawed robe is called the python robe. Not really a dragon.

There was once such a story, a minister wanted to rebel, so he sewed a dragon robe privately, put it on his body when he had nothing to do, and then covered it with a robe.

But unexpectedly, this matter was known, so the emperor ordered him to take off his coat to see if it was a dragon robe inside. If it was, it must have been dragged out on the spot and beheaded. Dare to wear a dragon robe

Of course, the minister was dead, but this was not his home, but the palace, so he was dragged into the dressing room by the soldiers and took off his coat. After all... ministers are not allowed to take off their clothes in front of the emperor.

Originally, this was a game of death, but the minister was also very quick-witted. After taking off his coat, he actually cut a hole in the robe, tore off a dragon claw, and ate it, so when he went out At that time, the dragon only had four claws left, which were python robes, so naturally it was not a rebellion, and his life was saved.

Excitedly looking at the five-clawed dragons that got into his body, Xin Yun panted violently. Could it be that... in his last life, he was only driving a python, but now he is driving a real dragon

As dragons carrying blue air flow penetrated into his body one by one, Xin Yun's body gradually solidified, and... the shape of his body was also changing rapidly.

As thousands of blood dragons drilled in one after another, Xin Yun's body became more and more clear, and his body gradually twisted and elongated. Gradually... Xin Yun's body no longer belonged to a human body, but transformed into a dragon. Shape!

The horns are like a deer, the head is like a camel, the eyes are like a ghost, the neck is like a snake, the belly is like a mirage, the scales are like a fish, the claws are like an eagle, the palms are like a tiger, and the ears are like a cow. This is Xin Yun's current form, especially the belly. Five dragon claws!

Finally, the last crimson blood dragon got into Xin Yun's body. In an instant...Xin Yun felt a sharp pain on his back, something seemed to stick out, and then slowly stretched out...

If it was changed to a human form, Xin Yun would have to look in the mirror to know what happened, but now Xin Yun is in the form of a dragon, so with a twist of the dragon's neck, he turned 180 degrees and looked at his back In the past, as far as the eye can see, a pair of blue wings that are not too huge, but definitely not small, appeared on Xin Yun's dragon's back, near the dragon's head.

"This... this is!" Looking blankly at the wings behind him, what the hell is this? The dragon has grown wings? What's the matter? Let alone a real dragon, even a python that was controlled in the previous life doesn't need wings to fly! Could it be that... a real dragon is not as good as a python

In a moment of confusion, Xin Yun instantly thought of a possibility. There are many types of dragons. Those with wings are Yinglong, those with scales are jiaolong, those with horns are horned dragons, those without horns are chilongs, and those who have not ascended to heaven are pandragons. Dragon, there are other names such as Kuilong and Feilong...

Looking at the wings on his back, could it be that... the dragon he is driving now is Yinglong? Besides, there is really no other explanation. In China, all those with wings should be regarded as Yinglong.

According to legend, Yinglong is a divine dragon in ancient times. It once assisted the Yellow Emperor in crusade against the great Wu Chiyou and became a hero by killing Chiyou. Therefore, Yinglong is also Yu's hero.

Yinglong is characterized by double wings, scaly body and ridges, large and long head, pointed snout, small nose, eyes and ears, large eye sockets, high eyebrow arch, sharp teeth, protruding forehead, thin neck and large belly, and pointed tail. Long, with strong limbs, like a winged alligator. In the jade carvings of the Warring States period, the stone carvings, silk paintings and lacquerware of the Han Dynasty, the image of Yinglong often appears.

Of course, Yinglong is not the final form, but just a stage of the dragon's growth and evolution. According to "Shuyiji": "The dragon is a horned dragon for five hundred years, and it is Yinglong for a thousand years." Yinglong can be called a dragon. The essence of the medium has grown, so it has grown wings.

There are four seas in China, and there are four sea dragon kings, and Yinglong is in charge of the world's water, including, and not only including, the water of the four seas, so it should be called the Dragon Emperor, and Qinglong is in charge of all the dragons in the world, it is the Dragon Emperor!

Looking at his current form, Xin Yun wanted to know if he continued to practice, whether this Yinglong could continue to grow and evolve, and grow into the emperor of the dragon clan, the leader of the four sacred beasts—the Azure Dragon Emperor!

While watching, Xin Yun only felt the surrounding suction gradually dissipate. At the same time, another very familiar suction passed over. Feeling this very familiar suction, Xin Yun did not resist at all, letting the suction pull him Sucked out,... the world around me was dark again...