X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 296: Nine Colors Dragon


Although Xin Yun's strength will no longer increase his star position when using it at ten diamond stars, but his energy will still increase a lot. As for how much it will increase, Xin Yun is also looking forward to it.

Back in the Abyss of Tianhe, Xinyun took the diamond fruit, and as the diamond fruit entered his stomach, streams of incomparably clear, extremely pure energy drifted out from the diamond fruit and lingered in the body. A week later, scrambling to enter the Dragon Ball.

Feeling these energies in astonishment, it seems that it is not as exaggerated as imagined. Now the key is to see how long this process can last. You know, once you eat ordinary food, it can be digested in three to four hours. If that's the case, the effect is not ideal.

Time passed minute by minute. As time passed, Xin Yun couldn't help but get excited. Three hours passed, ten hours, twenty hours, fifty hours, one hundred hours, but The energy released from the diamond fruit has never stopped, this...

Watching this process in amazement, finally... After ninety-nine and eighty-one days, the diamond fruit finally stopped outputting any energy and was completely digested. At the same time, the energy in Xin Yun's body had reached It reached a terrifying level, so strong that it horrified Xin Yun!

Up to now, Xin Yun has roughly understood that this diamond fruit is really amazing. You know... upgrading from one diamond star to diamond four star is also upgrading to three stars, and upgrading diamond six star to nine star is also three stars, but it is also upgrading to three stars, The sum of the energy is not the same, that is ten times, or even a hundred times the difference!

In fact, what this diamond fruit improves is not the star rating, but the level. Once eaten, it can stimulate the potential of the human body, and then arouse the aura of the world to continuously strengthen the human body. relation.

The stronger the person, the greater the potential. The potential of one diamond star is not known how many times worse than that of ten diamond stars. It will be in units of hundreds.

Now, Xin Yun's potential has also been stimulated by the diamond fruit. Although Xin Yun can't break through the rank barrier on the basis of the diamond ten stars, his realm has also been raised by three levels!

The ten diamond stars are also divided into several grades, namely elementary, intermediate, advanced, and top! Originally... After training, Xin Yun has stabilized at the primary stage of the ten diamond stars. Now... After the diamond fruit stimulated his potential, Xin Yun's strength has broken through the primary, intermediate, and advanced levels, reaching the peak state, and the Dragon King stage. , there is only a thin line between them!

There is a huge gap between the primary state of ten diamond stars and the peak state of ten peak diamond stars. The gap is so big that it can even be compared with the gap between one bronze star and one diamond star.

Generally speaking, if you want to reach the peak of the ten diamond stars, you need to accumulate a long time in units of ten thousand years before it is possible to achieve it, but now, in just ninety-nine or eighty-one days, completely After completing this process, if I must use one word to describe it, it would be a miracle!

Slowly opened his eyes, the next moment...Xin Yun was stunned, and looked around, the water of the Milky Way was everywhere around his body, this...what's going on!

You know, in the past ten years or so, under the abyss of the Tianhe River, the huge spirit gathering array has gathered too much water aura, and a large amount of water aura has even drained the water of the Tianhe River, forming a river without water at all. , a world completely filled with water aura.

Before this retreat, the water aura has completely filled the river bottom with a radius of hundreds of kilometers, lifting the water surface of the river bottom up to a place nearly a million kilometers away from the bottom of the abyss. There is no water, only the surging water aura.

But now, the water aura accumulated for more than ten years has all disappeared, and the water of the Tianhe River that was pushed over millions of kilometers has poured back again, filling the bottom of the entire Tianhe Abyss.

After thinking about it for a while, Xin Yun understood that although the diamond fruit stimulated the potential of the body, to improve strength and have energy, after all, a lot of energy is needed, and the energy Xin Yun needs is water aura!

Inspired by the diamond fruit, Xin Yun frantically devoured the energy of the Tianhe Abyss in the past ninety-nine or eighty-one days. With the reduction of the water aura, the Tianhe water naturally slowly descended and filled Xin Yun. around.

Taking a long breath, Xin Yun was overjoyed, he never expected... In just eighty-one days, he actually completed the energy accumulation that others could not achieve in tens of thousands of years, and reached the peak of diamond!

Although the rank has not improved, but the strength has really improved. In terms of realm alone, although the four sword dragons captured by Yi Luoxiang are also at the peak of diamonds, even if they are at the peak of diamonds, there are differences.

There is no limit to the diamond level, even if you practice forever, you will not be perfect, so... even the diamond peak, there are differences in realms!

If it is said that the standard of the diamond peak is that the energy reaches 100, then all people with energy exceeding 100 are masters of the diamond peak, including 100, including 10 billion! Everyone is at the peak of diamonds, but the energy is 100 million times worse! This is not a fantasy!

Although there is no breakthrough in the realm, and the change in the quality of energy is not too great, but with more energy, there are more things that can be done, and the power is even greater.

For example, in the past, if Xin Yun exerted all his strength, it would take about ten minutes to cover the area of a hundred miles with clouds, create cloud swirls, and then accumulate the power of thunder.

But now, once Xin Yun uses his full strength, within a few seconds, the entire area within a radius of ten thousand miles can be covered with clouds, and the clouds can be rotated to accumulate the power of thunder!

That's right, the range that can be controlled has become wider, and the total amount of energy controlled has increased. Although the things controlled are still that kind of things, the power has really increased many times.

In the past, Xin Yun wanted dark clouds to cover the entire sky, but the speed of the cloud curtain was very slow, and it would take a while to completely cover the sky with the cloud curtain.

But now, the speed of the cloud curtain will not be much slower than when you pull the curtain. After a crash, three seconds before and after, the originally clear sky will be covered with dark clouds. This is the effect of energy.

Then there is Xin Yun's thunderbolt, although the point voltage and current intensity have not changed, but the quantity has changed, any thunderbolt can penetrate the sky, just imagine... a voltage and current are exactly the same, but one is only as thick as chopsticks, and one is as thick as chopsticks. With a thickness of a hundred meters, which thunderbolt is more destructive

That's right, the former one may crush a shot put, but the latter one can destroy a mountain! This is the use of energy. It is difficult to explain clearly in one sentence, but the difference is very big.

Opening his eyes, Xin Yun couldn't help looking at the four sword spirits around him. Up to now, they have also cultivated to the level of diamond ten stars, but... they are still at the initial stage, wanting to reach Xin Yun's current level Realm, I don't know how many thousands of years it takes to accumulate.

Up to now, Xin Yun has no longer looked down on the energy in the body of the four great sword spirits. To Xin Yun, it is just a drop in the ocean, and there is no need to absorb it.

Of course, Xin Yun's energy is not full, it just reached the peak state. Above the peak, there is an infinite state. If Xin Yun's current energy is 100, then at the limit, 10 billion can't beat it. out.

Looking at the four great sword souls, Xin Yun's eyes flashed fiercely. It has been ninety-nine and eighty-one days, so... this round of competition is not over yet!

In the diamond competition in this world, the top six places have already been taken by Kaitianzong, and there are still four places left behind. If you can get the remaining four diamond fruits, I don’t know... can these four sword souls absorb it?

The four great sword souls are based on the four souls of Opening Axe, and Xin Yun's soul fragments are the main ones. Xin Yun is my own strength. If they can improve their strength, it will be of great help to Xin Yun.

Now that he had thought about it, Xin Yun didn't care about it, and immediately acted, and directly sent four sword souls to participate in the diamond competition. There was basically no suspense about the last four diamond fruits.

Although, the four major sword souls are only at the initial stage of diamond ten stars, but there are so many magic weapons that can't stand it! Lieyang Shuo, he took both the measuring ruler and the Meridian Universe disc, if he still loses, then Xin Yun doesn't mind his deity going out and grabbing it by force, with the Tai Chi diagram in hand, who can escape

After sending away the Four Sword Souls, Xin Yun rushed back to the headquarters lobby. By now, the bank plan had covered the entire continent, and the gold collected had repaired the Sky Axe to the eighth floor, which is not far from the ninth floor. .

After arranging everything, Xin Yun returned to the Abyss of Tianhe again, retreated to refine the magic weapon, time passed slowly, and finally... Four years passed, and the four great sword spirits successfully won the last four rounds of the competition, After using the diamond fruit, four more diamond peak-level masters were born! It's just... due to the lack of aura, digesting these four diamond fruits and the four sword souls took nearly ten years! From this we can see how big the distance is between the primary and the peak.

Looking at the four great sword souls, Xin Yun didn't try to draw out the energy of the four great sword souls. Next...Xin Yun's plan is to let the four great sword souls enter the illusion for a try. If you can also become a king rank master, that would be really crazy!

You know, there are only nine seats in the Dragon King class. In this way, Xin Yun himself occupies one, plus the four major sword souls, that's five, more than half of the seats, plus a few partners, basically the Dragon King class It's round!

However, although the time for the opening of the illusion is getting closer and closer, what Xin Yun remembered at the time was only an approximate time, so... now we have to wait. As for how many years we will have to wait, no one knows. In fact... Even in the last life, no one knew when the illusion was opened.

Time passed slowly, Xin Yun and others couldn't retreat, and finally one day, when Xin Yun was practicing hard in retreat, the world suddenly trembled and shook.

Feeling the shock and shaking of the world, Xin Yun suddenly opened his eyes, without further ado... he directly opened the Taiji Diagram, and after a quick spatial fold, he appeared in the sky next to Buzhou Mountain.

Looking into the distance expectantly, red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue, purple, black, and white, a thick beam of light condensed by nine kinds of light, shot out from a side peak of Buzhou Mountain. Straight into the sky!

When the nine-color divine light comes out, it can be said that the sky is shaking, but if you are far away, you may not be able to see the nine-color divine light. Even if you see it from a distance, few people will even think of anything. It is a predestined person.

Xin Yun knew that once the nine-color divine light came out, it would not be taken back. The nine-color divine light represented nine Pangu relics. If one was taken away, the color would be one less. After all nine were taken away, the nine The luster will disappear completely.

Not daring to be negligent, Xin Yun quickly announced the news to all his partners through the Taiji Diagram, and then summoned the four great sword souls, and rushed towards the rising direction of the nine-color divine light.

When Xin Yun arrived at the entrance of the illusion, the surroundings were still silent, but... all the high-level officials of Kaitianzong had already arrived, Xin Yun, Yi Luoxiang, Yan Qingying, Mingxuan, Pokong, Luo Fu, and The four great sword souls, a total of ten people, are completely gathered here.

He didn't dare to procrastinate, what had to be said had already been said in advance, so... Xin Yun waved his hand, gathered a few companions, and fell directly towards the place where the nine-color divine light rose.

If Buzhou Mountain is regarded as Pangu's body, then the nine-color divine light is emitted from the back of the human body, at the junction of the cervical spine and the body, and the entrance of the illusion is a colorful light.

After looking at each other, everyone nodded at each other, and then rushed towards the colorful hole at the same time... Xin Yun took out the Lieyang shuttle, the measuring ruler, the meridian disc, and the heaven and earth seal, They were handed over to the four major sword souls respectively. With these magic weapons, they have a higher probability of passing.

After handing in the magic weapon, Xin Yun and the four great sword souls entered the cave first, and behind him, Yi Luoxiang, Yan Qingying, Mingxuan, Pokong and Luo Fu entered one after another!

Not to mention other people, on this side...Xin Yun entered the tunnel at full speed, and the next moment...with a flash of colored light, Xin Yun appeared in a colorful world.

Looking around, the whole world is empty, vast and far-reaching. The whole world is completely composed of nine colors of light, which looks extremely magnificent.

While Xin Yun was probing around, the light on the opposite side twisted for a while, and the next moment... the crimson light in midair quickly condensed, twisting into a crimson giant dragon, which appeared in front of Xin Yun!

Red Dragon! Looking at the guy in front of him, Xin Yun knew... This is the first round of the illusion. After defeating the red dragon, he will face the orange dragon, the yellow dragon, the green dragon, the green dragon, and the blue dragon next. , purple dragon, black dragon, and white dragon, after defeating all nine dragons, Xin Yun can get nine dragon balls of different colors, which together form a nine-color dragon ball!

Just as he was thinking, the red dragon on the opposite side opened his mouth wide, and a sea of flames sprayed towards his face. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun did not dare to neglect. It rose slowly, and in an instant... a water shield hundreds of meters thick tightly wrapped Xin Yun in the middle.

With complete protection, the next step will be easy. With a swipe of his right hand, the thunder pestle is firmly in his grip. Xin Yun is not too wordy. With a shake of his right hand, the thunder pestle shakes lightly, a diameter of ten meters The thunder void fell.

Amidst the roaring thunder, the red dragon's body was completely enveloped in the thunder, and it was completely paralyzed. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun chuckled, and with a shake of his left hand, a small jade-colored dragon snaked around. It jumped out from Xin Yun's cuff, twisted his body, and swam towards the red dragon like lightning.

Before the red dragon came back to his senses, Xin Yun shook his right hand, another bolt of thunder blasted out, and before the red dragon recovered from its paralysis, it sealed him again.

Under Xin Yun's watchful eyes, the jade-colored little dragon quickly plunged into the middle of the red dragon's forehead, and then... Amidst a blazing white light, there was an earth-shattering roar.

Under the intense light, Xin Yun could be said to be blind. When the light finally dissipated, he looked around... The red dragon seemed to be floating in mid-air intact, but in fact, Xin Yun knew that the original red dragon had already disappeared. It died, and the one floating there now is the red dragon belonging to Xin Yun!

The little jade dragon sent out by Xin Yun just now is actually the original nine jade dragons wrapped around the Kongtong seal, which were separated by Xin Yun and specially used to seal the nine-colored dragon in the imaginary territory. Xin Yun was worried that he could not seal it. , but now it seems that Xin Yun is really worrying too much.

However, the red dragon is indeed sealed, but this is not what Xin Yun is most concerned about. What worries Xin Yun the most is that if the red dragon is sealed, will the nine-colored dragon ball still appear

After a quick search, soon... Xin Yun found the bright red dragon ball the size of an egg. Since the whole world is completely condensed by nine colors of light, it is difficult to distinguish the dragon ball. If it's a flash, it's really hard to find.

Jumping over excitedly, Xin Yun pinched the crimson dragon ball in his hand. After flipping through it for a while, Xin Yun didn't dare to neglect, and hurriedly put it in his arms. When he looked around, it seemed like It fell silent again, and at the same time, the orange light began to condense in the air.

Seeing this scene, Xin Yun didn't say much, just shook his left hand, and released a jade dragon again, and then lightly tapped the thunder pestle in his right hand, and a thunderbolt had already lurked.

Soon, the orange rays of light in the void condensed together, forming an orange dragon. As soon as it condensed, when the orange dragon was about to roar up to the sky, the thunder that Xin Yun had ambushed launched brazenly, with a diameter of ten meters. The thunderbolt directly enveloped the Chengse giant dragon.

With a wave of Xin Yun's left hand, the jade dragon dispatched ahead of time shot directly into the forehead of the orange dragon like a sharp arrow, but as Xin Yun expected, this time... there was no explosion.

season finale

Dazed for a moment, Xin Yun didn't dare to be negligent, and between the dots on his right hand, three thunderbolts went down in a row, and finally... the orange dragon exploded loudly, turning into a light that filled the sky, and Xin Yun was so pierced that he dared not open his eyes.

Soon, the light dissipated, and the orange dragon appeared in midair, and... Xin Yun also quickly found the orange dragon ball suspended in midair.

After thinking about it for a while, Xin Yun quickly calculated that each of the nine-color dragons was stronger than the other, and seemed to be twice as strong. Four paths, if calculated in this way, wouldn't the third one require eight thunderbolts

Just as he was guessing, in the void, the light-colored rays of light began to distort and gather. Seeing this scene... Xin Yun did not dare to neglect, and released a jade dragon again, clenched the Thunderbolt with his left hand, and waited intently.

The speed of light condensing was very fast. In just a few seconds, the golden light condensed into a brilliant golden dragon, like a golden dragon carved out of gold. Facing this, Xin Yun's ambush thunder instantly launched , shrouded this guy in it again, completely paralyzed.

Everything that followed went very smoothly, the jade dragon directly penetrated into the golden dragon's head, and at the same time... Xin Yun's thunderbolts struck down one after another.

One... Two... Three... Four... Don't underestimate this thunder, this is Xin Yun's diamond peak state, combined with the divine thunder released by the thunder pestle, any thunder is enough to instantly kill a person who is also at the peak of diamond master!

This is where the power of the magic weapon lies. If Xin Yun can instantly kill ten-star masters at ten-star status, then he can instantly kill top-level experts at the peak level. The power of magic weapons increases with the improvement of strength. elevated.

However, the power of the giant dragons here is very terrifying. Obviously... including the original red dragon, they are all existences that have surpassed the diamond realm, and have reached the level of king-level elementary strength. A thunderbolt fell in seconds, so there is no need for a second one! This is the power of the magic weapon. As long as it cannot be resisted, the offensive magic weapon will definitely have the power to instantly kill any master of the same level!

Maybe some people think it's a little exaggerated, but think about it carefully, Yunxiao used the Hunyuan Jindou to directly take in all the top ten golden immortals of Jiejiao, cut off the top three flowers, and closed the five qi in his chest. Becoming a useless person, isn't that even more exaggerated? You know... Yunxiao and the top ten golden immortals are both masters at the same level.

Looking at Fengshen, as long as the strength is similar, if you can't fight against the opponent's magic weapon, it's a word - miserable, even if it doesn't kill you directly, it will make you lose the ability to resist.

And Xin Yun's thunderbolt is different, this guy is a purely offensive magic weapon, similar to Fantian Yin, if you can't fight it, it's not a miserable word to describe, it's the same as Fantian Yin, if you can't deal with it, then die, There is no other way to choose, let alone... this thunderbolt is an innate super spirit treasure stronger than the Heaven-shattering seal! In terms of power alone, it is even stronger than most treasures.

Six thunderbolts were released in a row, and finally... the golden dragon exploded. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun frowned even more. What's going on? Useless eight thunders!

The first time is two ways, the second time is four ways, and the third time is six ways. Could it be that the base number is incremented by two? What is going on here

After doing some calculations, Xin Yun was surprised to find that if he continued to increase according to this ratio, his thunder power would be exhausted before seeing the ninth dragon. For now, Xin Yun can only release sixty Thunder!

While Xin Yun was thinking hard, the emerald green light in the void began to distort and converge. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun smiled wryly, and before he had time to think, he clicked on the thunder in his right hand again, and laid down a thunder! At the same time, a jade dragon was released, ready to be sealed at any time.

Sure enough, just as Xin Yun calculated, the power of this giant dragon really increases with the base number of two. This green dragon took Xin Yun's eight thunderbolts to clean up. If it continues like this, Xin Yun's sixty Thunder, absolutely can't support it.

While anxious, the cyan light began to twist and tangle. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun smiled wryly. After putting away the green dragon ball, Xin Yun raised his head and found several other giant dragons in astonishment.

Up to now, Xin Yun has sealed the red, orange, yellow, green, and four-color dragons, and the next one will be the cyan dragon. In this way, the previous dragons are already Xin Yun's. If they are allowed to participate If it's under attack, then...

Thinking of this, Xin Yun's eyes lit up instantly, and soon... Red, orange, yellow, green, four-color dragons lined up, the dragon's mouth was aimed at the position where the green dragon was about to appear, and they opened their mouths one after another. Various light clusters gathered in the mouths of the four dragons.

"Roar!" Finally, the cyan dragon was condensed. At the same time, Xin Yun's pre-ambushed thunder exploded. Almost at the same time as the thunder sounded, the surrounding four-color dragons launched an attack at the same time. The four colors were different. The strange dragon's breath roared and landed on the paralyzed Qinglong.

Under the violent blow, the cyan dragon was still unable to recover from the paralysis. After consuming Xin Yun's six thunderbolts, it finally exploded helplessly.

Clenched his fist in ecstasy, Xin Yun knew... his guess was confirmed, these sealed dragons could help, the destructive power produced by the four dragons combined could be almost equal to his own thunder ! This is too scary!

And don't forget, the further back, the more dragons Xin Yun controls. Xin Yun's mission is no longer to defeat the opponent, as long as he keeps paralyzing the opponent.

With this knowledge, Xin Yun was naturally overjoyed. After receiving the cyan dragon ball, he mobilized five dragons to aim at the position. At the same time, the blue light twisted and circled, and gradually condensed the blue dragon. For a moment... The violent attack began!

First, Xin Yun's thunder attack directly paralyzed the blue dragon. At the same time, five dragon breaths of red, orange, yellow, green, and blue landed on the blue dragon's body almost simultaneously!

The attack frequency of Shenlong is very terrifying. It does not need to be sprayed one mouthful, but one spray, like a pulse, continuously generates waves of shock waves one after another, just like five impact drills. Within one second, at least It can launch more than ten times of blows. Although it looks like a dragon show on the surface, what the blue dragon suffered was countless blows.

In this way, Xin Yun observed carefully, and whenever the dragon was about to wake up, Xin Yun released a thunderbolt to paralyze it, allowing the five dragons to consume, and soon... After Xin Yun released the five thunderbolts, the The blue dragon exploded with a bang.

Now that the rules have been figured out, there is nothing to say next. According to the same process, the purple dragon, the black dragon, and the white dragon were defeated one after another. So far, Xin Yun has completely sealed the nine-color dragon, and also After collecting all nine dragon balls, next... it's time to combine the dragon balls into one.

While thinking, Xin Yun waved his right hand and put away the nine-colored dragon. At the same time, the light between the sky and the earth was distorted as a whole, as if a huge canvas was being twisted by a big hand, and the whole world was distorted. .

The nine-colored light in the whole space first turned clockwise, and soon... the whole world seemed to pause for a moment, and then all the light began to turn counterclockwise. With just a slight turn, the whole world changed instantly!

Looking around, it was originally a hazy world of nine colors, but in an instant, all the rays of light were separated, and nine giant pillars were formed, each of which was composed of a single color. Magnificent and majestic.

While Xin Yun was watching, all of a sudden... Xin Yun felt the nine dragon balls in his arms jump out, leaving Xin Yun's embrace in an instant, and roaring towards the nine beams of light.

The next moment... under Xin Yun's gaze, the nine beams of light that fused with the nine-colored dragon balls gradually began to gather together, and then... under Xin Yun's gaze, they merged into one, forming a nine-colored beam of light. The appearance of the formed beam of light...is exactly the same as the beam of light I saw outside Buzhou Mountain just now!

While Xin Yun was surprised and guessing, the beam of light piercing the sky paused for a moment, and then frantically gathered towards the middle from both ends. In just a split second, it condensed at one point, forming a ray of light. Colorful nine-color dragon ball!

Looking at the dragon ball suspended in mid-air, Xin Yun jumped over in an instant, pinched the dragon ball shining with nine colors of light in the palm of his hand, looked around, there was no light in the whole world, as far as he could see, It is a chaotic world.

Looking in admiration at the dragon ball radiating nine-color divine light in his hand, Xin Yun didn't dare to delay, he raised his hand suddenly, and swallowed the nine-color dragon ball into his stomach with his mouth open.

Almost as soon as it entered the body, the nine-colored dragon ball swam quickly, like a comet hitting the earth, and instantly hit the dragon ball in Xin Yun's body—the blue sea.

Although the impact was violent, there was no sound. Xin Yun's body trembled slightly, and he felt a roar in his mind, and his consciousness sank into the darkness in an instant.

I don't know how long it took, maybe it was just a moment, maybe thousands of years passed, Xin Yun finally woke up, looked around suspiciously, and as far as he could see, he was actually in an extremely empty cave. There are pitch-black rocks all around. Although there is no light coming in, with Xin Yun's current state, he can naturally see in the dark.

Gently touching his body, he didn't notice any discomfort. Just as he was wondering, Xin Yun only felt a burst of dizziness in his mind, and a kind of mysterious and mysterious enlightenment rose from his mind involuntarily.

Xin Yun didn't know what it was, mysterious and mysterious, yet indescribable, indescribable, if he had to describe it, Xin Yun could only use one word to describe it, and that was - Dao!

What is contained in the nine-color dragon ball is actually Tao! But this Dao is just one of the Dao, it does not represent all the Dao, but as long as Xin Yun has mastered one Dao, Xin Yun has already come into contact with the Dao and mastered the Dao!

Gently closing his eyes, Xin Yun carefully observed the dragon ball in his body. As the colorful light flashed, Xin Yun couldn't help laughing. This... is actually the so-called godhead in the West. In fact... the godhead contains, It is the rule of Tao!

With this dragon ball, Xin Yun has mastered a part of Tao, and the type of Tao is determined by Xin Yun's original energy characteristics. If Xin Yun was originally water, then he is equivalent to the western god of water. , that is equivalent to Vulcan in the western world, with this nine-color dragon ball, Xin Yun will be able to control the corresponding power in this world!

However, although Xin Yun's dragon ball is of the water type, the characteristic of the blue sea is thunder, so... the Dao that Xin Yun has mastered is also thunder!

Of course, the so-called mastery may be a little exaggerated. The world is infinite, and it is impossible for Xin Yun to mobilize the energy of the whole world at the same time. He is only a junior god now, and the range he can mobilize is not too large, but anyway, this is the way he has mastered after all, and no one else can have it.

The power of thunder is the power of judgment and the most threatening power in the world. Although its absolute power is not as good as that of the fire element, it ignores all energy shields and barriers of formations. Either attack and resist, or wait for death, there is no other way to go, but... how many people can resist the thunder released by Xin Yun

Trying his best to explore the mystery of Dao, Xin Yun couldn't help being intoxicated. After an unknown amount of time, finally... Xin Yun opened his eyes again, looked at the Thunderbolt in his hand with a smile, and finally understood his position.

The thunderbolt is the key to control the thunder. In the past... Xin Yun was like a steward, with only the key, but he did not have the right to use the treasures in the treasury. Now... Xin Yun is no longer the steward, but the master. All the treasures are his, and through the key, he can use the treasures in the treasury at will.

Of course, limited by his ability, it is impossible for Xin Yun to transfer too much wealth at once for the time being, but there is no need to doubt that these wealth are all his. There is only one key and one owner, and other people can use it if they want. , then you have to borrow it from him. If Xin Yun refuses, no one can use it!

Pursing his lips excitedly, Xin Yun took a long breath, then opened the Taiji Diagram, and left the mysterious cave in an instant. When he reappeared, he had already arrived outside the illusion.

Looking around, Rove was standing there dejectedly. Seeing Xin Yun coming out, Rove smiled wryly and said, "No, as soon as I entered, I was pushed out by the colorful light. I tried a few times. Can't get in at all!"

"This..." After listening to Luo Fu's words, Xin Yun frowned. Could it be because it was full of people? This is wrong...the number of people that can be accommodated here is unlimited, how could it be full

While he was wondering... Just as he was wondering, Xin Yun suddenly thought of something. In his previous life, there was a legend that it was impossible for a non-virgin to become a Dragon King master. In the end, could it be that... if you are not a virgin, you can't even get in

Rove is not a virgin, there is no need to doubt it, he has seven children, how can he still be a virgin? Since he is no longer, then naturally he cannot become a master of the Dragon King rank, but... still need to prove it.

After thinking about it, Xin Yun immediately connected, and soon... Pokong's father rushed over at full speed. After hearing Xin Yun's explanation, he didn't have any doubts, and went directly to the entrance of the light.

Sure enough, just as Xin Yun thought, he was ejected as soon as he entered. The experience was exactly the same as that of Rove. In order to ensure that the news was correct, Xin Yun called several people one after another, but none of them could enter successfully. of.

After many tests, Xin Yun finally figured out the rules. Firstly, one must be a diamond ten-star master to enter; secondly, one must be a virgin; finally... the age must not be too old!

Looking at Rove regretfully, Xin Yun smiled wryly and shook his head. From this point of view, Rove can only stay at the diamond ten stars forever, and it seems impossible to break through.

After waiting for a while, about three hours later, Yi Luoxiang and the others rushed out one after another. To Xin Yun's excitement, everyone passed the test and successfully obtained the nine-color dragon ball!

However, even though all his partners had arrived, Xin Yun did not leave in a hurry. Up to now, his four great sword souls have not come out yet. Could it be that something happened to him

You know, the most important reason why Yi Luoxiang and others can successfully pass the test is their strong self-protection ability. Even if they can't defeat the opponent immediately, at least there is no problem with self-protection. The Great Sword Soul is different. Although they have magic weapons, their ability to protect themselves is really worrying.

Xin Yun knows that he is really greedy, but in fact... If he can really realize his wish, then he himself will occupy five of the nine masters, and the remaining four are Yi Luoxiang, Yan Qingying, Mingxuan, and Pokong, this is simply too crazy, the entire nine masters have been rounded up by Kaitianzong!

Once this is the case, it doesn't matter even if everyone else betrays, Xin Yun alone is enough to fight against the other four dragon king masters!

During the long wait, warriors who were relatively close to here rushed over one after another. After testing, they entered the illusion. It's not that Xin Yun didn't think about stopping them, but there were too many people coming, and they couldn't stop them at all. You know... The aura near Buzhou Mountain is strong, and most of them are masters. No matter how powerful Xin Yun is, he can't stop them all, and this is meaningless at all.

Xin Yun knew that no matter whether the Four Great Sword Souls were successful or not, the result would appear soon. Regardless of success or failure, others would not be able to affect anything. Can't make it.

It is worth mentioning that if you can pass the test, you can pass it for the first time. If you can’t pass it the first time, you will lose the qualification to re-enter. Taking Xin Yun as an example, if you re-enter, you will directly enter There will be no accidents in the cave we just arrived at.

Time passed by every minute and every second. Suddenly, Xin Yun felt a violent shock in his body. He raised his head in shock and looked forward with a strange face. One faded away.

Seeing this scene, Yi Luoxiang and the others clenched their fists fiercely. Although they couldn't believe it, the facts were already in front of them. Although other people had already entered, according to this time, even if they were all killed instantly, but It also takes time for the nine-colored dragon to condense, and it is too late, not to mention... is there any existence in this world that can instantly kill the nine-colored dragon

After waiting for a short while, four rays of light flashed in a row, and then... the four great sword spirits appeared in front of everyone one after another. There was no need to speak, and everyone just felt it for a while, and then they got a shock that shocked everyone. The answer is that these four guys have all become masters of the king rank!

Looking at the tall and straight figures of the four great sword spirits, Xin Yun couldn't help laughing up to the sky. Earth, water, fire, and wind, they respectively mastered the four original energies. If they were in the west, they would be the gods of the earth. , water god, fire god, and wind god, although these sound cool without light and darkness, but in fact, this is the original power of the world!

Fire produces light, the earth produces darkness, and water is the source of life. This world is originally composed of these four original energies. At the beginning... after Pangu opened the sky, it was the earth, water, fire, and wind that stabilized the world that created this world. Once the earth, water, fire, and wind return to chaos, the world will be in chaos again!

Looking at Xin Yun, who was smiling up to the sky, breaking the sky, Mingxuan sighed at the same time. Although they had already reached the Dragon King level, compared with Xin Yun, they were really far behind. When Xin Yun and When his four great sword soul clones are combined together, it will be an unstoppable force. There is nothing in this world that can stop his progress. be destroyed.

After a long laugh, Xin Yun waved his hand and signaled everyone to rush back to retreat immediately. Although this time the harvest was great, but because of this, many things need to be absorbed and sorted out, which cannot be delayed.

Back in the Abyss of Tianhe, Xin Yun carefully observed the changes in his body. First of all...Xin Yun controlled the law of thunder and got in touch with the essence of the Tao. The next thing he has to do is to understand the essence of the Tao of Thunder, and Follow this line and touch the edge of the boulevard!

Time passed day by day, and when the Sky Opening Ax was repaired to 90%, Xin Yun still didn't pay any attention to it. Everyone was practicing in seclusion, exploring the mysteries of the Dao.

Time is passing day by day, and thousands of years have passed in a hurry. To the outside world, this is definitely a long time, but to everyone who is immersed in the avenue, it seems to be a flash. generally.

Once they touch the Tao, the law of time can no longer affect them. After continuous exploration, Xin Yun finally figured out his situation. If there is no mistake in his judgment, Xin Yun's current strength should be what the Taoists call accurate. The holy realm is only one step away from a saint, but it is this step that cannot be crossed!

If you want to be holy, you must have the foundation of the Dao. Now... Although Xin Yun has the key, he has also become the master of Lei Ting, but in fact... he still lacks a foundation, an institution that can use all the money at will.

The biggest difference between a quasi-sage and a saint is not the amount of energy, nor the understanding and mastery of Tao, but a foundation! A structure that exerts its strength, an existence similar to a fort.

Although quasi-sages and saints have already touched the Tao, taking the fire element as an example, the saint can instantly mobilize all the fire energy in the world to launch an attack through the Tao, and its power is so powerful that it can be described as destroying the world, so... During the saint war, they usually fight in the trapped space, otherwise, the world will be smashed into pieces by accident.

Because all the fire energy in the world can be mobilized at any time, and the energy is indestructible, so the mana of the saint is unlimited, and the power is amazing.

The quasi-sages can also mobilize the fire energy through the Tao, but they lack a fort, brackets, and the energy that can be mobilized at the same time is certain. It is impossible to mobilize all the energy between heaven and earth in an instant like a saint. up.

The mana of quasi-sages is also unlimited. For example, the Tathagata Buddha, you don’t need to worry about his energy being exhausted. The energy will not be destroyed, and his mana will not be exhausted. The only difference is that they cannot use all the energy in the world at once. mobilized out.

Now, Xin Yun has initially reached the quasi-sage realm, and the foundation of the sanctification is the legendary Primordial Purple Qi. This thing should be in Hong Jun's hands now, and it is even more difficult to obtain it. Don't need to think about it.

Relying on the Pangu relic, Xin Yun possessed the strength of a quasi-sage. Following the Dao he had mastered, Xin Yun gradually came into contact with the essence of the Dao. After thousands of years of exploration, finally... Xin Yun slowly opened his eyes, Xin Yun finally figured out many things...

With a long sigh, Xin Yun left the Abyss of Tianhe in an instant with a single movement, and appeared in the void, suspended in mid-air. Xin Yun slightly closed his eyes, feeling everything around him.

At this moment...there are so many masters at the diamond level, even ten diamond stars are not a rare commodity, Xin Yun unleashes his energy, and silently observes the world for a long time... Xin Yun sighed again.

In the millennium, Xin Yun's bank plan has already been completed, and the Sky Opener has been repaired to the tenth floor. This was completed after searching for almost all the gold and silver on the mainland. It's already paper currency.

This is not important, the important thing is, I don’t know when, the world has become completely chaotic, and the entire dragon clan has been divided into three groups. The Jia family respects the dragon. The three major forces fought together, fighting against the sky and the earth, the mountains collapsed, the rivers and lakes overflowed, and the entire prehistoric world was in a mess.

Although they belong to the Phoenix clan, Qilin clan, and Dragon clan, in Xin Yun's view, these are all dragon clans. At the very beginning, everyone has a common identity—dragon!

Looking at this crazy world, Xin Yun closed his eyes in pain, the dragon race is too powerful? Needless to say, as long as the Dragon Clan exists, there is absolutely no possibility of any other races. Even the powerful Monster Clan is nothing more than the blood of the Dragon Clan. Only when the Dragon Clan is destroyed can the Monster Clan develop. space.

As for the Wu Clan, they are not as powerful as in the novel. To put it simply, the Wu Clan are just people with stronger bodies.

At that time, the reason why Yan Qingying was sold was that she was unable to summon her own dragon, so she was identified as a person abandoned by the dragon god, but in fact... there are not many such people, accounting for 20 to 30% of the total population. And these people are witches!

Since the giant dragon cannot be summoned, it is extremely weak to the dragon clan. It is no exaggeration that any golden-rank giant dragon can destroy such a city in a short period of time.

The power of the dragon clan is against the sky. If...the witches represent Pangu's body and strength, then the dragon clan represents Pangu's blood and energy. Overlord of heaven and earth!

If dragons are compared to dinosaurs, then witches and demons are equivalent to ordinary humans. If you think about the strength comparison between dinosaurs and ordinary people, you can know the strength comparison between dragons and liches , the difference is definitely not a few grades.

The dragon clan is too powerful. As time goes by, the strength of the dragon clan is getting stronger and stronger. After reaching the diamond rank, a random attack is enough to withstand a nuclear bomb. Fortunately... there are not many diamond rank masters now. Once there are more diamond-level masters, even though the world is big, it may not be able to withstand the toss of the dragon clan.

There is no doubt that the dragons are warlike, especially the wild dragons, who fight almost every day. From a certain point of view, with the rapid improvement of the strength of the dragons, they have become the destroyers of this world. If it is compared to a computer, then the current dragon clan is equivalent to a very destructive virus, and it is almost time to clear it.

If you don't control it and continue to let the dragons continue to wreak havoc, the world will be tossed to pieces sooner or later. Once this happens, the computer will have to be formatted and restarted. For this world, it is tantamount to returning to chaos. Then start all over again.

But the problem now is that Pangu is dead, and the saint has not been born. Once the world returns to chaos, who will be responsible for opening the sky? Obviously... this is unsolvable. Since there is no solution, the so-called Tao will naturally start to work to eliminate the big virus of the dragon race!

Pangu is dead, but his energy is not dead, his strength is not dead, the giant dragon is Pangu's blood, Pangu's veins, and today, the dragon clan has finally reached its peak period, the destructive power of each giant dragon, They have all reached the level of destruction!

Looking at the collapsed mountains, the cracked earth, and the swirling sea and river, Xin Yun finally understood the rules and order of the avenue.

It was not easy for Pangu to open up the world. He sacrificed everything in exchange for a peaceful place for all creatures to live in, but... the rise of the dragon clan gradually threatened this world. Sooner or later, it will collapse, and this... is obviously not allowed by the avenue.

Up to now, the dragon clan has developed into a destroyer of this world, a factor of instability, so... The elimination and destruction of the dragon clan is the trend of the avenue! No one can change it!

The existence of the Dao is to maintain this piece of heaven and earth. As for the chaos outside the world, the law of chaos applies there, not the Dao. If you must use Dao to describe it, then the Dao of this world is just one of the Dao. His role is to maintain the balance and order of this world.

The Dragon Clan is too powerful, powerful enough to threaten the entire world, so it is doomed to be destroyed. The so-called evil caused by the sky can be lived, but the evil done by oneself can not be lived. The Dragon Clan is divided into three major races. Such a scuffle directly pushes the Dragon Clan to extinction!

The Dragon Clan is not the first group to be exterminated. After the Dragon Clan is extinct, the next is the world of liches. Strictly speaking, whether it is witches or demons, there is no way to compare with dragons. The reason why they They can survive precisely because they are weak, because they will not affect the order and security of the world.

However, with the passage of time, whether it is a house or a monster, one day they will rise. According to Xin Yun's memory, in the future world, the monster clan will occupy the heavens, and the witch clan will control the earth. To a certain extent, it will still pose a threat to this world. In the end... the Lich War directly shattered the prehistoric world, and even Buzhou Mountain was knocked down.

Now that they are so powerful, whether they are witches or demons, they are naturally not tolerated by Dao, so...destruction becomes their only ending!

After being devastated by the dragon, witch, and monster races, Dao should also have learned his lesson. After calculating, he is going to launch a new creature. This kind of creature has a very short life span, less than a hundred years, and it is very difficult to cultivate. , so that they cannot threaten the safety of heaven and earth!

With this in mind, Nuwa was inspired by the Dao, and made people out of earth. From then on, there was a human race, and the fortunes of heaven and earth all turned towards the human race. Nuwa also became the first saint!

But this alone is not enough. Although the human race can only live for a hundred years, it is very difficult to cultivate. It is just made of clay and has very poor aptitude, but it can still be cultivated after all. It is about to be destroyed. After the destruction of the dragon clan and the Lich, this world can no longer withstand the next destruction.

In order to manage the human race, under the evolution of the Great Dao, the Dao of Enlightenment was introduced. Inspired by the Dao, Laozi established the Human Education, Tongtian established the Interpretation of Education, Primitive established the Jiejiao, Zhunti and Jieyin established Buddhism, replacing the heaven and the earth, and controlling all The power of the large population keeps everything under control.

Taking a long breath, Xin Yun finally understood the whole story. The so-called saints are actually the messengers of the Dao. They replace the heaven and the earth, manage the world, and prevent the world from going to perish!

But saints alone are not enough, they only have six saints, how can they manage a lot, so... the saints took the lead and set up three kings! They are the heavenly king Yuhuang Dadi, the earth emperor Yama, and the human emperors are the emperors of each dynasty. The three kings manage the three major regions respectively.

Thinking of this, Xin Yun couldn't help but looked up to the sky. Although Xin Yun also knew that the Tao was not in the sky, but beside him, subconsciously, he always felt that the Tao was in the sky, and looked at all living beings from the perspective of looking down. .

The reason why he acted like this, Xin Yun was actually secretly worried. Although... human aptitude is very poor, and basically has no chance to cultivate Taoism, but... Xin Yun from later generations knows that although human beings cannot cultivate, they finally embarked on the road of science and technology. , the nuclear weapons invented by human beings are no less powerful than the current diamond rank dragons!

What worries Xin Yun the most is that once human technology develops to a certain level, then... once a world war breaks out, the entire world will be completely destroyed. This is an end! It's the end of the whole world!

If this is the case alone, Xin Yun is not worried. What worries Xin Yun the most is that Dao has already learned two lessons, and dragons and liches have suffered twice. When the power of human beings is strong, then... will human beings follow in the footsteps of the dragon race, witch race, and monster race, and be abandoned and eliminated by the Dao

Everyone on the earth knows that in modern times... there are no dragons, nor the witches and demons. This is something that everyone can experience personally. Obliterated by the Dao, just like the files in the computer, sent to the recycling war, and emptied, no matter who it is, there will be no dragons, witches, or demons anymore.

Once human beings are also abandoned by the Dao, the consequences will be too serious. Compared with the dragon, witch, and monster races, the human race is just a clay doll, unable to withstand any wind and rain.

As far as the dragons, witches, and monsters are concerned, no earthquake or tsunami can harm them, and they can even easily create these disasters, but humans are different, they are too weak, they are just mud In short, an earthquake can kill tens of thousands of people, and a tsunami can drag an entire city under the sea.

Tightly closing his eyes, Xin Yun's body trembled, once... he was also a human from Earth, once... he lived in 2010, in retrospect, various disasters appeared one after another, does this indicate something

What scares Xin Yun the most is that according to the Mayan prophecy, the world will be completely destroyed after December 21, 2012. Although...there are many prophecies on the earth, but there are few proven ones, but...the Mayan prophecy is is absolutely different! After research by scientists, after December 21, 2012, the world is really likely to be destroyed! This is not as simple as superstition, it is something that has been almost scientifically proven!

Breathing quickly, Xin Yun trembled violently. There is no need to doubt whether the Mayan prophecy is accurate, because... the Mayan prophecy seems to have been confirmed one by one. The earthquakes and tsunamis around the world are precisely the Mayan prophecy. Gradually, when December 21st, 2012 comes, this world may really perish, all because... Just like dragons, witches, and monsters, human beings have threatened the world they live in ! Therefore, it must be erased by Dao.

Looking at the prehistoric world with continuous wars, the collapsing mountains, the shaking earth, the erupting volcano, and the overwhelming tsunami, Xin Yun knows... the age of dragons is coming to an end, and this is already irreversible.

What makes Xin Yun even more troubled is that the age of dragons is coming to an end, so what about the age of humans? In the distant year 2010, are human beings heading towards extinction step by step like the dragon race now...

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