X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 32: A battle of opinions


Piaoxiang Road is equivalent to the red light district on earth, it can be called a brothel street, but... this is not a brothel in the usual sense, but a private one.

On this street, colorful silk ribbons are hung on the door of every house, which means that as long as you want, you can knock on the door and explore the paradise between men and women together with the hostess living inside.

This Piaoxiang Street is really attractive. In his last life, Xin Yun slept with all the women on the street within three months, and changed houses every day. The price is not expensive, just one silver coin. Enjoy any day and night.

Of course, the girls that Xin Yun enjoyed back then are still children and haven't grown up yet, and the ones here are all from the generation of those children's mothers, or at least from the generation of aunts.

Shaking his head, Xin Yun guessed, "Xiangxiang... Ah Da, doesn't he change his address every day when he comes back?"

"En?" Yi Luoxiang raised her head in surprise, and said in surprise, "How did you know?"

"This... I..." Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun couldn't help hesitating. Yi Luoxiang may not know, but Xin Yun may not know, Ah Da is indeed ridiculous enough, if you give him Given enough time, this guy will definitely be no worse than Xin Yun back then, and he will definitely sleep all over Piaoxiang Street before giving up.

Xin Yun smiled and said: "Don't ask me how I know, anyway, I just know, come... I'll clean it up for you, time is limited, we can't waste it."

She glanced at Xin Yun suspiciously, Yi Luoxiang wisely did not ask further, she believed that if possible, Xin Yun would definitely tell her, since he refused to tell her, it must be bad for her.

Soon, after the two finished packing, they went to the counter and checked out the room. They got into the carriage and drove towards No. 18 Piaoxiang Street. This Ah Da didn't earn much money, but he learned to enjoy it.

Half an hour later, Xin Yun finally arrived at No. 18 Piaoxiang Street, knocked on the door vigorously, and soon... a voice that was extremely sweet and charming sounded: "Who is it! Guest, unless you want two to one, don't knock..."

Hearing this voice, Xin Yun let out a chuckle and shook his head. Xin Yun raised his voice and said loudly, "I'm here to find Ah Da, tell him that we are leaving."

As soon as Xin Yun's words fell, Ah Da's voice rang out in the yard: "It's Xin Yun! Wait a moment, I'll come out right away..."

Hearing Ah Da's reply, Xin Yun pursed his lips and returned to the carriage. After waiting for a short while, Ah Da pushed open the door, covered in sweat and panting while wearing a belt, and walked towards the carriage. come over.

Just a few steps away, an extremely coquettish, coquettish and charming woman appeared at the door. She was wearing a thin, transparent gauze, which couldn't cover anything at all, and she could see everything very clearly.

"Bah... shameless!" Seeing this woman's appearance, the girl Yi Luoxiang blushed immediately, gave a soft bah, and retreated into the carriage, muttering in a low voice.

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun's expression turned slightly serious. Yi Luoxiang is now in the stage of forming her outlook on life and the world, and many of her understandings may not be correct. The formation of Luo Xiang's world view and values is obviously not beneficial.

With Yi Luoxiang's wisdom, it won't be long before her world outlook, values, and morality will be fully formed, but her current understanding of things has diverged from Xin Yun's.

There is no right or wrong in the so-called worldview, values, and morality. Everyone is different. No one dares to say that their own must be right and others must be wrong. But Xin Yun knows that if two people want to have a long-term relationship If you are together, you must be like-minded, and it is best to have the same views on things.

Today, Xin Yun has been unable to change himself. His outlook on the world, outlook on life, values, and morality have all been formed, and after the sacrifice of the third generation, he is as unshakable as Mount Tai. Since he cannot change himself, then He could only try his best to help Yiluoxiang form a point of view similar to his own.

Xin Yun looked at Yi Luoxiang with a serious face and said: "Xiangxiang... your opinion is right, but it's not right, but... before you cursed at the other party, did you consider the problem from the other party's point of view?"

"What!" Looking at Xin Yun in surprise, Yi Luoxiang said in disbelief, "Could it be that I scolded her wrong? A girl dressed like that, isn't she shameless?"

Calmly looking at Yi Luoxiang, Xin Yun nodded and said: "Yes, she is really ashamed like that, but do you know the story behind her? As a helpless woman, if he doesn't start a low career, how can he Can survive in this world? You have to think that maybe she is not willing to do all of this."

"Hmph!" With a cold snort, Yi Luoxiang said firmly, "Even if I starve to death, I won't be like her, living so meaninglessly, it's meaningless at all."

"Hey..." Facing such stubborn Yi Luoxiang, Xin Yun couldn't help sighing. Although she admired her chastity and integrity, her views were really a bit extreme.

Thinking of this, Xin Yun's face darkened, and he said seriously: "I'm not trying to defend her, but have you ever thought about it, maybe she still has a child waiting to be fed, maybe she has parents who are paralyzed in bed, maybe... too Maybe more, you have to know that this world is very helpless, and there are many things that you can’t just do if you don’t want to.”

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang's complexion instantly turned pale, she opened her mouth, but couldn't utter a word, taking advantage of this opportunity, Xin Yun continued: "The reason why I said this is not for any reason. Someone explained, I just hope you don't hate or love someone casually. Before you know the truth, many illusions will confuse your eyes. Only by maintaining a calm heart can you understand all this. At the same time... this It is also a necessary quality to become a master!"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, she nodded, and Yi Luoxiang said: "I understand what you mean, people who do evil are not necessarily hateful, and people who do good are not necessarily pleasing, everything has a cause and effect, Never completely deny anyone just because of a momentary sense.”

Stretching out his thumb in admiration, Xin Yun agreed: "That's right, what we have to do is to maintain a calm heart, whether it's good or evil, right or wrong, don't jump to conclusions lightly, don't be fooled by anyone Thy heart bewitched by things."

Gently nodding her head, Yi Luoxiang turned her head, looked at Ah Da who had just climbed into the carriage, and said with her lips curled up, "Well, I understand what you mean, but to be honest, I don't like what Ah Da did. It's unacceptable anyway, it's too disrespectful to women, isn't it?"

Facing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun opened his mouth, intending to defend him, but he couldn't say a word. Fortunately, in this life, he was ready to cultivate his heart and mind, and he was not ready to continue being ridiculous, otherwise No matter how much Yi Luoxiang loves him, she will leave resolutely.

While secretly sweating, Yi Luoxiang raised her head suddenly, looked at Xin Yun with bright eyes and said, "Brother Xin Yun, you won't be like Ah Da in the future, will you?"

"This... I..." Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun hesitated for a while, and then said decisively: "Of course I won't, how could I be such a person? Hehe...haha..."

Seeing Xin Yun's twitching little face, Yi Luoxiang blushed, and gently leaned into Xin Yun's ear, whispering: "If brother Xin Yun wants, Yi Luoxiang will give it to you."

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's shy look, Xin Yun immediately forgot everything, yes... In this life, since he already has her, other women really don't need it. Although desire will not disappear, he is confident that he can control it. live!