X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 34: The word love


Seeing Ah Da running out impatiently, Yi Luoxiang frowned her beautiful brows, curled her bright red mouth, with a look of disdain and puzzlement, until Ah Da's figure disappeared, Yi Luoxiang Then he turned his head, frowned and said to Xin Yun: "Are all men like this? No wonder some people say that men are lower-body animals. To men, are women so attractive? Are they not all the same?"

"This..." Facing Yi Luoxiang's question, Xin Yun became more and more at a loss as to how to answer it. Although only a few months had passed, the growth of this girl's intelligence was simply geometric progression. Up to now, it has been difficult for him to treat her as a child.

After hesitating for a while, Xin Yun shook his head and said, "I can't help you answer this question either. I'm still just a boy, not a man, so I don't understand what they think and feel."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang couldn't help frowning, thinking secretly, looking at Xin Yun worriedly from time to time, she was afraid, really scared, she was afraid that once Xin Yun grew up, she would become Ah Da Such a person, once there is that day, she really doesn't know how to face it.

Although she kept comforting herself that Xin Yun was not that kind of person, but... she still couldn't convince herself that she had seen too many men like this during this period of time, almost no one was an exception, all men They are almost the same. When you see a woman, you are like a cat that smells fishy. Is there a cat in this world that does not smell fishy? Obviously not... If that's the case, then why did she expect Xin Yun not to get dirty

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's worried expression, Xin Yun felt pity in his heart. Although he had made up his mind that he would never mess around again in this life, he also knew that no matter how much he comforted her, it would not work.

In fact, Yi Luoxiang still trusts Xin Yun very much, but there are some things that have nothing to do with trust. The whole environment is like this, Yi Luoxiang can't feel safe at all, maybe... as time goes by, with With the change of the external environment, Yi Luoxiang will gradually accept this fact, and will allow Xin Yun to be as romantic and happy as other men, but this is definitely not what Xin Yun wants to see.

Yi Luoxiang is Yi Luoxiang, if she changes, if she doesn't look like her in the previous life, even if she gets her, Xin Yun will be sad.

It's actually not difficult to turn Yi Luoxiang into a woman who obeys Xinyun's orders and obeys everything, but once she really becomes that kind of woman, it will still be in the last life, that cold and lonely woman. And lonely her? Since it's not her anymore, what's the use of just getting a skin

Ever since he got Yi Luoxiang's favor, Xin Yun has been worried, worried that Yi Luoxiang will not be like her, not like the Morpho Yiluoxiang in the last life, now... he should make some efforts it's time.

Xin Yun stroked Yi Luoxiang's hair and said, "Yi Luo, you don't have to worry too much, as long as you are good enough, I'm afraid I won't leave even if you drive me away, you understand what I mean ?"

"En?" Looking at Xin Yun suspiciously, Yi Luoxiang looked puzzled, completely unable to understand what he was talking about.

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's puzzled look, Xin Yun continued: "Now, the reason why you are worried that I will do something that I'm sorry to you is actually because of your lack of self-confidence. Will you be worried that you won't be able to keep me, that I will leave you, is that right?"

Facing Xin Yun's question, Yi Luoxiang nodded sincerely. She is a smart person and fully understands her current problem. During this period of time, Xin Yun's performance has become more and more miraculous. A child who is almost eight years old , but knows everything, the ability is great, and the scenery is like a god-man. Even Ada, who is in his thirties, now only obeys his orders. Although Ada may not feel it, but as a bystander, Yiluo Xiang knew that in his eyes, Xin Yun's words were simply imperial decrees!

In contrast, she, who is also seven years old, can't do anything, and she doesn't stand out in anything. Compared with Xin Yun, she is nothing but a big burden, and this situation will not change for a long time. .

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's helpless look, Xin Yun smiled and continued: "Now the problem is obvious, the reason why you are worried is because you think you are not good enough, if that is the case, then try to make yourself better Well, when you are so good that I can't do without you no matter what, then I should be the one to worry about, once this happens, how dare I do something that I'm sorry for you?"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang's eyes suddenly lit up, yes... as long as she becomes good enough, she can be worthy of Xin Yun, and there is no need to worry about this and that.

In fact, it's not that Yi Luoxiang has no confidence in Xin Yun, but she has no confidence in herself. People will always change. Maybe Xin Yun really loves her now, but once time passes, Xin Yun will encounter more Girl, no one knows if he will change, after all... everyone is just a child, and the future may be too much.

"But..." Looking at Xin Yun blankly, Yi Luoxiang said worriedly: "I also want to become better, but I can't find a way forward, and I don't know what to do to make myself better ,Can you tell me?"

Looking at Yi Luoxiang, Xin Yun secretly laughed. As a seven-year-old child, she is actually good enough. Except for Xin Yun, a reborn person, how can any seven-year-old child compare to her? It's just... Compared with Xin Yun, an old fried dough stick that has gone through three generations, she is still too tender, and there are many things that cannot be replaced by wisdom.

While thinking about it, Xin Yun smiled and said: "Don't worry, what you have to do now is to take a good rest, and I will show you the way forward in a short time, trust me... the future you will definitely be better than me, I am far away from you. Don't leave you, when that time comes, don't abandon me."

"Ah!" Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang was startled at first, then frowned displeased and said, "What are you talking about? How could I become better than you? And even if it's true One day, how could it be possible for me to leave you, in your eyes, Yi Luoxiang is just a girl who is always on the go, flirtatious and flirtatious?"

"Slap..." Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun slapped himself fiercely, what was he talking about, it should be slapped... it should be slapped!

Seeing Xin Yun's slap on her face, Yi Luoxiang immediately felt distressed. The slap just now was not a joke. Yi Luoxiang could see clearly that Xin Yun really slapped herself with all her strength. Bright red fingerprints cannot be faked.

Hurriedly running a few steps forward, Yi Luoxiang stretched out her tender white hand in distress, gently stroked Xin Yun's face, and said pitifully: "Why are you doing this, I'm not really angry, no matter what you do, I will I won't be really angry with you, why beat myself so hard... "

Looking at Yi Luoxiang bitterly, Xin Yunchang took a deep breath and said, "You know? Yiluo... In fact, I have always been the one who was not confident, and I was the one who was worried about losing you. The reason why I said that just now is because of you The crux of the past is exactly the same, all because of worrying about not being good enough and losing the other party."

"This... How could this happen! You are already so good!" Looking at Xin Yun, Yi Luoxiang cried out in disbelief.

Shaking his head, Xin Yun said solemnly: "Don't ask me how I know, anyway... Yiluo, you will be incomparably outstanding in the future, you can be said to be radiant and worshiped by all living beings, so there is no need for you to worry that I will abandon you, It's me who really needs to worry!"

"Hehe..." Hearing Xin Yun's sincere words, Yi Luoxiang smiled sweetly, shook her head and said, "You were wrong, and I was wrong too. At this point, I finally don't have any worries anymore. Think about it from another angle." I thought, I suddenly understood everything, whether you love me or not, and whether I love you or not, actually has nothing to do with whether you or I are good or not. As long as I love you, then no matter what you become, you will not changing."

While speaking, Yi Luoxiang gently hugged Xin Yun's arm, and said affectionately: "If you are a hero, then I will be the hero's wife in the future, and if you are a robber in the future, then I will be your Mrs. Yazhai Now, as long as we can be together, nothing else matters at all, does it?"

Looking at Yi Luoxiang in amazement, listening to her affectionate words, for a long time... Xin Yun suddenly looked up to the sky and laughed, yes... If Yi Luoxiang's feelings for him were only based on excellence, then this paragraph What is the difference between having feelings or not