X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 4: Survive at the bottom of the well


The reason why Xin Yun hated those boys so much was not just because they occupied his position, or because they threw him a somersault, in fact...the evil they did was far beyond ordinary people's imagination.

The catastrophe this time was actually just the beginning. The village was attacked. Except for the eight children who were hidden at the bottom of the well by the adults, all the villagers were killed. Even if the enemy left, they still couldn't get out.

I will never forget that the survival at the bottom of the well this time should have lasted for more than half a month. It was okay at the beginning, but later, due to the lack of food and water, the four boys actually made a move. Something outrageous happened.

The mouth of the dry well is not big, but the area at the bottom of the well is not too small. There are eight children in total, but it is not crowded at all. Among the eight children, there are five boys and three girls of different ages. They are all around seven or eight years old. Don't look at those boys who look big and three, they seem to be in their teens, but in fact they are only over seven years old. Relatively speaking, children in this world develop earlier and their bodies are more mature. robust.

According to Xin Yun's memory, it should be on the seventh day. These four thirsty and hungry guys actually held down the three girls and forcibly bit their wrists to drink blood, which directly caused two of the girls to die. Death, Yi Luoxiang was the only one among the three girls who survived, but at that time she was already in shock due to excessive blood loss, and it was definitely a miracle to be able to survive in the end!

As for Xin Yun, he was lucky enough to touch a stone at that time, and he only escaped the attack of those three guys. After all... Although the four boys are strong, they still can't touch the stone.

Now, since Xin Yun has been reborn, such a thing is naturally not allowed to happen again. In the past, he might not be able to beat those four children who were much stronger than him, but now it is different, although his current physical strength is still very small , But many years of cultivation are not in vain. After losing strength, skills alone are enough to defeat these four brats.

Xin Yun also wanted to strike now and beat these four scumbags to death, but he didn't dare to do so. Just imagine... Once he really did this, what would Yi Luoxiang think of him

It must be smashed, but the timing must be chosen carefully. It must wait until the four guys start to act, but they fail to succeed. Otherwise, Xin Yun might leave Yi Luoxiang behind. The impression of being ruthless and ruthless is what Xin Yun is unwilling to see even if he dies.

While thinking, Xin Yun followed Yi Luoxiang and returned to the corner where the three girls were. Relatively speaking, the place was relatively dry and not as muddy as the middle. When Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang arrived, the two A girl is trying to buckle the moss from the well wall and throw it into the mud under her feet one by one, trying to make the ground under her feet dry again.

Seeing this scene, Xin Yun rushed over, what a joke, these mosses are the only lifeline, in the next half month of survival challenges, these mosses are life-saving things, and now they are so wasted, What will you eat in the future

Bending down quickly, Xin Yun quickly picked up the moss in the mud one by one. Fortunately, the two girls had just started to buckle, and they didn't buckle a few pieces at all, so they finished picking up quickly.

Looking at the moss in his hands, Xin Yun thought for a while, then took off his trousers, tied the two trouser legs, and threw the moss in one by one.

It wasn't over yet, Xin Yun didn't stop, took advantage of the darkness, and continued to work, buttoning off the moss on the wall of the well one after another, and throwing them into his pants.

You know, there is not much moss at the bottom of the well, and it only grows on one side, so nothing can be wasted. I have been busy for a long time, and finally... Xin Yun stuffed a whole pair of trousers and a piece of underwear, and then …Xin Yun stretched out his hands, dug up the mud under his feet, and buried his trousers and underwear full of moss. In the dark, the girls didn't know what he was up to, let alone the boys opposite him. arrive.

After collecting all the moss, Xin Yun smiled comfortably. With these moss, the food problem can be solved before the rescue team arrives. As for the water problem, it should rain tomorrow, and then on the ninth day There will be a second rain from time to time, and the hardest thing to bear is the period between the first rain and the second rain, and it is during this period that the four guys did their evil.

Not daring to consume too much energy, Xin Yun sat down against the wall of the well. Although the three girls didn't say anything, Xin Yun consciously moved away. After all...a seven or eight-year-old child already knows The defense of men and women.

You know, for the next half a month or so, everyone will have to survive at the bottom of the well. Although there are not many things to solve because of lack of food, it is inconvenient after all.

At this moment, the four boys, the three girls and Xin Yun were staying at the bottom of the well at twelve o'clock, four o'clock in the afternoon, and eight o'clock in the evening respectively.

Sitting on the moss-buried soil, his body became much thicker, and Xin Yun felt much more comfortable, but he still felt that something was missing. Xin Yun patted his head fiercely, stood up quietly, and moved towards the location in his memory.

Sure enough, after more than ten minutes of groping on the well wall, according to memory, Xin Yun found the loose stone, pulled hard, and a forearm-thin, about twenty centimeter long stone was pulled out. This is the weapon Xin Yun relies on to fight!

Holding the stone bar vertically in his right hand, Xin Yun tentatively exerted strength, um... very handy, the destructive power of this guy is absolutely incomparable, and the weight is also very suitable. The most rare thing is that the front end of this stone bar is very sharp, If this chisel goes down, the damage will not be much worse than that of iron tools, as long as you use the right strength, hehe...

Clutching the stone strip secretly, Xin Yun returned to the corner where the moss was buried. After a few simple exercises, he didn't dare to expend his energy unscrupulously. He sat on the moss bag with his back against the wall of the well, and finished what he had to do. After the incident, many things must be calmed down and thought about.

Facing the rare rebirth, he must plan his life well. Now that he has known a lot in advance, he can do a lot more. If he doesn't sort it out well, he may lose many opportunities. If you miss a lot of opportunities, you will regret it to death.

Before drawing a blueprint for a new life, the first thing to do is to review your previous life and summarize all the mistakes you made. You must not make the same mistakes again, otherwise, even if you are reborn, there will still be no big harm Change.

First of all, women are ranked first. Although there is no formal investigation, it is clear that those who are greedy for carnal pleasures cannot become real masters, especially the nine masters. In the body, even after Dacheng, they are not addicted to carnal pleasures.

Thinking of this, Xin Yun's face suddenly collapsed. The so-called Dacheng, the fastest will be 20 years old, and the slowest will be 30 years old. Boundary.

Although the nine masters only represent the highest level in the world at that time, they don't mean reaching the end, it is probably just a stage, but if even Dacheng cannot be achieved, is there any need to talk about the future

Abstinence! At least before Dacheng, you must resolutely and completely abstain from sexual intercourse. This is the first prohibition Xin Yun set for himself. If you want to taste the beauty of women again as soon as possible, then go crazy and practice. Dacheng sooner. , Enjoy it one day earlier, otherwise you can only endure it.

Of course, even if he has reached the Dacheng state, it does not mean that he can indulge in sex. The punishment in the previous life has already made him realize that those who play with emotions will be played by emotions. When you have many women, you are destined not to have a real one. A woman who belongs to you, even if you can have her body, but not her soul, and her love!

Although carnal desire is cheerful, it is not as sweet as true love after all. Although Xin Yun does not know what true love is, and has never tasted what it is, one thing is certain, that is Yi Luoxiang, the woman he loves the most. , For her... He is really willing to lose everything, even if he has to give up all other women because of this, he is still willing to lose!