X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 45: Take it orally


While the young man was secretly rejoicing, Xin Yun continued: "This big sister, for you, the big brother is so generous, as a reward, and to guide him to be more romantic and romantic in the future, should you give it to the big brother?" Brother, how about a little reward?"

"Reward!" Hearing Xin Yun's words, the young man and the girl looked at Xin Yun in surprise at the same time, not knowing what the so-called reward was.

Looking at the two, Xin Yun snickered and said, "Don't look at me, what you want to reward is up to you to decide, such as a hug, such as a light kiss, anything is fine!"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, the surrounding audience suddenly became interested, and they all shouted—kiss! kiss…

Under the instigation of all the audience, the girl blushed, she didn't know what to do, and wanted to refuse, but faced with this situation, she really didn't know how to refuse. Girls are more passive, even if they don't want to , Once forced, he will compromise, not to mention that he is still very moved now

Finally, under pressure from the crowd, the girl blushed and lightly kissed the young man's face, and immediately... cheers rose from the sky.

Foolishly touching his face, the young man murmured: "It's worth... it's so fucking worth it, what a piece of gold is exchanged for is not just a kiss, the most important thing is that this kiss , already represents the girl’s approval to a certain extent! From a certain point of view, this piece of gold is likely to be exchanged for a wife for him!”

Yuchai, goldware, this is not equivalent, wife, goldware, this is even more unequal, if possible, he is willing to use ten pieces, no... one hundred pieces of goldware for the girl in front of him, absolutely no wrinkle frown.

On the other side, seeing the passion of this young man and woman, the young man next to him suddenly regretted his intestines turning green, isn't it just a fucking piece of gold? If he was willing, maybe he would have gotten a kiss from that girl, my God... This was something he didn't even dare to think about before.

After the demonstration, followers soon followed. After necklaces, jade pendants, rings, and bracelets were exchanged one after another. The prices were all the same. They were the same piece of gold. When Xin Yun made the deal, he also The insights led to four young couples. As a result, although everyone spent a bit of money, none of them felt that they lost money, and instead thought they were big.

Finally, five pieces of jade were exchanged for four pieces of gold. From Yi Luoxiang's point of view, today is definitely a bumper harvest, but from Xin Yun's point of view, it is still not perfect.

As a qualified businessman, he will never offend any customer. It is the businessman's creed not to cause trouble for himself, let alone break up others.

After completing all the transactions, Xin Yun sighed and looked at the couple who still hadn't left. After thinking for a while, Xin Yun walked out of the booth and came to the couple.

Looking at Xin Yun in front of him, the young man didn't know what mood he was in. He wanted to hate him, but he couldn't hate him, but whether he wanted to hate him or not, it was Xin Yun who made it into this embarrassing situation.

In fact, the girl couldn't bear to leave the young man. We have been together for a while, and the relationship is not bad. It would be too frivolous to break up because of such a small matter, but today's incident made her really I can't get off the stage, and I don't know how to deal with it.

Seeing Xin Yun approaching step by step, the young man suddenly became nervous again, for fear that Xin Yun would humiliate him again, he was already pitiful enough, what else could he do

Just when the young man was secretly nervous, Xin Yun sighed, looked at the girl seriously and said, "Actually, I really admire elder brother, he is really good at living, careful planning, and absolutely refuses to suffer. Such a man, usually They are very family friendly!"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, the boy was taken aback. He didn't expect that Xin Yun would speak for him. God can testify that he never flattered this child.

At the same time, after hearing Xin Yun's words, the girl's eyes lit up. She understood that Xin Yun was giving her a step down, but... is this still an eight-year-old child? Even an adult might not be so scheming!

Not to mention how the two of them were thinking a few days ago, on the other side, Xin Yun continued: "Life is difficult, life is difficult, and life is even more difficult. It is really too difficult to survive in this world. They understand flair and are not very romantic, but such men love their wives and children more, they are more practical and realistic, in order to make their wives and children have a better life and prevent them from suffering."

Hearing this, the young man was already trembling. He knew... Xin Yun was trying to save him, obviously... If he left like this today, the relationship between him and her would basically be over, and this is obviously not the case. This boy wants to see.

Taking a deep look at the young man, Xin Yun continued: "It's not that he is reluctant to spend money for you, he just wants to buy it at a lower price, and then use the saved money to let you and your future children live. It's just better, such a man, no matter what, you can't miss it."

Speaking of this, Xin Yun walked to the counter, picked up the gold vessel that the young man put there, and said with a smile: "I can't take this gold vessel, but... to prove that he is really willing to pay for you, but It can't be taken back, so I thought, why don't you sell this piece of gold for money, and then use it to help those children who lost their parents, I think... such a kind deed will definitely make your love pray for blessings!"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, the couple immediately showed gratitude. At the same time, the surrounding audience applauded one after another, especially Yi Luoxiang, who slapped her little hands red and shook her head in admiration. Muttering: "Perfect! No... it should be great!" There is really nothing better than this. Apart from admiration, she no longer knows what to use to express her inner feelings. She handled things so perfectly, She asked herself that she didn't have that ability.

In one afternoon, no... Before the afternoon passed, strictly speaking, it took only a few hours. Xin Yun exchanged one gold vessel for four gold vessels, and also made five couples. Offending anyone, and besides money, he won everyone's gratitude and admiration. Yi Luoxiang believes that if they meet these people again in the future, they will definitely be grateful for today's incident.

The transaction ended satisfactorily, but before leaving, the young man who was most offended by Xin Yun became the one who was most grateful to Xin Yun. From another angle and in another way, Xin Yun made him He now understands the reason for his relationship with her.

First, he belittled him to nothing, which made the two of them divorce, but it was at this time that the girl realized how important he was in her heart. People always do this. They don't know how to cherish when they have it, but once they want to lose it Once you buy it, you will immediately feel its preciousness.

When the girl felt his kindness, she was already about to leave. Adding to Xin Yun's last words, his shortcomings not only ceased to be shortcomings, but became his greatest strengths. In fact... so pragmatic Isn't the man the girls like the most? What's the use of light romance? Can light sentimentality be eaten as a meal? The last choice for a girl must be a sense of security! Only a man like him can give girls the greatest sense of security, can't he

Xin Yun couldn't get that piece of gold, but as a thank you, the boy gave Xin Yun a piece of crystal-level equipment worth ten pieces of gold—the Vajra Shield! And promised that if Xin Yun had something to do, he could ask him for help, and left a contact address.

In this way, Xin Yun's one piece of gold was exchanged for four pieces of gold and one piece of crystal-level equipment, which is equivalent to fourteen pieces of gold. In just a few hours, the value of the item in his hand increased by ten times!

With a faint sigh, looking at the whirling ax still in her hand, Yi Luoxiang couldn't help sighing. She seems to have lost this trading competition. Although there are still two weeks left, but...she knows, With Xin Yun's methods and brains, she has absolutely no chance of winning.