X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 5: Draw a blueprint


If you want to become a real master, self-discipline is a must, and you can’t let your desires go. Whoever can best control their desires will become the most successful person. Although this sentence is not true, it is also very meaningful. reason.

Nodding his head affirmatively, after confirming that he had abstained from sexual intercourse before Dacheng, Xin Yun continued to think about the second point, summing up the experience of the previous life, and the second point will be released soon.

Power must be established, the so-called three stakes for one fence, and three gangs for one hero. Although the crowd tactics are useless, helpers are necessary, but... the establishment of power belongs to the establishment, but it cannot be placed in the open.

In the previous life, Xin Yun established a powerful force, one hundred thousand troops, but with the rise of Xin Yun's power, many troubles appeared one after another.

When the power is big, it is difficult to hide, it can only be put on the bright side, and you have to face all kinds of blows and ambitions at any time. Facing attacks and destruction from the dark, it is really miserable, that kind of nightmarish feeling , Xin Yun still remembers it now.

Power must be established, but since crowd tactics are useless, let's do it this time with fewer but better ones, and it will never be shown in the open again. In this life, it is his turn to plot against others Yes, guerrilla tactics? Xin Yun is more proficient than all the people in this world.

Speaking of it now, it seems a bit sad. In the last life, Xin Yun's 100,000 army was tortured and collapsed by a small team of about 100 people. That's right... it was torture, it was collapse! Although there are not many of them, each one of them is very strong, they will run away as soon as they fight, and they will never get entangled with you. Even with the power of Xin Yun's 100,000 army, they were completely tortured and collapsed within three years.

Enenen... Nodding repeatedly, Xin Yun clenched his fists tightly, he must find a hidden corner to build his own base, and no one can find it. In this way, he will be the only one to beat others in the future, no one else It can hurt him fundamentally.

As for the choice of the base, hehe... there is no need to choose. As a reborn person, Xin Yun already has the best choice. The Paradise of Paradise, known as the best in the world, is waiting for him to take over. Gong, and the products are rich, the scenery is beautiful, and the benefits are endless...

Thinking of this, Xin Yun laughed excitedly. The second rule is to choose a hidden corner and establish a dark force. In this life, only Xin Yun can bully others, and no one can bully Xin Yun.

Next is the third item. Now that we have chosen to establish a miniature force, we must consider the selection of personnel. In the case of a limited number of people, each member must be sufficiently elite.

For the reborn Xin Yun, nothing excites him more than the selection of personnel, hehe... Among the nine masters, there must be no less than three people he admires the most!

First of all, Yi Luoxiang, who is ranked sixth, is right... Now she is at the bottom of the well, less than ten meters away from Xin Yun. No matter what, even if Xin Yun has to drag her, he will drag her down. You can't be a wife, and you can't let go as a teammate.

Next is the seventh-ranked Phantom Demon Empress, whose real name is Yan Qingying. Although this girl is ranked late, her ability is too special. If it is one-on-one, she may only be ranked seventh, but if compared In terms of her role in the team, she is definitely ranked first, unshakable!

However, for the time being, this girl can’t be found yet. Now she should be taken away from the brothel by the Demon Dragon Clan, and she won’t show up until two years later, hehe... You can buy her for a small amount Here, such a bargain deal, looking at the two worlds that Xin Yun has experienced, this is still the only point, absolutely unparalleled.

As for the third, do you still have to ask? Naturally, it is His Majesty the Peacock King who ranks third and is absolutely number one in actual strength—Ming Xuan! If he wanted to, Xin Yun could take him over soon, but... Xin Yun didn't dare to do that.

The reason why Mingxuan will become the incomparable peerless powerhouse in the future is actually inseparable from his living environment. It is precisely because he is always bullied and deprived of dignity and respect that he cultivates so desperately and cultivates. If he is taken in too soon, he will become mediocre due to the lack of those experiences.

Of course, it's not that Xin Yun never thought of taking him here, and then personally abused him, but Xin Yun was afraid that one day this kid would suddenly become more powerful, and he would turn around and kill him directly, even if he didn't do so. , leaving so angrily, this is not acceptable to Xin Yun.

The most dazzling dragon—Peacock King Mingxuan, the most beautiful dragon—Snow Butterfly Yiluoxiang, and the cruel dragon—Empress Yan Qingying, these are the three carriages that Xin Yun thinks are invincible. Once they are all in his hands, hehe... this world What else should he be afraid of? Thinking of this, Xin Yun grinned uncontrollably, with an incomparably bright smile.

Of course, some people may ask, since it can be recruited, why not draw all the nine masters over, wouldn't that be more exciting? Isn't it more arrogant

To be honest, it's not that Xin Yun has never thought about this idea, but if he thinks about it with his knees, he knows that this is simply impossible.

To put it simply, those guys are not only powerful, but also have a stronger family background and influence. It would be ridiculous to say that they would accept them.

Among the nine masters, there are only three people from the grassroots class. The backgrounds of the others are too deep, so deep that Xin Yun can't see clearly. Besides, as fans of Yi Luoxiang, Yan Qingying, and Mingxuan, Xin Yun Yun also only researched these three people. As for the others, even if he wanted to, he probably had no place to inquire about them.

It can be said that with Xin Yun's current ability, Yi Luoxiang, Yan Qingying, and Mingxuan are all people he can absolutely gather and take under his tent. As for the others, it's not that he doesn't want to, but he can't, that's all.

In terms of personnel selection, there are basically no shortcomings. With the addition of these three heavenly kings, other people are not needed at all, at least the main force is not needed. How powerful the team of great masters will be! Just thinking about it makes my scalp tingle.

Next is the fourth article, wealth is still necessary, as the saying goes, money is not everything, but no money is absolutely impossible, but in this life, Xin Yun does not want to waste energy on these money-smelling things. , Money is to be earned, but it is enough to seize a few opportunities. In normal times, even if you want to earn money, you must combine it with improving your strength. If you can't improve your strength, then it doesn't matter if you don't earn money.

"Ha..." While thinking about it, Xin Yun yawned subconsciously, and his consciousness was a bit sleepy. After all, Xin Yun is only a seven-and-a-half-year-old child. There are a lot of things I haven't thought about, but there will be a long time in the future.

He moved his body, changed to a comfortable position and lay down, and after a while, Xin Yun evenly snored.

I don't know how long I slept, but finally...Xin Yun was awakened by a loud noise, and opened his eyes in a daze to look around, only to see the four boys with their heads up, their hands in front of their mouths as if they were trumpets, loudly Shouting towards the wellhead above, trying to call for someone to rescue them.

Seeing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help curling his lips. The battle outside has ended and everyone is dead. It will not be until half a month later that someone will come here and rescue them. Before that, it is still bear with it...

Xin Yun turned his head back and continued to sleep. He no longer had any sense of the tragedy in the mountain village outside. The iron-blooded career in his previous life had already made him used to death, and this small battle outside was nothing at all.

If it was a day ago, he could destroy a regiment by himself with the little trash outside, but now, he has returned to the past, becoming a seven and a half year old child who didn't even summon his own dragon. Helpless...