X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 52: birthday present


"When... when... when..." While Xin Yun was tirelessly practicing the movement of drawing and swinging the axe, the midnight bell finally rang. Hearing the roaring bell, Xin Yun finally came to his senses and turned around. When she turned her head to look, Yi Luoxiang was looking at her tenderly, smiling sweetly.

For Xin Yun's neglect of her, Yi Luoxiang was not angry at all. Although he practiced for four or five hours, didn't this just show how much he liked his gift? It's too late for her to be happy, how can she be angry.

Hearing the ringing of the bell, Xin Yun suddenly remembered something, smiled mysteriously, ran to the side of the box, opened the lid, took out the colorful bracelet, handed it to Yi Luoxiang with a smile, and said, "Best wishes to you!" Happy birthday, this is a birthday present."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang was taken aback, is it her birthday today? Ever since she was sensible, no one has given her a birthday, never!

Carefully calculating the date, Yi Luoxiang couldn't help being shocked, and sure enough... With Zhong Sheng disappearing, isn't today her birthday? This is what she heard from other people in the village. It can't be wrong, because she was born on the same day as a girl in the village.

Looking back on the past, on her birthday, the girl who has a good personal relationship with her can receive birthday gifts from her parents, sometimes a hair accessory, sometimes a new dress, and at night, her Mom and Dad will always carefully prepare a sumptuous dinner. At this time, Yi Luoxiang will quietly gather in front of the window of her house, and through the gap in the window, she secretly looks at Joy on the opposite side.

Yi Luoxiang also fantasized that someone could give her warmth, that someone could remember her birthday and give her a small gift, but in fact, no one has ever done this since she could remember, no one remembered Her birthday, so gradually, she has forgotten that there is such a thing as a birthday.

But today, just when she had completely given up on her birthday, Xin Yun clearly remembered that even though he was still in ecstasy the moment before, he immediately remembered the moment the bell rang, and happened to be at the bell. The moment the sound disappeared, the birthday present was delivered to his hand.

Tightly holding the rainbow-like bracelet, Yi Luoxiang's tears flowed out, birthday present? She finally got it. This feeling of being remembered, cared for, and pampered is really warm.

Looking at Yi Luoxiang with misty eyes, Xin Yun's heart couldn't help throbbing. In the previous life, the first person who gave her a birthday gift was the one who drank her blood in a dry well, but... so big... However, she was still moved by a small birthday gift. It was precisely because of that birthday gift that even though those four rubbish used her name and smeared her so much black, she never Killed them before, otherwise, with Yi Luoxiang's strength, those guys would have been beaten to pieces long ago, how could they continue to harm others.

Yi Luoxiang is a proud girl, but at the same time she is also a lonely girl who lacks love very much. It is precisely because she lived in the poverty of love when she was a child that she will remember everyone's kindness in her heart and redouble it. repay.

Yi Luoxiang will forget hatred, even very quickly, she is not a person who holds grudges, but love, she will always remember it in her heart, this is the complicated and contradictory Yi Luoxiang.

"Thank you... thank you... thank you for your gift..." Holding the rainbow ring on her chest with both hands, Yi Luoxiang wept bitterly. At this moment... she seemed to feel that the deep love enveloped herself completely.

In the past, she always thought that she had completely lost her fantasy about birthday gifts, but now, when someone really gave her this gift, and when the person who gave her the gift cared so much about herself, that kind of The unparalleled happiness made her almost suffocate. Even if she died at this moment, she would definitely leave with a smile.

Seeing Yi Luoxiang who was crying like a tearful person, Xin Yun held her in his arms with regret and cared for her softly. After an unknown amount of time, the two fell asleep hugging each other...

The next morning, the two of them didn't go out, they were bored in the room, they didn't even get out of bed, they hid under the blanket, talking about themselves, talking about their childhood fun and dreams, although they didn't talk about anything important, But they always have something to say.

After lunch, the two of them went to bed and fell asleep again. In the past month, they were really exhausted, not only physically, but also mentally. You know... after an Yibao conference , Even adults will be tired, let alone two children who have just turned eight years old

This sleep lasted all afternoon, and when the two of them woke up in a daze, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening, looking at the sky, Xin Yun hurriedly patted Yi Luoxiang in his arms and said, "Get up, little lazy Pig... It's time to eat."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang pursed her bright red mouth and said, "You are the lazy pig, if you hadn't hugged me, I would have woken up a long time ago... Humph!"

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's delicate appearance, Xin Yun almost burst out laughing with joy, after the birthday gift last night, the relationship between the two has taken a step further, so far, Xin Yunxiang has completely opened her arms, Treat Xin Yun as his dearest and most beloved person, otherwise, it would be a dream to see her so delicate and lovely!

While Xin Yun was thinking, Yi Luoxiang sat up, lifted the quilt, rubbed her eyes in a daze, and looked at Yi Luoxiang wearing a loose pajamas, that cute look made Xin Yun's heart itch, cute...so cute up.

Soon, the two dressed neatly, washed up, and then left the room together, and walked towards the dining room. Just as they were about to enter the dining room as usual, Xin Yun grabbed Yi Luoxiang, Go to a staircase next to it.

Seeing Xin Yun's strange behavior, Yi Luoxiang couldn't help pressing her chest, and her heartbeat began to speed up. Could it be... is he going to celebrate his birthday and have a sumptuous dinner

While their hearts were beating wildly, the two of them followed the stairs to the top floor. When they saw Xin Yun appear, the two pretty girls standing on the top floor greeted them respectfully, and at the same time bent down and bowed: "Master Xin is here, everything can be done now." Have you started yet?"

Nodding his head, Xin Yun took Yi Luoxiang's arm lightly, and gracefully walked into the resplendent and resplendent gate opened by two maids...

The top floor of the restaurant is very large, covering thousands of square meters, but there are not many tables inside, only about 20 or so, but what surprised Yi Luoxiang was that during the peak period of dining, there was no one on the entire top floor , there is only a small heart-shaped table in the middle of the restaurant, and two cozy chairs on one side of the table.

Covering her mouth lightly, Yi Luoxiang said tremblingly: "This...why are there no other guests here? Are we the only ones eating here?"

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun nodded with a smile and said, "That's right, I've already covered this place, tonight is very important, I don't want anyone to spoil the atmosphere."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang smiled happily. She is not a person obsessed with luxury, but from Xin Yun's careful actions, she can feel the overflowing love and care. What makes her the happiest.

Accompanied by Xin Yun, the two came to the red heart-shaped table and sat down side by side. In front of them, on the table with overlapping hearts, the red tablecloth made people's hearts beat.

Under Xin Yun's gesture, plates of exquisite dishes were served, and high-necked red wine was also poured into glasses. Against the backdrop of the red tablecloth, everything seemed like a dream.

Gently picking up the wine glass, Xin Yun softly said: "Yi Luo... I have loved you for a long time, you can't imagine for a long time, now I can finally be with you, I am really happy, I am so happy that I am going crazy I wish you a happy birthday, and wish you every day as happy as you are now!"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang was shy and sweet at the same time. She was still not used to such a naked confession. Speaking of it...except for Xin Yun's semi-conscious state of love in a dry well, this was the first time, and The most important thing is that last time Xin Yun fell into a coma before he finished speaking, and he was also in a daze when he spoke, but this time, he was extremely sober.