X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 64: so tough


Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang was very puzzled, this salon is wild, how could she listen to her words, but since it was Xin Yun's request, she still gave it a try.

Yi Luoxiang lowered her head again, and murmured: "Xiao Longlong... stop immediately, don't keep approaching, be obedient... be good!"

"Snoring..." Following Yi Luoxiang's thoughts, Sha Huolong stopped in doubt, and looked at Yi Luoxiang with a puzzled face. Seeing this scene, Yi Luoxiang was stunned for a moment, and then screamed for joy .

It is worth mentioning that although it is impossible for Sha Huolong to understand human speech, in fact, the reason why Yi Luoxiang chanted was just casting the spell of words and spirits. In order to strengthen her thoughts, what was actually sent out was Ripples of the soul carry over not words, but feelings.

"Quack..." Seemingly feeling Yi Luoxiang's joyful mood, the little Charmander opened its wings, narrowed its big eyes, and let out a series of weird calls. Although it couldn't understand the animal language, it was obvious that this guy and As happy as Yi Luoxiang.

Seeing one person and one dragon cheering happily, Xin Yun shook his head and said loudly: "Yi Luo...you try to let him go to the valley to attract the animal plague and only Sha Huolong."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang nodded quickly, and sent out a wave of soul quickly, and then saw that Sha Huolong turned his head and flew towards Shagu.

For a moment, both Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang held their breath, watching the little Sha Huolong fly back to Shagu anxiously, and then... Amid the excited screams of the two, a mouthful of red fireball spewed out , hit the abdomen of another Sha Charian, then turned around and ran out of the valley, like a fox stealing a chicken.

Seeing that Sha Huolong's cunning look, he knew without asking, that this must have been ordered by Yi Luoxiang, otherwise, with Sha Huolong's soybean-sized IQ, he would never have made such a move.

Suffering the same kind of attack, the Sand Fire Dragon roared angrily, quickly flapped its wings, rushed towards the little Sand Fire Dragon, and soon left the valley mouth of the Sha Valley. He rushed towards Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang...

Seeing this scene, Xin Yun quickly said to Yi Luoxiang next to him, "Let the little Sand Fire Dragon jump over us and continue to fly forward. I will intercept this Sand Fire Dragon."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang quickly sent out a thought, this time was different from before, Yi Luoxiang didn't put her hands on her chest, and didn't lower her head, but gave the order in an instant, without even using her words.

As the thought was sent out, Yi Luoxiang couldn't help worrying secretly. When she summoned this Charmander just now, she had spent more than ten minutes to influence it with all her strength. Now that the order was sent out, it only took a moment. That little Charmander Will you obey

Under Yi Luoxiang's secret worry, the little Sha Huolong quickly jumped over from under the two of them and flew far away. Seeing this scene, Yi Luoxiang clenched her fists excitedly, it was a success!

Just as Yi Luoxiang clenched her small fist excitedly, Xin Yun reached out with her left hand, and in an instant...Ying Long's mouth opened wide, and an invisible, colorless, transparent liquid ball whizzed out, like a missile, and hit the ground in an instant. Trying to pass through the sand dragon from below.

"Hey..." With a crisp sound, the colorless and transparent bowl-sized water ball hit Sha Huolong's back and shattered, and then... the water ball shattered, and with a sizzle sound, Sha Huolong's body was smashed into pieces. , those parts covered by the liquid quickly withered and blackened, and at the same time, the Sand Fire Dragon let out a painful roar.

Although Xin Yun's attack may not be more ruthless than Xiao Sha Huolong's just now, but due to the incompatible attributes, the damage and pain brought to him are definitely different, so that Sha Huolong gave up chasing in an instant and turned around. Come, at the dragon's mouth, a crimson sand fireball brewed for a while, and shot towards Xin Yun in an instant.

At this moment... Xin Yun's position is relatively high. You must know... Although the sand fire dragon can also fly, its flying height is very limited.

Facing the sand fireball sprayed by the sand fire dragon and shot towards the dragon's belly, Xin Yun's face was calm, and he didn't need to dodge at all. The dragon body only twisted naturally, and easily let the fireball out of the way.

Although Yinglong's size is large, there are too many powerful places in the battle state. When facing the enemy head-on, the enemy only sees one point, which is the dragon's head. It is really too difficult to hit it. You have to be at the tenth ring level to be able to shoot, otherwise, Xin Yun will not even be able to dodge, and the nineth ring score will only be missed.

Moreover, because the target is small, it is easy to dodge. Even if the enemy hits the bullseye of the ten rings, Xin Yun only needs to move slightly to get out of the way, which is more relaxed and enjoyable.

If the enemy is attacking from the left and right sides, then Xin Yun only needs to bow the targeted part up or down at will, and then he can completely get out of the way. If the enemy is attacking from the top or bottom, the dragon body will only If you need to swing left or right, you can also let it go in an instant.

It can be said that no matter which direction you attack from, you can actually only aim at one point, and the Chinese all know that when a dragon moves, its body twists like a snake, and it is completely irregular. One point, I don't know where to move in the next moment, so how to aim when swimming like this

If it is necessary to find the dragon that is the most difficult to hit among all the dragons, then there is no doubt that Shenlong is the most difficult to be hit. It is too flexible, even if it is a covering strike, as long as there is a gap You can drill through.

Seeing that his attack was dodged so easily, the sand fire dragon burst into anger and sprayed a fireball at Xin Yun again. Unfortunately, such an attack was too boring for Xin Yun.

Shaking his head, Xin Yun shouted loudly to Yi Luoxiang who was not far away: "Yi Luo...you come here and take this little dragon away, and take it to a distance to practice its dodging skills, and then let your little Sand Fire Dragon Go get some sand dragons."

Seeing Xin Yun hovering in mid-air, easily dodging all the fireballs just by the dragon's natural twisting, Yi Luoxiang's heart gradually relaxed, and at the same time ordered the little fire dragon to return to Shagu again A sand fire dragon came out, and the sand fire dragon below Xin Yun moved over.

Seeing an enemy appearing in front of him suddenly, the sand fire dragon turned his head immediately, and a crimson sand fireball shot towards Yi Luoxiang in an instant.

Although this Sand Fire Dragon can spray sand fireballs, it is only a Bronze-star creature after all. Both the size and speed of the fireballs are very poor. Facing the oncoming fireballs, Yi Luoxiang even frowned in time. , and then slowly flashed away.

While Morpho Butterfly retracted and spread its wings, Yi Luoxiang disappeared instantly and appeared in front of Sha Huolong on the right. Seeing this scene, the Sha Huolong roared, flapped its wings, and chased after Yi Luoxiang.

Soon, Yi Luoxiang dragged the Fireman Sand Dragon far away, and at the same time, the little Fireman Sand Dragon controlled by Yiluoxiang had attracted another Fireman Sand Dragon out again.

For the next whole day, Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang practiced their dodging skills in mid-air, and the Sand Fire Dragon that was drawn over changed from one at the very beginning to more than a dozen at the end. It was only then that Yi Luoxiang felt the difficulty. After all... she is only one star bronze now, and it takes a certain amount of time to flash. Once there are too many enemies, it is easy to be too late.

As for Xin Yun, after all, he has the experience of the previous life. Even ten sand fire dragons can't threaten him at all, and he doesn't even need to think.

Of course, it's just that the speed of these sand fire dragon fireballs is too slow, otherwise, no matter how experienced Xin Yun is, if the movement of the dragon's body can't keep up with the thinking, it's useless.