X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 65: Concentrate on returning to Yuan


The sun gradually set into the west mountain, and just when Yi Luoxiang thought she was going back to the city, Xin Yun sent a message, and continued to fight fiercely, fighting all night...

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang couldn't help being taken aback, it's already night, how are you fighting? But after thinking about it, she soon realized that she would inevitably encounter the enemy at night in the future, could she stop fighting because it was dark

Fortunately, although the sky has darkened, Yi Luoxiang can still clearly detect everything around her with the ripples of her soul. As for Xin Yun, she is not so lucky. Not too far away, although she also has the ability to perceive, but after all, she can't compare with an expert like Yi Luoxiang.

As time passed, the sky finally completely darkened. Although it can't be said that you can't see your fingers, you can only see objects a hundred meters away at most. In desperation, Xin Yun signaled Yi Luoxiang to release the soul chain with Sha Huolong. Then connect the soul chain to Xin Yun's body.

With the release of the soul chain, the sand fire dragon looked around blankly, then flapped its wings, and flew towards the sand valley. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help sighing, obviously... Yi Luo What Xiang has now is not permanent soul slavery, but temporary soul control.

But even so, Xin Yun is already very satisfied, you know... this should be a crystal-level ability, but now, relying on the pair of hammer-shaped tentacles, Yi Luoxiang has mastered it at the Bronze 1-star, completely surpassing it. The three levels of bronze, silver, and gold are already exaggerated.

While Xin Yun was thinking, Yi Luoxiang had already connected the flexible chain to his body. The next moment... Although the surrounding night was still dark, in Xin Yun's mind, all the scenes within a radius of one kilometer had already appeared. The darkness seemed to have completely disappeared.

This is not the most exaggerated. With the connection of the soul chain, Xin Yun was surprised to find that his field of vision has also changed. The human field of vision is 180 degrees, but now, Xin Yun's field of vision is 360 degrees. Not only can you see the things in front of you, but you can even see the objects behind you. That feeling is really weird.

"Damn! Do you have a full view?" Surprised by the current view, Xin Yun couldn't help swearing. Feeling Xin Yun's exclamation, Yi Luoxiang said suspiciously: "Yeah... since I summoned the flash Butterfly Queen has always had this perspective, but it is not a full perspective, and there is still a blind spot in the direction of the front and rear, which is only completed by me after exploring with the soul ripple."

Standing on Yinglong silently, Xin Yun was completely speechless, is this Yi Luoxiang being too clever? Not only did he know how to complete the angle of view, but he even found a way to complete the angle of view! Could it be that... this girl was also reborn

He looked at Yi Luoxiang strangely, but he didn't find any abnormal expression on her face, and after thinking about everything since rebirth, it didn't look like this.

While Xin Yun was secretly doubting, Yi Luoxiang continued: "Actually, I scanned this image with my soul wave, and I just sent the scanned image in my mind to you in real time."

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun was finally completely relieved. In fact... What Xin Yun sees now is not what Yi Luoxiang sees with her eyes at all, but the image formed in her brain after scanning with her soul wave. What she did was to transmit the picture of the picture.

However, although the surrounding darkness can no longer block his sight, for other dragons, darkness is darkness, and they cannot see things. In this case...

Xin Yun made a decisive decision, waved his big hand, and said loudly: "Come on, since it's dark, let's go into the valley, hehe... We can see the sand fire dragons, but they can't see us, follow closely gone."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang nodded with a smile. At the same time, Ying Long dived fiercely, and quickly rushed into the sandy valley under the cover of darkness.

In the darkness, although Sharon's line of sight was affected, most wild dragons like to move out at night, so there were still many Sharons flying in midair. As soon as Xin Yun and his two entered, they were immediately blocked.

Facing dozens of sand fireballs whizzing towards him, Xin Yun had no fear at all. After telling Yi Luoxiang to be careful, he drove Yinglong and whizzed past the group of salons. All fell into the void.

Time passed slowly, after a whole night, Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang circled around the Shagu several times, but they didn't make a single attack, and they avoided all the fireballs criss-crossing in the sky.

In mid-air, Xin Yun was driving Ying Long, writhing nimbly, while Yi Luoxiang's purple butterfly appeared and appeared around Ying Long's body, like a dragon playing with a butterfly.

The main purpose of this practice is actually to train the ability to dodge and escape. There is no need to attack. If you want to get there before Yan Qingying is sold, you have to get there as soon as possible, and rushing all the way is obviously the most Save time.

When it comes to cultivation, I would like to say here that there is no cultivation method in this world. Now everyone is groping secretly. Maybe there will be some magical power or some great method in the future, but in this era, there is no such thing. Cultivation is completely necessary Rely on their own exploration.

As far as Xin Yun knows, there are three ways of cultivation in this world: the first one is concentrated concentration, which uses mental power to compress the energy in the dragon ball, changing from a gaseous state to a mist state. When it is foggy, it is silver level.

The second method is to practice, with the five hearts turned to the sky, using the body to absorb the free energy in the air, circulate these energy among the meridians, condense it into its own energy, and then add it to the dragon ball.

The space in Dragon Ball is limited. When energy is continuously sent in, they will squeeze each other. When the pressure reaches a certain level, changes will occur. For example, liquefied petroleum gas on the earth is filled according to this principle. of.

The third method is to rely on external force, such as using dragon fruit, such as using dragon crystal, to directly absorb a large amount of energy into the body, and pour it into the dragon ball after running, which can also increase the energy, but... these energies are shoddy after all. , and it is not obtained by one's own efforts, and it is always impossible to use it smoothly.

Among the three promotion methods, in the previous life, Xin Yun was more inclined to the third method. As long as he has money, he can buy a large amount of dragon crystals. Dragon crystals contain a lot of energy, and there is no need for every drop. Absorbing from the outside world is definitely a shortcut to cultivation.

Before rebirth, after a lifetime of hard work, Xin Yun combined the legendary inner strength on the earth with the real cultivation method, combined with the cultivation methods in this world, and created a set by himself.

In fact, the creation is a bit exaggerated. In fact, it is just a combination of the first method and the second method. Sit with five hearts facing the sky, and then release the energy in the dragon balls. While compressing with mental power, use the body To absorb the energy from the outside world, and then integrate it into the energy flow.

When the energy in the dragon ball circles around Xin Yun's veins and returns to the dragon ball again, not only the energy has been condensed by the spirit, but also there is more energy absorbed by the body from the outside world, so there will always be Make some more.

After experimenting, Xin Yun was pleasantly surprised to find that although this method of cultivation is not as good as using foreign objects such as dragon crystals, it is twice as fast as ordinary cultivation. In a period of time, two tasks are completed at the same time .

In fact, this method has not been thought of by anyone, but those who can think of this method without using the knowledge on the earth are smart people who are dying, but this kind of exercise is a bit like fighting left and right. master.

To put it simply, in the process of cultivation, you must first concentrate your mental power to refine and compress the energy of the meridians, and at the same time use the power of the soul to absorb the energy outside the body and send it into the meridians. It's even more difficult, Xin Yun's last life was also in the second half, and it took nearly a few decades to initially master it.

Xin Yun also tried to pass this set of exercises to Yi Luoxiang, but in fact, Yi Luoxiang couldn't learn it at all, and being too smart was the biggest obstacle to learning this set of exercises!

After creating and successfully running this set of exercises, Xin Yun was very proud. After thinking for a long time, he also gave this set of exercises a name. This set of exercises is actually to exercise the spirit and soul at the same time, so Xin Yun named it For Concentration Returning to Yuan Jue! Concentrating the mind is to use the spirit to condense the energy. As for returning to the original, Xin Yun regards the soul as the original spirit, which means using the Yuanshen to bring energy into the body.

By concentrating on returning to the original, Xin Yun refines energy and absorbs energy at the same time, the efficiency is doubled, and the speed of cultivation is naturally surprisingly fast, but it is a pity... Xin Yun uses a 9.9-level dragon creation stone, so although The speed of cultivation is very fast, but the container is too big. To fill the entire 9.9-level dragon ball, too much energy is required, and the time spent is too long. If you want to rise to a star, you have to practice.

But then again, no one else can ask for such a good thing. Compared with other warriors of the same level, in the same quality situation, besides skill and luck, the only thing that decides the outcome is quantity. !