X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 67: Death Salon


In addition to the above two points, three years later, when Xin Yun graduates, the bank will depreciate in an instant. If he can't take advantage of this opportunity to make a fortune, I'm afraid Xin Yun will have to bury his head in earning money again.

But fortunately, the life of Doulong Academy is also very relaxed. It's not that there is no spare time. As long as you master it well, you should be able to complete all these during the holidays. Although it is a bit difficult, it may not be impossible.

Taking a long breath, Xin Yun looked at the Sha Huolong in the Shagu. Now that he has made up his mind, it is time to practice his fighting ability. You know... Doulong Academy is an academy named after fighting. , Private fighting is not prohibited, as long as the opponent is not beaten to death, it is a small circle where the strong are respected, and the only way to gain respect is to have strong strength.

Xin Yun turned his head and looked at Yi Luoxiang, although he is a man, and Yi Luoxiang is just a girl, but Xin Yun is not a man with ideas, Yi Luoxiang does not need his protection, no matter what Whatever problem she encounters, she can solve it by herself.

Of course, Xin Yun can also stand up and stand up for Yi Luoxiang, but in this way, hiding under Xin Yun's shadow, how will Yi Luoxiang develop? There is no doubt... If Xin Yun really stood up as a protector, then Yi Luoxiang would inevitably feel dependent, and would no longer be able to deal with any situation and face any strong person in her previous life. This is what Xin Yun did not want have witnessed.

No matter who, if anyone wants to grow, they have to face one challenge after another. While overcoming all the challenges, they will grow. Parents of children are no different, once out of their wings, their children are bound to accomplish nothing.

Of course, Xin Yun will not just watch. Once someone offends Yi Luoxiang, Xin Yun will not stand out. Xin Yun believes that there is nothing in this world that Yi Luoxiang cannot handle. This is not superstition. That's what she is.

However, just because Yi Luoxiang has dealt with it doesn't mean that the matter is really over. Yi Luoxiang forgave, but it doesn't mean he forgave too. It's up to what to do. Yi Luoxiang has taught her enough, and Xin Yun still needs to be taught.

Moreover, as a strong man who has experienced three generations, although Xin Yun will not be too high-profile in Doulong Academy, he will never be bullied by others. You must know that Yi Luoxiang has been paying attention to him. As a man, that is I don't want to lose face in front of my own woman even if I break my neck.

If you want to maintain your dignity, you can only use your strength, so... for the next period of time, before Yan Qingying appears, it's time to train your fighting skills, flying axe, dragon claws, acid, In close physical combat, there is no shortage of one.

Finally, since you are going to Doulong Academy, since you have to face various challenges, and since you have to maintain your dignity, I am afraid that a treasure that was originally scheduled to be retrieved at the crystal level will be retrieved now, although it is necessary to risk your life. It's dangerous, but I can't take care of it now.

As the weapon he will use in his life, Xin Yun must of course choose the most powerful one. Therefore... the Sky Opening Ax became Xin Yun's only choice. Relying on the memory of his previous life, Xin Yun knew that the Sky Opening Ax is still alive. It was not born, and was quietly hiding there, waiting for Xin Yun to fetch it.

However, the location of the Sky Opening Ax is very dangerous. With Xin Yun's current strength, he was not qualified to go there, but Xin Yun also knew that if he wanted to save his face and maintain his dignity, he had to go Get this ax even if it means risking your life.

After pondering for a long time, Xin Yun finally raised his head, and said to Yi Luoxiang who was facing him: "It seems...we have to go to the academy to study. There are many things that we can't do by ourselves!"

"What! Are you going to the academy?" Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang's eyes showed a light of expectation.

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's excited look, Xin Yun nodded. He knew that Yi Luoxiang had always wanted to go to school, which was no different from children on earth. She was not old enough before, but she is old enough now. Xin Yun didn't say anything, and she didn't want to embarrass Xin Yun, so she kept silent.

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's expectant gaze, Xin Yun nodded and said, "You should have heard from other people about the academy. It's not a peaceful world there. Although it won't kill you, but you want to maintain your dignity. But only rely on strength!"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang nodded cautiously and said, "That's right, I understand a little bit about what you said, although I don't know much about it, but since the academy is a training place for fighting, it will naturally not prohibit private fighting. Just pay attention to the occasion, so...we must have enough strength before going to the academy."

Nodding his head, Xin Yun smiled and said, "Well, since we are going to the academy, we should set off immediately to help you find the most suitable wild dragon to control."

"En?" Looking at Xin Yun suspiciously, Yi Luoxiang said puzzledly: "If you use soul control, then I won't be able to perform soul chains with you. If so..."

Seeing the hesitant and unwilling Yi Luoxiang, Xin Yun smiled and shook his head and said: "It's impossible to do otherwise, you don't have the ability to fight, you can only rely on the dragon you control to fight, and there happens to be a kind of tyrannical death here." Sharon, as long as you can control it, then you have the qualifications to maintain dignity!"

Having said that, Xin Yun paused for a moment, and then continued: "Of course, it is very possible for me to restore the soul chain with you as soon as possible, but this can only be achieved through your efforts, or you realize in advance that you can completely enslave wild dragons. Soul enslavement, or you can quickly upgrade to the silver rank, you know, I must leave you the ability to protect yourself, and the death salon is your best choice... "

Yi Luoxiang clenched her lips, and nodded resolutely. He understood Xin Yun's thoughts. Although the two of them had been close to each other for a long time and were completely indistinguishable from each other, Xin Yun respected her exceptionally. , did not regard her as an incidental to him at all.

Although Xin Yun didn't say it clearly, Yi Luoxiang knew that once faced with a problem, Xin Yun would not stand out. It was not because he was ruthless, but because he was worried that it would delay her growth, but... once the matter reached a critical moment, Yi Luoxiang believed that , Xin Yun will absolutely show up in front of her without hesitation, and defend her with his life.

Ordinary people might not be able to understand Xin Yun's intentions, but Yi Luoxiang knows that since the encounter with Dry Well, Yi Luoxiang has always been attached to Xin Yun. If it wasn't for Xin Yun, she would have died long ago.

As a smart girl, what she needs is definitely not pampering, but more respect and understanding, giving her the freedom to think and act, and the respect of personality.

Now that she entered the academy, fighting is probably inevitable, but Yi Luoxiang has no ability to fight at all. Once a fight starts, she can't do anything but dodge. If she wants to end the fight, it depends on when the opponent catches up. enough.

Xin Yun thought about this, so he made a resolute decision to temporarily give up the soul chain, and use the soul control that Yi Luoxiang had mastered in advance to control a death salon. If you won't lose, you will have the weapon to protect your dignity!

Thinking of this, Yi Luoxiang raised her head, looked at Xin Yun gratefully and said, "Okay, I'll listen to you..."

Seeing that Yi Luoxiang agreed, Xin Yun laughed, and with a wave of his hand, he said loudly: "In this case, let's go back to the city immediately, and after getting ready, we will head towards the Death Dune!"

Following Xin Yun's voice, the two giant dragons turned around in an instant, and rushed towards the direction of the city of death. After returning to the city, Xin Yun prepared enough food and fresh water, and then rushed towards the direction of the death dunes together. .