X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 7: Shoot out angrily


Yi Luoxiang took the moss, turned around and walked back, seeing this scene, Xin Yun hurriedly stopped her, and said in a low voice: "You can eat here, it's better not to take it back."

Looking at Xin Yun suspiciously, Yi Luoxiang shook her head and said, "I don't want to eat it myself, I want to bring it back to..." While speaking, Yi Luoxiang turned her head and looked at the two girls.

Xin Yun couldn't help but secretly twitched himself, to see what kind of person he thought of Yi Luoxiang. Although she was only a child, her heart was really sweet and pure. How could it be that kind of greedy person? child!

In the last life, Xin Yun had very little contact with Yi Luoxiang, so he didn't know much about her, but in this life, although he just started to get in touch with her, Xin Yun has already discovered too much beauty in her, such a perfect woman , It is indeed not worthy of ordinary people.

Secretly admiring, Xin Yun pondered for a while, and then said in a low voice: "You can take it back to them to eat, but...you'd better think of a way, don't let them speak out, otherwise, once the four men on the opposite side The child heard it, and you should be very clear about the consequences."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang frowned immediately. Although she is still young, there are indeed so-called child prodigies in this world. Others may not understand it, but Yi Luoxiang is definitely an exception.

After being silent for a while, Yi Luoxiang nodded and said: "Don't worry, I know there are not many mosses, I will take care of everything, and... thank you very much." After speaking, Yi Luoxiang turned to He turned around and walked back along the wall of the well.

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's disappearing figure, Xin Yun couldn't help laughing, if it was another child, he would really worry, but if that child is Yi Luoxiang, then everything will be fine, If she can't make it, then no one in this world can.

I stretched my waist for a long time, the sky outside had already darkened, and the night of the fourth day underground had come. In order to reduce the loss of physical strength, I should go to bed quickly. Although the ground is still very wet and muddy, I can't care so much now.

I don't know how long it took before Xin Yun finally fell into a deep sleep. Although the conditions were very difficult, the iron-blooded career for many years had allowed Xin Yun to develop a steel-like will. Go to sleep quickly.

"Woo..." At dawn, a strong wind blew in the mountain village outside the well. The wind whizzed in from the head of the village, and then out from the end of the village. I didn't know what vessel was blown, and there was a ghost cry. There was a shrill whimper.

It's spring now, and it's a rainy and windy season. Although it won't rain in the last week, the wind is still blowing when it should, and it's blowing very hard.

"Boom..." In the dull sound, the strong wind did not know whose door panel or window sash was damaged, making a dull and crisp sound, which was extremely harsh in this silent night.

In the dry well, Xin Yun frowned irritably. Although his willpower was firm, he couldn't fall asleep no matter what in such an environment. What's more... he seemed to have slept for a long time, and he should It's time to wake up.

Opening his eyes irritably, Xin Yun sat up straight, stretched out his arms, and stretched comfortably. Just as he was about to yawn, a strange sound caught his attention!

"Stop... help!" Hearing the faint voice covered by the wind, Xin Yun was puzzled, what's going on? Are the people in the mountain village dead yet? Why is there still someone here

Just as he was wondering, Xin Yun turned pale with astonishment, and suddenly came back to his senses, no... this voice did not come from outside the well, this voice was inside the well, and... moreover, this voice... this voice!

"Fuck... stop!" With a loud shout, Xin Yun grabbed the stone cone beside him, jumped up abruptly, and rushed towards the position of the three girls like a leopard.

It was already dawn at this moment, and the bright sunlight slanted into the cave wall. As far as the eye could see, the four boys were gathering around the place where the three girls were resting. It came out.

Hearing Xin Yun's roar, the tallest boy suddenly raised his head, looked carefully, he was still a child, he was still a human being! At this moment... His mouth was full of bright red blood, and he had a crazy expression on his face, even if he was a ghost, he was nothing more than that.

"Third son! Go and stop him. If you continue to make trouble, we'll drink his blood together!" Hearing this, a boy next to him stood up and wiped the blood from his mouth. Shang Duo opened his arms and rushed towards Xin Yun.

Facing the guy rushing over viciously, Xin Yun was burning with anxiety, Yi Luoxiang was still inside, at this moment, someone was drinking her blood, now... even if the Emperor and I stand in front of him, Xin Yun will definitely smash it No mistake!

The body slanted and let the guy grab his shoulders with both hands. Xin Yun swung his right hand like lightning, and the extremely sharp stone cone in his hand pierced the temple of the unlucky boy in an instant. blood spurted out.

Pulling the child blocking him aside, Xin Yun took a few steps forward. When the three boys turned their heads, he waved the stone awl in his hand again. Amid the sharp piercing sound, the stone awl struck deeply. It got into the side of another boy's neck, which is relatively soft and will not damage the stone awl. In just one stab, the sharp stone awl pierced through that guy's neck, and the sharp awl tip came from the other side of the neck. When it came out, it was extremely stern and terrifying.

"Heck..." The neck was pierced suddenly, and the unlucky child was frightened and wanted to scream, but the neck was pierced, how could he scream

Seeing Xin Yun covered in blood and looking fierce, the remaining two children were completely frightened. Although they were very cruel and poisonous, they were also hungry and thirsty. After all, children are children, so how could they be with Xin Yun? This kind of person who has experienced the iron-blooded career is better than others!

Seeing the two stupefied guys, Xin Yun pulled out the stone cone one by one with a blank expression, and then kicked the guy to the ground. For a while, the two guys just stood there Looking at Xin Yun, he was completely terrified.

Facing the two stunned guys, Xin Yun didn't show mercy. Although they were only seven or eight years old, since they did such a thing, Xin Yun no longer regarded them as human beings. Necessary to continue to survive!

"Huh... Puchi!" Amidst the sharp whistling sound, Xin Yun waved the stone awl like a thunder, and pierced through the left eye of the third guy in an instant, allowing the guy to twitch violently. At the same time, Xin Yun turned his head, looked at the boy in the lead coldly, and said without the slightest emotion: "Tell me, what kind of death do you want!"

Tremblingly, he looked at Xin Yun with a cold face, at the stone awl piercing deeply into his companion's left eye, at the body twitching violently under the stone awl, and finally... the most burly child went crazy!

"Yeah!" Amidst the crazy roar, the guy's eyes were red, he jumped up from the ground, and rushed towards Xin Yun desperately. Under such huge pressure and such a terrifying scene, this guy The guy exploded!

Seeing the guy rushing towards him, Xin Yun slowly let go of the stone awl in his hand. Although the opponent's height and strength were much bigger than him, but...in Xin Yun's eyes, this guy is nothing!

There was a reason why he was left till the end. At this moment... On the ground, Yi Luoxiang was lying there weakly, watching all this with horror on her face, the sleeve on her right forearm was torn open , there are a few teeth marks on the white and flawless skin, and these teeth marks are left by this guy. Let me ask... How could Xin Yun let him die so happily!

Facing the guy who was punching him madly, Xin Yun turned his body slightly, pulled his right leg backwards, then suddenly raised his leg and raised his knee, facing the guy's charge, he kicked his knee with all his strength, and hit him precisely Between the unlucky boy's legs, on the most precious part of a man, it's sure to make people gasp.