X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 70: critical moment


Facing Yi Luoxiang's soul control with all his strength, the leader of the death salon let out a long hiss, and exploded into dust all over the sky again. After a slight whirl, it turned into a gray-black tornado and rolled towards the two of them. .

"Damn it!" Seeing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help cursing. For the past three days, Xin Yun thought that the leader of the salon was only the leader of the ninth rank, and the highest rank was the leader of the tenth rank. But looking at the scene in front of him, Xin Yun knew that his judgment was wrong.

If you want to become a leader dragon, you are usually full of star dragons, and the lowest is nine stars. Compared with Xin Yun, it is eight or nine stars worse, but you must know that even if the general salon leader reaches ten stars, it may not be able to display it. Make this move—sand blast!

The so-called sandstorm is when Sharon is in the form of sand, using the gravel around his body to form a sandstorm that continuously attacks the enemy. The destructive power is quite amazing, and it is a combat skill that only silver-level Sharon can master.

Of course, the leader dragon is still a bit reluctant to use it now, and it is not a real sandstorm, but even so, it is enough to prove that this guy is already between the ten bronze stars and the silver one star! It is only one step away from the real silver step.

"Run!" Seeing the huge storm coming, Xin Yun turned around and shouted at Yi Luoxiang without any hesitation, while driving Yinglong, roaring and continuing to run.

Sharon is in the state of sand flow and does not accept any attacks. Therefore, once the sandstorm is launched, it cannot be stopped unless the rolling energy is exhausted.

Of course, if there is enough energy to attack, then you can also use attack against attack to consume all the energy rotating in the storm. Although it still cannot hurt Sharon, it can stop the sandstorm.

It's a pity that the distance between the two sides is too close now, even if Xin Yun wanted to counteract the sandstorm with an attack, but it was too late in time.

"En?" Turning the dragon's head around, when Xin Yun was about to run away with all his strength, he looked sideways and saw Yi Luoxiang's Morpho butterfly wings fluttering slightly, still floating there, but her body had already begun to become illusory.

"Not good!" Seeing this scene, Xin Yun understood in an instant. After three days of running away, Yi Luoxiang had exhausted her brainpower, and she had obviously unleashed all her potential just now, and she is now in a semi-comatose state. If the state is over, the morpho butterfly may slack off at any time.

As far as the eye can see, the gray-black sandstorm is roaring and sweeping towards this side, and Yi Luoxiang is between Xin Yun and the sandstorm. If she wants to rush back to rescue, she will definitely not be able to escape the sandstorm. attacked.

Gritting his teeth fiercely, Xin Yun grabbed the dragon's horn with both hands, and Ying Long suddenly turned around and rushed towards Yi Luoxiang.

Although the two sides were about the same distance away from Yi Luoxiang, once using the wings, Ying Long was indeed faster than Sha Long, so Xin Yun managed to reach Yi Luoxiang before the dust storm.

The moment Xin Yun arrived, the morpho butterfly finally completely turned into a purple light that filled the sky and dissipated in mid-air. Xin Yun's arms just caught Yi Luoxiang's body falling from mid-air.

Hugging Yi Luoxiang tightly, Xin Yun couldn't help but secretly afraid, if he came one step later, the consequences would be unimaginable, the current height is thousands of meters from the ground, once it falls, even a piece of iron can be smashed and deformed Well, if you are alone, unless you reach the diamond level, you will definitely die.

"Woo..." Amidst Xin Yun's mournful sobs, the sandstorm swept up to less than 50 meters in front of him. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help sighing, it's too late to run now , can only keep!

As his eyes flashed, Xin Yun burst into a drink—Long Pan!

Accompanied by Xin Yun's voice, Ying Long's slender body quickly coiled up in mid-air, wrapping Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang in the middle one by one, forming an airtight space.

"Clatter, clatter..." Almost at the moment when Yinglong finished the dragon dish, countless peanut-sized gravel hit the surface of Yinglong's body whizzingly, making a dense sound.

Feeling the impact of thousands of grains of sand, Xin Yun hugged Yi Luoxiang tightly, the veins on his forehead exploded, and the severe pain hit his nerves like a tide, and beads of sweat one after another The blood jumped out from under the skin, gathered into a stream, and flowed rollingly, and the whole clothes were soaked in sweat in just a moment.

In the dimly lit space, a tender white slender hand gently raised up, compassionately wiping the sweat running down Xin Yun's face, at the same time, Yi Luoxiang's voice sounded softly: " Fool, why do you want to come back, how much do you want me to owe you before you are willing."

Seeing Yi Luoxiang in his arms with a sluggish expression, Xin Yun clenched his teeth and said tremblingly: "You are mine, in front of me, even the god of death will never want to take you away, if you want to touch you, you must first Step on my dead body!"

Listening to Xin Yun's domineering words, Yi Luoxiang closed her eyes quietly, and the corners of her eyes quickly became moist. Although Xin Yun's words were very domineering, she liked it very much. That's right...she belongs to Xin Yun, but at the same time, Xin Yun is also hers, there is no question of fairness or not, she wants to be domineering.

Finally, the dust storm outside was over. Feeling the picture of the outside world, the gray sand and gravel all over the sky were quickly gathering together, and the body of the leader of the death salon gathered from his feet to his head.

"Cut..." Seeing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help but gritted his teeth. The reason why he was so embarrassed all along was not because he couldn't beat it. The main reason was because he wanted Yi Luoxiang to control the salon. Otherwise, although The chief dragon cannot be killed, but there is hope of defeating him.

Being inside the dragon pan formation, Xin Yun slowly stretched out his right hand and slowly retracted his five fingers. Since this guy caused him so much pain, it was time for him to taste the feeling of being beaten.

"Huh..." He punched out fiercely, and in an instant... directly opposite the leader of the salon who had just condensed into a fist, a dragon's claw clenched into a fist whizzed past.

"Bang!" With a dull sound, the newly condensed body of the salon leader exploded into gray dust all over the sky on the spot, and Xuan Su fled away in the distance.

Seeing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help laughing. Although this salon cannot be killed, it still relies on energy to condense its body. As long as it suffers enough attacks, this death salon will also scatter into a mess. grit.

The death salon is not invincible, but it cannot be completely killed. Plus, there are hundreds of them, so they are unstoppable. As for those who can threaten the nine masters, they are all death salons above the diamond rank , the leader of the death salon like the one in front of him, with the strength of the nine masters, can wipe out a group of them with a wave of his hand, no different from ants.

For the Nine Masters, let alone this small Bronze Rank Death Salon, even if a city with a population of tens of millions is to be wiped out, there is no need for a second strike, and that attack is much stronger than an atomic bomb.

Slowly opening the coiled dragon body, at this moment, Xin Yun was really angry. The dust storm just now really made him suffer a lot. , Xin Yun couldn't swallow this breath.

In the distance, the sand and dust gathered together again. With the whirling of the wind, the leader of the death salon began to condense his body again. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun stretched out his right hand again. The moment the cohesion was completed, a gigantic divine dragon's claw tightly pinched the death salon's neck in his hands.