X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 72: Powerful Salon


"Hiss..." Under the double attack, Death Sharon let out a long hiss in pain, and his body tried to spread out again, turning into dust. I was full of water, and my energy was almost exhausted, and my spirit was exhausted, so my movements were much slower.

Seeing the sand and gravel leaving the body of the dead Sharon one after another, Xin Yun secretly screamed, and before he had time to think about it, Ying Long swam fiercely and rushed to the dead Sharon in an instant, forming a dragon formation again, throwing the Death Sharon was tightly coiled in the middle, saying nothing would make him disintegrate.

If it is normal, such coiling is useless at all, after all... no matter how tight the coil is, it cannot stop the dust from scattering, but it is different now, the dust already contains too much water, and the water The acid sprayed out by Ying Long was now coiled again. In such a short distance, Ying Long still has a very strong control over the water, forcibly gathering the water, but not letting it disperse.

Facing Yinglong coiled around his body, Death Sharon struggled with all his strength, but once he was coiled, it was not so easy to break free. The formation of snakes is not easy, let alone the formation of dragons!

Forcibly running the energy, Xin Yun stubbornly resisted the death salon's wave after wave of struggles. Although Xin Yun was far higher than the death salon in terms of energy quantity, it was much worse in quality. Now it can maintain a tie. It is also because the Death Salon is really exhausted of energy and is already struggling and powerless. At such a time, the advantage of deep energy is manifested.

In fact, Death Sharon is not afraid of physical attacks. Every time he is scattered, he does not take any damage. However, when gathering his body, it consumes some energy. Therefore, Xin Yun can use the method of consumption to give this guy to life. exhausted.

The more he struggled, the more powerless the Death Sharon became. He couldn't even escape when he couldn't disperse his body at all, and Yi Luoxiang was still at the side constantly using soul control to harass him, which could be described as physically and mentally exhausting. .

As time passed, Death Sharon's struggle became weaker and weaker until he was completely motionless. The moment Death Sharon stopped struggling, his soul and spirit instantly entered a desperate state of non-resistance.

For a moment, the leader of the death salon gave up all resistance. It wasn't that he didn't want to struggle, but that it was useless to struggle. After exhausting all his energy, he couldn't even lift his fingers. How could he struggle!

If it is an ordinary creature, facing the current situation, it is basically half dead, that is, in a state of shock, but this death salon does not know where the secret is, and there is no way to kill him, so it can only continue in Yiluo. Weakened by Xiang's harassment...

Time passed slowly, one minute... two minutes... one hour... two hours... the sun rose and set, and a day passed in a blink of an eye, and the resistance of the death salon was finally weak to the limit.

In fact, by now, the Death Salon may have been brought under control, but Yiluoxiang didn't have much experience, so she didn't know if she succeeded, so she could only continue to work hard until she was exhausted physically and mentally. Following…

From a distance, seeing that the butterfly had entered the illusory state again, Xin Yun didn't dare to neglect, he hastily let go of the dragon plate, and quickly rushed towards Yi Luoxiang's direction. Hugging Yiluoxiang's petite body in her arms.

After careful inspection, Yi Luoxiang just used her brain too much, and she fell into a coma after not eating for a long time. She shook her head pitifully. Xin Yun took out the water bag and poured the sweet water into Yi Luoxiang's mouth.

After drinking some water, Yi Luoxiang finally woke up slowly. Seeing that she was held in Xin Yun's arms again, she couldn't help but smiled wryly. It was again... This is the first time Xin Yun has saved her

While smiling wryly, an inexplicable emotion came, and he suddenly turned his head to look, about a hundred meters away, the gray-black death salon was hovering weakly, and those inexplicable emotions came from it .

"Ah!" screamed excitedly, Yi Luo wanted to grab Xin Yun's arm, and said ecstatically, "It worked! We succeeded! This guy has been controlled!"

"Really! Hurry up...try to control it." Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun couldn't help being ecstatic.

Under Xin Yun's urging, Yi Luoxiang swallowed nervously, and a thought was transmitted from the soul chain in an instant, and the next moment... the gray-black death salon slowly flapped its wings, and flew towards this direction with all its strength. come over.

"Wow! You are really obedient..." Seeing this scene, Yi Luoxiang cried out happily.

In order to prove that the Death Salon was indeed under control, Yi Luoxiang sent out several command ideas in a row, and the leader of the Death Salon obediently followed Yi Luoxiang's order, showing no sign of resistance.

Seeing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help laughing. With the leader of the Death Salon at the late stage of the Bronze Ten Stars, coupled with Yi Luoxiang's command and control, at the same level, although he dare not say that he is invincible, he is still Enough to compete with anyone.

The strength of the wild dragon is not weak, the only thing that is lacking is its wisdom. Now... Although the wisdom of this Death Salon is still not high, under the command of Yi Luoxiang, a talented woman, it is absolutely terrifying.

Although they were very excited and wanted to celebrate, the two of them were really exhausted after several days of sleepless nights. If they didn't have energy, they would have passed out long ago.

Now that the leader of the death salon had been subdued, the two couldn't hold on any longer. They hurriedly found a leeward sand dune, pitched a tent, and fell asleep hugging each other.

The tents in the desert of death are very strange. They are not set up on the beach, but built in the sand dunes. After the tent is set up, the sand is pushed down from the dune to bury the tent. After running on it, it is difficult to find that there are people under your feet, so it is very safe.

After this sleep, the two slept for a full day and night. When they woke up in a daze, they found that they hadn't even taken off their clothes, and they were embracing and sleeping face to face.

When Xin Yun woke up, Yi Luoxiang was still in a coma. After all... her consumption was much greater than Xin Yun's, looking at the small face in front of her, the picturesque eyebrows, and the bright red mouth , Xin Yun was overjoyed.

As if feeling Xin Yun's gaze, Yi Luoxiang's long eyelashes fluttered a few times, and then slowly opened, revealing a pair of watery, dreamlike beautiful eyes.

As soon as she opened her eyes, Yi Luoxiang immediately saw Xin Yun's big black and white eyes, looking at the love in those eyes that was like jewels and treasures, as if she loved to the bone, Yi Luoxiang She couldn't help but blushed, she didn't understand... she couldn't understand more and more, what exactly did he like about her and what was so good about her that made him fall in love so madly.

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's blushing little face and her lazy look just waking up, Xin Yun couldn't help poking his mouth over, gently kissing Yi Luoxiang's little mouth, and then reluctantly let it go. After all, being kissed by Xin Yun like this, Yi Luoxiang was even more shy, she hurriedly lowered her head, buried her face in Xin Yun's embrace, and refused to raise her head no matter what.

Gently hugging Yi Luoxiang, Xin Yun was extremely satisfied in his heart, he gently let go of his arms, and when he was about to say a few words to her, he was surprised to find that at some point, this girl fell asleep again .

Looking at Yi Luoxiang's small face that still kept a sweet smile even in her sleep, and seeing that extremely shy face, Xin Yun embraced her again, closed her eyes quietly, and fell into a deep sleep.