X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 74: environmental impact


In the previous life, Yi Luoxiang was sent by Ada to the home of an old couple who was infertile and had better family conditions. Imagine... an old couple who had never had children suddenly got such a well-behaved daughter. to the bone

Therefore, in the previous life, the old couple loved this girl in a different way. They cooked delicious food for her every day, bought her beautiful clothes, and dressed her up beautifully every day. Basically, the old couple will All energy has gone into this.

The influence of the environment on a person is very important, plus the old couple dress up so meticulously every day, so unconsciously, Yi Luoxiang has developed a habit of loving beauty, focusing on beauty in everything, and dare not at any time Let yourself show any unbeautiful places.

But this life is different, it is still affected by the environment, but the person who influenced her was replaced by Xin Yun, and due to various reasons, Yi Luoxiang cared more about Xin Yun's views, so under the subtle influence, Yi Luoxiang's understanding of things Xin Yun's views were assimilated by Xin Yun, everything starts with practical utility, as for appearance, it doesn't matter at all.

Of course, all girls love beauty, and Yi Luoxiang is no exception, but now Yi Luoxiang must hypnotize herself, making herself believe that the inside is the most important, more important than anything else, as for the appearance, it has no effect at all.

Some people might wonder, why did Yi Luoxiang hypnotize herself so much? It's not wrong to love beauty, so why belittle external beauty? In fact, the reason for this is very simple, that is because Yi Luoxiang is not beautiful now, and all the mature women she has come into contact with are as beautiful as peacocks.

In such an environment, in order to have Xin Yun's love, to find a reason for Xin Yun's love, it can only be something inside, Yi Luoxiang must convince herself that Xin Yun loves her inside, if If it is external, what is she

In addition to the above two points, there is another point that cannot be ignored, that is the role of wisdom. Yi Luoxiang is not stupid, but smart and scary. It is precisely because of this that she can quickly accept Xin Yun's understanding of things. Because it is Xin Yun's view of things after three lives. Although it cannot be said to be absolutely correct, it is absolutely not wrong. As long as one analyzes it carefully, it is basically accepted.

It's assimilation, but in fact, it's the most fundamental thing, it's just that Yi Luoxiang absorbed Xin Yun's experience and lessons with her incomparable wisdom, forming the same or similar views.

Of course she wants to be beautiful, but if she can't have both beauty and strength, then Yi Luoxiang will choose strength without hesitation. Since then, she has embarked on a completely different path, and she can no longer be the same as her in the previous life. It's just... Whether it's better or worse, it's up to the future to see.

Looking at Yi Luoxiang with concern, after confirming that she really thought so, Xin Yun couldn't help laughing, in fact... In the eyes of boys, this death salon is definitely cool and handsome, but in the eyes of girls Here, this guy is just ordinary, not beautiful.

Now, the reason why Yi Luoxiang feels that this death salon is not bad is actually because her spirit is not placed on the outside at all, but on the inside. In her opinion, as long as she has strength and ability, she can It's really not bad, even if the appearance is ugly, it is also ugly and cute. The so-called Ai Wu Ji Wu, fell in love with this guy's ability, and by the way, fell in love with this guy's appearance.

Shaking his head, Xin Yun felt a little apprehensive about this change, but there was nothing he could do about it. People have different experiences, and the philosophy of life they form will be different, and they have no turning back.

Thinking of this, Xin Yun said: "Okay, since we have decided to go to Doulong Academy, we must earn money quickly. Starting tomorrow, we will start hunting the Sand Fire Dragon leader in Death Sand Valley!"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang nodded firmly. Although she couldn't bear to kill, since she chose this path, killing is necessary. Although it will definitely be uncomfortable at first, you can get used to everything.

After resting all night, early the next morning, the two drove their respective dragons towards Death Sand Valley. After more than half a month, they finally saw Sand Fire Dragon again.

Ordinary sand fire dragons can't produce dragon crystals, only leader-level sand fire dragons will definitely produce one, so... it is meaningless to slaughter ordinary sand fire dragons, only hunting the leader of sand fire dragons is the right way.

The vast majority of dragons are the same, for every ten sand fire dragons, there will be a sand fire dragon leader. Generally speaking, if you want to kill the sand fire dragon leader, you must kill the ten ordinary sand fire dragons. However, Xin Yun and the others obviously didn't need to do this.

The sand fire dragon can't be turned into a sand flow form. Once it is broken up, it will die. Therefore... these guys don't fly very high, and the flying speed is not fast. Although they can spray sand fireballs, they are slow and the range is very close , can't really threaten Xin Yun and the other two at all.

Of course, sand fire dragons of different ranks have different flying speeds and heights, and the speed and range of sand balls are also different. The higher the strength, the higher the flying and the faster the shooting.

It is actually not difficult to hunt down the leader of the Sand Fire Dragon. Although they are both Sharons, the Death Salon and the Sand Fire Dragon are completely different, not only in terms of color, but also in terms of ability.

Sand Fire Dragon is not immune to any attacks. Once hit, the energy will be consumed. When the energy is exhausted, it is time to die. But Death Sharon is different. When attacked, it does not affect his energy, but only condenses his body Only then will some energy be consumed.

However, although the sand fire dragon cannot be compared with the death salon, this is the death sand valley. Once it is close to the ground, thousands of sand fire dragons may rush out at any time. Even Yi Luoxiang, the leader of the first hundred sand fire dragons, cannot escape Such a dense fireball jet.

Originally, the two could only rush into the sand valley from the mouth of the valley a little bit, and kill all the sand fire dragons encountered at the edge. In this way, the two had to kill even those ordinary sand fire dragons, which took a lot of energy and time. To extend more than ten times!

But it's different now. With the Death Salon, there is no need for Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang to go down to seduce them personally. The Death Salon, which is immune to both physical and energy attacks, is the best choice.

Suspended high in mid-air, Xin Yun silently nodded to Yi Luoxiang beside him, and the next moment... following Yi Luoxiang's order, the death salon instantly turned into a gray air current, quietly He rushed towards the death sand valley below.

"Woo..." As soon as it reached the ground, the sand stream formed by the death salon swirled instantly, turning into a sandstorm covering a radius of ten meters, and a sand fire tornado was engulfed in it. After a few turns, the sand fire dragon whimpered, and its body instantly disintegrated into red gravel, and fell to the ground.

After successfully killing an ordinary sand fire dragon, the death salon continued to spin, and then completed the condensation within two seconds. The slender mouth whizzed out one after another death flames, and gravel bullets flew away. out, and shot towards the surrounding sand fire dragons.

Seeing the invasion of alien dragons, the group of sand fire dragons around them suddenly made piercing chirping sounds... The originally peaceful sand valley boiled!

Almost at the same time as the sand fire dragon sounded, on the ground of Death Sand Valley, sand and dust suddenly erupted, as if it was a sea of churning waves, countless crimson figures exploded from the gravel, roaring and jumping up from the ground , flew in the direction of the death salon, and at the same time, countless crimson sand fireballs blasted towards the sand fire dragon overwhelmingly.

Seeing this scene, the death sand fire dragon didn't stop, between its wings, it forced itself against the incoming fireballs, roaring and flew towards the sky, countless sand fireballs exploded on his body one after another, but But there is no sand fireball that can really stop his progress.