X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 8: Fortune and misfortune are unpredictable


"Crack!" Vaguely, Xin Yun seemed to hear the sound of something breaking. At the same time, the thick guy suddenly bent into a shrimp, and his face swelled like a purple eggplant. No need to guess, just look at his face You can see how painful it is just by looking at that painful expression.

Seeing the guy curled up in the mud writhing in pain, Xin Yun showed no mercy, raised his right leg lightly, then kicked it out with a roar, towards the guy's head, and kicked it facelessly.

Finally, after kicking more than ten times in a row, the guy probably lost his mind. Xin Yun didn't dare to continue kicking. If he just kicked him to death, it would really be too cheap for him.

Xin Yun looked at the guy in the mud, and said grimly: "Drinking human blood, right? It's a great idea. Speaking of which, I really want to know what human blood tastes like!"

Listening to Xin Yun's words, the guy in the mud writhed in pain and cast a pitiful look at Xin Yun. It's a pity that this method is useless to Xin Yun. He has seen too many people like this, and he lost his power. At the time, he pretended to be a pug, pretending to be pitiful and begging for mercy, but once he gained power, the harm to others would become even worse, and it was unbearable. There was really no need for such a guy to stay.

The only way to face such a guy is to take advantage of his downfall and beat the dog in the water. For such an unfamiliar dog, any pity is a waste.

In the last life, these four guys all left this dry well alive. In the following ten years, they did so many evils and despicable evils, it was simply outrageous. In the name of being in the same village as Yiluoxiang, bullying others everywhere, it can be said that he has committed all kinds of crimes, and he has put a lot of dust on Yiluoxiang's body, otherwise, with Yiluoxiang's beauty, talent, talent, and strength, how could it be possible to just Ranked sixth!

In the previous life, Xin Yun had led large troops to encircle and suppress these four guys several times, but he had to admit that this villain is not anyone who wants to be a villain, and villains also need strength. Being able to eliminate these four guys and being escaped by them many times is really disgusting. In the end, these four guys provoked a conflict between Xin Yun and another force. Tortured and collapsed Xin Yun's power.

From a certain point of view, these four guys are the culprits of the collapse of Xin Yun's power in the previous life. Xin Yun's hatred for them is simply beyond words. Moved, so what are they still doing? Continue to tarnish Yiluoxiang's reputation? Continue to sabotage Xin Yun secretly

Looking at the guys on the ground coldly, in this life, they have no chance to do evil again, who told us to be reborn? Now... the hatred from the previous life and this life will be poured on him at the same time.

Licking his lips, Xin Yun gently lifted the guy's right arm, and slowly rolled up his sleeves. The guy's eyes suddenly became terrified. Although he had the guts to drink other people's blood, it was different from others drinking his. Blood is not the same thing as this!

"Ah!" With a howl of misery, Xin Yun bit down hard, his sharp teeth tore open the skin on the opponent's arm in an instant, and with a strong inhalation, the fishy and salty blood spurted into Xin Yun. Cloud's mouth.

Feeling his own blood being drawn away quickly, that guy finally felt fear, looked at Xin Yun in horror, and was so frightened to death!

Although there was incomparable hatred in his heart, Xin Yun only took a sip, and his chest and abdomen swelled. He hurriedly let go of his mouth, turned around abruptly, ran to the side of the well, bent over and vomited wildly. He hadn't eaten for a few days and had nothing to vomit, but Xin Yun had already vomited a lot of snot and tears just from the acid water.

Wiping the corners of his mouth in embarrassment, he went back to that guy and took a closer look. The four guys were already dead, especially the leader, who was so frightened to death!

Of course, it is a bit far-fetched to say that he was frightened to death. This guy has been hungry for more than four days, and he was beaten to death by Xin Yunkuang. Part of it.

Not in a hurry to deal with the corpses of these four guys, Xin Yun rushed to Yi Luoxiang's side to check the situation of the three girls.

Yi Luoxiang's condition is very bad. Although she is not unconscious yet, she is very weak due to excessive blood loss, and she can't even stand up. As for the two girls, they can only breathe out, not in. , During the inspection, the two girls swallowed one after another.

Facing all this, Xin Yun slapped himself hard twice. Experience hurts people. Although according to memory, those four guys didn't do anything until the seventh day, and there are still three days before now, but Xin Yun now I already understood that the last time it was supported by moss, and now the moss was hidden by Xin Yun, those guys naturally persisted for less than seven days, and actually started on the fourth day.

In addition, God seemed to be helping the evil spirits, and there was such a strong wind. If the wind hadn't drowned out the girls' cries for help, he would have woken up in time, and made a move before those guys did it.

Although I don’t want to, but things have already happened, no matter how much I regret it, it’s useless. People always have to look forward. If you are always immersed in regrets, you will never achieve anything.

The dead are already dead, but the living still need to live. Although Xin Yun feels very guilty about the death of the two girls, the most important thing now is to ensure the safety of Yi Luoxiang. If you are frightened, if one is not good, you may not be able to hold on.

Before she had time to think, Xin Yun gently hugged Yi Luoxiang, the ground was too muddy, she was fine before, but now she was seriously injured, especially after losing so much blood, the wound was deep, and she got infected accidentally.

Feeling Xin Yun's warm embrace, in fear, Yi Luoxiang seemed to have found a gentle harbor, and subconsciously leaned into Xin Yun's arms, her two young bodies leaning tightly.

In the past, Xin Yun would definitely be overjoyed because of this hug, but now, apart from pity, Xin Yun has no extra emotion.

Gently patting Yi Luoxiang's slender body, Xin Yun murmured: "Don't be afraid, the bad guys have been beaten to death by me, so don't be afraid of them anymore, as long as I'm here, no one will try to hurt you. "

Time and time again, gently patted Yi Luoxiang's back, softly comforting each other, Xin Yun didn't know what to say, just repeated these words over and over again, at this moment, he only hoped that Yi Luoxiang was able to recover quickly, but she didn't realize that Yi Luoxiang was at the most vulnerable time in her life at this moment. Such an approach was simply naked hypnosis!

However, no matter what, under Xin Yun's comfort over and over again, Yi Luoxiang gradually slowed down her body, no longer stretched her body so tightly, leaned gently on Xin Yun's arms, and gradually fell asleep past.

Looking at the thin and slender person in his arms, looking at her beautiful and delicate face, Xin Yun couldn't help sighing. Although he was reborn, there are many things that cannot be trusted in memory. His appearance has caused many things to happen. Change, the so-called butterfly effect, is nothing more than that.

Obviously, compared with what I remember, everything has changed now, and this is just the beginning. As time goes by, this change will become more and more, and it will become bigger and bigger. If blind superstition and If you remember the past, you will suffer a lot in the future.

Fortunately, reality has taught him a deep enough lesson that he will not be so careless anymore. Of course, he should learn from past experience, but he cannot be superstitious. No matter when and where, he must be vigilant enough!

While Xin Yun was thinking, Yi Luoxiang frowned tightly in Xin Yun's arms. In fact... Although she was very smart at first, she was not the perverted genius she was later on. It is said that the miracle of Yiluoxiang started from this blood drinking incident!

Just think about it, how can a child of seven and a half years bear it when faced with such a thing today? When the terror reaches the limit, they either collapse or make a breakthrough. Obviously, the two girls collapsed and perished, but Yiluoxiang broke through. It was this incident that made Yiluoxiang a super genius! Today's gains are directly reflected in future talents. If everything is really avoided, then Yi Luoxiang will never reach the height of the previous life, and it will even be far away!