X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 80: tenfold profit


Not only does she look cold, in fact... Yan Qingyao's personality is also very cold. Xin Yun has never seen or heard of her smiling, especially when her black and white eyes are staring at her, she is radiant. So-and-so was chilling from the back of his neck.

In fact, women are difficult to evaluate. Yi Luoxiang's beauty can be described as perfect, no matter where it is, it is so perfect that no one can pick out the slightest fault. The name of a beautiful woman was crowned on her head.

There are so many women, and there are so many beautiful ones. It's hard to say who is more beautiful, or who is less beautiful. It's just that the taste is different, the feeling is different, and the type is different. Different beauty, but the same charming, this is a woman.

Relatively speaking, the reason why Yan Qingying can't compare with Yi Luoxiang has little to do with her own appearance, but mainly because her dragon has drawn too many negative points for her. Speaking of which, her dragon is indeed a bit colder.

Yi Luoxiang is perfect, not only a human being, but a dragon is even more beautiful, and Yan Qingying is beautiful, absolutely no worse than Yi Luoxiang, just a different type, but her dragon is—a phantom spider!

In terms of shape, compared with ordinary spiders, phantom spiders have an extra pair of soft wings on the back, and their bodies are not as round as ordinary spiders, but very streamlined and flat. On both sides of the linear body are eight long legs.

The biggest feature of the phantom spider should be the head. Unlike ordinary spiders, the head of the phantom spider does not have dragon horns. Where the horns should be, there are three crown-shaped protrusions. Below, a throne was naturally formed!

The armrests, backrest, seat, and the protrusions of the three crowns behind her, together with the spider, gave people a more terrifying impression, and she came from the dragon clan, so she had the title of Queen of the Devil.

This woman gave Xin Yun only one word - cool! For other dragons, the driver is generally behind the dragon horns. With the protection of the dragon horns, it is safer after all, and does not have to face the enemy's attack directly. This is the choice of almost all dragon warriors in the world.

But Yan Qingying is different. Her throne is at the front. If the Phantom Spider is compared to one or two trucks, then Yan Qingying is sitting on the front windshield of the driver's cab, and the huge car is behind him. As for the front of the body, except for the front of the car sticking out from under the feet, there is nothing to cover it.

However, don't think that she is standing in a dangerous position. In fact, I don't know how safe it is. The phantom spider is called the phantom spider because it can create phantoms. If you really attack her, it won't hurt anything at all. In fact... not only Yan Qingying, but even the whole spider is just a phantom.

Demons have always been synonymous with weirdness, and so is Yan Qingying, who looks real, but is actually a phantom of nothingness, but if you really think she is a phantom of nothingness, she can launch a deadly attack. Whether it is illusion or reality, except for Yan Qingying herself, I am afraid that no one can know.

In the last life, there were many people who thought about her, and they all wanted to break the phantom and find her real body, but there were many people who worked hard to do it, but none of them could really break the phantom, otherwise, she would not be able to find her. It may be one of the nine masters, what are the nine masters! In addition to possessing unrivaled power, the most fundamental one is that it cannot be defeated.

Apart from the relatively cold appearance of the dragon, Yan Qingying is similar to Yi Luoxiang's most beautiful dragon. Yan Qingying's dragon has the nickname of the Cruel Dragon. What kind of attack does it have to be called cruel

If we only compare people, Yan is light and glamorous, and Yiluo is fragrant and glamorous. They are both top-notch beauties, regardless of victory or defeat. In fact, if we simply compare them in this way, there are too many women in this world who can be compared with them , can be described by countless numbers, but if you count dragons, Yi Luoxiang is the most beautiful dragon incomparably!

After arriving in Misty City, Xin Yun and the two found an inn to live in. As for the goods in hand, they are not in a hurry to sell them. The day when Yan Qingying appeared was the annual trading event, and that was the best time. Only when you have the right timing can you sell at a good price, and not only that, at this trading event, you can also buy a lot of goods, and you can make a lot of money if you ship them out.

Some people may ask, how could it be such a coincidence? The last time I caught up with the Yibao Conference, this time I caught up with the Piao Miao Trading Fair, too coincidental, right

In fact, this is not a coincidence at all. The first Yibao Conference was known to Xin Yun through the memory of his rebirth. At that time, he didn’t even care about whether Yi Luoxiang, who had just recovered from a serious illness, could persist, and rushed all the way to the Yibao Conference. Yes, this is no coincidence.

As for this time, it is also a coincidence, you know... Yan Qingying is auctioned this year, since it has been decided to auction this year, it will naturally be in time for the Piao Miao trading event, and it cannot be sold at other times. .

There are quite a few girls from the Demon Dragon Clan this time, over a hundred of them, all of whom were eliminated, unable to summon dragons, or the summoned dragons were too weak, very beautiful girls.

If I remember correctly, Yan Qingying is older than Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang. She should be about nine and a half years old now, but she has never summoned her own dragon. It will be sold in this Misty Trading Fair.

But it is very ironic that half a year after the Demon Dragon Clan sold Yan Qingying, that is, when Yan Qingying was ten years old, somehow, she summoned her own dragon, and one move was Bronze ten stars!

Legend, that's right... Yan Qingying's experience was very bumpy, but it was also very legendary. She couldn't summon her own dragon when she was eight years old, and she couldn't summon her own dragon when she was nine years old. It is the existence ranked seventh among the nine masters, which is too legendary.

Before the start of the Piao Miao trading event, Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang didn't go anywhere. They stayed in the inn to condense energy together. Talent had to stop.

This time, Xin Yun did not pursue too much profit, and only sold it at ten times the price. Some people may think that the price is too high, but in fact it is not high at all.

The place of origin of the Chuanglong Stone is relatively remote, and it is half a year away from here, and the so-called half a year's journey refers to the half a year that Xin Yun kept at full speed at the speed of Yinglong.

Although we all know that the profit of Dragon Stone is very high, but as I said before, unless it is a business group above the crystal level and above ten people, it is possible to safely cross this route, and it is very dangerous, and the possibility of group destruction cannot be ruled out .

In terms of speed alone, Xin Yun is now much faster than in the heyday of the last life, and in the last life, Xin Yun was a diamond-level master!

In other words, if it is an ordinary crystal-level business group, its speed is more than twice as slow as that of Xin Yun, and its continuous flight ability is also more than twice as bad. It will take more than three years to get here. Just imagine, with a crystal-level master, plus the inevitable loss of personnel, and three years, how much will this cost! Ten times the profit is a big fire sale.

Taking the Silk Road in ancient China as an example, a piece of silk can be transported out for a year's journey, and the profit can be obtained up to a hundred times. In comparison, ten times seems very sparse.

In fact, most of the Dragon Stones are sold in the form of relay. Businessman A transports the Dragon Stone from City A to City B, and then Businessman B transports the Dragon Stone from City B to City C... After all the tossing, when When Chuanglongshi arrived in Misty City, ten times the price was called wholesale!

It's not that Xin Yun doesn't want to sell more money, but at the same time as the grand event, the auction will start, and Xin Yun has no time to dawdle here. If Yan Qingying is bought away, no one will cry. If the money is gone, you can earn more, but if Yan Qingying is gone, then there is nowhere to find such a powerful existence.

Therefore, as soon as he arrived at the market, Xin Yun sold all the Dragon Creation Stones at the wholesale price. It only took more than an hour to change the funds in his hands from 10 million to 100 million! Then... Xin Yun took all the gold tickets, accompanied by Yi Luoxiang, and walked quickly towards the auction house.