X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 84: Go see Mingxuan


Among the clouds, the mist is misty, just like a fairyland, above the dragon, behind the horns, Xin Yun is half lying on the reclining chair that must be made, and on his left side, Yi Luoxiang is half lying and half leaning on his arms. Li, half-closed his eyes, his face was full of joy.

Recently, Xin Yun did not alienate Yi Luoxiang because of Yan Qingying's joining, but became closer. As for Yan Qingying, although Xin Yun was very polite and respectful, and did not treat her as a servant at all, but It is also because of this that it seems a bit raw.

What made Yi Luoxiang most happy was that although Yan Qingying was very beautiful, Xin Yun's thoughts were clearly on her, and he didn't take the opportunity to take advantage of Yan Qingying. While respecting Yan Qingying, she respected Yi Luoxiang and Xin Yun herself even more.

At this moment... Yan Qingying is leaning on Xin Yun's right side, her body is lightly leaning against Xin Yun, and her arms are gently holding Xin Yun's arms in her arms. After all, it is her first time riding a dragon, and she is still very unfamiliar. Now she is flying. And so high, for fear of falling. As the driver, Xin Yun must sit in the middle position, and it is impossible to stagger the positions.

For Xin Yun, Yan Qingying felt very weird. From Yan Qingying's point of view, although Xin Yun looked like a child on the surface, in fact, Xin Yun gave him a deeper feeling than those adults.

What makes Yan Qingying secretly happy is that Xin Yun respects her very much, and it can even be described as respect. No matter what time it is, she always cares about her opinion and her feelings. What does she feel in front of Xin Yun? What is called dignity, what is called freedom.

Although she still doesn't know what will be waiting for her in the future, but to have a master who is about her own age and respects her very much is undoubtedly very worthy of celebration and joy. Yan Qingying knows that to be able to obtain such a A good master is her blessing, and she must cherish it.

In the following time, Xin Yun hurried all the way, and finally arrived in Shanhai City two months later, but he was not in a hurry to submit an application for admission to Doulong Academy. Crystal stores were established.

Everything went very smoothly. Xin Yun rented a store at a high price in front of the main entrance of Doulong Academy. Although the rent was high, for a store with high demand like Longjing, the rent was nothing more than a trivial matter. .

After the store was built, Xin Yun set off again, took the two girls, and rushed towards the west of Shanhai City. It took three days to arrive at Mingxuan's hometown—Shanshui City.

Although there is only one word difference between Shanhai City and Shanhai City, Shanhai City is a huge city with a population of tens of millions, while Shanshui City is just a small city with a population of less than one million.

In fact, Shanshui City can only be regarded as Mingxuan's second hometown. Before he was eight years old, he actually lived in the countryside. It was for Mingxuan to study and to take care of Mingxuan, so he moved here.

For the three idols of the previous life, Xin Yun knows Mingxuan best. There are two reasons. Because this guy is the only male among the three idols!

In his previous life, Xin Yun had also been to this city several times, and almost every time he came, he had to visit Mingxuan's former residence and the Doulong Academy—Shanshui Academy where he once studied! He even spent a little money to visit his former classroom.

Therefore, as soon as Xin Yun arrived in Shanshui City, he immediately brought the two girls to Mingxuan's former residence, oh... no! It should be said that he rushed to the place where he lives now.

Compared with the previous life, this small town with mountains and rivers has merged greatly and lagged behind a lot, but that only refers to the main street. As for the area where Mingxuan lives, it is basically the same as the previous life, except that the buildings seem to be able to some new.

When Xin Yun walked to the dark and damp alley between a place and the second floor, he subconsciously stopped.

When I came here in the last life, although it was very simple, it didn't seem so dirty and dark, and the ground was not so muddy, but paved with bluestone roads, but now, how could it be...

Looking carefully, the alley is very narrow, only two people wide, dark and damp, the roots of the building walls on both sides are covered with green moss, the drainage in the building just flows across the road, and flows towards the ditch not far away. The road surface of the whole alley is muddy.

Probably for the convenience of walking, the muddy road is paved with a few stones found from other places, but it can barely walk, but... the smell of the mixed sewage and rotten mud makes people want to walk. Vomit.

Frowning, such a bad environment can't make Xin Yun flinch, he has never been a delicate person, although the environment here is very bad, but he doesn't know how many times he has experienced worse environments than this.

He intended to let the two girls wait outside the alley, but Xin Yun didn't dare, you know... Whether it's Yi Luoxiang or Yan Qingying, they are just children under ten years old, just standing here like this, If you encounter bad people, the consequences will be unimaginable.

Xin Yun took the two girls and walked carefully towards the alley, stepping on stepping stones cautiously. After walking for a few minutes, the three of them finally arrived in front of a dilapidated house.

The house is very dilapidated, although it can't be said that it is exposed to the wind everywhere, but it is obviously in disrepair, especially the thatch on the roof, which is very sparse. If it rains, there will definitely be dew and rain inside.

This house originally had windows, but now, the windows have been nailed with wooden boards. On the front of the house, a crooked wooden door with a large gap barely covers the door. Through the gap, you can see the furnishings in the house.

Gently leaning on the door, through the huge gap, Xin Yun looked into the room, as far as he could see, the room was not big and there was no gap.

Leaning against the corner is an old wooden bed. The two sides of the wooden bed are against the wall, one side is facing the door, and the last side is leaning against a dining table with only three legs. Stacked together to withstand.

In front of the dining table are two dilapidated stools, but they are still intact and solid. On the other side of the dining table is a simple stove, and then to the side, a curtain is hung, and there are several buckets beside it, obviously for A place to bathe.

Other than that, the whole room was empty and there was nothing there. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help but secretly sighed. In this way, the two girls have been sleeping in the same bed! No wonder this kid has an Oedipus plot. To some extent, this is also caused by the environment.

"You... you guys!" Just as Xin Yun was lying on the door watching eagerly, a weak voice came from behind.

He straightened up suddenly, and when he followed the sound, he saw a slender, pale, but very delicate young woman, who was holding a bucket of water, looking towards this side in surprise.

Looking carefully, the young woman looked only in her early twenties, with a slender figure, but with a slender curve. Although her complexion was a little pale, her temperament was very outstanding, giving people a feeling of weakness.

Although Xin Yun had never met Mingxuan's mother in the previous life, but after seeing this young woman, Xin Yun immediately confirmed that this woman was Mingxuan's mother! Obviously, Mingxuan's appearance is like his mother's.

Looking at the little woman in front of him with admiration, it's no wonder that Mingxuan in the previous life was so obsessed with his mother. Although this little woman is not an extremely beautiful woman, she feels so comfortable, very well-behaved, and very docile. This kind of woman is enough to satisfy any man's desire for protection. When people see her, they will not be willing to let her suffer any harm.