X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 9: Depend on each other


Looking at Yi Luoxiang who fell asleep in his arms, Xin Yun let out a long breath, although he really wanted to hold her gently like this forever, but the fact did not allow him to do so.

After gently placing Yi Luoxiang against the well wall, Xin Yun stood up, dragged the bodies of the four boys to the opposite well wall one by one, and then began to take off the clothes of these guys.

Maybe a bit cruel, but in order to survive, Xin Yun has no other way, not to mention... these four guys have committed too many crimes, and now it's time for them to pay back.

Soon, the four guys were stripped to only their trousers. Xin Yun piled up the four corpses against the wall of the well, and then pasted a lot of mud on the outside, forming a two-meter-long, one-meter-wide There is no material in the well, so Xin Yun took the corpses of these four guys as bricks and wood, and built a soil bed for Yi Luoxiang.

When the soil bed was piled up, it was already noon, and the sun was hanging high at the mouth of the well. , Yiluoxiang can have a comfortable resting place that is never wet or muddy.

Taking advantage of the light, Xin Yun sorted out various objects, including two gold, four silver and six padlocks. In the previous life, facing so many corpses, Xin Yun must have been too scared to move. After living, the current Xin Yun is no longer afraid of anything, and he is more able to think about the future.

Now that he has been reborn, Xin Yun will no longer be able to follow other people's arrangement to work as a child laborer for a wealthy family like in his previous life after he escaped from trouble. Instead, he has to leave by himself. Since he has made this decision, he must have money! The so-called money travels all over the world, but without money it is difficult to move an inch, even a penny can stump a hero!

From the bodies of the four dead boys and two girls, Xin Yun collected a total of six longevity cards. The so-called longevity cards are similar to the longevity locks on the earth, but it is a rectangular card. Made of gold or pure silver, the surface is carved with magnificent patterns, and several pure gold bells are hung below, which is what every child should wear.

Of course, according to different family backgrounds, the longevity medals worn are also different. Wealthy families wear gold medals, while ordinary families generally wear silver medals, and they are also gold medals, with different sizes and weights, depending on the family situation. Variety.

Among the six longevity plaques, the two gold medals are one large and one small, the big one is the size of a cigarette case, and it is heavy to hold in the hand, with six golden bells hanging from it. Although they are not too thick, they are absolutely valuable! As for the small one, although it cannot be compared with the big one, it is also the size of a matchbox.

Apart from the six longevity tokens, Xin Yun has nothing else to gain. After all, they are all children, and it is impossible to carry any valuables on them. Apart from the longevity tokens that must be worn, there is nothing else that can be gained by Xin Yun. My eyesight is gone.

After wrapping the six gold medals in cloth and putting them firmly in his arms, Xin Yun stood up. At this time... the sun had already left the mouth of the well, and the soil bed that Xin Yun built was almost dry. Didn't do it all, but it's something that can't be helped.

The clothes of the four boys were carefully laid out on the soil bed, and then... Xin Yun frowned. Although he was only a child, Xin Yun still didn't want Yi Luoxiang to lie directly on the ground that the four guys passed through. If you want to lie down on the clothes, you have to lie down on him too, hehe...

Xin Yun took off his coat and carefully laid it on the top of the soil bed. Finally... a comfortable soil bed was officially born!

After casually putting on a boy's clothes, Xin Yun walked across, carried Yi Luoxiang onto the soil bed, carefully placed her head on the deliberately piled up soil pillow, looked at Yi Luoxiang's fluttering red With a small face and a sweet sleeping face, Xin Yun finally laughed.

As for the corpses of the two girls, except for taking off the longevity cards, Xin Yun did not move anything else, and buried them carefully, they were already unfortunate enough, Xin Yun did not want them to be in peace after death.

After busying with everything, Xin Yun was also tired, sitting on the edge of the soil bed, looking at the sleeping Yi Luoxiang obsessively, the scene that only appeared in a dream, has actually come true now.

While appreciating greedily, Xin Yun suddenly felt something was wrong! Over the past few days, Yi Luoxiang has really suffered a lot, and she is already emaciated, but now, her little face is flushed, this...

Carefully stretched out her hand, and gently placed the back of her hand on Yi Luoxiang's forehead... Damn it! Yi Luoxiang has a fever! My head was burning hot.

Under the current situation, in such a harsh environment, once a frail child gets sick, he will almost certainly die young. You know... they have to stay in the well for at least ten days before they can get out. Can you really survive ten days under these conditions

After frantically walking back and forth for a few times, Xin Yun suddenly remembered something, grabbed a piece of cloth, wrapped a piece of wet mud, and put it on Yi Luoxiang's forehead to help her lower the temperature of her body.

The cold mud bag seemed to have some effect, and slowly... Yi Luoxiang opened her eyes, looked at Xin Yun in pain and said, "I'm so uncomfortable, help me..."

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's pain, Xin Yun's heart ached so badly, he sat on the bed and hugged Yi Luoxiang's upper body, Xin Yun encouraged: "You must hold on, I know... Yi Luoxiang is the best , this little ailment cannot defeat you!"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang pursed her dry lips, stared at Xin Yun for a while, then stretched out her arms, and hugged Xin Yun's waist tightly, hugging her tightly.

Feeling Yi Luoxiang's trembling body, Xin Yun knew that she still hadn't woken up from the nightmare, but... she couldn't care about these things now, and now Yi Luoxiang was sick, although there was no medicine here to treat her, but she must Let her eat something. Only with sufficient nutrition can she overcome the serious illness.

Xin Yun took a piece of moist, emerald green moss that was prepared just now, put it gently near Yi Luoxiang's mouth and said: "Come, eat something, the disease will recover quickly only when the stomach is full. "

Seeing the emerald green moss in Xin Yun's hand, Yi Luoxiang couldn't help but glanced at Xin Yun gratefully, then gently opened her small red mouth, took the piece of moss into her mouth, and began to chew weakly.

The moss has been wrapped by Xin Yun with cloth and buried in the mud, so it is very moist and very fresh. Although it is a bit bitter at first, after chewing for a while, an indescribable sweetness will emerge from under the tongue , delicious.

Of course, not all mosses are like this. There are probably tens of thousands of species of mosses in the world, and some mosses are even more poisonous. Only the mosses here have this characteristic.

In the previous life, after leaving the well, Xin Yun had found a lot of moss, but he never saw such moss again. In order to remember the bitterness and sweetness, Xin Yun even went back here to collect a few times, in order to Relive the feeling of the day.

Soon, Yi Luoxiang chewed the piece of moss thoroughly, and swallowed it reluctantly, but soon, Xin Yun handed over the second piece of moss.

Yi Luoxiang shook her head and said, "Don't just give it to me, you can too..."

Xin Yun sighed in admiration, and while putting the moss into Yi Luoxiang's mouth, he shook his head and said, "You don't have to worry about me, just eat it."

Putting the second piece of moss into her mouth, Yi Luoxiang looked deeply at Xin Yun and said, "I will remember it, in the future... I will definitely return it to you twice."

Xin Yun smiled and stretched out his hand. While looking at Yi Luoxiang, he gently stroked her hair. In fact, he also wanted to eat, even very hungry, but there were really not many mosses, especially now that Yi Luoxiang was still there. If she is sick, she must be satisfied first. Once the food is not available, Yi Luoxiang's illness may worsen.