X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 95: Purple stegosaurus


"Boom... Boom... Boom..." Amidst the violent roar, the second round of bombing began soon. Although Xin Yun had tried his best to avoid it, but unfortunately, the impact of the main body could be avoided, but the impact of the sword energy was too dense It's gone, and it's irregular and overwhelming.

After two bombings, Xin Yun only had less than 30% of the energy left in his body, but when he looked towards Taniguchi, there was still a distance, and he gritted his teeth fiercely. If not, I am afraid that the next bombing will be the time for him to die.

Just as he was thinking, hundreds of stegosaurus jumped up from the rock again in the direction behind him, made a U-turn in the air, and chased Xin Yun again amidst the gushing air.

Hearing the sound of piercing the air getting closer and closer behind him, Xin Yun gritted his teeth fiercely, he could no longer dodge in such a random way, although this kind of irregular dodging would avoid 70% of the attacks, but in his current state, he absolutely insisted past.

Irregular evasion is an advanced evasion technique. Dodging randomly is completely irregular. It is one of the evasion techniques that must be mastered in air combat. However, this technique can evade purposeful attacks, but it cannot Avoid dense shooting.

With a sudden movement in his heart, Xin Yun drove Yinglong, turned around in an instant, and leaned towards the mountain wall. At the same time, hundreds of Stegosaurus began their third dive bombing.

Hearing the whistling sound that was approaching, Xin Yun gritted his teeth fiercely, and Ying Long made a turning point in an instant, and quickly reached the angle between the mountain wall and the ground, then spread his wings, and with all his strength, shot like a hurricane. go out.

Until now, except for long-distance straight-line flight, Xin Yun doesn't use wings most of the time, and only uses the dragon's swimming to fly. It's not that he doesn't want to use it, but he can't control it. , under the full blow, I am afraid there will be problems that cannot be controlled.

So far, except for long-distance flying and starting acceleration, Yinglong's wings are always closed, which is why Xin Yun must go to Doulong Academy. If he can use these wings flexibly, these Stegosaurus might not be a problem at all.

Sure enough, Xin Yun's move was well calculated, because he avoided the angle, so the space left for those stegosaurus was much less immediately, especially since the mountain wall was not straight, many stegosaurus could not even control it. He bumped his head against the mountain wall.

But even though relying on the mountain wall to block the Stegosaurus' third round of bombing at the critical moment, there was only a trace of energy left in Xin Yun's Dragon Ball, and fortunately Taniguchi was right in front of him at this moment.

Driving the stegosaurus, Xin Yun rushed out at full speed. At the same time, hundreds of stegosaurus behind him slowed down reluctantly in the air. Wild creatures are like this. They have a sense of territory. Under normal circumstances, they will not chase beyond the boundary , It is precisely because of this that Xin Yun dared to come to capture Stegosaurus.

Yi Luoxiang saw everything that happened in the valley, and she knew something about Xin Yun's situation. Seeing Xin Yun rushing out of the valley in embarrassment, Yi Luoxiang's eyes instantly became red, this man, I really don't know what to say to him. He risked his life to come here so that she would not be bullied.

Taking a strong breath, Yi Luoxiang put her hands together in front of her chest, with incomparable touch and gratitude, she began to chant piously, in order not to waste Xin Yun's heart, in order not to let Xin Yun's efforts go to waste, in order for Xin Yun not to waste her time. Take another risk for her, she must succeed once!

Accompanied by Yi Luoxiang's pious chanting, the next moment... the pair of hammer-shaped tentacles of Morpho Butterfly gradually lit up, and a shadowless and invisible soul chain was shot out in an instant, accurately fixed on the body of a stegosaurus superior.

The moment it was connected by the soul chain, the stegosaurus gave a sharp pause, then trembled instantly, turned around the sword body, and with a whistling sound, it jumped into the valley in an instant.

Failed... That's right, this stegosaurus is not that easy to control. Although Xin Yun worked hard and Yi Luoxiang had exerted all his strength, he still failed.

Keeping Xin Yun's advice in mind, Yi Luoxiang didn't continue to test, and immediately turned Morpho, and retreated away from Taniguchi at full speed, almost as soon as Yi Luoxiang's figure left, the next moment... Countless sword qi knocked her The place where I stood just now is covered.

Seeing this scene, Yi Luoxiang couldn't help being startled. Fortunately...she obeyed Xin Yun's advice, otherwise, if she wanted to try to control it again, she would be a corpse now.

After wandering outside the mouth of the valley for a few weeks, all the stegosauruses turned their heads and rushed back into the valley. At the same time, Xin Yun finally came back from a distance and looked at Yi Luoxiang expectantly.

Facing Xin Yun's questioning eyes, although Yi Luoxiang wanted to tell him that he had succeeded, but helplessly, that stegosaurus was too cunning, as soon as he tried to control it, that guy turned around and ran away instantly, without a chance give her.

Looking at the helpless Xin Yun, Yi Luoxiang opened her mouth. She really wanted to tell Xin Yun that this Stegosaurus is not a must, if it is not possible, then go back and catch a death salon. She really doesn't want Xin Yun No more adventures for her, especially in the great danger of death at any moment.

However, Xin Yun didn't give him a chance to refuse at all. Seeing Yi Luoxiang's disappointed face, he smiled and said: "It's okay, this is normal, let's take a rest, and when my energy recovers, let's come again, don't grab me." If there is only one, we will never leave!"

Seeing Xin Yun's determined look, Yi Luoxiang finally couldn't hold it anymore, and begged: "Let's not get rid of this stegosaurus? Really, let's go back and catch another death salon, I really can't Watching you take risks for me again..."

Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun chuckled, and said boldly: "That's not possible, in my eyes, you are the best, so... only the best is worthy of you, this Emperor Stegosaurus I am I must help you catch one!"

"You!" Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang looked at Xin Yun speechlessly, she didn't understand... she didn't understand at all, what was so good about her, so good that Xin Yun was so obsessed.

Appearance? If it's the appearance, then Xin Yun should love Yan Qingying, that girl is much more beautiful than her, if it's not the appearance, could it be... Is his inner being really so attractive? But if it's true, why doesn't it have any appeal to other people

The more she got in touch with Xin Yun, the better Xin Yun treated her. At the same time, the more confused she became, even with her IQ, she couldn't understand the reason at all.

In the next week, the two spent time at the mouth of the valley. Xin Yun rushed into the valley again and again, and Yi Luoxiang also failed again and again. After a week, Xin Yun's body had been scratched by the sword energy. There were more than a dozen wounds, but Xin Yun kept clenching his teeth and never groaned.

In the form of driving, a person stands on the dragon, so it is not in a state of being invulnerable. After a week, Xin Yun survived several times, and the blazing sword energy left more than a dozen wounds on his body. Four of them were even more bone-deep, and almost tore Xin Yun into pieces.

But after a week of hard work, those sword dragons still didn't give face. Yi Luoxiang even thought that this kind of dragon was uncontrollable, but Xin Yun stubbornly believed that as long as it is a dragon, as long as it has a soul, it can be controlled .

Seeing the increasing wounds on Xin Yun's body day by day, Yi Luoxiang hardly stopped crying, but she didn't want to refuse any request from Xin Yun, even if the request was for her own good, even if the request was to bet on Xin Yun's life .

Sigh... Amidst the sharp piercing sound, Xin Yun led a group of Stegosaurus out of the valley for the nth time. Looking at the swarming group of Stegosaurus and Xin Yun who had another wound on his body, he still Luo Xiang only felt that her heart was bleeding, and she was about to pass out from the pain.

Stretching out her hands tremblingly, Yi Luoxiang fixed her eyes on those stegosauruses who were chasing and hurting Xin Yun, her voice was no longer gentle, her mood was no longer pious, she clenched her teeth, Yi Luoxiang became cold He chanted: "I am your king, you must obey my orders, and you must not defy them!"

Accompanied by Yi Luoxiang's voice, among the stegosaurus group, a purple figure suddenly stopped, its body trembling violently, but the strange thing is, this stegosaurus did not return to the valley with his companions, Instead, it stayed in mid-air trembling.

Feeling the trembling of the Stegosaurus, Yi Luoxiang's heart suddenly moved, it was struggling! It wanted to run away, but it didn't dare to run away! Could it be that... control does not have to rely on persuasion, but can also be suppressed and enslaved by force

With a heartbeat, Yi Luoxiang bit the tip of her tongue fiercely, spurting a mouthful of blood, stimulated by the severe pain, Yi Luoxiang pushed her soul power to the limit, and said angrily: "From now on, you are my slave, You must obey my orders, and if you dare to disobey, your soul will be blown away!"

Accompanied by Yi Luoxiang's deep voice, the next moment... that mouthful of bright red blood fell on the pair of hammer-shaped tentacles. shined up.

At the moment when the purple-red light shone, Yi Luoxiang instantly felt the frightening soul of the Stegosaurus. Overjoyed, Yiluoxiang had no time to think, and concentrated all her soul power, roaring towards the soul of the Stegosaurus. Launched the strongest impact.

"Boom!" In an instant, the pair of hammer-shaped tentacles of Morpho Butterfly lit up brilliantly. At the same time, a violent roar sounded in Yi Luoxiang's mind. Amidst the roar, Yi Luoxiang's soul With such a powerful force, it instantly swept across the sea of consciousness of the Stegosaurus, completely blowing up all resisting consciousness into ashes.

Not only that, where Yiluoxiang's soul swept, accompanied by the strong flash of the hammer-shaped tentacles, the brand of slavery was deeply planted on the soul of Stegosaurus!

That's right, some creatures can be influenced by warmth, such as dogs and cats, while some creatures cannot be influenced no matter what. The only way is to forcibly enslave them.

Finally, Yi Luoxiang slowly opened her eyes, and looked around, about ten meters in front of her, a stegosaurus with a height of more than three meters and a width of about one meter, with a lavender body, was standing in front of her, emitting With a purple light wave. One after another inexplicable soul fluctuations were continuously transmitted from Stegosaurus' body.

Opening her small red mouth in amazement, Yi Luoxiang felt really weird. Although she didn't know why, she knew that this was no longer soul control!

Soul control is a bit like keeping a pet. As long as you give a command, the pet will do it obediently. For example, if you let a puppy roll, it will roll.

But now the feeling is completely different, the hearts of Yi Luoxiang and the Stegosaurus are actually connected, there is a feeling like an arm and a finger, there is no need to give orders, Yiluoxiang will move, and the Stegosaurus will move, is it true? … Is it soul slavery

If it is said that soul control allows Yi Luoxiang to have an extra pet, then the existence of this suspected soul slavery means that Yi Luoxiang has an extra puppet, yes, it is a puppet!

If it is a pet, of course it will obey Yi Luoxiang's orders, but the specific process is not under Yi Luoxiang's control. How to run, what route to run, and how fast to run are all determined by the pet itself.

The enslaved puppets are different, everything will change with Yi Luoxiang's thoughts, and Yi Luoxiang's thoughts will instantly transform into the actions of a stegosaurus, which is far beyond what pets can compare.

When he was looking at the majestic and mighty Stegosaurus in front of him in surprise, Xin Yun turned around and rushed back. From a distance... Xin Yun said excitedly: "How is it! Did you succeed this time? Is this your trophy!"

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang swallowed hard, turned to look at Xin Yun and said, "I don't know the specific situation, but I feel that it is not the same as soul control!"

"What! You mean..." Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun asked worriedly.

Seeing Xin Yun's worried expression, Yi Luoxiang smiled sweetly and said, "It's not what you think, I have completely controlled this stegosaurus, but the form between us seems to go further than soul control, and you Soul enslavement once described is very similar!"

"Damn!" Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, Xin Yun couldn't help being dumbfounded, how is this possible! Bronze five-star has mastered soul slavery, which still makes people alive! Could it be that... the ninth-rank Dragon Creation Stone is stronger than the ninth-rank one

Shaking his head vigorously, Xin Yun immediately ruled out this absurd idea. The reason why Yi Luoxiang has improved so fast is the result of the combination of her own aptitude, talent, wisdom, and the ability to create a dragon stone. Although the Dragon Creation Stone is of a higher grade, it is obvious that Xin Yun is very ordinary in terms of aptitude, talent, and wisdom, and it can even be said to be mediocre! They came and went, so they were compared instead.

In the previous life, although Xin Yun was very powerful and made rapid progress, firstly, the dragon stone he used was not of high grade, so he improved very quickly. The masters who got up couldn't be compared with those top masters at all, let alone the level of the nine masters.

The so-called watching the sky from a well, in the last life, Xin Yun did not know how the nine masters cultivated, let alone how fast they cultivated. Anyway, even if Xin Yun used the dragon crystal madly all the way, he was still far away from others. In the back, that's what it is.

But now, in Yi Luoxiang's body, Xin Yun finally understands what a genius is, and finally knows what a genius's speed is, which is simply a geometric progression.

Through Yi Luoxiang's description, Xin Yun quickly confirmed that it was absolutely right. Yi Luoxiang had completely enslaved this sword dragon. If this were the case, even if the sword dragon was defeated, it would not just disappear , although Yi Luoxiang will inevitably suffer from soul damage, but as long as she rests for a while, Stegosaurus will recover again!

Through Yi Luoxiang's explanation, Xin Yun roughly understood that the purple stegosaurus can only shoot a lavender sword aura at present, other than that, it is the impact of the stegosaurus itself, although it seems very simple, But it is practical and comprehensive.

The impact of the body at close range, the shooting of sword energy at medium and long distances, coupled with super strong physical defense, and abnormal energy defense, this is the Emperor Stegosaurus controlled by the number one master in the previous life!

There are only two forms of wild dragons, one is the form of a dragon, and the other is the form of a dragon ball. Under Yi Luoxiang's order, the stegosaurus shrinks rapidly, disintegrates and dissipates layer by layer, and soon condenses into a lavender star. , soybean-sized dragon balls.

Looking at the dragon ball in her hand, Yi Luo smiled sweetly. With this Emperor Stegosaurus, as long as she practiced a little, she would no longer have to worry that someone would bully her. Not only that, once someone tried to bully Xin Yun If it's not good, she finally has the power to help Xin Yun!