X- Epoch of the Dragon

Chapter 99: so selected


"Crackling..." Clenching his fist tightly, Xin Yun gritted his teeth and waited. At the same time, the thick male voice said loudly: "Tester No. 6, talent 66, aptitude 66, potential 66."

"I'm falling..." Hearing this, Xin Yun's vision went dark, and he almost fell to the ground. What the hell is this? Play Liuliu Dashun and return it!

Although the numbers seem to be very good, it can be said to be auspicious, there are a total of six six, but the results of the second round of selection are the sum of the three items, and only the top 100 will be admitted.

I don't know anything else, but in this round alone, Xin Yun was the lowest, and none of the others had the lowest item lower than 75. On the other hand, Xin Yun's lowest and highest were both 66, how could he pass the test!

While Xin Yun was in a state of despair, the thick male voice said: "Okay, everyone, according to your own number, come here to get your own form, and at the same time announce the admission of the next round of testers."

Hearing this, Xin Yun had a bitter expression on his face, and walked to the scoring platform. At the same time, the ten wooden doors of the test opened again, and ten people who participated in the next round of tests walked in, including Xin Yun Yi Luoxiang behind her.

After filling in his name and contact information on the form in despair, Xin Yun casually handed the form back, but he was not in a hurry to leave. He really wanted to know, the super genius in the previous life, the most beautiful dragon——Shan How amazing is Dieyi Luoxiang's test results!

This so-called test has a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 100. With Xin Yun's test result, he just passed, only six points higher than the passing line. It may not be a big problem if it is an ordinary college, but for Doulong College For such an existence, this is simply a joke.

While thinking about it, the test began, and the strong male voice tirelessly reported the test results of one selector after another. To Xin Yun's despair, it was still the same as the previous round, and there was still no low score of 75.

After resting for ten seconds, finally... the second half of this round of testing began. Like Xin Yun, Yi Luoxiang also ranked sixth. At this moment... this girl is clenching her fists nervously, her eyes Tightly closed, with a cute expression that dare not listen, but insists on listening.

"Wow!" While both Yi Luoxiang and Xin Yun were secretly nervous and anticipating, the strong male voice let out an exclamation, his tone was no longer so calm, and tremblingly said: "God! I'm not dazzled, am I?" ! Or did the test go wrong? How could there be such a test report card!"

As soon as the thick male voice finished speaking, a seductive voice on top of the fox dragon said coldly: "Why, are you doubting my ability?"

"Uh..." Hearing this voice, the guy with the rich voice couldn't help but pause, and then hurriedly said in panic: "This...Master Meiwu, I didn't question your meaning, you know, this report card It's amazing, it's unbelievable...”

"Huh!" With a cold snort, the fox dragon driver named Meiwu said coldly: "I also know that this report card is amazing, but it is precisely because of this that I am extra careful. This report card is Absolutely can't go wrong, I don't have the idea of smashing my own brand, do I?"

Swallowing with difficulty, the majestic guy nodded, tremblingly held the report card in his hand, and said loudly: "Six... Tester No. 6's scores are 100 in talent, 99 in aptitude, and 99 in potential!"

"I'd rather..." Hearing the test result, Xin Yun felt his eyes go dark. They are both human, so why is there such a big difference! This is basically full, and if you take out any item, it is beyond the dreams of others, especially the talent item, which has reached the full value of 100!

In the eyes of ordinary people, there is only one point difference between 99 and 100, but in fact, 100 includes 99+1, but not only 99+1. Since 100 is the full value, 101 and above 101 are also included in 100. From a perspective, 100 is equal to immeasurable, representing infinity.

Although he knew that Yi Luoxiang was a super genius, it was the first time that Xin Yun knew that Yi Luoxiang was so perverted.

Shocked, Xin Yun didn't listen to the results of the remaining testers. Although the results were good, they were nothing compared to Yi Luoxiang.

It wasn't until Yi Luoxiang walked to Xin Yun's side excitedly that Xin Yun came back to his senses, looking at Yi Luoxiang who was close at hand with a smiling face, Xin Yun only sighed.

Although he felt very uncomfortable, Xin Yun still put on a smile and said to Yi Luoxiang with a smile: "Congratulations, your grades are really scary, you really deserve to be my Yi Luoxiang."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang smiled happily, hugged Xin Yun's arm lightly and said, "Well... I'm really happy. If this is the case, it shouldn't be a problem to enter Doulong Academy."

Looking at Yi Luoxiang who was full of laughter, Xin Yun smiled and said: "Yes, it will definitely not be a problem. Although this achievement cannot be said to be unprecedented, at least it is unprecedented!"

Hearing Xin Yun's praise, Yi Luoxiang's eyes narrowed into a smile, and she tugged at Xin Yun's arm and said, "Okay, let's not talk about that, just look... Qingying came in, I don't know what her grades will be. "

Seeing Yi Luoxiang's nervous look, Xin Yun couldn't help but smiled wryly. Ever since she bought Yan Qingying back, Yi Luoxiang has always had a comparison mentality. To compare, although it seems childish, it can't be blamed, no matter how smart Yi Luoxiang is, she is still just a child.

The next round of testing will start soon, perhaps because of the shock Yi Luoxiang brought to everyone in the last round, the strong male voice also became deep, looking absent-minded.

Soon, the first half of the test passed without wind or waves. After a ten-second break, the second half of the test began. Like Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang, Yan Qingying also ranked sixth. The same entrance can only lead to the same number.

However, unlike Xin Yun and Yi Luoxiang, Yan Qingying's face was calm, it could even be described as cold, as if she didn't care about her grades at all.

"Wow!" Finally, the majestic male voice yelled again, and said in disbelief: "What's going on today! Why do you always get such perverted data, my God... Am I dreaming?"

Hearing this voice, Xin Yun couldn't help but smiled wryly. Yan Qingying's grades are absolutely indisputable. In fact, almost none of the nine masters in the previous life is inferior, although it is impossible to compare with Yi Luoxiang. , but similarly.

Sure enough, the male voice trembled and said: "Now I will announce the final results of tester No. 6, talent 98, aptitude 98, potential 99!"

Shaking his head silently, Xin Yun couldn't help but smiled wryly. Compared with his partners, he seemed too weak. Although he successfully passed the first round of selection, it was obvious that he would be defeated in the second round. eliminated.

While thinking about it, Yan Qingying came over with a calm face, and stood behind Xin Yun without saying a word, with a calm expression on her face, as if she wasn't the one who got the result just now.

Scratching his head in pain, although Xin Yun had expected the current outcome, he still didn't know how to deal with it when it came to an end. His heart was beating even louder, worried that the two girls would ask him The results, but even if they don't ask, there will always be a moment when the results will be exposed.

Although the second round of the test for the three of them is over, they cannot leave. They can only leave after everyone has finished the test and announced the selection list. For Xin Yun, every minute and every second now is important It means torture and pain, but you have to continue to wait.

Finally, the last round of testing was over, and at the same time, the thick male voice announced: "Okay, everyone, take a rest in place, we will immediately arrange according to the list, ten minutes later, the total report card will be announced. wait… "

Although there were a thousand people participating in the selection, it was not difficult to rank the scores, as long as they were arranged in order from high to low, so it didn't take ten minutes at all, and the total score sheet came out.

Finally, the guy with a thick voice held a report card in his hand, walked to the stage with a smile on his face, and said loudly: "Okay, now I will announce the overall report card of this test."

Speaking of this, the guy paused for a moment, and then said loudly: "The first place is Yi Luoxiang, with a total score of 298! The second place is Yan Qingying, with a total score of 295, and the third place …”

Listening to the guy's registration, the two girls looked at Xin Yun at the same time, their eyes were full of surprise. Although they were very happy about their own scores, they never expected that they would be ranked ahead of Xin Yun. , and... What surprised the two of them the most was that after reading the top ten, there was still no Xin Yun's name.

Facing the surprised stares of the two girls, Xin Yun couldn't help but smile wryly. He didn't know how to explain it. Talent, aptitude, potential, these things are innate, they can't be achieved by hard work, and he has nothing to do.

Standing there in extreme embarrassment, Xin Yun tightly closed his lips and said nothing, finally... the thick male voice said loudly: "1000th place, Xin Yun, with a total score of 198!"

Facing this fact, Xin Yun closed his eyes in pain. It's shameful, pathetic, to be ranked first in the exam, with a total score 100 points lower than Yi Luoxiang's. This is really...

Facing this result, although Xin Yun was extremely ashamed, he could still accept it. After all, his last life was similar to this, but for Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying, it was unacceptable anyway.

They have seen Xin Yun's strength with their own eyes, whether it is strategy and wisdom, or Ying Long's strength, they all see it in their eyes, but how can such a person get such a score

While thinking about it, the thick male voice continued: "Okay, the results are announced, and those who rank in the top 100, please go to the side to get the admission notice of Doulong Academy. As for those who are ranked after 100, don't be discouraged." , In order to give students with poor aptitude, not very good talent, and low potential a chance, our Dragon Academy has specially set up a resurrection mechanism."

Hearing this, Xin Yun's eyes suddenly lit up, there is still a chance, there is still a chance! No matter what, he must not miss this opportunity, otherwise, he really doesn't know how to face Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying.

Of course, it's not that Xin Yun has never thought about taking two girls to ordinary colleges, but he really can't do that. You know, good teachers and a good learning environment are extremely important to a person's growth. Xin Yun never wanted to delay two talented geniuses because of his relationship!

The thick male voice continued: "This selection is divided into a total of 100 sub-venues, and each venue has a resurrection quota. All students who do not rank in the top 100 can pass the resurrection competition and get the honor of Fighting Dragon Academy." There is only one chance, everyone should cherish it.”

Clenching his fist tightly, Xin Yun heaved a sigh of relief, turned his head to the two girls beside him and said, "What are you waiting for, hurry up and get the notice."

Hearing Xin Yun's words, Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying looked at each other, then turned their heads at the same time, looked at Xin Yundao firmly, Yi Luoxiang said decisively: "No... If you don't go to school here, we will definitely not I will stay, I don't want to leave your side."

As soon as Yi Luoxiang's words fell, Yan Qingyao continued and said concisely: "Where you are, I will be there."

Although Yan Qingying's words were very short, the persistence and determination contained in the words were no worse than Yi Luoxiang's. Facing this scene, Xin Yun couldn't help but smiled wryly. I don't want to do it anyway.

What is certain is that if Xin Yun forces the two girls to order, no matter how wronged they are, they will definitely do it, but Xin Yun really doesn't want to force them to do anything, they all have their own thoughts and what to do, What not to do, should be decided by themselves, and they must not be forced to do anything they don't like under the pretense of being good for them, even if it is related to Xin Yun.

What is respect? When you force others to do things they don't want to do under the guise of protection and love, it is already disrespectful. No matter how good the relationship is, everyone is first of all a person, an independent and free person. People, since this is the case, what right do they have to force others to do things they don't want to do

Taking a deep breath, Xin Yun knew that he had no choice but to use actions to change all of this. If he wanted them to receive the notice, then he had to go through the resurrection mechanism to get the only resurrection quota in this venue.

Thinking of this, Xin Yun smiled confidently, clenched his fists and said, "Well, since that's the case, I won't force you, just wait for a while, the only place for this resurrection mechanism must be mine!"

As soon as the words fell, the strong male voice in the distance said loudly: "Yi Luoxiang, Yan Qingying, please come here immediately to get the admission notice, you two are the only ones left without it."

Hearing this voice, Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying didn't move at all, and stood there quietly. For them, it didn't matter whether they could get into Doulong Academy, anyway, there was more than one academy in the world, the most important thing was What matters is whether Xin Yun is here.

Ordinary people may not be able to understand it, but they must know that both Yi Luoxiang and Yan Qingying are just children, and their dependence and love for Xin Yun are unimaginable to ordinary people. In their hearts, Xin Yun's status More important than parents, how could you give up!

Seeing that the two girls were unmoved, the manly man ran over eagerly, and said anxiously to the two girls, "What are you waiting for, come quickly and get the admission notice!"

Hearing this guy's thick voice, Yi Luoxiang couldn't help but frowned, Yan Qingying's eyes narrowed slightly, and after a pause, Yi Luoxiang said, "We don't want to go to get the admission notice for now. Book, I want to stay in the rematch to get it later.”

"Ah! This..." Hearing Yi Luoxiang's words, that guy was dumbfounded on the spot. If it was someone else, this guy would definitely threaten him with disqualification without hesitation. He was afraid that Yi Luoxiang would frighten him by giving up his qualifications for a super genius he had never seen before.

Shaking his head, this guy was smart enough, he didn't dare to say anything, and ran back instead, after all... such things are no longer in his control.

Several assessors gathered together, and after studying for a long time, finally... the majestic man finally decided to start the resurrection match as soon as possible. For geniuses, sometimes some privileges must be given, especially those like Yi Luoxiang and Yan Yan. An immortal talent like Qingying must be taken care of as a special case.

Facing all the members participating in the resurgence, the majestic man slapped his hands, and then said loudly: "Okay, now I will announce the selection method and selection criteria for the resurgence."

Speaking of this, the majestic male voice continued: "Perseverance, endurance, perseverance, talent, qualifications, potential, these have all been tested, and everyone has been eliminated, so...these six items are no longer suitable for resurrection competitions. selection criteria."

Hearing this guy's words, everyone breathed a sigh of relief. If he continued to compare with this, Xin Yun really didn't have much confidence. Many things are innate and cannot be changed by hard work at all.

The majestic guy continued: "According to our research and decision, the resurrection competition will assess three other items for everyone, namely luck, strength, and wisdom!"

Hearing the examiner's words, Xin Yun opened his mouth in astonishment. There is a way to test everyone's wisdom and strength, but can this luck also be tested? What test method

Seeing everyone's doubts, the examiner smiled and said: "First of all, what we want to assess is luck. Have you seen this big box? There are ten wooden signs in it, only one of which says resurrection, and the other nine A wooden sign says death."

"I'd rather..." Hearing this, Xin Yun couldn't help laughing bitterly. This is really a comparison of luck, and has nothing to do with strength. Even if Yi Luoxiang compares, the probability of being eliminated will not change in the slightest. ! A veritable narrow escape!

Ten cards, nine dead cards, and one live card, this selection is really too tense and exciting, this luck is really compared to them...

Regarding this kind of assessment, Xin Yun really has nothing to say. Although the thing of luck sounds illusory, in many cases, it absolutely cannot be ignored.

People who often play mahjong know that when luck comes one day, it is definitely how to play. Four people play cards, but one kills three. You can't even hear it, it's luck.

In the eyes of ordinary people, this so-called luck is completely inexplicable. When luck comes, it comes, and when it is gone, it is gone. Only luck finds people, and no one looks for luck.

But Xin Yun doesn't think so. Although luck is very illusory, it is not completely inexplicable. There are many ways to let people grasp the pulse of luck!

It may sound superstitious, but in fact... Feng Shui on Earth is one of the methods. Home furnishings and locations can bring luck, and if you stick an awl in front of your house, then What it brings is definitely not luck, but bad luck. Maybe you forget it for a while and step on it with one foot.

Also, when everyone gets married, they have to choose an auspicious day and time. In fact, this is also a way to control luck. The reason behind this is not something ordinary people can understand.

Of course, Xin Yun is also the same. He has not done much research on the things in it, and he can't even talk about mastering it, but compared with ordinary people, he finally knows something.

Xin Yun's lucky number is six, especially in today's test, there were six sixes in a row, talent 66, aptitude 66, potential 66, adding up to exactly six sixes, it can be said to be six sixes. Six thirty-six, as long as Xin Yun is ranked thirty-sixth to draw, the possibility of grasping luck is relatively high.

The so-called Liuliu Dashun, and Thirty-six is the Dzogchen form of Liu, although it sounds a little superstitious, but in this unpredictable situation, Xin Yun can only make such a decision, although it may not be able to grasp the fate , but there is already a glimmer of possibility.

One hundred percent effort is required to fight for the slightest possibility. This is Xin Yun's philosophy of life. Nothing is impossible in this world. As long as you work hard, anything is possible.

Soon, an exquisite wooden box was moved to the stage, and the majestic man showed ten life and death signs. After careful observation, except for the different fonts inside the signs, the weight, size, and shape were all exactly the same.

The life and death sign was carved out of the exact same crystal, and the handwriting was sandwiched between the crystals on both sides. If you tried to distinguish the handwriting with your fingers, it would be completely impossible, and everything could only depend on luck.

Finally, following the order of the examiner, the lottery began. One by one, the students walked to the box and drew out lots from the box one by one, but... a dozen or so people in a row, all the lots drawn were dead. Not a single one was alive.

Among the ten lots, nine of them will die, the probability is really too low, but no matter what, this is an opportunity after all, so no one is willing to give up, and the lottery continues.

However, with the passage of time, as one by one the dead lottery was drawn out one after another, the line of lottery finally broke down, and no one dared to move forward when the draw was dead.

One... Two... Ten... Twenty-one... Thirty, Thirty-one... Finally, when thirty-one dead signs appeared in a row, everyone fell silent, and no one dared to continue to touch this bad luck.

Faced with this scene, Xin Yun was not in a hurry, the deadlock would always be broken, no matter what, he had to wait until the thirty-sixth lottery, neither sooner nor later.

It was silent for a while, and finally... Under the urging of the examiner, two more guys went to draw lots one after another, but without exception, all the drawn lots were dead, and everyone immediately retreated neatly .

Seeing this scene, the majestic examiner finally got impatient, and dragged the two guys to the box, one in each hand, and said angrily: "If you keep hiding from me, you will be disqualified!"

Hearing the examiner's words, the two guys couldn't help showing helpless expressions. Anyway, they are dead anyway, so it's better to fight. After thinking about it, the two guys drew lots one after another, but the result was still two dead lots.

In fact, there is no distinction between early and late draws, and it is very fair. Everyone has a chance to draw a lottery, and the probability of each person being drawn is one tenth. Whether they can be drawn or not depends on luck.

With these two guys losing the election, this is already 35 consecutive failures. Seeing this scene, Xin Yun's eyes lit up suddenly, and before the examiner continued to arrest people, he strode out and said loudly: " I'll be next!"

Hearing Xin Yun's voice, the examiner was taken aback for a moment, then nodded appreciatively and said, "That's right, what are you hiding, will you be sure to win the draw after the draw?"

While speaking, Xin Yun had already arrived at the box and took a long breath. Xin Yun was actually very nervous. There were ten lots in the box in front of him, but only one was a resurrection lottery, and the other nine were all death lottery. The probability of winning is really low.

Qiang Zi calmed down, Xin Yun opened his eyes abruptly, without thinking too much, quickly reached into the box, randomly selected one, and quickly pulled it out.

Although he really wanted to turn his head away, Xin Yun knew that he couldn't back down, so he directly held the crystal lotus in front of him, and the next moment... two bright red characters appeared in front of Xin Yun—resurrection!

"Wow!" Seeing this scene, everyone exclaimed. After thirty-five dead draws in a row, this guy was actually drawn a resurrection lottery. This guy's luck is great!

Looking at the resurrection lottery in his hand, Xin Yun's inner excitement was indescribable. It was even more exciting than when he dug into the blue sea. Finally, he was not eliminated. This is really crucial!

While thinking about it, when Xin Yun was about to put the resurrection lottery back into the box, the majestic examiner next to him reached out to stop him, and shook his head at the same time: "No, you take this lottery as your proof for entering the next level .”

While talking, the majestic examiner took out another resurrection lottery from the side drawer, smiled and said to all the students: "You can continue to wait, but there are only ten resurrection lottery in total, once all ten resurrection lottery are drawn, This round of selection will end immediately, and those who have not been drawn will immediately lose their qualifications just like those who have drawn a dead lottery."

Hearing this sentence, all the students were stunned for a moment, and then rushed over. What a joke, although 35 people have been eliminated, there are 900 people participating in the second round of selection, and ten lots are not enough points.

With the announcement of this regulation, the speed of life and death lottery immediately increased countless times. One after another, students lined up to draw lots. It only took more than two hours, and the lottery was over. A total of 465 people resurrected all ten of them. All the signs were taken away. All others are eliminated.

Looking at those guys who were eliminated because they didn't draw lots, the majestic man said seriously: "Luck does exist, but when luck comes, whether you can catch it is also a problem. Obviously... among you people, there must be some There are a lot of lucky people, but unfortunately, none of you can catch them, and those who can’t catch luck are equal to no luck!"

Facing the examiner's words, although everyone was very unwilling, who could be blamed? Who told them to keep retreating, if they took the initiative to stand up like Xin Yun, wouldn't everything be fine

Not to mention how useless these guys are, including Xin Yun, the ten guys who got the resurrection lottery stood in a row. The second round, a competition of strength!"