
Chapter 45


Han Xiaohan left the gym and walked into an alley next to him. He was not used to being surrounded by so many people. Most importantly, he hated seeing hypocritical faces full of fake smiles, which would only make him miss his friends in Nanjing even more. WWw.QUAbEn-XIAoShUo.CoM What? Little brother, don't you like being called by people? Just as he stood in the alley and hadn't even taken a breath, a plain voice without any ups and downs suddenly came from behind him. Han Xiaohan had an amazing memory. He didn't need to look back to think of who was talking. He smiled and asked: Mr. Bai, do you have the same feeling? Otherwise, why are you here

When it is quiet, people want to be lively, but when it is lively for a long time, people will miss the happiness when it was quiet. People are contradictory, so everyone in the world wants to be famous, but when they are famous and attract the attention of thousands of people, they often get tired of it first. Bai Yulong was seen leaning against the wall in a white robe, holding a lit cigarette in his hand, emitting a wisp of green smoke, smiling calmly, and said: But you seem to be different from others, why

Han Xiaohan looked up and said with regret after a long while: The Jianghu I knew before was a passionate and loyal Jianghu, where the men would sacrifice their lives for their ideals, draw their swords and fight for their friends, and be happy and sad, not what I see now. The Jianghu in his mind was mostly instilled by Han Changchun and Duan Qi. In their dark era of turmoil, disputes and wars, a large number of heroic heroes who were worthy of praise and did countless earth-shaking things did emerge in the Jianghu. Moreover, Han and Duan rarely told him about the insidiousness and cunningness of the Jianghu, and they didn't want his pure and clean mind to be polluted too early.

Bai Yulong laughed loudly after hearing this and said: "Back then, I was just like you, holding countless beautiful fantasies and diving into the whirlpool of Jianghu. However, after a while, I soon realized that I was wrong. Jianghu is a place of deception. If you don't have a superhuman mind, even if you have unparalleled martial arts, you will be crushed like an ant. Little brother, you are a smart man, and your martial arts are unfathomable. Your future achievements will definitely be higher than mine. You just need a platform for you to take off. Hongmen is such a platform." His meaning was very clear. He once again invited Han Xiaohan to join Hongmen. The latter hung his head and said nothing, neither agreeing nor directly objecting.

Bai Yulong looked into the distance and said leisurely: There are many talented people in Hongwu Sect! After hundreds of years, Yili has not been established, and since the establishment of the gang, no sect or gang has been able to shake our foundation. Do you know why? It's very simple, just two words - unity! In Hongmen, there is no scheming for power and profit, but there are countless brothers who are loyal to you and willing to help you. There are more than 10,000 people in Hongmen, with different temperaments, but they are of one mind. You only need to ask one of them what he is thinking, and you will know what all the Hongmen disciples are thinking. Such a united and powerful sect, little brother, what are you still hesitating about

What he said was inspiring enough, and Han Xiaohan was also excited for a moment, but he quickly calmed down, as if he had made a decision in his heart. He raised his head, said in a firm tone and clear words: I have joined an organization, its name is _Ant Army_. After this trip to Hangzhou, after seeing those so-called Jianghu figures, he admired Han Chengxin, Yuwen Hanxiao, Zhou Xiong and other straightforward and generous men who dared to love and be ruthless, and wrote all their thoughts on their faces. He also wanted to join them more and more strongly and integrate into them completely.